Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (2024)

Module 5.Options Theory for Professional Trading

  1. 1Call Option Basics
  2. 2Basic Option Jargons
  3. 3Buying a Call Option
  4. 4Selling/Writing a Call Option
  5. 5The Put Option Buying
  6. 6The Put Option selling
  7. 7
  8. 8Moneyness of an Option Contract
  9. 9The Option Greeks (Delta) Part 1
  10. 10Delta (Part 2)
  11. 11Delta (Part 3)
  12. 12Gamma (Part 1)
  13. 13Gamma (Part 2)
  14. 14Theta
  15. 15Volatility Basics
  16. 16Volatility Calculation (Historical)
  17. 17
  18. 18Volatility Applications
  19. 19Vega
  20. 20Greek Interactions
  21. 21Greek Calculator
  22. 22
  23. 23Case studies – wrapping it all up!
  24. 24Quick note on Physical Settlement
  25. 25

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7.1 – Remember these graphs

Over the last few chapters, we have looked at two basic option type’s, i.e. the ‘Call Option’ and the ‘Put Option’. Further, we looked at four different variants originating from these 2 options –

  1. Buying a Call Option
  2. Selling a Call Option
  3. Buying a Put Option
  4. Selling a Put Option

With these 4 variants, a trader can create numerous different combinations and venture into some really efficient strategies, generally referred to as ‘Option Strategies’. Think of it this way – if you give a good artist a colour palette and canvas he can create some fascinating paintings, similarly a good trader can use these four option variants to create some outstanding trades. Imagination and intellect is the only requirement for creating these option trades. Hence before we get deeper into options, it is important to have a strong foundation on these four variants of options. For this reason, we will quickly summarize what we have learnt so far in this module.

Please find below the pay off diagrams for the four different option variants –

Arranging the Payoff diagrams in the above fashion helps us understand a few things better. Let me list them for you –

  1. Let us start from the left side – if you notice we have stacked the pay off diagram of Call Option (buy) and Call option (sell) one below the other. If you look at the payoff diagram carefully, they both look like a mirror image. The mirror image of the payoff emphasis the fact that the risk-reward characteristics of an option buyer and seller are opposite. The maximum loss of the call option buyer is the maximum profit of the call option seller. Likewise, the call option buyer has unlimited profit potential, mirroring this the call option seller has maximum loss potential.
  2. We have placed the payoff of Call Option (buy) and Put Option (sell) next to each other. This is to emphasize that both these option variants make money only when the market is expected to go higher. In other words, do not buy a call option or do not sell a put option when you sense there is a chance for the markets to go down. You will not make money doing so, or in other words, you will certainly lose money in such circ*mstances. Of course, there is an angle of volatility here which we have not discussed yet; we will discuss the same going forward. The reason why I’m talking about volatility is that volatility has an impact on option premiums.
  3. Finally, on the right, the pay off diagram of Put Option (sell) and the Put Option (buy) are stacked one below the other. Clearly, the pay off diagrams looks like the mirror image of one another. The mirror image of the payoff emphasizes the fact that the maximum loss of the put option buyer is the maximum profit of the put option seller. Likewise, the put option buyer has unlimited profit potential, mirroring this the put option seller has maximum loss potential.

Further, here is a table where the option positions are summarized.

Your Market ViewOption TypePosition also calledOther AlternativesPremium
BullishCall Option (Buy)Long CallBuy Futures or Buy SpotPay
Flat or BullishPut Option (Sell)Short PutBuy Futures or Buy SpotReceive
Flat or BearishCall Option (Sell)Short CallSell FuturesReceive
BearishPut Option (Buy)Long PutSell FuturesPay

It would help if you remembered that when you buy an option, it is also called a ‘Long’ position. Going by that, buying a call option and buying a put option is called Long Call and Long Put position respectively.

Likewise, whenever you sell an option, it is called a ‘Short’ position. Going by that, selling a call option and selling a put option is also called Short Call and Short Put position respectively.

Now here is another important thing to note, you can buy an option under 2 circ*mstances –

  1. You buy to create a fresh option position.
  2. You buy intending to close an existing short position.

The position is called ‘Long Option’ only if you are creating a fresh buy position. If you are buying with and intention of closing an existing short position, then it is merely called a ‘square off’ position.

Similarly, you can sell an option under 2 circ*mstances –

  1. You sell intending to create a fresh short position.
  2. You sell intending to close an existing long position.

The position is called ‘Short Option’ only if you are creating a fresh sell (writing an option) position. If you are selling with and intention of closing an existing long position, then it is merely called a ‘square off’ position.

Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (2)

7.2 – Option Buyer in a nutshell

By now, I’m certain you would have a basic understanding of the call and put option both from the buyer’s and seller’s perspective. However, I think it is best to reiterate a few key points before we make further progress in this module.

Buying an option (call or put) makes sense only when we expect the market to move strongly in a certain direction. If fact, for the option buyer to be profitable, the market should move away from the selected strike price. Selecting the right strike price to trade is a major task; we will learn this at a later stage. For now, here are a few key points that you should remember –

  1. P&L (Long call) upon expiry is calculated as P&L = Max [0, (Spot Price – Strike Price)] – Premium Paid
  2. P&L (Long Put) upon expiry is calculated as P&L = [Max (0, Strike Price – Spot Price)] – Premium Paid
  3. The above formula is applicable only when the trader intends to hold the long option till expiry
  4. The intrinsic value calculation we have looked at in the previous chapters is only applicable on the expiry day. We CANNOT use the same formula during the series
  5. The P&L calculation changes when the trader intends to square off the position well before the expiry
  6. The buyer of an option has limited risk, to the extent of the premium paid. However, he enjoys an unlimited profit potential

Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (3)

7.2 – Option seller in a nutshell

The option sellers (call or put) are also called the option writers. The buyers and sellers have the exact opposite P&L experience. Selling an option makes sense when you expect the market to remain flat or below the strike price (in case of calls) or above strike price (in case of put option).

I want you to appreciate the fact that all else equal, markets are slightly favourable to option sellers. This is because, for the option sellers to be profitable the market has to be either flat or move in a certain direction (based on the type of option). However for the option buyer to be profitable, the market has to move in a certain direction. Clearly there are two favorable market conditions for the option seller versus one favorable condition for the option buyer. But of course, this in itself should not be a reason to sell options.

Here are a few key points you need to remember when it comes to selling options –

  1. P&L for a short call option upon expiry is calculated as P&L = Premium Received – Max [0, (Spot Price – Strike Price)]
  2. P&L for a short put option upon expiry is calculated as P&L = Premium Received – Max (0, Strike Price – Spot Price)
  3. Of course the P&L formula is applicable only if the trader intends to hold the position till expiry
  4. When you write options, margins are blocked in your trading account
  5. The seller of the option has unlimited risk but minimal profit potential (to the extent of the premium received)

Perhaps this is the reason why Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book “Fooled by Randomness” says “Option writers eat like a chicken but sh*t like an elephant”. This means to say that the option writers earn small and steady returns by selling options, but when a disaster happens, they tend to lose a fortune.

Well, with this I hope you have developed a strong foundation on how a Call and Put option behaves. To give you a heads up, the focus going forward in this module will be on moneyness of an option, premiums, option pricing, option Greeks, and strike selection. Once we understand these topics, we will revisit the call and put option all over again. When we do so, I’m certain you will see the calls and puts in a new light and perhaps develop a vision to trade options professionally.

7.3 – A quick note on Premiums

Have a look at the snapshot below –

This is the snapshot of how the premium has behaved on an intraday basis (30th April 2015) for BHEL. The strike under consideration is 230, and the option type is a European Call Option (CE). This information is highlighted in the red box. Below the red box, I have highlighted the price information of the premium. If you notice, the premium of the 230 CE opened at Rs.2.25, shot up to make a high of Rs.8/- and closed the day at Rs.4.05/-.

Think about it; the premium has gyrated over 350% intraday! i.e. from Rs.2.25/- to Rs.8/-, and it roughly closed up 180% for the day, i.e. from Rs.2.25/- to Rs.4.05/-. Moves like this should not surprise you. These are fairly common to expect in the options world.

Assume in this massive swing you managed to capture just 2 points while trading this particular option intraday. This translates to a sweet Rs.2000/- in profits considering the lot size is 1000 (highlighted in green arrow). In fact this is exactly what happens in the real world. Traders trade premiums. Hardly any traders hold option contracts until expiry. Most of the traders are interested in initiating a trade now and squaring it off in a short while (intraday or maybe for a few days) and capturing the movements in the premium. They do not really wait for the options to expire.

In fact, you might be interested to know that a return of 100% or so while trading options is not really a thing of surprise. But please don’t just get carried away with what I just said; to enjoy such returns consistently you need to develop a deep insight into options.

Have a look at this snapshot –

This is the option contract of IDEA Cellular Limited, strike price is 190, expiry is on 30th April 2015 and the option type is a European Call Option . These details are marked in the blue box. Below this we can notice the OHLC data, which quite obviously is very interesting.

The 190CE premium opened the day at Rs.8.25/- and made a low of Rs.0.30/-. I will skip the % calculation simply because it is a ridiculous figure for intraday. However assume you were a seller of the 190 call option intraday and you managed to capture just 2 points again, considering the lot size is 2000, the 2 point capture on the premium translates to Rs.4000/- in profits intraday, good enough for that nice dinner at Marriot with your better half J.

The point that I’m trying to make is that, traders (most of them) trade options only to capture the variations in premium. They don’t really bother to hold till expiry. However by no means I am suggesting that you need not hold until expiry, in fact I do hold options till expiry in certain cases. Generally, speaking option sellers tend to hold contracts till expiry rather than option buyers. This is because if you have written an option for Rs.8/- you will enjoy the full premium received, i.e. Rs.8/- only on expiry.

So having said that the traders prefer to trade just the premiums, you may have a few fundamental questions cropping up in your mind. Why do premiums vary? What is the basis for the change in premium? How can I predict the change in premiums? Who decides what should be the premium price of a particular option?

Well, these questions and therefore, the answers to these form the crux of option trading. If you can master these aspects of an option, let me assure you that you would set yourself on a professional path to trade options.

To give you a heads up – the answers to all these questions lies in understanding the 4 forces that simultaneously exerts its influence on options premiums, as a result of which the premiums vary. Think of this as a ship sailing in the sea. The speed at which the ship sails (assume its equivalent to the option premium) depends on various forces such as wind speed, sea water density, sea pressure, and the power of the ship. Some forces tend to increase the speed of the ship, while some tend to decrease the speed of the ship. The ship battles these forces and finally arrives at an optimal sailing speed.

Likewise the premium of the option depends on certain forces called as the ‘Option Greeks’. Crudely put, some Option Greeks tends to increase the premium, while some try to reduce the premium. A formula called the ‘Black & Scholes Option Pricing Formula’ employs these forces and translates the forces into a number, which is the premium of the option.

Try and imagine this – the Option Greeks influence the option premium; however, the Option Greeks itself are controlled by the markets. As the markets change on a minute by minute basis, therefore the Option Greeks change and therefore the option premiums!

In the future, in this module, we will understand each of these forces and their characteristics. We will understand how the force gets influenced by the markets and how the Option Greeks further influence the premium.

So the end objective here would be to be –

  1. To get a sense of how the Option Greeks influence premiums
  2. To figure out how the premiums are priced considering Option Greeks and their influence
  3. Finally keeping the Greeks and pricing in perspective, we need to smartly select strike prices to trade

One of the key things we need to know before we attempt to learn the option Greeks is to learn about the ‘Moneyness of an Option’. We will do the same in the next chapter.

A quick note here – the topics in the future will get a little complex, although we will try our best to simplify it. While we do that, we would request you to please be thorough with all the concepts we have learnt so far.

Key takeaways from this chapter

  1. Buy a call option or sell a put option only when you expect the market to go up
  2. Buy a put option or sell a call option only when you expect the market to go down
  3. The buyer of an option has unlimited profit potential and limited risk (to the extent of the premium paid)
  4. The seller of an option has an unlimited risk potential and limited reward (to the extent of the premium received)
  5. Majority of options traders prefer to trade options only to capture the variation in premiums
  6. Option premiums tend to gyrate drastically – as an options trader, and you can expect this to happen quite frequently.
  7. Premiums vary as a function of 4 forces called the Option Greeks
  8. Black & Sholes option pricing formula employs four forces as inputs to give out a price for the premium
  9. Markets control the Option Greeks and the Greek’s variation itself

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  1. Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (6)SUBHANKAR says:

    May 6, 2015 at 2:47 am

    Good material to boost up for option trading.


    • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (7)Karthik Rangappa says:

      May 6, 2015 at 5:30 am

      Thank you so much 🙂


      • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (8)abhishek says:

        October 27, 2018 at 7:37 pm

        if the spot price of yes bank is 185 in the market then what if a i buy call option of yes bank nov strike price 170. what will happens then and what is my profit and loss and same with buying puts. if i buy 190 put and spot price is already 185 then what will happen. please clarify.


        • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (9)Karthik Rangappa says:

          October 28, 2018 at 10:45 am

          You’d be paying a high premium since the option is ITM and there is ample time to expiry. The profitability really depends on your square off price.


          • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (10)Vikas Rana says:

            May 12, 2019 at 12:52 pm

            Dear Sir !!

            You hv been doing a great job.
            I have one query… could you just advise me….. There are so many ifs and buts… but reading all this , i hv some query.. could you please clear my doubts….

            say a stock is doing good…. i buy it… spot price is 1000 in first week of month…. then stock starts going down…. then after 5-6 % drop in spot price….. I sell CALL @ 1000 at 28 Rs when the spot price is 950 Rs…. then stocks keeps going down for 2-3 days.. with time….. this premium value will keep coming down…. SAY I AM TRYING TO DO HEDGING……

            Now suddenly in 2nd week, the stock spot value jumps backs to sat 990 Rs….. my losses from futures stock are getting less… but 1000CE call sell will definitely go towards losses AM I CORRECT ?????????
            SO IN THIS CASE, WHAT will do????? like…. if the stock spot value is coming up in 3rd week, then from futures one can earn money … but at the same time, he will start lossing money from CE sell option…..
            what will be the scenario now………….. i mean what should one do in this……

            WAIT FOR DECAY WITH TIME.. SO THAT LOSSES FROM THIS SELL CALL @ 1000 RS CAN COME DOWN…. or is there anything else…..

            i am confused with this covered call strategy…..

            if you dont sell the call imeedietely when you are buying the stock futures, then u r at loss…. but u are buying futures only when u r optimistic about the stock…..

            could you please throw some light here….. HOW IS THIS COVERED CALL HELPING….. what should one do when things dont go as per your plan….. should one wait for time to pass…. or do something else….

            thanks and many regards
            V. Rana

          • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (11)Karthik Rangappa says:

            May 13, 2019 at 1:45 pm

            For this reason, the covered call should be initiated with OTM options. In this example, you’d probably be better off writing 1050CE as opposed to 1000CE.

  2. Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (12)Ajay Pande says:

    May 6, 2015 at 11:25 am

    Thanks a lot for sharing learning material, it is really helpful for beginners like me to understand the concept and strategy of share market.. eagerly waiting for rest of the modules to learn more. 🙂


    • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (13)Karthik Rangappa says:

      May 7, 2015 at 4:42 am

      Thanks Ajay. We are trying out best to complete the modules as fast as we can. Please stay tuned.


      • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (14)swapnil says:

        September 5, 2017 at 5:55 pm

        if india follows European options and not the americans one then how come one can trade options on intraday basis? doesn’t he/she has to wait till expiry?


        • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (15)Karthik Rangappa says:

          September 6, 2017 at 11:11 am

          European option means the settlement is on expiry day. However, you can just speculate on option premiums…and by virtue of which, you can hold the position for few mins or days.


          • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (16)Jayant says:

            June 30, 2018 at 3:12 pm

            Sir, by this do you mean we will get our settlement amount (if in profit) on the expiry or day after?

          • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (17)Karthik Rangappa says:

            June 30, 2018 at 6:27 pm

            The P&L is adjusted on the day you square off the position.

  3. Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (18)NC ARUNKUMAR says:

    May 6, 2015 at 5:33 pm

    Looking forward to know more about Option Strategy.


    • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (19)Karthik Rangappa says:

      May 7, 2015 at 4:49 am

      That would be in the next module 🙂


  4. Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (20)khyati verdhan says:

    May 7, 2015 at 4:48 am

    Hi kartik,
    In this chapter you have mentioned that 100% return in option world is not a thing of suprise. Also we have potential of unlimited profit in long call or long put and even we can trail stoploss of premiums.Then why people people waste so much time in spot market for generating a return of 20% or even less.


    • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (21)jOSE says:

      February 25, 2018 at 6:25 pm



    • Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (22)VISHANT says:

      May 7, 2019 at 7:42 pm

      Khyati option trading looks easy but when you goes live its very complicated and hard.
      also remembar only 1% option trader make money in market.
      happy reading and happy trading


  5. Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (23)jagadeesh says:

    May 8, 2015 at 6:06 am

    Thank you so much for your articles sir. Don’t know how to thank you for your effort. 😀 Options was Greek and Latin for me once and now, Im slowly getting the concept with this. Thanks again. 🙂


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Summarizing Call & Put Options – Varsity by Zerodha (2024)


What is the call and put trading trick? ›

Simply put - if the price of the underlying stock is expected to go up in value, then you BUY CALL options. Conversely, if the price is expected to go down, then you BUY PUT options. This way, you can buy or sell the underlying stock at a fixed price even if its price goes up or down using a stock trading app.

How to decide call or put in Zerodha? ›

Key takeaways from this chapter
  1. Buy a call option or sell a put option only when you expect the market to go up.
  2. Buy a put option or sell a call option only when you expect the market to go down.
  3. The buyer of an option has unlimited profit potential and limited risk (to the extent of the premium paid)

How do I remember call and put options? ›

It would help if you remembered that when you buy an option, it is also called a 'Long' position. Going by that, buying a call option and buying a put option is called Long Call and Long Put position respectively. Likewise, whenever you sell an option, it is called a 'Short' position.

What is the easiest way to explain options trading? ›

An option holder is essentially paying a premium for the right to buy or sell the security within a certain time frame. If market prices become unfavorable for option holders, they will let the option expire worthless and not exercise this right, ensuring that potential losses are not higher than the premium.

What is the strategy for selling calls and puts? ›

Traders would sell a put option if they are bullish on the asset's price and sell a call option if they are bearish on the price. "Writing" refers to selling an option, and "naked" refers to strategies in which the underlying security is not owned and options are written against this phantom security position.

How do you predict call or put? ›

Total Weekly Put/Call Ratio Historical Series

By total, we mean the weekly total of the volumes of puts and calls of equity and index options. We simply take all the puts traded for the previous week and divide by the weekly total of calls traded. This is the weekly total put/call ratio.

How to exercise call option in Zerodha? ›

Here is an important point to note – you can exercise the option only on the day of the expiry and not anytime before the expiry. Hence, assume with 15 days to expiry one buys ITC 340 Call option when ITC is trading at 330 in the spot market.

What is an example of a call and put? ›

A call buyer wants to see the stock price above the strike price. Put buyers want to see the stock price below the strike price. If you think TSLA will hit $1,000 or higher, you could buy a call for $82.15 with a strike price of $915. As soon as the price rises above $915, your pain would be a little less.

How to read call and put options? ›

A call option gives you the right (but not the obligation) to purchase 100 shares of the stock at a certain price up to a certain date. A put option also gives you the right (and again, not the obligation) to sell 100 shares at a certain price up to a certain date. Call options are always listed first.

What is the formula for put and call? ›

The formula for put call parity is c + k = f +p, meaning the call price plus the strike price of both options is equal to the futures price plus the put price.

How to understand puts and calls? ›

How do puts and calls work? A call is a contract that grants you the option, but not the obligation, to buy an asset if the price hits a specific price by a specific date. A put is an agreement that gives you the option to sell an asset if the underlying asset reaches a specific price by a specific date.

How to check call and put writing? ›

How Do I Check My Call And Put Writing? To check your call and put writing, review your brokerage account statements or trading platform, where your written options and their current status, including any gains or losses, are typically displayed.

What is the trick for option trading? ›

Avoid options with low liquidity; verify volume at specific strike prices. calls grant the right to buy, while puts grant the right to sell an asset before expiration. Utilise different strategies based on market conditions; explore various options trading approaches.

Which option strategy is best for beginners? ›

5 options trading strategies for beginners
  1. Long call. In this option trading strategy, the trader buys a call — referred to as “going long” a call — and expects the stock price to exceed the strike price by expiration. ...
  2. Covered call. ...
  3. Long put. ...
  4. Short put. ...
  5. Married put.
Aug 26, 2024

Which technique is best for option trading? ›

Bullish Option Trading Strategies
  • 1) Bull Call Spread.
  • 2) Bull Put Spread.
  • 3) Bull Call Ratio Backspread.
  • 4) Synthetic Call.
  • 5) Bear Call Spread.
  • 6) Bear Put Spread.
  • 7) Strip.
  • 8) Synthetic Put.
Jul 12, 2024

How do calls and puts work for dummies? ›

How do puts and calls work? A call is a contract that grants you the option, but not the obligation, to buy an asset if the price hits a specific price by a specific date. A put is an agreement that gives you the option to sell an asset if the underlying asset reaches a specific price by a specific date.

How do you make money on calls and puts? ›

A call option buyer stands to profit if the underlying asset, say a stock, rises above the strike price before expiry. A put option buyer makes a profit if the price falls below the strike price before the expiration.

What is call and put in trading with an example? ›

A call option allows you to buy a stock in the future, while a put option grants the right to sell the security at a specified price. Put options involves risks and may not be suitable for everyone, as it may lead to substantial losses.

How to trade calls and puts? ›

If you think the stock price will move up: buy a call option, sell a put option. If you think the stock price will stay stable: sell a call option or sell a put option. If you think the stock price will go down: buy a put option, sell a call option.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.