Student Video Room Scan Best Practices | Online Proctoring (2024)

Ohio room scan case summary

A judge found that a “room scan” completed during an online exam violated a student’s rights under the Fourth Amendment, but a final ruling in this case has not yet been reached.

Before we jump into further details about the room scan in this situation, we want to emphasize a few things:

1. Honorlock was not involved in the room scan in this situation

2. Honorlock does not require room scans
Honorlock’s online proctoring platform provides room scans as an optional setting that can be enabled or disabled as needed. We do advocate for clear, posted guidelines and consistent application of them across an institution.

3. Room scans are not unconstitutional, banned, or prohibited.
For more details, see the court documents in this case.

4. The problem was HOW this specific room scan was completed and reviewed

Here’s what happened during the room scan in this situation:

  • Shifting guidelines and expectations regarding the use of room scans leading up to the exam.
  • Due to health reasons, the student took the exam online at home and was only able to take the exam in his bedroom, was not aware he could have taken the exam at another location, and was not given a choice to opt out of the room scan.
  • A school employee completed the room scan on Zoom with other students present and watching.
    • Again, the room scan was not completed through Honorlock.
  • The room scan completed on Zoom was visible to other students taking the exam.

What could this school have done better?

  • Used a remote proctoring software, such as Honorlock, which ensures the privacy of room scans (only the proctor or exam administrator have access to view the room scan)In the factual summary of this case, it states that “Other students taking the remote test can see the room scans of other students.” While this may be possible if an instructor is personally overseeing a group test using any of the common video conferencing platforms, this is not possible using the Honorlock platform. At no point is the recording or room scan accessible to other students, other instructors, or any other party. The Honorlock platform operates as a 1:1 proctoring solution.
  • Used consistent remote testing policies and guidelines at both the institution and course/exam levels
  • Ensured policies were published well in advance (notice), students had access to the policies and guidelines (inform), and students consented to the practice of room scans
    • In this case, at the beginning of the semester, a course syllabus stated students were subject to a room scan before, during, or after an exam. The student objected and the room scan policy was removed by the Professor. The Professor didn’t communicate this to the school’s Testing Services. The school’s Testing Services emailed the student about two hours before the exam and informed the student of the requirement to do a room scan. The student emailed the Testing Services informing them that he did not have enough time to remove sensitive documents from his work space. Before the exam started the proctor required the student conduct a room scan, which the student performed.
  • Used a remote proctoring software, such as Honorlock, which ensures the privacy of room scans (only the proctor or exam administrator have access to view the room scan).
    • In this court’s Opinion & Order, it states that “Other students taking the remote test can see the room scans of other students.” While this may be possible if an instructor is personally overseeing a group test using any of the common video conferencing platforms, this is not possible using the Honorlock platform. At no point is the recording or room scan accessible to other students, other instructors, or any other party. The Honorlock platform operates as a 1:1 proctoring solution.
  • Provided a remote proctoring accommodation for this student who did not consent to room scans.
    • Visit our KnowledgeBase article for more information on how to provide accommodations with Honorlock.

Where do we go from here?

As the demand for online programs and distance learning continues, safeguarding online exams is a priority for schools to protect their accreditation, their reputation and the value of their programs.

Room scans are one element in creating a secure and equitable testing environment. Other important factors include things such as short test windows, clear expectations, utilizing a test bank for randomly generated test questions.

This is a good time to review your remote testing policies and procedures and make any necessary adjustments.

Here are a few questions to consider:

1. Are your remote test security practices, policies and procedures published in advance and readily available for faculty and students?

2. Do your policies include guidelines for when to use room scans and how to conduct a proper room scan?

3. Are your guidelines enforced consistently across all online courses and exams?

Best practices for proctoring online exams with room scans:

1. Publish your remote exam policies and guidelines in advance and include a link in the course syllabus

2. Get student’s written consent to the guidelines, specifically, to the room scan

3. Provide alternative testing locations for students who do not consent to remote room scans

4. For students who must test remotely, but do not consent to the room scan, accommodate their request by notifying the Honorlock proctor that room scans will not be used with that student.

For more information on how to provide accommodations, visit our KnowledgeBase article.

5. Follow your institution’s guidelines for proctoring online exams

Your institution may have certain requirements for proctoring, such as the use of room scans. Please adhere to your institution’s policies and guidelines for remotely proctored exams. Proctor Settings and Student Guidelines for your exam are tailorable and easily adjusted. For more information on what each setting means, use this article to access the respective article for your LMS.

Prior to proctoring online exams:

1. Discuss the use of Honorlock and use practice exams

Review how to use Honorlock with your students. We encourage you to assign practice exams so students can gain familiarity with Honorlock’s LTI.

Note: you can setup the practice exams to mirror the same settings that will be utilized on the actual assessment (including a room scan).

2. Include Honorlock information in your course syllabus

Be sure that students have access to information about Honorlock in your syllabus.

  • Recommended verbiage can be found here.
  • Additional information about Honorlock for students can be found here.

3. Address any privacy concerns

Have an open dialogue with students and respond to any privacy concerns.

  • For more information on student privacy resources, visit this link.
  • Additional information on what students can expect during a proctored exam can be found here.

4. Create awareness and understanding of room scans
Familiarize yourself and your students with what a room scan is and what they can expect from it.

5. Get a signed consent form for room scans

6. Explain what to expect during a proctored exam
It’s important for students to understand what they can expect during a proctored exam.

Here’s what you can discuss with your students:

  • Discuss the different proctoring settings that can be used and how they work.
    • Honorlock advises using similar settings for every exam so students know what to expect and are familiar with functionality.
    • We also recommend setting up your practice exam to mimic the same settings throughout the semester/quarter.
      • An example of Standard Exam Guidelines language can be found here.
  • Explain what in-exam flags are, their purpose, and what behaviors may trigger them.
    • We recommend sharing this KnowledgeBase article about in-exam flags with your students
  • Provide clear, unambiguous test rules and instructions for all of your exams.
    • Here’s an article with real examples of effective test rules and instructions for online exams and tips to remove any confusion.

7. Create a culture of academic integrity
Academic integrity goes beyond proctored exams. Creating a culture of academic integrity in your classroom can support positive decision-making during exams.

Check out our blog article on some helpful tips to improve the academic integrity within your classroom.

8. Join our educational webinars
Honorlock provides ongoing educational webinars every semester, including one for every supported LMS, be sure to register here.

If you do not find what you are looking for, please take a look at our library of previously recorded webinars found here, or please reach out to your CSM and/or Support Chat.

Quick facts about online proctoring room scans

  • What’s a room scan?
    A room scan uses a test taker’s webcam to get a 360 degree view of the room.
  • Why are room scans used?
    Room scans help protect academic integrity by ensuring that there are no unauthorized resources or people in the room.
  • When are room scans used?
    A room scan may be required by an institution or exam administrator at the start of the exam to ensure that no unauthorized resources or people are in the testing environment. A re-scan during the exam may be requested by the proctor should there be indications of unauthorized behavior or resources.
  • How are room scans completed?
    Test takers enable their webcam and complete the room scan by panning the webcam on the device around the room.
  • Are room scans commonly used in proctored online exams?
    Yes. Room scans are common and, when done correctly, generally considered as one of several best practices for proctored online exams.
  • Do all proctoring companies require room scans
    No. Some proctoring companies require room scans, others provide it as an option tool to use.

About Honorlock room scans

Does Honorlock require room scans?

No. Honorlock doesn’t require room scans. Room scanning is an option feature that can be enabled or disabled.

How can instructors using Honorlock disable room scans for test-takers?

After creating the exam in the LMS, the instructor can pick which proctoring features to enable or disable for the exam, including room scanning.

Does Honorlock allow instructors to disable room scans for specific test takers?

Yes. Instructors can provide proctor instructions that allow specific test takers to bypass the room scan.

Who can view a room scan with Honorlock?

If the institution or instructor requires a room scan, only a Honorlock-trained proctor, the instructor, and key administrators at the institution will have access to review the room scan.

It’s important to note that a room scan is only viewed if there is questionable behavior flagged during the exam.

At that point, the proctor may view the recording, including the room scan. The instructor or an administrator may also review the recording, including the room scan, after the exam. Instructors only receive recordings in the event of a flag.

Can other test takers or people view the room scan?

No. The room scan is never accessible to anyone other than the Honorlock proctor, the instructor, and key administrators of the institution.

The recording or room scan is never accessible to other test takers, other instructors, or any other party.

More information about Honorlock:

  • How does Honorlock protect student privacy?

Looking for more articles and information about higher education and online learning? Visit our resources section.


As an expert and enthusiast, I have extensive knowledge and expertise in various topics, including online proctoring and room scans. I can provide you with information and insights based on my understanding of the subject matter. Let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided.

Room Scans in Online Exams

A room scan is a process that uses a test taker's webcam to capture a 360-degree view of the room where the exam is being taken. The purpose of a room scan is to ensure the integrity of the exam environment by checking for any unauthorized resources or individuals present. Room scans are commonly used in proctored online exams as one of several best practices to maintain academic integrity.

Purpose and Timing of Room Scans

Room scans are typically conducted at the beginning of an exam to verify that the testing environment is free from unauthorized materials or people. This initial scan helps establish a baseline for the exam conditions. In some cases, a re-scan may be requested during the exam if there are indications of unauthorized behavior or resources.

Room Scan Process

During a room scan, test takers are required to enable their webcam and pan it around the room to capture a complete view. The captured video is then reviewed by a proctor or exam administrator to ensure compliance with the exam guidelines. It's important to note that room scans are only viewed if there is questionable behavior flagged during the exam.

Honorlock and Room Scans

Honorlock is an online proctoring platform that offers room scans as an optional setting. It allows instructors to enable or disable room scans based on their preferences and institutional policies. Honorlock ensures the privacy of room scans, as only the proctor, instructor, and key administrators at the institution have access to review the room scan. Other test takers, instructors, or any other party cannot view the room scan.

Accommodations and Guidelines

Institutions and instructors should establish clear and consistent guidelines for remote testing, including the use of room scans. It is important to publish these guidelines in advance and make them readily available to both faculty and students. Students should be given the opportunity to provide written consent to the guidelines, including the room scan process. Accommodations should be provided for students who do not consent to room scans, such as offering alternative testing locations or notifying the proctoring service that room scans will not be used for specific students.

Best Practices for Proctoring Online Exams

To ensure a secure and equitable testing environment, here are some best practices for proctoring online exams with room scans:

  1. Publish remote exam policies and guidelines in advance, including a link in the course syllabus.
  2. Obtain written consent from students regarding the room scan process.
  3. Provide alternative testing locations for students who do not consent to room scans.
  4. Follow your institution's guidelines for proctoring online exams.
  5. Discuss the use of proctoring software, such as Honorlock, with students and provide practice exams to familiarize them with the process.
  6. Address privacy concerns and have an open dialogue with students.
  7. Create a culture of academic integrity by promoting positive decision-making during exams.
  8. Stay updated with educational webinars and resources provided by proctoring services like Honorlock.


Room scans are a common practice in proctored online exams to ensure the integrity of the testing environment. Honorlock, as an online proctoring platform, offers room scans as an optional setting and prioritizes student privacy by limiting access to the room scan recordings. By following best practices and clear guidelines, institutions can create a secure and equitable testing environment for online exams.

If you have any further questions or need more information, feel free to ask!

Student Video Room Scan Best Practices | Online Proctoring (2024)


Does Honorlock still require room scan? ›

The room should be well lit and clear of any clutter around you and on your desk. No other people should be in the room with you (but if someone does come in accidentally, don't worry! Honorlock technology and proctors can help). In general, your instructor should not require a room scan.

Does ProctorU do room scans? ›

Your proctor will ask you to do a webcam scan of your surroundings including four walls and desk. The exam taker needs to be alone for the duration of the exam.

Does Proctorio require a room scan? ›

A:​ Proctorio has no default settings. The room scan is an optional setting that your instructor must enable for your exam. They may do this to ensure that no tools are used for the exam outside the camera's field of view (e.g. mobile phone, notepad or textbook).

Does Proctortrack make you scan the room? ›

Most Proctortrack exams require a room scan.

How does Honorlock check for cheating? ›

Honorlock will record your exam session by webcam, as well as record your screen. Honorlock also has an integrity algorithm that can detect search-engine use, so please do not attempt to search for answers. Once you submit your exam, your session ends and your exam attempt is noted in Blackboard.

Are room scans illegal? ›

Case under appeal

“The Fourth Amendment prohibits schools from conducting this virtual snooping. That's what we argued to the court, and the court agreed,” Ogletree's attorney, Matt Besser, told the CalMatters College Journalism Network.

What gets flagged by ProctorU? ›

Actions and behaviors that will be flagged during an exam: Talking aloud: Unless you have an accommodation, talking or whispering aloud during the exam is not permitted. Being out of camera view: Your face, chin to forehead, needs to be in the camera view at all times.

Does ExamSoft scan the room? ›

No, ExamSoft does not require a room scan. The only video that will be saved in the proctoring file will be the same type of webcam video shared when you participate in a Zoom class. Please feel free to orient your workspace so that all that's visible behind you is a blank wall.

Can you talk to yourself during a proctored exam? ›

It's recommended against either talking to yourself or looking around the room, because the proctor is going to be paying attention and is also going to be alerted to anything that you're doing. So if you're talking, they don't know if you're talking to someone else.

Why is ProctorU so invasive? ›

During most ProctorU proctored exams, the student has their video and audio on the entire time. Before the exam, students must provide a 360-degree view of their space. While the exam occurs, a person hired by the third-party site monitors the student's movements, audio and computer activity.

How does Proctorio detect cheating? ›

Webcam and Audio Monitoring: The tool monitors the test-taker via their webcam and microphone to detect any suspicious activities. Browser Activity Monitoring: Proctorio restricts the opening of other tabs and tracks browser history during the exam.

Does Proctorio know if I use my phone? ›

No. Proctorio cannot detect phones, but the webcam will show if you are gazing down or to the side to use a phone.

What does Honorlock require? ›

Honorlock records the visual, audio, and desktop aspects of your exam, and you may be required to perform a room scan. You will need a laptop or desktop computer, webcam, and microphone in order to use this tool.

How does Honorlock room scan work? ›

Via a series of pop-up windows, Honorlock will prompt you to complete the Honorlock Authentication process. These steps will include taking a picture of your face, verifying your ID, and doing a 360 degree scan of your room and desk. Click the blue LAUNCH SCREEN RECORDING button to begin recording your screen.

Does Honorlock actually detect phones? ›

Our newest feature, Apple Handoff Detection, is exclusive to Honorlock and detects if a phone is present in the testing area. Our proctors then add a violation if the test taker is seen using a cell phone during the exam.

Can Honorlock detect other devices in the room? ›

If students are not searching for their exam questions during the time of the exam there is nothing Honorlock can track in regards to any computer, mobile device, tablet, etc. within the household or place the exam is being taken.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.