Student Loan Debt Elimination - Pros & Cons - (2024)

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Student loan debt is frequently in the news as politicians debate solutions to the rising costs of college that lead to sometimes crippling amounts of debt. For those with outstanding student loans, such debt can be discharged in two ways: forgiveness and bankruptcy.

Americans owed a collective $1.75 trillion in student loan debt as of Apr. 2024, with an average of $28,950 owed per borrower. By comparison, in Dec. 2010, Americans owed about $845 billion in student loan debt, which means student loan debt has increased by about 102% over the last ten years. 43.2 million million Americans held outstanding student loan debt at the end of 2024. [1] [2] [52] [53]

The New York Federal Reserve reported that about 11% of student loan debt payments were either late or in default (270 or more days late) at the beginning of 2020. By all indications, this debt, and the late payments and defaults as well, will continue to rise as college costs outpace average incomes. [5] [6] [7]

Some have proposed that the U.S. federal government forgive some or all existing student loan debt in order to relieve the financial pressure on individuals and the country. Student debt forgiveness proposals range from a discharge of $10,000 per borrower (which would forgive the entire debt bills held by about 15 million borrowers) to $50,000 per borrower (which would forgive the entire debt bills held by about 36 million borrowers) to plans that would forgive all outstanding student loan debt. Each plan would include forgiveness for those with late or in-default accounts, as well as partial debt forgiveness for many more borrowers. [8]

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania estimated that, depending on details, over ten years college debt cancellation will cost between $300 billion for a one-time cancellation of $10,000 for borrowers earning under $125,000 per year and $980 billion for a one-time cancellation of $50,000 per borrower. [43]

Others have proposed making student loan debt easier to discharge through bankruptcy. Credit card debt, medical bills, auto loans, and even gambling debt can be canceled by declaring bankruptcy, but due to a 1976 federal law, discharging student loan debt is much more difficult. Private student loans have also been protected from discharge in the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. According to the U.S. Department of Education, people who declare Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can have student loan debt canceled but only if a court finds there is evidence of “undue hardship.” Getting student loans discharged is so difficult and rare, however, that many lawyers advise clients not to try: less than 0.5% of students clear their debts through bankruptcy. [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

In Mar. 2020, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, President Trump paused federal student loan payments, interest accrual, and debt collection. Congress voted to keep the pause through Sep. 30, 2021, and Trump extended it again through January 2021. President Biden maintained the pause with several renewals after taking office through Dec. Dec. 31, 2022. While some disagree with the continuation of payment, interest and collection pauses, others question why federal student loan debt can’t be canceled if the federal government can do without payments for almost three years. [41]

On Aug. 24, 2022, President Biden announced a cancellation of “up to $20,000 of federal student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients, and up to $10,000 for other qualifying borrowers.” The White House stated about 43 million borrowers would qualify the cancellation, with 20 million borrowers qualifying to have their debt completely cancelled. The debt cancellation program, mired in lawsuits since its announcement, was stayed until, on June 30, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the student loan program in a 6-3 vote under the premise that federal law does not permit the U.S. Department of Education to cancel such student loans. [42] [48] [49] [50]

As a result of the invalidation of the mass cancellation program, the Biden administration has cancelled student loan debt for several smaller groups, including students taken advantage of by “predatory” institutions. The administration states that, as of May 1, 2024, it has forgiven “more than $160 billion [in student loan debt] for nearly 4.6 million borrowers.” [51]

1. Should the U.S. federal government forgive student loan debt? How much? For whom? Explain your answers.

2. Should student loan debt be easier to discharge in bankruptcy? Explain your answer.

3. Explore the pros and cons of other programs to resolve the student loan debt issue, such as targeted relief programs, employment assistance, or aid to colleges in order to lower tuition. Explain why your chosen programs are better or worse than debt forgiveness.

4. Consider how you felt about the issue before reading this article. After reading the pros and cons on this topic, has your thinking changed? If so, how? List two to three ways. If your thoughts have not changed, list two to three ways your better understanding of the “other side of the issue” now helps you better argue your position.

5. Push for the position and policies you support by writing U.S. national senators and representatives.

1.Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, “Consumer Credit - G.19,”, Apr. 7, 20212.Abigail Johnson Hess, “U.S. student debt has increased by more than 100% over the past 10 years,”, Dec. 22, 20203.US Department of Education Federal Student Aid, “Federal Student Loan Portfolio,”, 20204.Dudley L. Poston, Jr., “3 Ways That the U.S. Population Will Change over the Next Decade,”, Jan. 2, 20205.New York Federal Reserve Center for Microeconomic Data, “Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit 2020: Q1,”, May 20206.US Department of Education Federal Student Aid, “Coronavirus and Forbearance Info for Students, Borrowers, and Parents,” (accessed May 6, 2021)7.Carmen Maldonado, “Price Of College Increasing Almost 8 Times Faster Than Wages,”, July 24, 20188.Hanneh Gundersen, “Federal student loan forgiveness update: See where the latest policies and proposals stand,”, May 5, 20219.Ashlee Kieler, “You Can’t Discharge Your Student Loans in Bankruptcy Because of Panicked 1970s Legislation,”, Mar. 17, 201510.John O’Connor, “Make Student Loan Debt Dischargeable in Bankruptcy… Again,”, Feb. 28, 201411.Federal Student Aid, “Discharge in Bankruptcy,” (accessed Jan. 4, 2018)12.Bill Fay, “Bankruptcy & Student Loans,” (accessed Jan. 4, 2018)13.Brett Greene, “The $1 Trillion Student Loan Debt Bubble: An Interview with Robert Applebaum,”, Nov. 11, 201114.Christopher Ingraham, “7 Ways $1.6 Trillion in Student Loan Debt Affects the U.S. Economy,”, June 25, 201915.Elyssa Kirkham, “What Are the Effects of Student Loan Debt on the Economy? Experts Share Their Thoughts,”, Oct. 28, 201916.Chris Arnold, “Forgiving Student Debt Would Boost Economy, Economists Say,”, Nov. 25, 201917.Judith Scott-Clayton, “Shrinking Racial Gaps in Student Debt and Default: Recommendations to Congress,”, Mar. 6, 201918.Cristina Silva, “The Student Debt Crisis Is Crushing Black Americans. Here's How Loan Forgiveness Could Help,”, Apr. 15, 202119.Raphaël Charron-Chenier, Louise Seamster, Tom Shapiro, and Laura Sullivan, “Student Debt Forgiveness Options: Implications for Policy and Racial Equity,”, Aug. 202020.Knowledge @ Wharton, “The Student Debt Crisis: Could It Slow the U.S. Economy?,”, Oct. 22, 201821.US Supreme Court, Williams v. United States Fid. & Guar. Co.,, 191522.Ethan Trex, “7 Wildly Successful People Who Survived Bankruptcy,”, Nov. 6, 201523.Mark Huelsman, “Want to Help Struggling Student Loan Borrowers? Start with Bankruptcy Reform,”, May 31, 201724.Jeffrey J. Selingo, “Did Your College Mislead You About Job Prospects? It Might Become Far Easier to Have Your Loans Forgiven.,”, July 20, 201625.Megan Thompson, “Are You Older Than 60 and Paying off Student Loans? Tell Us Your Story.,”, Sep. 3, 201726.Rebecca Safier, “50% Say Mass Student Loan Forgiveness Unfair to Former Borrowers: Survey,”, Apr. 29, 202027.Matthew Noyes, “‘Canceling’ Student Debt is Unfair to Graduates Like Me Who Sacrificed to Pay Off Our Loans,”, Jan. 26, 202128.Zack Friedman, “Why Student Loans Should Not Get Cancelled,”, Feb. 24, 202129.Knowledge @ Wharton, “How Student Loan Forgiveness Could Increase Inequality,”, Dec. 15, 202030.Emma Ayers, “I Sold Bibles to Keep My Student Debt Low. Turns out, I Didn't even Need That Degree,”, Dec. 3, 202031.Adam Looney, “How Progressive Is Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Loan Forgiveness Proposal?,”, Apr. 24, 201932.Michelle Cheng, “What Will Canceling $10,000 in Student Debt Really Do?,”, Mar. 2, 202133.Anthony Carnevale, Stephen J. Rose, and Ban Cheah, “The College Payoff: Education, Occupation, Lifetime Earnings,” 201134.Kelsey Sheehy, “Undergrads Blow It with Student Loan Refunds,”, July 24, 201335.Mike Brown, “Spring Break Student Loan Study,”, Mar. 8, 201736.Federal Student Aid, “Understanding Delinquency and Default,” (accessed Jan. 2, 2018)37.Rajeev Darolia, “Should Student Loans Be Dischargeable in Bankruptcy?,”, Sep. 29, 201538.Grey Gordon and Aaron Hedlund, “Accounting for the Rise in College Tuition,”, Feb. 201639.Abigail Hall Blanco, “Don’t Forgive Us Our Debts: The Case against Student Loan Forgiveness,”, Apr. 14, 201540.Melanie Hanson, "Student Loan Debt Statistics,", Nov. 17, 202141.Marcos Cabello, "Biden Extends Pause on Student Loan Payments through August,", Apr. 6, 202242.Cory Turner and Sequoia Carrillo, "Biden Is Canceling Up to $10K in Student Loans, $20K for Pell Grant Recipients,", Aug. 24, 202243.Junlei Chen, "Forgiving Student Loans: Budgetary Costs and Distributional Impact,", Aug. 23, 202244.Junlei Chen, "The Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Plan: Budgetary Costs and Distributional Impact,", Aug. 26, 202245.Inez Stepman, "The Student Loan Forgiveness Scam,", Aug. 8, 202246.White House, "Remarks by President Biden Announcing Student Loan Debt Relief Plan,", Aug. 25, 202247.Ayana Archie, "Joe Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Will Cost $400 Billion, Budget Office Says,", Sep. 27, 202248.Arlette Saenz and Katie Lobosco, "Biden Extends Student Loan Repayment Freeze As Forgiveness Program Is Tied Up in Courts,", Nov. 22, 202249.Ariane de Vogue, "Supreme Court Says Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Program Remains Blocked for Now, Schedules Arguments for February,", Dec. 1, 202250.Nina Totenberg and Meghanlata Gupta, "Supreme Court Kills Biden’s Student Debt Plan in a Setback for Millions of Borrowers,", June 30, 202351.Aimee Picchi, "Biden Forgives $6.1 Billion in Student Debt for 317,000 Borrowers. Here’s Who Qualifies for Relief.,", May 1, 202452.Alicia Hahn, "2024 Student Loan Debt Statistics: Average Student Loan Debt,", Apr. 18, 202453.Rebecca Safier and Ashley Harrison, "Student Loan Debt: Averages and Other Statistics in 2024,", May 10, 2024
Student Loan Debt Elimination - Pros & Cons - (2024)


What is the downside of student loan forgiveness? ›

Individuals who receive debt forgiveness would have more disposable income to afford basic necessities, purchase homes or even start their own businesses. However, debt forgiveness could encourage future students to take on more debt or encourage some universities to charge more for tuition, Jones said.

What are the pros and cons of getting rid of student loan debt? ›

The pros and cons of student loan forgiveness
  • Con: Forgiving debt isn't fair to people who've already made their payments. ...
  • Pro: Debt forgiveness is the empathetic solution. ...
  • Con: Student loan forgiveness could worsen inflation. ...
  • Pro: An imperfect solution is better than nothing.

Why are people against student loan forgiveness? ›

The topic of student loan forgiveness sparks heated feelings about fairness, personal responsibility and economic soundness. The Biden administration's most recent student loan forgiveness proposal garnered a record number of public comments, with over 148,000 people sharing their opinion.

What are the positive effects of student loan forgiveness? ›

Under the SAVE plan, sub-baccalaureate borrowers, similar to low-income borrowers, are likely to benefit from considerable loan forgiveness. This is driven by a greater share of income being protected – resulting in lower monthly payments, increased liquidity, and lower total payments overall.

Why is canceling student debt a bad idea? ›

Let me be clear: there is no such thing as canceling or “forgiving” student loan debt. This debt will be transferred to hardworking American taxpayers—many of whom did not take out student loans—and will only worsen inflation while rewarding overpriced colleges.

Will forgiving student loans hurt the economy? ›

Student loan debt slows new business growth and limits consumer spending. Broad student loan debt forgiveness may help boost the national economy by making it more affordable for borrowers to participate in it.

Why you shouldn't pay off student loans fast? ›

No opportunities for student loan forgiveness: If you're eligible to have your student loans forgiven after a certain amount of time based on your career, it doesn't make sense to repay your loans early. You're better off making your required payments until the debt is forgiven.

Why is student debt not worth it? ›

Carrying student debt can affect your ability to buy a home if your debt-to-income ratio is too high. If you have too much student loan debt, you won't be able to save as much for retirement. Student loan debt can lower your credit score, especially if you fail to make on-time payments.

Are taking out student loans a bad idea? ›

Borrowing money to pay for college is not a bad thing. In fact, it's how most students pay for college. However, borrowing can go bad if you take too much. You will spend decades of your life repaying that burden, which can sometimes create a domino effect in how you save and spend for a lifetime.

Why is it so hard to pay off student loans? ›

Key Points. Interest can make student loans more expensive, while inflation can make that debt harder to manage alongside other bills. Paying off some of your debt during your studies could ease the burden later on and save you money on interest.

Do people regret student loans? ›

One in 2 grads with loans have regrets.

What is the average student loan debt? ›

The average federal student loan debt is $37,853 per borrower. Outstanding private student loan debt totals $128.8 billion. The average student borrows over $30,000 to pursue a bachelor's degree.

Who benefits from student debt forgiveness? ›

If you work full time for a government or nonprofit organization, you may qualify for forgiveness of the entire remaining balance of your Direct Loans after you've made 120 qualifying payments—i.e., 10 years of payments. To benefit from PSLF, you need to repay your federal student loans under an IDR plan.

Is it moral to accept student loan forgiveness? ›

Canceling debt also seems to violate the moral principle of following through on one's promises. Borrowers have a moral duty to fulfill their loan agreements, the philosopher Immanuel Kant argued, because reneging on promises is disrespectful to oneself and others.

What are 3 benefits pros of student loans? ›

The benefits of borrowing federal student loans
  • No credit history needed.
  • No co-signer needed.
  • Fixed interest rates.
  • Lower interest rates than private loans.
  • Interest accrual may begin after college.
  • Forbearance and deferment options.
  • A repayment grace period.
  • Income-driven repayment options.

Is the loan forgiveness program worth it? ›

In summary, the public service loan forgiveness program could be an efficient way to pay off your student loans if you satisfy the requirements needed and have a decent student loan balance. If you are trying for the PSLF program, it is important to communicate with you loan servicer.

Does student loan forgiveness ruin credit? ›

The Bottom Line. Although loan forgiveness can impact a credit score, the effect is often temporary. And for borrowers with federal student loans in default, the Fresh Start program could give them a clean slate, removing the default from their credit reports.

What are the negative effects of student loans? ›

Key Takeaways
  • Carrying student debt can affect your ability to buy a home if your debt-to-income ratio is too high.
  • If you have too much student loan debt, you won't be able to save as much for retirement.
  • Student loan debt can lower your credit score, especially if you fail to make on-time payments.

What are the cons of the public service loan forgiveness program? ›

Cons of PSLF

The program is only open to those with certain types of employers. And it's contingent on staying with a qualifying public service employer for 10 years. With the SAVE program, qualifying loan holders may be able to pay off their federal student loans no matter who their employer is.

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