Street Art - Purpose of Street Art? - Designthinkingblogs (2024)

Street Art is a form of Art but these days it’s a very important and powerful representation of design when we use any public space as a canvas to show problems and their solutions through design and art it’s a street art usually walls of streets in some cases artist use other kinds of thing one of the uses her body as a canvas. soo in this article I am giving knowledge on street art and the purpose of street art.

What is Street Art?

Contents hide

1 What is Street Art?

2 History of Street Art

3 Origins of Street Art

4 Repetition and Evolution of Street Art

5 Street Art Purpose

6 Types of Street Art

7 Difference between Modern Street Art and Contemporary Street Art?

8 Modern street art:

9 Contemporary street art:

10 Urban Art Vs Street Art

11 Urban art:

12 Street art:

14 Street Art Graffiti Letters

15 Cultural values of Street Art

16 What is Vandalism

17 Top 10 Best Street Arts

18 Street Art Singulart

19 Top 10 Famous Street Artists

20 The net worth of the Top 3 Famous Street Artists

21 Conclusion

Street Art - Purpose of Street Art? - Designthinkingblogs (1)

this art is a form of visual art that is created in public locations, typically outside of traditional art venues. It can take many forms, including graffiti, murals, stickers, and installations. its often seen as a form of social or political commentary and can be created by individuals or groups. It is often considered a subculture or counterculture movement and may be viewed differently depending on the context in which it is created and the location in which it is displayed. Street art has a long history, with roots dating back to the cave paintings of ancient civilizations. However, it has become increasingly popular and visible in recent years, with street artists gaining recognition and success in the art world.

it can be found in cities all over the world, with some cities becoming known for their street art scenes. Places like New York City, London, and Paris have long had vibrant street art cultures, while newer street art scenes have emerged in cities like Berlin, Melbourne, and Buenos Aires. Street art can take many forms, from simple tags and graffiti to large-scale murals and installations. Some street artists work anonymously, while others have become famous for their work. Banksy, for example, is a well-known street artist whose work often addresses political and social issues.

it is often seen as a form of rebellion or resistance against mainstream culture, and as a way for artists to express themselves without the constraints of traditional art institutions. However, street art can also be used to beautify and revitalize urban areas, and many cities have begun to embrace street art as a way to promote tourism and cultural development. Street art is often seen as a way to reclaim public space and give voice to marginalized communities.

Despite its growing popularity, street art remains a controversial topic, with many people viewing it as vandalism and others seeing it as a vital form of expression. Street artists often work in legal and illegal spaces, and the legality of street art can vary depending on the location and context in which it is created. While some street art is created with permission from property owners or municipalities, other street art is created without permission and may be removed or painted over.

it is a dynamic and constantly evolving form of visual art that reflects the culture and society it is created in. It can take many forms and has a range of purposes, from political and social commentary to beautification and revitalization of urban areas. It continues to be a controversial topic, with some people viewing it as vandalism and others seeing it as a vital form of expression. Street art is a way for artists to express themselves without the constraints of traditional art institutions and a way to reclaim public space and give voice to marginalized communities.

History of Street Art

Street Art - Purpose of Street Art? - Designthinkingblogs (2)

Art has been a part of human history for thousands of years. The earliest known art dates back to the Paleolithic era, around 30,000 BCE, and consists of cave paintings, sculptures, and carvings. During the Neolithic era, around 10,000 BCE, people began to settle in permanent communities and develop skills such as pottery and textile making. The art of ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome is well-known for its grandeur and skillful craftsmanship.

it is a form of art that is created in public spaces and is typically unsanctioned by the authorities. The history of street art can be traced back to the early 20th century, with the emergence of graffiti in cities like New York and Philadelphia. These early forms of street art were often seen as vandalism and were met with harsh punishment.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the rise of the Civil Rights and anti-war movements brought a new political dimension to street art. Artists began to use graffiti as a way to express their views on social and political issues. The emergence of hip-hop culture in the 1970s also played a role in the development of street art, as graffiti was an important element of the subculture.

In the 1980s and 1990s, street art began to gain mainstream acceptance as a legitimate form of art. Artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring, who began their careers as graffiti artists, went on to achieve commercial success and critical acclaim. Street art also began to take on a more playful and colorful aesthetic, as artists like Banksy and Shepard Fairey began to gain fame for their humorous and satirical works.

Today, Its a global phenomenon and can be found in cities all over the world. While some street art is still seen as vandalism and is met with resistance from authorities, many cities have embraced the form and have designated areas where street art is allowed. Street art festivals and mural projects have become popular ways to bring art to the public and revitalize urban areas.

Origins of Street Art

Street Art - Purpose of Street Art? - Designthinkingblogs (3)

It can be traced back to the early 20th century, with the emergence of graffiti in cities like New York and Philadelphia. The origins of graffiti can be traced back to the late 1960s and early 1970s when young people in inner-city neighborhoods began to use spray paint to mark their territory and assert their presence in their communities. These early forms of graffiti were often territorial in nature, with different gangs or groups using graffiti to mark their territory.

In the 1970s, the emergence of hip-hop culture brought graffiti to the forefront of popular culture. Graffiti was an important element of hip-hop, with DJs and MCs often referencing graffiti in their music. Many graffiti artists began to gain fame and recognition within the hip-hop community, and graffiti began to be seen as a legitimate form of art.

The origins of this art are rooted in the desire of individuals and communities to assert their presence and express themselves in public spaces. Street art has evolved over the years to become a diverse and global phenomenon, encompassing a wide range of styles, techniques, and mediums. Street art continues to be an important form of self-expression, community building, and social commentary.

However, it’s worth noting that it has also been used as a tool of resistance and political expression, especially in urban areas with a history of social-economic inequality and marginalization. Street art has been used as a medium to bring attention to social and political issues and make people aware.

Repetition and Evolution of Street Art

it is a form of visual expression that has evolved and been repeated throughout the decades. Originating in the early 20th century, street art initially took the form of graffiti and tagging, which were often seen as vandalism and a form of rebellion against societal norms. As the art form has evolved, street artists have begun to use a variety of mediums, including spray paint, stencils, and wheat paste posters.

One of the most recognizable forms of street art is the graffiti mural. These large-scale works of art are often commissioned by cities or businesses and are meant to beautify and revitalize rundown neighborhoods. These murals often depict political or social commentary and can be used as a form of protest or expression of community pride.

Another popular form of street art is the use of stencils. Stencils are pre-cut designs that can be quickly and easily replicated multiple times. This allows street artists to create multiple copies of the same image, often used as a form of social or political commentary. Banksy, a prominent street artist, is well known for his use of stencils.

Wheat-paste posters are another popular form of street art. This medium involves creating a design or image on paper, then pasting it onto a wall or other surface. Wheat-paste posters are often used to create temporary installations and can be easily removed without causing damage to the underlying surface.

it is often seen as a form of rebellion against societal norms and can be used as a form of protest or expression of community pride. As the art form has evolved, street artists have begun to use a variety of mediums, including spray paint, stencils, and wheat paste posters to create their works. Despite the repetition of mediums, each street artist brings their unique perspective and message, making every street art piece an original and one-of-a-kind artwork.

Street Art Purpose

it serves a variety of purposes, depending on the artist and the context in which the art is created. One of the main purposes of street art is to bring art to the public and make it accessible to a wider audience. this art often takes place in public spaces that are easily accessible to the general population, such as on the sides of buildings, on bridges, or in parks. This allows people who may not have access to traditional art galleries or museums to experience art in their everyday lives.

Another purpose of street art is to revitalize urban areas. Street art can be used to brighten up drab or rundown neighborhoods and to create a sense of community and pride among residents. Street art festivals and mural projects are popular ways to bring art to the public and revitalize urban areas.

it also serves as a form of self-expression and personal statement. Many street artists use their work as a way to express their views on social and political issues. Street art has been used as a medium to bring attention to issues such as poverty, inequality, and injustice. Street art has also been used as a tool of resistance, challenging the status quo and encouraging people to think critically about the world around them.

it can also serve as a tool for community building. Street art can bring people together and create a sense of shared identity and belonging. Street art can also be used to create a sense of place and to tell the stories of a community.

In addition, street art can be used as a form of commercial advertising. Street art can be used to promote businesses, events, and products. Street art can also be used to generate tourism and to create a sense of place and identity for a community.

Overall, it serves a diverse set of purposes and it’s a powerful medium that can be used to express ideas, create community, revitalize urban areas, and bring art to the public. It’s an ever-evolving form of artistic expression that continues to adapt and respond to the changing world around it.

Types of Street Art

It is a form of visual art that is created in public spaces and is meant to be viewed by the general public. There are several different types of this art-

  • Wall Art: Wall art is one of the most common forms of street art and typically involves writing or drawing on walls or other surfaces using spray paint or markers.
  • Murals stickers: Murals are large-scale paintings that are often created on the sides of buildings or other structures. Stickers are small, adhesive-backed images that are often used to make political or social statements these days it’s very popular in election campaigns.
  • Wheat-paste Posters: Wheat-paste posters are similar to stickers but are made from wheat paste, a type of adhesive made from flour and water.
  • Yarn Bombing: Yarn bombing is a type of street art that involves covering objects, such as statues or trees, with yarn or other types of fabric.
  • Street Installations: Street installations are a more recent form of street art and can include sculptures, light installations, or other types of interactive art.

Difference between Modern Street Art and Contemporary Street Art?

Modern street art:

Modern WALL art refers to the form of street art that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, often as a form of social and political commentary. This type of street art is characterized by its use of spray paint and markers to create bold, graphic images that often make a statement about social or political issues. It is also often associated with urban environments, such as inner-city neighborhoods or industrial areas.

Contemporary street art:

Contemporary street art, on the other hand, is a more recent form of street art that emerged in the 1980s and 1990s. It is characterized by its use of a wider range of mediums and techniques, including digital media, sculpture, and installation art. This type of street art is often created in response to the current political or social climate and is often more politically or socially conscious than modern street art. Additionally, contemporary street art is often created in public spaces as a means of engaging with the community, rather than as an expression of rebellion.

In terms of style, modern street art is often associated with graffiti and is characterized by its bold, graphic images, while contemporary street art is more varied in terms of style, with many contemporary street artists experimenting with different mediums and techniques.

Modern street art is also often associated with urban environments, while contemporary street art is often created in a wider range of settings, including rural areas and smaller towns.

modern and contemporary street art both are created in public spaces and can be used to make political or social statements, the two forms of street art are distinct in terms of their origins, mediums, techniques, and styles. Modern street art often has its roots in graffiti and is characterized by its bold, graphic images and association with urban environments, while contemporary street art is more varied in terms of mediums, techniques, and styles, often created with a more politically or socially conscious approach and in a wider range of settings.

Urban Art Vs Street Art

Urban art and street art are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they do have some distinct differences.

Urban art:

Urban art refers to all forms of art that are created in an urban environment, including murals, graffiti, street sculptures, and installations. It is often commissioned by the city or other organizations and is intended to enhance the aesthetic of the urban environment and engage with the community. Urban art can take many forms, from large-scale murals on the sides of buildings to smaller sculptures and installations in public spaces.

Street art:

it is a form of visual art that is created in public spaces and is meant to be viewed by the general public. Street art is often created by individual artists or groups of artists and is intended to make a statement or express a point of view. Unlike urban art, street art is not necessarily commissioned by the city or other organizations and is often created without permission. Street art can take many forms, including graffiti, wheat paste posters, stickers, yarn bombing, and street installations.

One of the main differences between urban art and street art is the purpose behind it, Urban art is often created to beautify the urban environment and engage with the community, while street art is more of a form of self-expression and social commentary. Additionally, Urban art is often created with permission, whereas street art is often created without permission and can be considered illegal.

In summary, these two art are distinct forms of visual art, with different origins, styles, and intentions. Urban art is often commissioned by the city or other organizations and is intended to enhance the aesthetic of the urban environment and to engage with the community, while street art is created by individual artists or groups of artists, and is intended to make a statement or express a point of view.

Graffiti street art

Street Art - Purpose of Street Art? - Designthinkingblogs (4)

Graffiti art is a form of street art that involves writing or drawing on walls or other surfaces using spray paint, markers, or other materials. It is one of the most common forms of street art and has a long history dating back to ancient civilizations. Graffiti art has often been associated with rebellion and counterculture, as it is often created in public spaces without permission.

In the 1960s and 1970s, graffiti art began to be associated with inner-city youth culture, particularly in New York City, where it was used as a means of self-expression and social commentary. The style of graffiti art of this period is characterized by its bold, graphic images, and use of bright colors and stylized lettering.

In recent years, graffiti art has evolved to include a wider range of styles and techniques, with many graffiti artists experimenting with new mediums and exploring different themes. Some graffiti artists have also begun to receive commissions to create graffiti art legally, and graffiti has been increasingly recognized as a legitimate form of art.

Graffiti art has also been a source of controversy, as it is often seen as vandalism and a form of urban blight. However, many cities have begun to recognize the value of graffiti art as a means of self-expression and have created designated graffiti zones where artists can create their work legally.

In summary, graffiti art is a form of street art that involves writing or drawing on walls or other surfaces using spray paint, markers, or other materials. It has a long history and has been associated with rebellion and counterculture, inner-city youth culture. Its style is characterized by its bold, graphic images, bright colors, and stylized lettering. Nowadays, graffiti art has evolved to include a wider range of styles and techniques, and has been increasingly recognized as a legitimate form of art, but it is still a source of controversy and often seen as vandalism.

Street Art Graffiti Letters

we are providing you with some examples of graffiti letters:

  1. A stylized graffiti tag featuring the letter “S” in bright blue, with a dripping effect for added emphasis.
  2. A graffiti piece featuring the letter “A” in bold, black letters with an orange background.
  3. A graffiti piece featuring the letter “T” in white, with a black background and multiple layers of different colored letters to create a 3D effect.
  4. A graffiti piece featuring the letter “R” in pink, with bold black outlines and a stylized arrow shape.
  5. A graffiti piece featuring the letter “E” in bright green, with a yellow background and black shadows to create a 3D effect.

Cultural values of Street Art

it is a form of public art that is created on the streets and other public spaces. It is a way for artists to express themselves and their ideas in a public forum, and it can take many forms, including graffiti, murals, stickers, and installations.

it has a rich cultural history and is often associated with urban communities and youth culture. It is often used as a form of social and political commentary, as well as a way to reclaim public spaces and make them more visually interesting. Street art can also be used to beautify rundown or abandoned buildings and spaces, bringing new life to these areas.

it is also often seen as a form of rebellion against traditional forms of art and the art establishment. Many street artists work anonymously or under pseudonyms, and their art is often created outside of traditional art institutions, such as galleries and museums.

Despite its controversial nature, street art has become increasingly popular and accepted as a legitimate form of art. Many cities have begun to embrace street art and even commission murals and other street art projects. Street art festivals and tours have also become increasingly popular, giving people the opportunity to see street art in a more formal setting.

In summary, it is a form of public art that is created on the streets and other public spaces, it has a rich cultural history, it is often associated with urban communities and youth culture, it can be used as a form of social and political commentary, it can be used to beautify rundown or abandoned buildings and spaces, it is often seen as a form of rebellion against traditional forms of art and the art establishment, and despite its controversial nature, street art has become increasingly popular and accepted as a legitimate form of art.

What is Vandalism

This Art can be a vibrant and engaging form of public art, it can also be considered vandalism if it is done without the permission of the property owner. Vandalism in street art refers to the unauthorized use of the public or private property for the purpose of creating art. This can include spray-painting buildings, tagging (using one’s signature or tag) on walls, or creating unsanctioned murals. Vandalism in street art is often viewed as a form of criminal damage and can result in fines or imprisonment.

However, there are also street art initiatives that are legal and authorized by the property owner, such as murals and graffiti walls, which are created to enhance the urban environment and promote community engagement. These legal art projects are often created by professional street artists and can serve as a form of public art and cultural expression.

In recent years, the distinction between vandalism and street art has become increasingly blurred, as more cities and communities have come to recognize the cultural and economic value of street art. Many cities have designated areas where street art is allowed, and have established legal graffiti walls or murals programs.

it can be seen as vandalism if it is done without the permission of the owner of the property, however, no matter if you have done great artwork or best graphic design work if it’s without permission its Vandalism but there are also legal street art projects that are authorized by the property owner and community, which can serve as a form of public art and cultural expression.

Top 10 Best Street Arts

Many street arts are liked by the public, these art are meaningful for people living in the Society. famous street Art, famous graffiti artists, and famous street artists list are below-

  1. “The Kiss” Graffiti Art by Eduardo Kobra in Sao Paulo, Brazil
  2. “The Berlin Wall” by Thierry Noir in Berlin, Germany
  3. “The Little Diver” by Eduardo Sanson in Buenos Aires, Argentina
  4. “The Old Woman” by JR in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  5. “The Yellow Man” by Os Gemeos in Boston, USA
  6. “The Dreamer” by Roa in Brussels, Belgium
  7. “The Flower Girl” by Bansky in Los Angeles, USA
  8. “The Girl with the Red Balloon” by Banksy in London, UK
  9. “The Watcher” by Vhils in Lisbon, Portugal
  10. “The Blue Man” Graffiti Art by Blu in Bologna, Italy

this list is subjective and other street arts may be considered as the best by others. These are just some examples of famous and well-known street artworks around the world.

Street Art Singulart

SINGULART is an Online Marketplace where people can buy and Artists sell their Art pieces. In The year 2017, Singulart was Created. They are encourages and support artists and designers while providing them with international visibility. Our contemporary Artists are showing visions of beauty, opening minds, and engaging people together. They believe in Women’s Empowerment singulart having a 49% women’s Artists and 12,000 Artists & Designers around the 110 Countries.

Who owns SINGULART? Founders of SINGULART?

SINGULART has three collaborative foundersDenis Fayolle, Véra Kempf and Brice Lecompte; three passionate people who filled the bridge between Artists and the art market.

Is SINGULART good for artists?

This is depends on the selection of art because they have the very tough process of Portfolio of Art selection this market is great for artists who is already selected. They have not approved of any art easily but don’t worry if your art is meaningful they rewarded you. the price of art and auction is much more better than physical art selling.

How do I sell my art on SINGULART?

4 Important Steps for Start first sale

Step 1: Apply to join SINGULART. We select artists with national recognition and global potential.

Step 2: Create your profile. They have fabulous UX design and make profile creation is very simple Process

Step 3: Expand your collector base.

Step 4: Start selling Your Art and Paintings.

What percentage does SINGULART take?

SINGULART takes a30 to 50 percentcommission of the total price, depending on the artist’s Popularity. In some cases, it only takes 20% also they Organise a few charities for NGOs.

Top 10 Famous Street Artists

  1. David Choe
  2. Shepard Fairey
  3. Jean-Michel Basquiat
  4. Keith Haring
  5. Banksy
  6. JR
  7. Os Gemeos
  8. Futura 2000
  9. Swoon
  10. Retna

These are just some examples of well-known street artists from around the world, who have gained recognition for their work in the street art scene.

The net worth of the Top 3 Famous Street Artists

  1. David Choe:

David Choe is a street artist and muralist who has gained fame and success for his bold and colorful works. He is famous for his surrealism Art movement

Net worth: $300 million (£248.7m) (Almost 30 crore INR)

  • Jean-Michel Basquiat:

Jean was an American artist in the 1980s he is getting success in theNeo-expressionismArt movement.

Net worth: $110.5 million (£92.5m) (Almost 11.5 crore INR)

  • Banksy:

Banksy is a British pseudonymous Artist who maintains a high level of secrecy and anonymity. he focused on political agendas and urban interventions.

Net worth: $50 million (£41.4m) (Almost 5 crore INR)


Street art can serve a variety of purposes, including self-expression, political commentary, and community building. In the design industry, street art can be an important source of inspiration for designers. The bold colors, unique styles, and varied techniques used in street art can help designers to think outside the box and come up with fresh, innovative designs. Additionally, the public nature of street art can help to expose designers to a wider range of perspectives, which can be beneficial for creating designs that are inclusive and appeal to a diverse range of people. Street art also can be creative with limited resources and it can be very cost-effective which is why it helps in the design industry.

Several factors can make street art purposeful:

  1. Relevance: art that addresses current social, political, or cultural issues can be particularly impactful and meaningful. It can serve as a form of commentary or protest and can help to raise awareness about important issues.
  2. Community engagement: art that is created with the participation and input of the local community can be more purposeful and meaningful, as it can help to foster a sense of connection and ownership among residents.
  3. Aesthetics: art that is visually striking and well-crafted can be more purposeful, as it can capture people’s attention and spark conversations about the message or theme of the artwork.
  4. Longevity: art that is created to be long-lasting and well-maintained can be more purposeful as it can continue to inspire and educate people for years to come.
  5. Accessibility: art that is created in a way that is accessible to all people, regardless of their background or ability, can be more purposeful as it can help to promote inclusivity and diversity.
  6. Context: art that is created in a way that fits with its context and location can be more purposeful as it can create a sense of place, and it can be a way to revitalize a community, economically or culturally.

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Street Art - Purpose of Street Art? - Designthinkingblogs (2024)
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