Sonic vs Kirby (2024)

  • Sonic vs Kirby (1)


  • Sonic vs Kirby (2)


  • Sonic vs Kirby (3)

    Gogeta46power V.2

  • Sonic vs Kirby (4)

    Gogeta46power V.3

  • Sonic vs Kirby (5)


  • Sonic vs Kirby (6)

    Sharaku Jr.



  • 1 Description
  • 2 Interlude
  • 3 Sonic
  • 4 Kirby
  • 5 Battle
  • 6 Analysis


Two icons from rival companies who are much stronger than they look brawl! Will Sonicend Kirby like he did with Mario? Or will Kirby end Sonic like he did with Majin Buu?


Gogeta: When it comes to Nintendo and Sega, they have many recognizable faces, such as Mario, Samus, Ulala, and Beat.

Nina: But these two might just be two of the most recognizable faces in there respective franchises.

Gogeta: Sonic, the fastest thing alive!

  • Sonic vs Kirby (7)
  • Sonic vs Kirby (8)



Nina: And Kirby, the youngest Star Warrior!

  • Sonic vs Kirby (9)


Gogeta: I'm Gogeta and she is Nina, and it is our jobs to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to see who would win in a Death Battle!


Gogeta: The world of Mobius, this peaceful world was going about normally, people lived in peace and prospered with one another, all seemed up in this world with almost no issue, but one co*ckcheese thought of an idea so evil, but so ingenious that it may just help him take over the entire planet, never said his idea was good by the way, actually it's pretty asinine.

Nina: So what he wanted to do was quite simple, make a robot army out of the animals living on the planet... one question though? Why even make them into robots, I mean if he has to engineering to make them into robots in the first place... why not just f*cking make robots anyway?

Gogeta: We need a pro environmental message of course, at least the Sat AM cartoon was pretty good... and no, I am not going to sing the theme song, sorry for the people that want me to sing it, I am tone deaf, sorry, I will make it up somehow, I just don't know how.... Yet.

Sonic vs Kirby (10)

Nina: You gotta wonder, his is an evil scientist that can make an entire army out of nothing but scrap metal and innocent animals, just how the hell did he not take over the world, I mean a giant robot army seems like something that cannot be toppled, I mean he would have taken over... If it wasn't for a blue blur that is seemingly always there to stop him.

Gogeta: That blue blur is of course named.. Sonic the hedgehog! THE FASTEST THING ALIIIIIIVE!!! Yeah I needed to do it haha, sorry for all the people looking to not want to die, now you do! Anyway everytime Eggman hatches a plan to take over the planet Sonic was always there, ready to defeat him, he does this using his plethora of abilities.

Nina: Before we even talk about his abilities, can I just say that he has one eye. That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever layed my eyes upon, and now that I have said it all of you reading this will not be able to unsee it, my fault. Do I care... Probably not, just saying haha.

Gogeta: Yeah.... Well his power stem to two different lmbs on his body, those of course being his arms! Just kidding it's his legs, he is not called the fastest thing alive for no reason, he has proven time and time again that he is one of, if not the fastest beings of his own universe, blitzing Eggman with relative ease.

Nina: To most humans Sonic is nothing but a blue blur, meaning he can move at speeds that not even the trained human eye can track, cars are nothing but a side thought to Sonic, as he can just easily run so fast, cars seem like hey are motionless to this hedgehog, and that is only scratching the surface.

Gogeta: It is unknown what Sonic's top speed actually is, it is stated multiple times that he doesn't even know, however he constantly boasts that he can move at speeds that exceed that of light, however it is really unknown if that is his true speed, the robot E-103 Omega scientifically calculated Sonic to be able to move faster than light, and for a short while he was able to run against a black hole.

Nina: While maybe running against a black hole isn't exactly faster than light, it is still an extremely impressive speed feat. It is close to light speed if you are wonderimg,, so whether or not he is faster than light is extremely debatable, he still proven to be extremely fast by defeating Dr. Eggman a countless number of times.

​​​​​​Gogeta: I mean when he can do something like the spin dash... An attack where he spins and dashes into you. I mean it's a good attack I swear, it can even home in on enemies, it is good right? Well I mean it has proven effective against Eggman's army in he countless battles he has been into.

Nina: Do not you even try to forget about the Lightspeed dash, an attack where it is unknown if it is thespeed of light or not, however we do know it is greater than his own speed, which already is debatably Lightspeed. However this ability does need a charge up, so he only uses it when there is a line of rings right in front of him, ready to bash his enemies to death.

Gogeta: If you think heis only limited to his own speed, you are completely mistaken, he brings in an entire arsenal of wisps at his disposal, and these aliens give him a vast array of powers, such as the cyanwisp, which turns Sonic into a literal laser beam, he can fire it off in any direction he chooses with only no chance of missing, since it is a laser.

Nina: Drill lets him burrow through the game with ease, great for taking his opponents by surprise with a deadly KO attack. Spike turns Sonic into a spikeball where he can latch on any surfact with ease or if he wanted to he can oh I don't know... maybe f*cking impale you! Jesus that just sounds brutal

Gogeta: Red Burst let's Sonic pull a Bakugo and is able to make him shoot out explosions from his hands, he can even perform mid-air jumps while using this ability. Ivory Lightning does exactly what it sounds like it does, it gives Sonic the power to use electricity to his advantage to decimate his foes by shocking them!

Nina: He has the power to use Purple Frenzy, which makes Sonic into some weird chomper thing, where he goes by and chomps everything, getting bigger with each chomp. Another similar colored ability is the Violet Void, where it turns Sonic into a literal black hole, sucking pretty much everything in sight into him, however he is very slow in this state so that is to be taken into account.

Sonic vs Kirby (11)

Gogeta: There are more wisps, however most of them really won't be used in a one on one battle. However we are not done with Sonic in the slightest, he has shields that he can put on himself for protection tion, first and foremost he can equip the lightning shield, a shield hat gives Sonic a free hit, meaning he can't be hurt no matter what, until it is popped.

Nina: There is also the fire sheild, it makes him completely immune to the effects of fire! Meaning good ol Fire Mario is completely useless against it. To breathe underwater Sonic surrounds himself with the bubble shield, which like I said makes it so Sonic can breathe underwater, completely protecting him from water.

Gogeta: However what makes Sonic such a tough fighter? Well that is simple, he is an embodiment of chaos, meaning he can tap into his own chaos energy, which allows him to well... manipulate chaos energy, doesn't get any more simple than that, and chaos energy is extremely powerful by the way, like to the point of ludicrousy.

Nina: With chaos energy Sonic can manipulate space and time itself to jis very whim! He can manipulate his own molecules so we can actually do short ranged teleportation, great for blitzing enemies even harder than just running fast, or defeating a large horde if enemies with little to no effort.

Gogeta: Or maybe I don't know..? Maybe h can just f*cked ng teleport others to any destinations he chooses! So pretty much if he wanted he could make it so you were at the bottom of the ocean, or even at the sun, because he's a dick like that, well maybe not a complete dick, he only uses these abilities only if he needs to.

Nina: However there is more to chaos control that just simple space manipulation, he can also manipulate time to his whim, even at the least power he can slow time down, if he wasn't fast enough, taken it up a notch he cNan even stop talking me, he can stop time for up to 10 seconds, so you cannot even fight back against him anymore.

Gogeta: Given he have a chaos emerald in his possession when he uses these chaos abilities, but there is one more thing up Sonic's sleeve if he were to be pushed far enough he can have seven of the chaos emeralds and he rips off Dragon Ball Z! He turns into Super Sonic! Which is just kind of broken.

Nina: I feel like that is a little more than just ripping off Dragon Ball Z there, thank goodness Toriyama is a nice guy. Anyway In the Super Sonic form his chaos manipulation is increased infefinately, he can teleport with just a simple thought and his time stop also does not require any sort of charge up, he can just do it instantly.

Gogeta: Also he gains true flight, he can fly around faster than light with ease, and let's not forget about the stat increase this form does, it even is not a 50X multiplier like in Dragon Ball, it is a multiplier of god knows what. It pretty much makes Sonic one of the most powerful beings on his own universe.

Nina: Also let's not forget the fact that Super Sonic is.. oh I don't know... pretty much f*cking invulnerable! No matter how many hits he takes, it seemingly does no damage. Only beings with power to effect the universe can effectively harm him, however with a good enough surprise hit a weaker being could knock Sonic out of his super form.

Gogeta: Such as what Knuckles did against him in their first encounter, damn encounter even stole his damn chaos emeralds, what an asshole. Eh they made up afterward so all is good I guess. What if I told you however that Super Sonic was not even Sonic's most powerful (canon) form, that would just have to be the form that is simply known as Hyper Sonic!

Nina: When in contact with the Super Emerald on Angel Island, he turns into this overpowered form. This form completely blows Super Sonic out of the water in terms of power, his strength and speed increase even further, if Super Sonic was not enough of a boost! And guess what, there is no way to harm him in this form either!

Gogeta: Well this form is dependent on how many rings he owns, when it runs out, this form also runs out. But that is unlikely when he can kill you before you can even process that he had a new form. You need to be some god like Solaris in order to have a chance in beating this form, Eggman definitely did not stand a chance against him.

Nina: Well.... he did actually stand quite a chance against Sonic seeing how quite simply, Sonic is just too f*cking co*cky, seriously even when he was in his Super Sonic form, Eggman was still capable of trapping and sucking the energy out of him, why Sonic didn't teleport out of there is beyond me, guess he was too panicked or some sh*t.

Sonic vs Kirby (12)

Gogeta: Also you know the wisps we talked about before, well they do have energy they can consume... and they go out... REALLY fast. So he needs to beat his opponents quickly, he cannot be in fightsthat last a long time. Super Sonic can last up to a week, so he will need to rely on that is worst comes to worst.

Nina: And for Sonic, that happens far more frequently than you'd think, even so however Sonic is always ready to run up, and save the day when it asks for him.


Gogeta: Thousands of years ago, a giant war took place that threatened the entire universe, it was the Star Warriors, the good guys, and the many monsters of Nightmare, the bad guy if you could not tell, many lives were lost in both sides and at the end of it all only one side could have stood tall and finally win.

Nina: Being a series for kids however obviously means that the good guys eventually prevailed. But eventually Night are rose back up, and proved that his tyranny was not even close to over since as long as there are nightmares, he will still exist! With new monsters at his side he threatened the universe once more, the universe needed a hero, since most of the star warriors were wiped out.

Sonic vs Kirby (13)

Gogeta: However luckily for the side of good, a hero did apprear, you would think he would be a heroic swordsmen, hellbent on saving the stars... however the savior the universe gets is well..... kind of just a pink blob that cannot think of anything in the world other than what the heck is for dinner, or just eat stuff doesn't matter to him.

Nina: He was supposed to awaken later, however this pink blob woke up prematurely, he of course goes by the name of Kirby, and he crash landed on Pop Star when his ship malfunctioned he met the Cappy folk, who actually took him in with open arms, well except for a select penguin who actually buys monsters from Nightmare in order to eliminate Kirby.

Gogeta: Well buy is a little bit of hyperbole over there, he never seems to be able to say back the money he always owes, hell he had to sell all of his Waddle Dee's in order to pay off some of the loan that he had owed, and even then it just was not enough to pay off the entire debt, yeah this penguin is not too bright, and this is Kirby's main enemy by the way?

Nina: However this is not even about King Dedede, this is of course about that cute puffball wewere talking about! On a day to day basis Kirby saves Pop Star and Dream Land from all he invaders that intend to do him and his loved ones harm, and he of course has the arsenal indeed to defeat each and every one of them.

Gogeta: First of all Kirby can punch and kick you at blitzing speeds, and if he so wanted to he can slide into you, dealing an honestly small amount of damage. However what makes Kirby as powerful as he is, is in inhale and swallow a bit, sucking with whatever his body is made out of, he can eat pretty much anything! However the bigger the object that harder it is for him to eat.

Nina: You see that monster getting eaten... well it doesn't die, it gets a far worse fate than that, they go into his stomach! Which just so happens to be an entirely separate reality to our own... meaning that an eaten enemy could be in there for such a long ass time and there is nothing that the enemy could not do against it, unless they could say go through realities.

Gogeta: However he doesn't kill his enemies just by eating them, nah that would be way too nice of him. No he pulls a Megaman and literally just steals the powers from the animals he needlessly devours, this is what he likes to call his copy ability, and ability that lets him mimic the devoured, and get stronger from it, thinking about it... this ability is just f*cked on all sorts of levels.

Nina: Also remember how we said his stomach was just a different dimension? Well he can store those powers in his own stomach to use for later, so not only are you fighting a puffball, but you are also fighting an enemy that can just pick up an ability and go and there is borderline nothing you can do about it.

Gogeta: Eating an enemy turns Kirby into Fire Kirby! This allows him to spew out flames to burn you to crisp. He can even surround himself in flames to bash right into you! Upon powering up this power up even more he can turn into a small pheonix and stab your enemies, or into a fire dragon, this can bust even mountains with ease!

Nina: Absorbing sword based enemies... or lightning clouds.. okay? Anyway he turns into sword Kirby? He becomes a master swordsmen, with it he can easily cut his opponents down with ease, even matching blades with that of Meta Knight, a master swordsmen that is thousands of years old. With enough power he can create the Ultra Sword, a mighty blade that can chop pretty much anything up.

Gogeta: Eating an enemy that is much more rock like turns Kirby into rock Kirby! This ability makes Kirby virtually invulnerable, however he cannot move or attack while in this rock state. That is what Metal Kirby is for, which gives Kirby the ability of moving while being invulnerable, however he moves slowly and cannot fly too high.

Sonic vs Kirby (14)

Nina: Cutter is an ability that lets Kirby throw boomerangs.... That are completely made of his entire body!! Seriously does that even hurt him? From what it seems he is not injured. Plasma gives Kirby the ability to create a field of plasma around himself, pretty much making physical attacks useless while hitting him, him being protected from the field and all.

Gogeta: Spark is very similar to plasma what you think about it, it created a field of electricity this time however, which is actually very close to plasma... cool I guess. Needle Kirby let's Kirby cover his own body in large spikes, great if all of his ex girlfriends start to attack him, great escape tactic, or he can use it to impale I guess as well.

Nina: Fighter Kirby turns Kirby into a master martial artist! He can punch, kick, and do all basic martial arts to help him defeat his foes. What makes this ability so great however is the fact that he can someone shoot out a damn fuc!in hadouken! Move over Smash Bros! Kirby already has had Ryu's attacks before it!

Gogeta: Somehow eating an enemy that is wielding a hammer turns Kirby right into Hammer Kirby, it makes him of course into a master of using a hammer hammer such as a specific hero that I happen to love. He can hit his enemies with a giant thunk and even charge it up to turn the hammer into flames to hit harder. He can upgrade his hammer into the might Ultra Hammer, which is just a giant hammer...

Nina: He has a lot of powers holy sh*t! We're not done either, eating an ice like monster turns Kirby into ice Kirby, which let's him out spray ice out of his mouth, which can freeze enemies just by touching them. Water Kirby let's Kirby shoot water out of the top of his head or slide on down the road, barreling his enemies down.

Gogeta: Beam Kirby gives Kirby a powerful wand, that shoots, well beams that can either be shot as a whip or even as a powerful jolt of energy. Mirror Kirby is a pretty powerful ability, it allows Kirby to mend space to make it seem like there are multiple versions of him, and all of them can actually fight. Great ability to swarm his enemies to completely destroy them.

Nina: Not only does he have the ability to use these copy abilities, but he can also fuse them together to get even more powerful abilities, y'know, cuz Kirby was not powerful enough as is, he just needed to have a way to multiply his already insane prowess in having some admittedly cool abilities that enhance the gaming experience.

Gogeta: Such as if Kirby were to combine say..... rock and fire, Kirby literally becomes a f*cking volcano! That is just straight up hilarious. But there is more than just simple landforms, such as when he fuses needle and cutter which lets him grow some weird appendages just to chomp his enemies and cut them down to size.

Nina: Fusing the abilities of fire and ice he gets... a melting ice block. Yeah this is completely god awful, I mean what use does it have to shield yourself in ice, and then it melts right away. However fusing ice and spark is cute, it turns Kirby into a cute little fridge, it even shoots out food, aw that is adorable!

Gogeta: Fusing fire and cutter gives Kirby a grand fire sword, and he is somehow able to spawn hem from inside his own mouth. However his coolest combination ability has to be the dual bladed laser sword, fusing cutter and spark. He turns into a f*cking Jedi! I mean look at him go, he is just swinging that around like it is no one's business.

Nina: Holy sh*t! We are actually done with these copy abilities. It felt like it took damn forever! I mean how many abilities are there actually! *Looks on the wiki* holy sh*t, we haven't even scratched the surface on how many abilities this little puffball seems to have, yeah we are keeping it to just those abilities, sorry people who are fans of magic.

Gogeta: However his abilities don't just end in just his copy abilities, he has the ability to call upon the Warp Star! Where he uses it like a f*cking surf board! This specific board can easily go faster than light travel, f*ck it can even travel from galaxies to another like it is nothing. Remember also Kirby can react to the people that can easily move at these massively faster than light speeds, although Kirby cannot physically run at those speeds.

Nina: And get this, after all of that, when we say Kirby calls upon the Warp Star we mean that literally. He has it on speed dial, ready for whenever he needs to make a quickgetaway. Even if he could just make the Warp Star out of his own power if the situation calls for it, yes that pun was intnetional and shut up.

Gogeta: We kinda liked, we are not done with his copy abilities just yet... Kinda. Upon consuming the warp star he gets the power to use the Star Rod! With this magnificent rod he can shoot out powerful stars capable of killing all evil in about one shot. To others it just feels like a powerful blast so eh.

Sonic vs Kirby (15)

Nina: He can also gobble the Hypernova fruit, which turns him into Hypernova Kirby! The eater of worlds! His suction in this form is compared to that of a black hole, whether or not that is actually true is honestly just up for debate, either way it has been shown he can even eat giant beams from world destroyers with ease in this form.

Gogeta: I mean Kirby is nowhere near perfect, yes he can crack planets with nothing but one punch, but there is one underlying issue with him... he is a baby. He really doesnt have the capacity to understand complex strategies, and just fight the enemies head on. Also remember, even while powerful, his copy abilities really don't last too long, one good hit and he can kiss them goodbye.

Nina: Come on though, Kirby has the cuteness, and the power to save the world time and time again.


(It was a bright day in Green Hill zone where Kirby was chilling)

Kirby: Poyo!

(He pulls out a chili dog and smiles when he looks at it)

Sonic: Hey! I smell a chili dog!

Kirby: Po!

(Kirby throws the chili dog in the air to eat it, however a blue streak speeds by and the food is gone)

Sonic: Heh

(He starts chowing on the chili dog and Kirby sees the food is gone, and he gets extremely angry, looking over he sees Sonic wagging his finger looking back at him)

Sonic: Aw I almost feel bad, oh well!

(He eats the rest and Kirby calls in the warp star with his phone, suddenly he gives chase)

Sonic: Oh come on! It's just a chili dog... well looks like this is happening.

Sonic vs Kirby (16)

(Kirby flies down at Sonic, with the blue blur dodging and looking very co*ckily. Sonic walks up and cracks his own knuckles then jabs Kirby sending him flying into a rock. Sonic looks on for a minute, sighs then walks off thinking he was a little too rough with the little guy and without warning fire shoots out of the rock. With Sonic running around it so fast he turns it into gas, Sonic looks at the rock confused, realizing this fight will not be over as fast as he thought it would at first)

Sonic: Fire huh? Probably should've thought of a better way to fight me.

(Sonic smirks and runs in circles around the rock, it crumbles apart and turns into rubble, with Kirby to actually nowhere to be seen, this concerns Sonic. Looking around he cannot see the star warrior, he looks up, down, left, and right and there is absolutely nothing there, however he looks down and sees Kirby squished himself to be as flat as a pancake, and again another jet of fire comes up with the blue blur dodging it. Sonic lets out a sigh then looks over to his right seeing a red burst whisp, he grabs it. BURST! is heard then Sonic runs up to Kirby, letting out a giant explosion smash Kirby into the air, Sonic hops up and punts Kirby down to the grass, with him getting a face full of dirt. Kirby turns his body into a fireball and flies upward, where Sonic dodges with the burst ability)

Kirby: Eeh!!

(Kirby breathes more fire at Sonic's direction, with him needing to run in circles, but this time around Kirby until the entire circle that was around Kirby turns into a ring of fire, where Sonic slowly brings into the pink Star Warrior, eventually the fire reaches Kirby and he starts to burn with fire around him, and all that can be seen are his giant white eyes. Sonic runs out and then kicks Kirby once more into this time a mountain, with it cracking and breaking under the force of the kick. Sonic this time being well aware that did not beat Kirby runs over and kicks over the rubble, this time Kirby was ready however, and hits him with a giant uppercut, launching the blue blur high up into the sky, Kirby nods and the warp star picks him up in which he grabs Sonic from out of the air and drives him all the way down to the ground)

Kirby: Poyo!

Sonic: It's not over yet puffball!

(Sonic turns into his laser form, where be blasts his body over to Kirby, sending him backward, Sonic quickly switches back to the burst form and blasts Kirby with multiple explosions. Sonic gives a co*cky expressions and uses his spin dash, charging right into his enemy, Kirby soon realizes this and transforms into his rock form, turning into a rock, Sonic smashes into it but nothing happens other than giving the blue blur a headache. He looks at the now stone Kirby and tries to think of ways around it and hatches a great idea. DRILL! is heard and Sonic burrows through the ground, causing a giant hole to be where Kirby is and the Stat Warrior falls to what seems might be his demise, thankfully however he catches himself and floats out of the hole and shakes his head)

Sonic: Heh, you ever get that sinking feeling?

Kirby: *facepalms*

Sonic: You're just mad you didn't think of it.

(Sonic runs in place revving up his running while Kirby stands there waiting for him. Sonic starts to do a full speed sprint after his foe, Kirby was ready and transforms back into his rock form however Sonic knew that was coming, so he already was ready for it. LASER! is heard and Sonic blasts himself over Kirby to better position himself for a better attack. Sonic revs up a giant spin dash and waiting for the stone ability to time out, when it does Sonic hits Kirby with his full force attack, BURST! is heard then Kirby is hit by many more explosions, at this point Sonic has run out of all of his bursts, but instead of worrying he just stands and wags his finger a little more. Kirby gets up and shakes off the blow, he looks up and sees Sonic charging up another spin dash, when Sonic is coming at full speed toward Kirby, he was ready and dodged the hit, grabbing Sonic by his own quils and throwing him to a loop in Green Hill Zone)

Sonic: Ow.... that actually hurt!

(Sonic starts to run away through an ocean, and Kirby gives chase on his Warp Star, on the ocean Sonic looks down, frantically wanting to get the hell out of the ocean. Kirby switches to his water form and rides upon the water, as Sonic continues to run away, quickly Kirby goes under the water, with him using his ability to propell himself at far faster speeds than before. When he gets under the blue blur he releases a jet of water that sends him far up into the sky, Kirby flies up with the Warp Star and throws him into the water, and Sonic begins to sink. Running out of breath he finds a Bubble Shield and quicky equips it, taking a sigh of relief he sees a way he can get up to dry land and runs up it. Kirby uses his rock ability to pop the bubble and then he swims, up and takes a quick breath. Barely Sonic runs and gets out of the water and breathes heaviliy above the water)

Sonic: So... we're playing like that huh?

Kirby: Poy?

(Sonic spin dashes to Kirby, but stopping dead in his tracks. DRILL! He drills under the pink puffball and then rises from below to hit with a deadly uppercut knocking the rock ability out of the Star Warrior. Sonic stands back and begins to rev up his feet, and when fully done he charges at full speed against Kirby, however gets caught out in mid air and kicked away like a soccer ball. Kirby searches through his abilities inside him and finds one he likes, right before Sonic gets up to him he transforms into Plasma Kirby. When Sonic tries another homing attack agaisnt him, he blocks it with the plasmic aura, harming the blue blur. Then once against suffers another big punch to the head, sending him through a watermelon stand. Sonic stands up completely filthy, and decides to take a bite out of a piece)

Sonic: Not bad.

(Kirby throws out the star for his Plasma ability and shoots it out towards Sonic, but gets dodges as Sonic sprints up a palm tree, kicking coconuts at Kirby. He sucks them all and eats them, with him seeming to be pleasured by the taste of the foods. He refocuses on the blue blur and switches to the Beam ability, with the wand in hand a giant energy blast gets shot out in Sonic's direction, with him trying to kick it back but the power was way too much for him, Sonic then gets sent into a building. Kirby hops on his Warp Star and heads for Sonic's direction, upon getting there, he was already equipped with the Laser ability, hitting Kirby with it and this time Kirby being sent through a building. Sonic runs along that wall and hits the Star Warrior with a combo of kicks ending with Kirby being stomped into a lamp post, it falling on a taxi)

Kirby: Poy.....

(Sonic does not let up as he spindashes his foe into the side of building, he spin dashes at an empty car and kicks the debris over to Kirby, however all of it gets sucked up and launched right back to sender. Sonic runs up the shot out debris "LASER" Sonic blasts himself towards Kirby with it being dodged and Sonic being sucked up and shot out to a wall. Kirby turns into Beam Kirby and slashes Sonic with the beam and switches to Ice Kirby, blasting the blue blur with a jet of cold air, freezing him solid. He then gets punted all the way out of the city into a waste land where Sonic crashes right into a mountain, and it falls beneath him)

Sonic: God... darn..

(Sonic gets up and sees that Kirby is all ready with another charged up beam attack, however before it was fully fired.. FRENZY! is heard and then Sonic turns into that weird hungry hungry hippo monster and Kirby bolts it backwards. Sonic keeps on eating the ground and trees, growing bigger and bigger, finally he reaches up to Kirby and gobbles him up whole. Before it could fully digest however Kirby breaks his way out thanks to the Warp Star, and with that vehicle Sonic gets body slammed upwards, and hit multiple times with the force of the Warp Star, finally the Frenzy ability wears out and Sonic falls on the grass, looking up at the star riding pink puffball warrior)

Sonic: It looks like I have no choice!

(The Chaos Emeralds encircle the blue blur, and suddenly a golden light appears blinding the cute Star Warrior for a second, when he regains his vision he sees that Sonic has transformed all the way up to Super Sonic, and he gets a dead eyed look, without warning also Sonic disapears and kicks Kirby in the back, and does that again over and over. Kirby gets grabbed and flown through the ground, getting kicked through the crust of the earth, causing titanic earthquakes above ground. Buildings fall around and when Sonic kicks Kirby out of the ground he winds up and smashes Kirby with a giant punch, causing a giant crater in the ocean, with Kirby right at the bottom of the crater)

Sonic: Just remember you started this fight!

Kirby: Poyo....

(Kirby while on his Warp Star slowly ascends from the water, breathing heavily on the barrage of attacks he has just sustained from the golden hedgehog. Sonic flies in for one more K.O. punch however instead of connecting, Kirby catches it out of the air, and when he did that he switches to his Fighter ability and hits Super Sonic with another giant barrage of punches and kicks, ending the combo off with a giant Hadouken. Sonic looks over with little damage to his body very surprised, "What, how can he compete with this form" the blue blur asks to himself as he sees the Warp Star coming toward him again, he redies for the hit and dodges it, kicking and breaking the Warp Star, he grabs the two halfs of the vehicle and throws them right into the sun)

Sonic: Now that shouldn't be a problem.

(Sonic flies at Kirby, before he can land a hit however Kirby counters by blocking the punch, and then retaliates by kicking Sonic in the face. Sonic looks angry and teleports behind Kirby, punting him down to a mountain with Kirby being knocked out of the fighting ability. The Star Warrior looks at Sonic doing a head charge at him, and with his own power whips up a new Warp Star, both of the warriors fly head on to each other, with Sonic winning out in that clash, dragging Kirby through an entire wasteland's worth of mountains, ending the charge off with a massive kick toward the moon, Kirby creating a massive crater on the celestial body)

Sonic: Alright that had to have finished him, nevermind I'm checking.

(Sonic flies up to check the damage of the crater and sure enough, Kirby was there waiting for the blue blur to arrive at the site. Kirby jumps at him with his now used Dual Bladed Laser Sword and swings multiple times missing each hit, Sonic tries to go for a punch however Kirby anticipated it and dodges accordingly and gets off a good slash with his laser sword as he then rams the now golden blur with the full speed of the Warp Star, sending him through the land of the moon. Sonic breaks out and teleports behind Kirby, launching him through the entirety of the space body with a giant kick, flying to the other side of the planet Sonic does that once more, with the next time going to the other side of the moon he smashes Kirby to the ground)

Kirby: Poy!

Sonic: Well I think it is clear on who is the real winner.

(Sonic goes for another shot however Kirby flies away in his Warp Star in Sonic chases the vehicle, but this time the Warp Star seems to be gaining a lot of distance on Super Sonic. However Sonic simply teleports over in front of the Warp Star, breaking it once more and trying to give Kirby a giant punch, but is blocked by the Star Warrior and promptly kicked away. "Come on it will take more than simple punches and kicks to defeat me" Sonic says as he grins knowing his form is mostly invincible. He teleports smashing Kirby right on down to the ground, where he dons a jester's cap and turns into Mirror Kirby, where clones of him appear all over the moon, Sonic cannot tell which one is the real one)

Sonic: Oh I see, more coward tricks, got it.

(Sonic starts to hit the Kirby clones, with each of them disappearing one by one. Kirby thinks of a good idea and quickly switches to his hammer ability, Sonic sees that one of the Kirbys looks different and laughs it off as stupidity. Sonic goes for one more big charge while Kirby charges up his hammer. The screen keeps on switching to Kirby and Sonic and when they finally close, however when Sonic finally gets up to Kirby and is hit with a giant hit of the hammer, actually knocking the Super out of him and Kirby eating up and swallowing up the Chaos Emeralds. Kirby has fire in his eyes as he charges up one more shot with his hammer and hits Sonic back down to the Earth, him convienently landing on the Angel Island)

Sonic: Crap... It... isn't over yet...

(Kirby flies down seeing Sonic crawling away in pain and then eats the Warp Star and equips himself with the Star Rod. Kirby charges up the rod for a long time thinking this match was set and match, Sonic touches the Super Emerald and Kirby shoots the charged up beam from the rod. It connects and causes a giant explosion shaking the entirety of the Angel Island. Kirby walks away from it but suddenly a rainbow light envelops the sky and the pink puffball turns around and sees a white Sonic staring back at him. Sonic disappears from where he is and kicks Kirby in the back of the head and disapears again and catches Kirby out of the air, and flicks him into a mountain range)

Sonic: Now I'll show you!

(Smashes into the mountain range, causing all of it to explode, Kirby is shown to fly up from the explosion and Sonic flies around his body having a big co*cky expression while spinning around. Kirby tries to suck up the now white blur but the suction is easily broken by the raw speed, and Sonic hits Kirby right back into the Green Hill Zone. Hyper Sonic looks over at Kirby and flies at him for one more giant hit to win the match, but before he can get the final hit off the power up wore off... "Aw crud..." Sonic says as Kirby giggles then gulps Sonic right up, ending it right there)

Sonic vs Kirby (17)


Gogeta: Well sh*t, there goes everyone's favorite hedgehog I guess.

Nina: Meh I've always liked Shadow more.

Gogeta: Surprisingly this fight was not that clear cut as one would assume at first, yes Kirby may have a decent strength, durability, and reactionary speed advantage at the start of the match.

Nina: But you gotta remember with Super Sonic and Hyper Sonic, the power gap between them closes out a circ*mstancial lot, however even with those forms Sonic really could not score a win over this overpowered puffball.

Gogeta; Yes like we said, base Kirby completely destroyes Sonic in base, I mean Sonic may have the power to break off a stalagtite... KIRBY HAS THE STRENGTHTO LITERALLY CRACK A PLANET WITH A SINGLE PUNCH!!

Nina: Simply put, Kirby easily has the strength advantage clear cut, even against Sonic's super forms you could make an argument for Kirby having a higher degree of strength.

Gogeta: Again, in terms of durability Kirby simply wins out over Sonic, he easily tanked a planet sized explosion where Sonic needs to be in his Super form at the very least to survive that kind of blast.

Nina: Yes in theory Sonic is completely invulnerable in his super forms, and that can give Kirby a giant challenge while facing them, but you gotta remember, Kirby himself also has a bunch of invincible forms to counter that kind of power.

Gogeta: Still Sonic took base speed, as Kirby himself has never displayed to even have similar speed to faster than light travel... that is himself. The Warp Star is fast enough to travel from galaxy to galaxy within seconds, it easily had the speed to keep up with even Super AND Hyper Sonic surprisingly.

Nina: What if Kirby just eats him? I mean without another hedgehog that can use chaos energy, Sonic has no real way of getting out of Kirby's pocket dimension, he has alone never shown the prowess to use his Chaos Control cross dimensionally.

Gogeta: Also Kirby is FAR more versatile than Sonic could ever hope to be, yes the wisps do give Sonic some powers.. but JESUS Kirby just has far more, easily (while counting combo abilities) his total ability count reaches over 100, meaning Kirby had way more resources to work with.

Nina: Oh yeah, remember Hyper Sonic, the form that help Sonic keep up most with Kirby? Well it lasts for less than a minute, so even if Sonic did happen to have the upperhand, he would need to win in less than a minute, and based on his personality, yeah sorry it is not happening.

Gogeta: And while Super Sonic does last longer, Knuckles did knock the Super out of Super Sonic, so there is no reason why Kirby should not be able to just simply knock the super out of Super Sonic, but hey that is just my lousy input!

Nina: Getting to the nitty gritty, with Kirby's superior reactionary speed, strength, durability, and versatility, he took the victory in this fight.

Gogeta: The winner is Kirby!

  • Sonic vs Kirby (18)

    If Kirby Wins


Sonic vs Kirby (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.