Should I Refinance My Mortgage? - Retire Before Dad (2024)

Should I Refinance My Mortgage? - Retire Before Dad (1)I’ve owned real estate for more than ten years. Over that period I’ve refinanced my rental property twice and our primary residence once so far. I’ve been thinking, should I refinance my mortgage again?

Refinancing is a minor hassle. But it has saved me tens of thousands of dollars over the years. That’s why I deem it one of the 6 powerful (and low-risk) financial maneuvers that put extreme frugality to shame.

The amount of time and hassle it takes to refinance is absolutely worth it when the numbers add up.

If your rate is above 4% and you plan to stay in your home, there’s a good chance refinancing can save you considerable money. Compare refinance rates at a specialized website comparison site.

Below, you can also find a free mortgage calculator download.

Refinancing the Condo (aka The Banana Stand)

I used to own a condo rental that I lived in for five years and rented for eight. We gladly sold it in 2019.

The original condo mortgage rate was 6.375% back in 2006. I had a $40,000+ second mortgage too. That rate was 8.50%. Yikes! That was hard to face looking back at my old spreadsheets. But it was “normal” back then to get a second mortgage with a high rate like that.

I hated that second mortgage and paidit off in 23 months. For that two-year period, most of my cash flowwent to aggressive extra mortgage payments instead of investing.

After another two years, I refinanced down to a 5% mortgage and the payment dropped significantly. Then Mrs. RBD moved in and started and paying rent (yes, I charged her rent when she was my fiance).

Over the followingtwo years, we paid for a wedding and put 20% down on a house thanks to savings from the lower payment and the financial benefit of cohabitation (another powerful financial maneuver).

Then a few years later when it was a rental, I refinanced to a low rate of 3.75%. To this day 3.75% is an excellent rate on an investment property.

Over the course of six years, my all-in monthly condo payment went from almost $3,000to $1,500 (while taxes and HOA fees went up most years). That’s about $18,000 in annual savings!

How? By refinancing and aggressively paying down principal.

The rental was cash flow positive excellent tenants for years. I even raised the rent.

So why on earth did I get a condo with a $3,000 payment? In hindsight, it was a horrible decision. I wasliving in a great house with friends and paying $750 per month.

My savings was growing and I received a big raise. Then, thereal estate bubble burst.So I was timing the purchase perfectly!This was September 2006. The bubble had popped in my area, but the air leak was slow. Then came thefinancial crisis.

The only reason the condo cash flows today is because I spent six years fixing a mistake – I spent too much on a propertywhen I wasn’t ready to buy.

For a while, the home value sagged. But I didn’t do a short sale or give up. I fought through it. And even though it’s cash flowing today, by every financial measure it was a powerfully horribly maneuver.

But there’s a silver lining. Had I lived elsewhere, I never would have met my wife. You can read the story of my condo mistake here.

The First Refinance on our House

We bought our house in 2011. The real estate and financial crises had settled.

We chose a house that could be paid for on one salary. Our family was about to grow and Mrs. RBD was slated to be a stay at home Mom.

Our original mortgage was 4.875%. After one year, we refinanced down to 3.875%. With the lower rate and some principal pay down, our monthly payment decreased by about $375 per month. That’s $4,500 in annual savings. So the payback period for the closing costs was well under a year.It was a no-brainer.

We’ve now made 51 payments after the refinance. So far we’ve saved $19,125 thanks to the refinance.

Historical Low Rates Continue

All three of my refinances were possible because of the low and falling rates we’ve seen over the past decade. Each time I considered refinancing, I simply ran the numbers and saw an opportunity to save a chunk of cash.

Here’s a chart of 30-year fixed mortgage rates for the past 40+ years:

Rates are crazy low historically. People with top credit scores can usually beat the average Freddie Mac rate. In fact, every time I refinanced, I managed to find a rate below the Freddie Mac survey numbers.

If you plan to stay in your house, refinancing your mortgage should always be on your radar. The savings is too powerful to ignore. Freddie Mac is a good place to watch rates.

If you decide to refinance your mortgage, there are plenty of places to shop for a lower rate online.

But how do you know if you should refinance?

How to Determine if You Should Refinance

If you’re not a spreadsheet wizard, you can utilize a simple calculator below.

Or create a simple spreadsheet to figure out your new total monthly costs if you refinance. To get the payment, you’ll need the PMT function in Excel.

=PMT(rate, nper, pv, {fv}, {type})

rate = annual interest rate/12
nper = number of periods (360 for 30-year, 180 for 15-year)
pv = present value; the amount of your new loan
fv = leave blank (default is zero)
type = also leave blank

Download my mortgage calculator spreadsheet for free.

Once you have your new payment amount, add in HOA fees, taxes and insurance (your escrow). Then compare the new payment to your current total payment.

If the rate is significantly lower and/or the principal balances has decreased a lot, you’ll be amazed at your potential long-term savings.

For example, if you can refinance your mortgage and save $300 on your monthly payment, you’ll save $3600 per year.

However, there’s a price associated with refinancing in the form of closing costs. In this case, if closing costs set you back $3,000, you’d recoup the cost to refinance in 10 months.

So in 12 months, the return on your “investment” in the refinance is $600. On $3,000, that’s a 20% return on the first twelve months. But in the second year after the refinance, your total savings is $3,600, or an additional 120% return! Each year going forward, your annual return is 120% on the closing costs you paid to refinance.

That’s a crazy good return on your money.

That’s the power of the refinance.

The new interest rate, new loan amount, and term are the big variables. Then it’s a matter of figuring out the new payment (easy) and the closing costs (more on that below). You’ll also encounter what they call prepaids (typically prepaid interest and escrow). They don’t count toward your net actual closing costs because you’dpaythese anyways. They’re just necessary to reset the mortgage.

So, Should I Refinance My Mortgage Again?

Haven’t I done this enough times already?

Last month, not long after the UK vote to exit the EU, I casually looked at rates.I found we could get a rate that was 0.50% below our current interest rate. We’ve had our mortgage for four years, so the balance has come down a decent chunk too.

When I ran the numbers again, I realized it made sense to refinance again and pulled the trigger.We’re going through a refinance now.

The numbers are pretty good this time around. Our monthly payment will decrease by about $290 by combining the better interest rate, 30-year mortgage reset, and some escrow payment recalculations. It’s going to cost us, though. Closing costs will be around $3,400 makingour payback period last approximately one year.

Since we’ve had our current mortgage for four years, we have less than 26 years left on the mortgage we’re paying off. Some anti-mortgage people may point out that we’re resetting our mortgage back to 30 years and that’s a bad thing.

I’m not concerned for a few reasons:

  • We don’t plan to live in our house for 26 more years
  • We can always pay extra against the mortgage to pay it off faster
  • In fact, if we take the savings on interest and pay it as extra principal every month, the mortgage would be paid off in less than 24 years
  • Or we can take the monthly savings and invest it
  • We’d rather have higher cash flow today than a shorter mortgage term
  • The rate is a very low 3.375%, no points

What About the Hassle Factor?

Part of me didn’t want to refinance for the sake of time and hassle. A huge downside to refinancing a mortgage is all the paperwork. Many mortgage companies have gone completely digital. Mine has, so that saves time. But man, I’ve had to download and upload a sh*t ton of financial statements. “Last two copies of XYZ bank statements, all pages including blank ones”. “Current lease on the rental property.” etc. The list was 15 items deep.

I have quite a few investment and bank accounts. I can quickly provide the balances of everything by logging into Empower. But that’s not good enough for the underwriters. They want visual proof. Thankfully I can print to PDF.

We’re nearingthe closing date. Ababysitter is booked (for the older kids) and I’ll step away fromwork one day next week tosign about 50 pages of paperwork with Mrs. RBD and our one-year-old. Total hassle. But to perpetually save $290 a month, it’s still worth it.

I put in less than 10 hours of work to complete the paperwork, email the processors, and sign a bunch of documents. Since we’ll save about $3,400 per year, it’s an excellent return on my time.

Because of the cost and hassle, you should set a limit where the refinance is worth your while. I’ve always aimed to save at least $300 per month. I’m a little below that this time, but it’s a good rule of thumb to follow so I’m not repeatedly refinancing to save $150 or less. The longer-term numbers would still work in my favor, but you have to draw the line somewhere.

What About Those Attorneys?

Even though I know the refinance will save me a boatload of cash, it still infuriates me to pay for more title insurance, another title exam, an origination fee, local taxes and the various processing fees to get this done. The mortgage closing industry is a racket in my opinion. If someone in the industry is reading this, that may be offensive. But three title exams in five years is not necessary. If the title was clean the first time, it’s still clean.

But that’s the way it works and why I consider the closing costs an investment. Closing costs are part of the process. You gotta suck it up and pay them. Don’t be afraid to ask for discounts or shop around for places to save.

Our original closing costs quote included another appraisal. This was unnecessary since our loan to value (LTV) is well below 80% and we had two other appraisals within five years. That saved us $450. Felt like a victory, even though they probably stuck it to us somewhere else.


Running the numbers doesn’t take much effort. The monthly savings may surprise you. And if the monthly savings is good, the long-term savings is awesome.

The hassle and closing costs of refinancing is a deterrent. But if you think of both your time and the cost to close as an investment with a return, you’ll get over them quickly.

Have you refinanced recently? How much did you save? Do you agree, should I refinance my mortgage again?

Featured Photo via PixabayCC0 Public Domain

Should I Refinance My Mortgage? - Retire Before Dad (2)

Craig Stephens

Craig is a former IT professional who left his 19-year career to be a full-time finance writer. A DIY investor since 1995, he started Retire Before Dad in 2013 as a creative outlet to share his investment portfolios. Craig studied Finance at Michigan State University and lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and three children. Read more.

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Should I Refinance My Mortgage? - Retire Before Dad (2024)


Should I refinance my mortgage before I retire? ›

Extra cash flow

Having more liquid assets is the primary reason many homeowners choose to refinance before retirement. By switching to a loan with a lower interest rate, you'll find yourself with considerable monthly savings that can help you live out the rest of your years in financial independence.

Is it good to have a mortgage when you retire? ›

Key Takeaways. Paying off a mortgage can be smart for retirees or those who are just about to retire if they're in a lower income tax bracket, It can also benefit those who have a high-interest mortgage or who don't benefit from the mortgage interest tax deduction.

What does Suze Orman say about refinancing a mortgage? ›

Orman's rule for refinancing

And, by refinancing into a longer-term loan, you're in debt for longer and have your money tied up for more years. To avoid this, Orman suggests you shouldn't extend the total payoff time of your loan beyond 30 years.

At what age should your mortgage be paid off? ›

To O'Leary, debt is the enemy of any financial plan — even the so-called “good debt” of a mortgage. According to him, your best chance for long-term financial success lies in getting out from under your mortgage by age 45.

At what point is it not worth it to refinance? ›

Moving into a longer-term loan: If you're already at least halfway through the loan term, it's unlikely you'll save money refinancing. You've already reached the point where more of your payment is going to loan principal than interest; refinancing now means you'll restart the clock and pay more toward interest again.

Is it smart to buy a house before retirement? ›

Buying your retirement home before you retire may be useful for future financial planning. You'll have a clear idea about your monthly housing expenses, which can help you make better decisions about retirement planning. Plus, you can take advantage of low interest rates to lock in an affordable monthly payment.

How many people still have a mortgage when they retire? ›

In 2022, researchers found that just over 40 percent of homeowners older than 64 had a mortgage, a jump from roughly 25 percent a generation ago.

Can an 80 year old get a 30 year mortgage? ›

You Can Get a 30-year Mortgage at Any Age

Thanks to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, a lender can't discriminate against an applicant due to age, says the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB). You could be 99 years old and get a 30-year mortgage as long as you qualify.

How far will $500,000 go in retirement? ›

Summary. If you withdraw $20,000 from the age of 60, $500k will last for over 30 years. Retirement plans, annuities and Social Security benefits should all be considered when planning your future finances. You can retire at 50 with $500k, but it will take a lot of planning and some savvy decision-making.

Which is not a good reason to refinance your mortgage? ›

Key Takeaways

Refinancing to lower your monthly payment is great unless you're spending more money in the long-run. Moving to an adjustable-rate mortgage may not make sense if interest rates are already low by historical standards. It doesn't make sense to refinance if you can't afford the closing costs.

What are the negatives of refinancing your house? ›

Refinancing allows you to lengthen your loan term if you're having trouble making your payments. The downsides are that you'll be paying off your mortgage longer and you'll pay more in interest over time. However, a longer loan term can make your monthly payments more affordable and free up extra cash.

What should you not do when refinancing? ›

Rushing in to the decision to refinance may not benefit your financial situation, so take time to avoid these eight mistakes.
  1. Failing to do your homework. ...
  2. Assuming you're getting the best deal. ...
  3. Failing to factor in all costs. ...
  4. Ignoring your credit score. ...
  5. Neglecting to determine your refinance breakeven point.
Oct 27, 2023

Is it a good idea to pay off your house before retirement? ›

There may be good reasons to pay off your mortgage. It can save you thousands of dollars in interest, depending on the current size of your debt, and give you peace of mind that no matter what happens in the future, you own your home outright.

What three things should be paid off before retirement? ›

Other types of debt—personal loans, credit cards, and auto loans, for example—tend to have higher interest rates and lack any potential tax benefits. These kinds of debt should "retire" before you do, because they can eat into your savings and reduce your standard of living.

Why you shouldn t pay off your mortgage early even if you can? ›

Even after paying off your mortgage early, real estate prices could plunge, leaving you with a potential loss. “The thing is, no one can give you a guarantee on an investment,” says Bowen. “You can put your money in the stock market and lose it.

How many years should you live in a house after refinancing? ›

You can sell your house right after refinancing — unless you have an owner-occupancy clause in your new mortgage contract. An owner-occupancy clause can require you to live in your house for 6-12 months before you sell it or rent it out. Sometimes the owner-occupancy clause is open ended with no expiration date.

Is home equity good for retirement? ›

Reasons to use home equity in retirement

Tapping your home equity can be a convenient, low-cost way to borrow large sums at favorable interest rates. From medical expenses to tuition bills, there are many reasons that you might decide to use your equity in retirement.

Why retirees should consider using reverse mortgages? ›

If you're a homeowner aged 62 or older, a reverse mortgage can help you obtain tax-free income, allowing you to stay in your home, pay bills, supplement your income and more.

Should I pay off my mortgage with a 401k when I retire? ›

If you're retired, any pre-tax money taken out of your 401(k) or IRA is treated as income. So, the more you withdraw in order to pay off your mortgage, the more potential tax burden you may face. (There's a big difference between $100,000 and $10,000.)

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.