Short-Term and Long-Term — Oblivious Investor (2024)

The following is an excerpt from my book Taxes Made Simple: Income Taxes Explained in 100 Pages or Less.

When you sell something (such as a share of stock) for more than you paid for it, you’re generally going to be taxed on the increase in value. This increase in value is known as a “capital gain.”

The amount of gain is calculated as the proceeds received from the sale, minus your “cost basis” in the asset.

What is “Cost Basis”?

In most cases, your cost basis in an asset is simply the amount that you paid for that asset, including any brokerage commissions that you paid on the transaction.

EXAMPLE: Lauren buys a share of stock for $250, including brokerage commissions. She owns it for two years and then sells it for $400. Her cost basis is the amount she paid for it: $250. Her gain will be calculated as follows:

$400 (proceeds from sale)
$250 (adjusted cost basis)
= $150 (capital gain)

Long-Term Capital Gains vs. Short-Term Capital Gains

The rate of tax charged on a capital gain depends upon whether it was a long-term capital gain (LTCG) or a short-term capital gain (STCG). If the asset in question was held for one year or less, it’s a short-term capital gain. If the asset was held for greater than one year, it’s a long-term capital gain.

STCGs are taxed at normal income tax rates. In contrast, LTCGs, are taxed at the same rates as qualified dividend income.

That is, for 2023, LTCGs are taxed at a 0% rate if they fall below $44,625 of taxable income ($89,250 if you’re married filing jointly). They are taxed at a 15% rate if they fall above the 0% threshold but below $492,300 ($553,850 if married filing jointly). And they are taxed at a 20% rate if they fall above the 15% threshold.

An important takeaway here is that if you’re ever considering selling an investment that has increased in value, it might be a good idea to think about holding the asset long enough for the capital gain to be considered long-term.

Note that a capital gain occurs only when the asset is sold. This is important because it means that fluctuations in the value of the asset are not considered taxable events.

EXAMPLE: Beth buys ten shares of a company at $25 each. Five years later, Beth still owns the shares, and the price per share has risen to $45. Over the five years, Beth isn’t required to pay any tax on the increase in value. She will only have to pay a tax on the LTCG if/when she chooses to sell the shares.

Taxation of Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are collections of a large quantity of other investments. For instance, a mutual fund may own thousands of different stocks as well as any number of other investments like bonds or options contracts.

Each year, each mutual fund shareholder is responsible for income tax on her share of the net capital gains realized by the fund over the course of the year. (Each shareholder’s portion of the gains will be reported to her annually on Form 1099-DIV sent by the brokerage firm or fund company.)

What makes the situation counterintuitive is that, in any given year, the capital gains realized by the fund could vary significantly from the actual change in value of the shares of the fund.

EXAMPLE: Deborah buys a share of Mutual Fund XYZ on January 1 for $100. By the end of the year, the investments that the fund owns have (on average) decreased in value, and Deborah’s share of the mutual fund is now worth $95.

However, during the course of the year, the mutual fund sold only one stock from the portfolio. That stock was sold for a short-term capital gain. Deborah is going to be responsible for paying tax on her share of the capital gain, despite the fact that her share in the mutual fund has decreased in value.

Note how even in years when the value decreases, it’s possible that the investors will be responsible for paying taxes on a gain. Of course, the opposite is also true. There can be years when the fund increases in value, but the sales of investments within the fund’s portfolioresult in a net capital loss. And thus the investors have an increase in the value of their holdings, but they don’t have to pay any taxes for the time being.

Capital Gains from Selling Your Home

Selling a home that you’ve owned for many years can result in a very large long-term capital gain. Fortunately, it’s likely that you can exclude (that is, not pay tax on) a large portion — or even all — of that gain.

If you meet three requirements, you’re allowed to exclude up to $250,000 of gain. The three requirements are as follows:

  1. For the two years prior to the date of sale, you did not exclude gain from the sale of another home.
  2. During the five years prior to the date of sale, you owned the home for at least two years.
  3. During the five years prior to the date of sale, you lived in the home as your main home for at least two years.

To meet the second and third requirements, the two-year time periods do not necessarily have to be made up of 24 consecutive months.

For married couples filing jointly, a $500,000 maximum exclusion is available if both spouses meet the first and third requirements and at least one spouse meets the second requirement.

EXAMPLE: Jason purchased a home on January 1, 2021. He lived there until May 1, 2022 (16 months). He then moved to another city (without selling his original home) and lived there until January 1, 2023. On January 1, 2023 Jason moved back into his original home and lived there until October 1, 2023 (9 months) when he sold the house for a $200,000 gain.

Jason can exclude the gain because he meets all three requirements. The fact that Jason does not have 24 consecutive months of using the home as his main home does not prevent him from excluding the gain.

Capital Losses

Of course, things don’t always go exactly as planned. When you sell something for less than you paid for it, you incur what is known as a capital loss. Like capital gains, capital losses are characterized as either short-term or long-term, based on whether the holding period of the asset was greater than or less than one year.

Each year, you add up all of your short-term capital losses, and deduct them from your short-term capital gains. Then you add up all of your long-term capital losses and deduct them from your long-term capital gains. If the end result is a positive LTCG and a positive STCG, the LTCG will be taxed at a maximum rate of 20%, and the STCG will be taxed at ordinary income tax rates. If the end result is a net capital loss, you can deduct up to $3,000 of it from your ordinary income. The remainder of the capital loss can be carried forward to deduct in future years.

EXAMPLE 1:In a given year, Aaron has:
$5,000 in short-term capital gains,
$3,000 in short-term capital losses,
$4,000 in long-term capital gains,and
$2,500 in long-term capital losses.

For the year, Aaron will have a net STCG of $2,000 ($5,000-$3,000) and a net LTCG of $1,500 ($4,000-$2,500). His STCG will be taxed at his ordinary income tax rate, and his LTCG will be taxed at a maximum rate of 20%.

EXAMPLE 2:In a given year, Sandra has:
$2,000 in short-term capital gains,
$3,500 in short-term capital losses,
$3,000 in long-term capital gains, and
$5,000 in long-term capital losses.

Sandra has a net short-term capital loss of $1,500 and a net long-term capital loss of $2,000. So her total capital loss is $3,500. For this capital loss, she can take a $3,000 deduction against her other income, and she can use the remaining $500 to offset her capital gains next year.

So what happens when you have a net gain in the short-term category and a net loss in the long-term category, or vice versa? In short, you net the two against each other, and the remaining gain or loss is taxed according to its character (that is, short-term or long-term).

EXAMPLE 1: In a given year, Kyle has:
$5,000 net short-term capital gain and
$4,000 net long-term capital loss.

Kyle will subtract his LTCL from his STCG, leaving him with a STCG of $1,000. This will be taxed according to his ordinary income tax bracket.

EXAMPLE 2:In a given year, Christopher has:
$3,000 net short-term capital loss and
$6,000 net long-term capital gain.

Christopher will subtract his STCL from his LTCG, leaving him with a LTCG of $3,000. This will be taxed at a maximum of 20%.

EXAMPLE 3: In a given year, Jeremy has:
$2,000 net short-term capital gain and
$3,000 net long-term capital loss.

Jeremy will subtract his LTCL from his STCG, leaving him with a $1,000 LTCL. Because this is below the $3,000 threshold, he can deduct the entire $1,000 loss from his ordinary income.

EXAMPLE 4:In a given year, Jessica has:
$2,000 net long-term capital gain and
$4,000 net short-term capital loss.

Jessica will subtract her STCL from her LTCG, leaving her with a $2,000 STCL. Because this is below the $3,000 threshold, she can deduct the entire $2,000 loss from her ordinary income.

Simple Summary

  • If an asset is held for one year or less, then sold for a gain, the short-term capital gain will be taxed at ordinary income tax rates.
  • If an asset is held for more than one year, then sold for a gain, the long-term capital gain will be taxed at a maximum rate of 20%.
  • If you have a net capital loss for the year, you can subtract up to $3,000 of that loss from your ordinary income. The remainder of the loss can be carried forward to offset income in future years.
  • Mutual fund shareholders have to pay taxes each year as a result of the net gains incurred by the fund. This is unique in that taxes have to be paid before the asset (i.e., the mutual fund) is sold.
  • If you sell your home for a gain, and you meet certain requirements, you may be eligible to exclude up to $250,000 of the gain ($500,000 if married filing jointly).

"Very easy to read and is a perfect introduction for learning how to do your own taxes. Mike Piper does an excellent job of demystifying complex tax sections and he presents them in an enjoyable and easy to understand way. Highly recommended!"

Short-Term and Long-Term — Oblivious Investor (2024)


What is the difference between a short-term investor and a long term investor? ›

If you have three years or less to invest, you can consider yourself a short-term investor. A four- to seven-year timeline is considered intermediate. Long-term investors may enjoy less risk due to the fact they have more time for their portfolios to make up for potential losses.

What is considered a short-term investor? ›

Short-term investments, also known as marketable securities or temporary investments, are financial investments that can easily be converted to cash, typically within 5 years. Short-term investments can also refer to the holdings a company owns but intends to sell within a year.

What is considered a long term investor? ›

Long-term investments are assets that an individual or company intends to hold for a period of more than three years. Instruments facilitating long-term investments include stocks, real estate, cash, etc. Long-term investors take on a substantial degree of risk in pursuit of higher returns.

What is the difference between short-term and long term investment tax? ›

Short-term capital gains taxes range from 0% to 37%. Long-term capital gains taxes run from 0% to 20%. High income earners may be subject to an additional 3.8% tax called the net investment income tax on both short-and-long term capital gains.

What is riskier short-term or long term investing? ›

Long-term investments typically offer higher potential returns but also come with higher volatility and risk. It's important to consider your risk tolerance as well. Short-term investments are generally less risky, but they also offer lower potential returns.

What are the disadvantages of short-term investing? ›

When you are investing in equities for short-term capital gains, one of the drawbacks is that there is a lot of unpredictability and the risks are much higher. Moreover, it is difficult to judge a company's performance and stock market momentum in the short-term.

How risky is short term investing? ›

Short-term investments: Safe but lower yield

You likely won't be able to earn as much in a short-term investment as you would in a long-term investment. If you invest for the short term, you'll be limited to certain types of investments and shouldn't buy riskier assets such as stocks and stock funds.

Is it better to invest short term or long-term? ›

Both approaches have their potential benefits, but long-term investing potentially provides an increased chance of a higher return through compound growth and the recovery of losses over time.

How many years is considered a long-term investment? ›

Long-term refers to the extended duration an asset is held by an investor. Depending on the investor's requirements, long-term investment can range from as short as 12 months to as long as 30 years. For most investors, the holding period for long-term assets ranges from at least 5 to 10 years.

Is Warren Buffett a long term investor? ›

Buffett is a long-term value investor who sees volatility as an opportunity to buy at appealing levels or to take a profit and sell some of his holdings if they've overshot what he believes to be a reasonable price.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in July 2024:
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Money market funds.
  • Short-term certificates of deposit.
  • Series I savings bonds.
  • Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.
  • Corporate bonds.
  • Dividend-paying stocks.
  • Preferred stocks.
Jul 15, 2024

Who is the most successful long term investor? ›

Warren Buffett is one of the wealthiest people in the world, amassing his fortune through a successful investment strategy. Buffett follows the Benjamin Graham school of value investing which looks for securities with prices that are unjustifiably low based on their intrinsic worth.

At what age do you not pay capital gains? ›

Capital Gains Tax for People Over 65. For individuals over 65, capital gains tax applies at 0% for long-term gains on assets held over a year and 15% for short-term gains under a year. Despite age, the IRS determines tax based on asset sale profits, with no special breaks for those 65 and older.

How do I avoid capital gains tax? ›

How to Minimize or Avoid Capital Gains Tax
  1. Invest for the Long Term.
  2. Take Advantage of Tax-Deferred Retirement Plans.
  3. Use Capital Losses to Offset Gains.
  4. Watch Your Holding Periods.
  5. Pick Your Cost Basis.

How long do you have to hold a stock to avoid taxes? ›

Generally, any profit you make on the sale of an asset is taxable at either 0%, 15% or 20% if you held the shares for more than a year, or at your ordinary tax rate if you held the shares for a year or less. Any dividends you receive from a stock are also usually taxable.

What is the difference between short and long investing? ›

Being long a stock means that you own it and will profit if the stock rises. Being short a stock means that you have a negative position in the stock and will profit if the stock falls.

Is short term investing better than long term? ›

Short-term investments, on average, carry lower risk than long-term investments, which provide our money longer to grow and live through market downturns.

What is a long short investor? ›

Long-short equity is an investment strategy that seeks to take a long position in underpriced stocks while selling short overpriced shares. Long-short seeks to augment traditional long-only investing by taking advantage of profit opportunities from securities identified as both under-valued and over-valued.

Do long term investors make money? ›

Long-term stock investments tend to outperform shorter-term trades by investors attempting to time the market. Emotional trading tends to hamper investor returns. The S&P 500 posted positive returns for investors over most 20-year time periods.

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