Shiba Inu (2024)

Shiba Inu (1)

Shiba Inu are an independent, confident, and faithful breed. The Shiba Inu originated in ancient Japan and is considered an official Japanese national treasure. While they are affectionate with their family, Shiba aren't often cuddly lap dogs. They're always excited to play and show off their athleticism. Energetic and goofy Shiba Inu are a delight—but their stubbornness can make the breed a challenging one. The bold personality of the spirited breed may be too much for a first-time dog owner to handle, but many Shiba owners would choose the breed over any other.

The dog from the popular 'Doge' meme is a Shiba Inu named Kabosu.

Other Names

Shiba Inu are also known as Japanese Shiba Inu, Shiba Ken, Shiba, and Inu. Shiba Inu, Shiba, and Inu are the plural forms of the name.

Physical Description


The Shiba Inu is a double-coated breed. The undercoat is soft and thick with a stiff overcoat. The hair on the face, ears, and legs is shorter, and the hair on the tail is longer and slightly bushy. The coat is waterproof. White markings are present on a red, sesame, or black and tan-colored coat, creating a fox-like appearance.


Average Height: 13-17 inches


Male: 18-24 pounds

Female: 15-20 pounds

Breed Standard & History

The spirited Shiba Inu should appear alert and agile. They are good-natured with keen senses. Shiba Inu males should appear masculine and females, feminine. The triangle-shaped eyes should be well-placed and evoke a sense of confidence. Wide-set triangular ears should stand erect atop the head. The nose and lips are black. The body is sturdy, yet balanced, with a moderate tuck up. A thick tail curls upward and is carried across the back. The coat may be red, black and tan, or sesame. The undercoat should be buff, cream, or grey, with white markings required on the muzzle, cheeks, inside the ears, at the throat, and on the legs, body, and tail. The Shiba’s movement is nimble. Shiba Inu are affectionate and loyal to family, independent, yet good-natured. The breed may be reserved with strangers, and while occasionally aggressive with other dogs should always accept the control of its handler. – AKC Breed Standards

The Shiba Inu is the oldest Japanese breed and was originally used to hunt small game.Inuis the Japanese word for dog, andShibameans brushwood, possibly a reference to the coat color, which resembles Japanese trees—but also translates to small, which could be a nod to the smallest Japanese dog breed. They are said to have been used to flush birds, hunt small game, and even hunt wild boar in small packs. Rumors often circulate that the breed was used to hunt bear, though there seems to be little proof.

The breed nearly went extinct due to food shortages in World War II and a distemper outbreak shortly after, but was reestablished using the three surviving bloodlines, now combined into one breed standard.

The Japanese breed standard was written in 1934. The first Shiba Inu was registered in the United States in 1954, but the first recorded litter wasn't born on American soil until 1979. The American Kennel Club recognized the Shiba Inu in 1992.

AKC Breed Category

Non-Sporting Group


General Temperament

Shiba Inu are intelligent and good-natured with family, but tend to be reserved or standoffish with strangers. They are always alert and often protective. While affectionate, they aren't a cuddly dog who needs constant attention. They have a big attitude to contend with—Shiba Inu require consistent training without giving an inch, as they can be willful and manipulative. They are described as spirited, with a fierce independent streak. Shiba Inu may be challenging to train and require persistence in socialization—they are not ideal for first-time dog owners. They may be dominant with other animals, and are often possessive over food and toys. Withproper socializationand enough activity they are wonderful companion animals, but without the mental and physical stimulation they require they may become destructive or difficult to manage.

Family Life

Are Shiba Inu Good with Kids?Shiba Inu often do best in a home without small children as they do not tolerate rough handling and can be protective of food and toys. They may do well if raised in a home with children—but consistent training and socialization is necessary, and children and Shiba Inu should not be left without supervision. People of any age should not be allowed to tease sensitive Shiba Inu.

Are Shiba Inu Good with Other Pets?Their history as a hunter of small game has stuck with the Shiba Inu and they are often more comfortable in a home without cats or small animals, as they may chase or injure them. They may be aggressive with other dogs without early socialization. With proper training and socialization from an early age, or if they are raised with other animals, they may coexist peacefully—but their dominant nature often makes living with other pets a challenge. Separate feeding areas may be necessary to prevent food guarding behaviors.


Shiba Inu are alert and loyal to their family. They are not generally 'barky' but will offer an alert bark if something is amiss. They are cautious by nature, and are often distrustful of new people. Socialization should be a priority so Shiba Inu know how to differentiate between a new person and a threatening person.

Energy Levels

High-energy Shiba Inu are agile and quick, with plenty of energy to spare. Without interesting activities and exercise daily, they may become destructive.

Specific Concerns:



While energetic, Shiba Inu also know how to relax. Shiba Inu love to be clean, and because of this they tend to be easy to housetrain. If given enough physical exercise and mental stimulation, Shiba Inu may do well in an apartment—but if they're bored, they may become destructive. Shiba Inu are known for using their voices—barking, 'talking,' yipping, and the infamous Shiba scream may irritate neighbors.


Time outside is important for Shiba Inu as they have plenty of energy to burn—but they can't be trusted outdoors alone. Off-leash walks aren't recommended for Shiba Inu unless they have a solid recall and aren't likely to take off. If playing off leash, a high fence is important—Shiba can scale a fence easily. Not only can they climb or jump fences, they may dig under them. If loose, they're quick and can dodge potential captors easily. Though they are built to handle hot and cold weather alike, they shouldn't be expected to live outdoors.


Shiba Inu require at least an hour of exercise each day—more is better. Without enough exercise, they may be destructive or barky. Shiba Inu should be socialized with people and other dogs and well-behaved off leash before they are given free reign outdoors. Shiba Inu love to run, hike, play fetch, and learn agility.


Many Shiba Inu owners say they tire out before their dog. The athletic breed has enough stamina to go for hours. They tend to have the endurance for a long walk or jog, followed by a few sprints around the house before they settle in for a snooze. While they rarely tire while on the go, they are often ready to rest after the activity is done.

Activity distance rating

  • Running Miles: Shiba Inu prefer sprinting to long-distance running, but well-conditioned Shiba Inu over one year of age may be able torun for three to five miles.
  • Hiking Miles: The adventurous, energetic Shiba Inu may be able to hike up to 10 miles. The breed can be wary of strangers or dominant with other animals, so proper socialization is important before taking Shiba Inu on the trail. They're also notorious for their poor behavior off leash and should be leashed unless they are sure to behave when recalled.


The general recommendation for how much high-quality dry dog food (based on average weight and activity level) to feed a Shiba Inu is 1 to 1½ cups per day given in two meals. Making a Shiba Inu work for her food can help provide the mental stimulation necessary for a happy dog. Before treats and meals, require she perform a behavior. Feeding meals in a food-dispensing brain game can provide mental exercise for a Shiba.

Food guarding behaviors may be present in Shiba Inu, so early training to mitigate this behavior is important. Children should never be allowed to touch or remove food while any dog is eating.

Alone Time

While Shiba Inu are independent dogs who don't require constant attention, they need plenty of exercise if they will be left alone during the day. Shiba Inu may be left home alone for eight hours at a time. Crate training may be necessary for the dog's safety as bored Shiba Inu may chew dangerous items. Brain game toys can help entertain Shiba Inu while they are home alone.

Health and Grooming

Life Expectancy

12-15 years


The Shiba Inu's double coat goes through two seasonal heavy-shedding periods, and they shed moderately during the rest of the year. Frequent brushing during seasonal sheds, and weekly or bi-weekly brushing otherwise is ideal. Occasional baths may be necessary, but Shiba Inu are fastidious groomers who keep themselves clean. Their coat is naturally waterproof. Shiba Inu coats don't need to be shaved or cut.

Trimming nails regularly will help prevent painful splitting, cracking, or a broken nail. Shiba Inu tend to be difficult for nail trimming—early exposure to handling a Shiba Inu's feet and nail trimming is important to prevent snappiness or difficult behaviors in an adult dog.

Common Health Issues

Though the Shiba Inu is a relatively healthy breed, they can be prone to breed-specific health concerns, such as:

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
  • Cataracts
  • Heart disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Allergies
  • Obesity

You can minimize serious health concerns in a Shiba Inu by purchasing her from a reputable breeder who engages in responsible breeding practices, and through screening for common diseases and conditions.



The intelligent Shiba Inu can learn basic obedience with ease—but the breed can be finicky and headstrong. They are not as eager to please as other breeds may be thanks to their tenacious nature. Early training with consistent methods is important to encourage good behavior. In addition to teaching polite behavior, begin training Shiba to allow grooming, and discourage early food or resource guarding behaviors. Socialization with people and other animals should begin right away to prevent fearful or dominant behaviors.

Advanced Training

Intelligent Shiba Inu can learn advanced training with ease if they're motivated to do so. The extra mental exercise can help wear them out for a happy, well-behaved dog. They are athletic and do well with agility. Many Shiba can learn impressive tricks. Some owners take advantage of the multitudes of Shiba Inu vocalizations and teach their dog to whisper, make specific noises, or even repeat human speech. The more training a Shiba gets, the better behaved they are—but they may often choose to end training sessions before you're ready. Independence is a trait Shiba Inu display with pride.

Sporting Dog Training

Energetic, hardy Shiba Inu were originally bred to hunt small game in the mountains and brush of Japan. They possess a strong prey drive and have energy that doesn't seem to quit. They may be trained to flush birds or hunt small game, but they may show aggression towards other animals if not properly socialized from early puppyhood. They vocalize regularly and may bark or howl at inopportune times. Shiba Inu may be prone to wandering while off leash, and they are quick and hard to catch if they've gotten loose. With plenty of consistent training, they may do well as a hunting dog.

Breed FAQ

Here are a few commonly asked questions about Shiba Inus.

Explore Other Breeds

Shiba Inu owners refer to the ‘Shiba 500’ as the Shiba’s tendency to run laps around the yard or inside the house as if it were a racetrack. A high-energy, seemingly unprovoked episode of running laps is seen in most breeds, especially during puppyhood—animal behaviorists call it a "frenetic random activity period" or FRAP, while many non-Shiba owners call it the "zoomies." Shiba Inu owners say the breed's Shiba 500 rivals even the most energetic dog's zoomies.

The activity is a way for a Shiba Inu to release pent-up energy. More exercise and activity may lessen the occurrence of these Shiba laps, but it's not a behavior that should be punished as it is a way for them to burn excess energy. Some Shiba 500s are triggered in response to specific activities such as vacuuming the floor, the doorbell, getting out of the bath, or other stimulation.

If the behavior seems related to anxiety rather than for fun, minimizing stressful situations that cause the Shiba 500 can help. Some Shiba Inu may jump and nip during their '500'—any nipping behaviors should be discouraged.

Videos of clever Shiba Inu talking are all over the internet. Shiba Inu are vocal by nature and will yodel, howl, yip, groan, and more to show their excitement, boredom, or displeasure. Many Shiba owners have harnessed the Shiba's natural howling and barking behaviors by teaching them how to mimic words. Stories often recount the time someone's Shiba Inu approached them and mimicked a word they had heard regularly, such as 'walk,' without any training to do so. One of the benefits of teaching a dog to speak—or talk, in this case—is that it may lessen the undesirable barking or howling that happens without the command. Though, with a breed that loves their own voice as much as a Shiba, there's never a guarantee.

One of the most talked about Shiba Inu vocalizations is the 'Shiba scream,' a surprising shriek in response to something undesirable—nail trimming, a trip to the veterinarian, or other anxiety. Shiba Inu aren't fond of handling, especially by strangers. Minimizing anxiety, desensitizing Shiba to handling for nail trimming and grooming, and providing early socialization may help reduce the stress-induced behavior.

Shiba Inu are born with floppy triangular ears, but between the ages of 6 and 10 weeks their ears begin to stand up. Purebred Shiba Inu ears will stand up by a few months of age unless there is a health concern such as an ear infection.

Shiba Inu ears often reveal the many moods of a Shiba—'airplane ears' laying flat like airplane wings display pure joy, perked-up ears exhibit alertness, while ears held straight back may be a sign of an impending Shiba 500.

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Shiba Inu (2024)


How much SHIB is enough? ›

To have one million dollars worth of Shiba Inu (SHIB) at $0.05 per coin, you will need 20,000,000 (20 million) tokens. The price of 20 million SHIB right now is about $535. If SHIB reaches $0.05, the portfolio's value will rise by about 186816%.

Will Shiba Inu ever get to $1? ›

It would be 21 times more valuable than the entire U.S. economy, which generated $27.9 trillion in gross domestic product last year. Simply put, there is no way Shiba Inu can rise to $1 in its current state.

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Is it wise to hold Shiba Inu? ›

An active community makes it fun to invest in Shiba Inu. However, Shiba Inu's volatility means it's inappropriate for large positions. It's fine to buy a few Shiba Inu tokens as a speculative rising-tide play on Bitcoin's upside potential.

Can SHIB hit .05 cents? ›

The forecast extends well into the future, with the SHIB potentially reaching a maximum price of $0.089 from 2024 to 2040. Telegaon offers the intriguing possibility of the SHIB reaching the 5-cent milestone by 2040. as of the current reporting date, it remains speculative.

Can SHIB hit 10 cents? ›

Therefore, SHIB reaching 10 Cents, not just in the near term, but also in the long term remains doubtful. In conclusion, firstly, the circulating supply has to be reduced by nearly 90%, and secondly, the market cap needs to increase tenfold for Shiba Inu to reach the 10 Cents range.

Will SHIB reach 1 cent in 2024? ›

Shiba Inu Price Prediction teases the SHIB token price could reach a maximum of $0.00002026 by the end of 2024. Shiba Inu price, with a potential surge, could go as high as $0.000195 by the end of 2030.

Will Shiba Inu reach half a cent? ›

Shiba Inu Coin Price Analysis and Forecast 2022-2030

According to crypto analysts, if the crypto market rebounds to 2021 performance, Shiba Inu's price can reach $0.0001 in 2022. They also predict that the Shiba Inu price will touch $0.00015 by 2023, $0.0002 by 2025, and $0.01 by 2030, making an all-time hit.

What's the highest Shiba Inu can go? ›

According to CryptoNewZ, the Shiba Inu token might have achieved the utility and adoption it promises by 2030, with a maximum predicted value of $0.0001 and a minimum predicted value $0.000033.

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Dogeverse – 1000x Coin with Over 600,000% Staking APY

Our top pick for the cryptocurrency most likely to soar by 1,000x is $DOGEVERSE, the native token of Dogeverse. This new meme coin is the only such cryptocurrency available on six blockchains.

What crypto will skyrocket? ›

Cryptos that could boom in 2024 include SingularityNET and, both of which may capitalize on the popularity of AI. Bitcoin is another crypto that could be poised for a strong performance in 2024, thanks to the SEC's approval of Bitcoin ETFs.

What is the cheapest crypto with a huge potential? ›

The Top Cheapest Cryptos to Buy in 2024
  • Ripple (XRP) – A popular crypto that enables cross-border payments.
  • Shiba Inu (SHIB) – One of the top meme coins with a market cap of over $18 billion.
  • Stellar (XLM) – A well-established crypto that enables super-fast transactions.

Should I cash out my SHIB? ›

Deciding when to sell Shiba Inu depends on your individual financial goals, risk tolerance and market conditions. Consider factors like price trends, your investment timeline and potential tax implications. You may want to consult with a financial advisor and conduct thorough research before making any decisions.

Can Dogecoin reach $1? ›

All it has to do is make progress toward greater adoption in the way Bitcoin has. That might give Dogecoin bulls reason to be optimistic, but we have to try and assess the probability of this actually happening. To be frank, I believe there's close to zero chance Dogecoin accomplishes those things and reaches $1.

What will Shiba be worth in 2050? ›

Shiba Inu Price Prediction 2050

Shiba Inu's highest trading price in 2050 is expected to be about $0.0084. According to our calculations, Shiba Inu might reach an average price of $0.0077 by 2050. Shiba Inu may also face short downturns, with the minimum price level hanging around $0.0074.

How many SHIB do you need to become a millionaire? ›

For aspiring SHIB millionaires eyeing the $1 million mark for $2 per coin, the formula is clear: divide the desired target of $1,000,000 by the price of $2. This arithmetic translates to the acquisition of 500,000 SHIB.

How much SHIB to make a million dollars? ›

For an investor to rake in a million-dollar profit when Shiba Inu hits $0.001, they would need to scoop 1 billion units of SHIB. With a unit of SHIB trading at $0.00000953, purchasing 1 billion tokens would require a capital of $9,530.

How many Shiba Inu can I buy with $1,000 dollars? ›

Convert US Dollar to Shiba Inu
50 USD1.94M SHIB
100 USD3.87M SHIB
500 USD19.37M SHIB
1,000 USD38.73M SHIB
5 more rows

Can SHIB burn $100 trillion? ›

The 100T SHIB Burn Experience

Assuming the burning mechanism on Shibarium is bolstered and, at peak performance, it starts removing 100 trillion from the SHIB circulating supply per year, it will need about 5 years to remove 500 trillion SHIB.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.