Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (2024)

Financial market data is one of the most valuable data in the current time. If analysed correctly, it holds the potential of turning an organisation’s economic issues upside down. Among a few of them, Yahoo finance is one such website which provides free access to this valuable data of stocks and commodities prices. In this blog, we are going to implement a simple web crawler in python which will help us in scraping yahoo finance website. Some of the applications of scraping Yahoo finance data can be forecasting stock prices, predicting market sentiment towards a stock, gaining an investive edge and cryptocurrency trading. Also, the process of generating investment plans can make good use of this data!

Before scraping yahoo finance website, let us first understand more about Yahoo finance Data in the next section.

What is Yahoo Finance?

Yahoo finance is a business media platform from Yahoo which provides comprehensive offerings in the world of business and investment. It has a plethora of available business information likefinancial news, data about stock quotes, press releases and financial reports. Whether you are an investor or are just looking for some business news, Yahoo finance is the place to go. The biggest plus of Yahoo finance is that it provides all of this information for free. Hence by scraping Yahoo finance data, you can actually get valuable information at your end and do an analysis of stocks and currencies trends. Moreover, you get real-time information about stock prices along with accessto other financial investment/management tools.

Why Scrape Finance websites?

Financial data if extracted and analysed in real time can provide a wealth of information for investments, trading, research and sentiment analysis.

1. Stock trading

Online trading involves stocks trading via an online platform. Online trading portals facilitate the trading of different financial instruments such as stocks, mutual funds and commodities. In online stock trading, owners of one stock meet different buyers virtually and sell the stocks to buyers. The selling part only happens when a buyer and a seller has negotiated the price of exchange.

Furthermore, these prices are market dependent and are provided by scraping yahoofinance. Moreover, stock trading organisations can leverage yahoo finance data to keep a record of changing stock prices and market trend. This analysis will help financial and investment companies to predict the market and buy/sell stocks for maximum profits.

2. Sentiment analysis of the market

Organisations can perform sentimentanalysis over the blogs, news, tweets and social media posts in business and financial domains to analyse the market trend. Furthermore, scraping Yahoo finance will help them in collecting data for natural language processing algorithms to identify the sentiment of the market. Through this, one can track the emotion towards a particular product, stock, commodity or currency and make the right investment decision.

3. Equity research

Equity Researchrefers to analysinga company’sfinancial data, perform analysis over it and identify recommendations for buying and selling of stocks.The main aim of equity research is to provide investors with financial analysis reports and recommendations on buying, holding, or selling a particular investment. Also, banks and financial investment organisations often use equity research for their investments andsales & tradingclients, by providing timely, high-quality information and analysis.

4. Regulatory compliance

Business and financial investment jobs are high-risk jobs. A lot of investment decisions are directly dependent on the government scheme and policies regarding trade. Hence, it is essential to keep track of the government sites and other official forums to extract any policy changes related to trading. Mainly, risk analysts should crawl news outlets and government sites for real-time actions about the events and decisions which are directly correlated with their business.

Approach for scraping Yahoo finance data

Yahoo finance provides a plethora of information of about stock market and investment. Our primary goal is to fetch the data by scraping Yahoo finance and store it on our own premises for later analysis. In this blog, we are going to extract data about cryptocurrencies, currencies, world-indices, active-stocks and commodities. These data points can also be scraped from the results of search engine too, but we will keep the scope to scraping Yahoo finance only in this blog.

We will be writing simple python code for scraping Yahoo finance data which will visit the website and get all this data for us. Python is used for the crawler implementation. We are using the Beautiful Soup library to do crawling for us!

Python implementation for scraping Yahoo finance data

We start by importing the required libraries for us. We have imported the pandas and Beautiful Soup library here. Pandas library will help us in arranging the collected data in the form of tables whereas the Beautiful Soup library provides us with the crawling abilities in python

 import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import csv import pandas as pd 

Scraping Crypto Currencies

A cryptocurrency is a digital currency using cryptographic security. Cryptocurrencies are decentralised systems based onblockchaintechnology, a distributed network of computers. Due to advanced protection, these currencies are harder to counterfeit.

By now, cryptocurrencies have become a global phenomenon. With significant growth in recent years, investments in cryptocurrencies proved beneficial to a large number of investors.

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (1)

crypto currencies from scraping yahoo finance

In below code section, we have given the yahoo finance link for the cryptocurrencies page. There are multiple pages which contain information about the cryptocurrencies. This code iterates through all the pages and pulls out the relevant information. Pulling of any relevant information happens through HTML tags present in the source code of the website. We just need to identify those tags and put them in attributes placeholder in the code!

names=[]prices=[]changes=[]percentChanges=[]marketCaps=[]totalVolumes=[]circulatingSupplys=[]for i in range(0,10): CryptoCurrenciesUrl = ""+str(i)+"&count=50" r= requests.get(CryptoCurrenciesUrl) data=r.text soup=BeautifulSoup(data) for listing in soup.find_all('tr', attrs={'class':'SimpleDataTableRow'}): for name in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Name'}): names.append(name.text) for price in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Price (intraday)'}): prices.append(price.find('span').text) for change in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Change'}): changes.append(change.text) for percentChange in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'% change'}): percentChanges.append(percentChange.text) for marketCap in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Market cap'}): marketCaps.append(marketCap.text) for totalVolume in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Total volume all currencies (24 hrs)'}): totalVolumes.append(totalVolume.text) for circulatingSupply in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Circulating supply'}): circulatingSupplys.append(circulatingSupply.text)
Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (2)

data of cryptocurrencies

Also, you can find the snapshot of cryptocurrencies data collected after scraping yahoo finance below.

Scraping Currencies

Following code will help you in scraping Yahoo finance for currencies. The approach is more or less the same here. We have to identify the tags which hold the required information.

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (3)

Currencies data from scraping yahoo finance

In Yahoo finance, there are no specific attributes in HTML code, so we pulled data through data-id’s present.

names=[]prices=[]changes=[]percentChanges=[]marketCaps=[]totalVolumes=[]circulatingSupplys=[]CryptoCurrenciesUrl = ""r= requests.get(CryptoCurrenciesUrl)data=r.textsoup=BeautifulSoup(data)counter = 40for i in range(40, 404, 14): for listing in soup.find_all('tr', attrs={'data-reactid':i}): for name in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'data-reactid':i+3}): names.append(name.text) for price in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'data-reactid':i+4}): prices.append(price.text) for change in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'data-reactid':i+5}): changes.append(change.text) for percentChange in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'data-reactid':i+7}): percentChanges.append(percentChange.text)
pd.DataFrame({"Names": names, "Prices": prices, "Change": changes, "% Change": percentChanges})

Also, you can find the snapshot of currencies data collected after scraping yahoo finance below.

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (4)

Currency data after scraping yahoo finance

Scraping World Indices

The MSCI World is a market cap weighted stock market index of 1,649 stocks from companies throughout the world.

Theindexandtheirmovementsgiveaninsightintothegeneralattitudeoftheinvestingpublic towardscompaniesofallsizesandindustries.

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (5)

World Indices after scraping yahoo finance

By Scraping yahoo finance, we get access to attributes of world indices like prices, percentage changes, market volume about the different world indices.

prices=[]names=[]changes=[]percentChanges=[]marketCaps=[]totalVolumes=[]circulatingSupplys=[]CryptoCurrenciesUrl = ""r= requests.get(CryptoCurrenciesUrl)data=r.textsoup=BeautifulSoup(data)counter = 40for i in range(40, 404, 14): for row in soup.find_all('tbody'): for srow in row.find_all('tr'): for name in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col1'}): names.append(name.text) for price in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col2'}): prices.append(price.text) for change in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col3'}): changes.append(change.text) for percentChange in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col4'}): percentChanges.append(percentChange.text)pd.DataFrame({"Names": names, "Prices": prices, "Change": changes, "% Change": percentChanges})
Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (6)

World indices data after scraping yahoo finance

Also, you can find the snapshot of world-indices data collected after scraping yahoo finance below.

Scraping most-active stocks

Thestocksonanexchangewiththehighestvolumeoveragivenperiodarethemostactive. Becauseofsignificantlyimportantnewinformationaffectingthestockreachingthemarket,stocksusually haveahigherthanaveragetradingvolume.Thisgivesinvestorsastrongimpetustobuyor sellthestock for high profits.

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (7)

Most active stocks from scraping yahoo finance

Following code helps in scraping Yahoo finance about most-active stocks!

names=[]prices=[]changes=[]percentChanges=[]marketCaps=[]totalVolumes=[]circulatingSupplys=[]for i in range(0,11):CryptoCurrenciesUrl = ""+str(i)+"&count=100"r= requests.get(CryptoCurrenciesUrl)data=r.textsoup=BeautifulSoup(data)for listing in soup.find_all('tr', attrs={'class':'SimpleDataTableRow'}): for name in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Name'}): names.append(name.text) for price in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Price (intraday)'}): prices.append(price.find('span').text) for change in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Change'}): changes.append(change.text) for percentChange in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'% change'}): percentChanges.append(percentChange.text) for marketCap in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Market cap'}): marketCaps.append(marketCap.text) for totalVolume in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Avg vol (3-month)'}): totalVolumes.append(totalVolume.text) for circulatingSupply in listing.find_all('td', attrs={'aria-label':'Volume'}): circulatingSupplys.append(circulatingSupply.text)pd.DataFrame({"Names": names, "Prices": prices, "Change": changes, "% Change": percentChanges, "Market Cap": marketCaps, "Average Volume": totalVolumes,"Volume":circulatingSupplys})

Also, you can find the snapshot of most-active stocks data collected after scraping yahoo finance below.

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (8)

Data of most active stocks collected after scraping yahoo finance

Scraping commodities

A commodity is an essential commodity used in trade that can be exchanged


TheCommoditiesaremostfrequentlyusedasinputstoothergoodsorservices.Traderstradeincommoditymarketssolelytobenefitfromvolatilepricechanges.Thesetradersneverintendto supplytheactualcommodityortakeitwhenthefuturescontractexpires.

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (9)

Most active stocks from scraping yahoo finance

Below helps in scraping yahoo finance for the data about different commodities like gold and silver.

prices=[]names=[]changes=[]percentChanges=[]marketCaps=[]marketTimes=[]totalVolumes=[]openInterests=[]CryptoCurrenciesUrl = ""r= requests.get(CryptoCurrenciesUrl)data=r.textsoup=BeautifulSoup(data)counter = 40for i in range(40, 404, 14): for row in soup.find_all('tbody'): for srow in row.find_all('tr'): for name in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col1'}): names.append(name.text) for price in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col2'}): prices.append(price.text) for time in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col3'}): marketTimes.append(time.text) for change in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col4'}): changes.append(change.text) for percentChange in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col5'}): percentChanges.append(percentChange.text) for volume in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col6'}): totalVolumes.append(volume.text) for openInterest in srow.find_all('td', attrs={'class':'data-col7'}): openInterests.append(openInterest.text)pd.DataFrame({"Names": names, "Prices": prices, "Change": changes, "% Change": percentChanges, "Market Time": marketTimes,'Open Interest': openInterests ,"Volume": totalVolumes})

Also, you can find the snapshot of commodities data collected after scraping yahoo finance below.

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (10)

Commodities data after scraping yahoo finance

Datahut as your reliable scraping partner

There are a lot of tools that can help you scrape data yourself. However, if you need professional assistance with minimal technical know-how, Datahut can help you. We have awell-structured and transparent processfor extracting data from the web in real time and provide in the desired format. We have helped enterprises across various industrial verticals. From assistance to the recruitment industry to retail solutions,Datahut has designed sophisticated solutionsfor most of these use-cases.

You should join the bandwagon of using data-scraping in your operations before it is too late. It will help youboost the performance of your organisation. Furthermore, it will help youderive insightsthat you might not know currently. This will enableinformed decision-making in your business processes.


In this article, we had a look at how simplescraping yahoo finance for stock market data can be using python. Furthermore, the data about stocks, commodities and currencies were also collected by scraping yahoo finance website. Beautiful soup is a simple and powerful scraping library in python which made the task of scraping Yahoo finance website really simple. Also, the data collected by scraping Yahoo finance can be used by the financial organisations to predict the stock prices or predict the market trend for generating optimised investment plans. Apart from financial organisations, many industries across different verticals have leveraged the benefits of web scraping.

Start leveraging the benefits of web scraping for your organisation withDatahutas your web-scraping partner.

#stocks #Python #Yahooscraping #finance #BeautifulSoup #webscraping #commodities

Scraping Yahoo Finance Data using Python - Datahut (2024)


Is scraping Yahoo Finance allowed? ›

Does Yahoo Finance allow scraping? Yes, you can scrape yahoo finance. With any web scraping tool, you can choose any stocks from yahoo finance and extract the information you need.

How do I get real time data from Yahoo Finance Python? ›

Installation of Yahoo Finance Module in Python
  1. Let us install them via pip commands.
  2. Once it is installed, we can import yfinance package in Python code. ...
  3. If we want to display all the rows of a ticker symbol, we will use the Python Pandas module and set the set_option() function to display maximum rows.
Jul 14, 2023

How do I extract financial data from Yahoo Finance? ›

Export and import portfolio data in Yahoo Finance
  1. Sign in to Yahoo Finance.
  2. Click My Portfolio.
  3. Click the portfolio name of the list you want to export.
  4. Click Export.
  5. Open the Downloads folder on your computer to find the exported file named "quotes. csv."

How to scrape stock prices from Yahoo Finance with Python? ›

First, install the necessary libraries using pip, e.g., pip install beautifulsoup4 requests. Next, write a Python script to send a request to the stock data page, parse the HTML content, and extract the desired data. Finally, save the extracted data into a structured format like CSV or JSON for further analysis.

Can you get banned for scraping? ›

Making too many requests to a website in a short amount of time can lead to a ban. Implement a delay between your requests to mimic human browsing behavior and reduce the chances of detection. This is a simple yet effective way to avoid getting blocked by the website you are scraping.

Can you get sued for scraping data? ›

Web scraping (or data scraping) is legal if you scrape data publicly available on the internet. But some kinds of data are protected by international regulations, so be careful scraping personal data, intellectual property, or confidential data. And be careful not to disrupt or overload the websites you scrape.

What is the Python alternative to Yahoo Finance? ›

This API also provides use for Ruby, Java, Perl, and Python. All that considered, Alpha Vantage is a great choice for a Yahoo Finance API alternative. It offers APIs for stock in cryptocurrencies, technician indicators, stock time series data, and sector performances.

What is the best Python package for Yahoo Finance? ›

The yfinance library offers Python users a seamless way to retrieve stock data from Yahoo Finance. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned analyst, this library provides a range of functionalities to help you gather and analyze stock information.

What is the difference between yfinance and Yahooquery? ›

Source of data: yfinance retrieves the majority of data (outside of historical pricing and options) from scraping a javascript variable in each Ticker's page. Yahooquery uses API endpoints for each property/method available to the user.

Can you pull Yahoo Finance data into Excel? ›

Just follow these steps to export Yahoo Finance data to Excel: Open the Excel file, and select the cell where you want to import the table. Go to Data > Get & Transform Data > From Web. Now, paste the copied URL into the respective field and click on OK.

Can Google Sheets pull data from Yahoo Finance? ›

Google Sheets supports formulas like IMPORTHTML, IMPORTXML, and IMPORTFEED, which can fetch data directly from Yahoo Finance into your spreadsheet.

Can you pull data from Yahoo Finance into Google sheet? ›

Click on 'download' to export the Yahoo Finance data as a CSV file. Open Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet. Go to 'File' > 'Import', then click on 'Upload' to select and upload the CSV file. Choose 'Insert new sheet' as the import location and 'Detect automatically' for the separator type.

How to collect stock data in Python? ›

You can use pandas_datareader or yfinance module to get the data and then can download or store in a csv file by using pandas. to_csv method. If yfinance is not installed on your computer, then run the below line of code from your Jupyter Notebook to install yfinance.

Can you use Python for stock trading? ›

We can analyze the stock market, figure out trends, develop trading strategies, and set up signals to automate stock trading – all using Python! The process of algorithmic trading using Python involves a few steps such as selecting the database, installing certain libraries, and historical data extraction.

How to get financial data in Python? ›

Using the yfinance library:

One can easily get, read, and interpret financial data using Python by using the yfinance library along with the Pandas library. With this, a user can extract various financial data, including the company's balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.

Is email scraping legal in the US? ›

While it can sometimes be legal to scrape certain types of data, anything that is classed as personal information (i.e. names, email addresses, dates of birth etc.) is not okay to scrape and use as you wish. One law firm even warns that companies can be fined $16,000 per email sent which violates the CAN-SPAM Act.

Is scraping job postings legal? ›

First, let's make a clear distinction: job scraping is legal. We're not talking about legal vs. illegal but rather about how to do job scraping “right.” Of course, that's a much fuzzier question, as any question of ethics is.

Is web scraping job postings legal? ›

But so far, courts have interpreted it to allow for web scraping when that scraping involves gathering data that is already public. I.e., as long as the web scraping in question is scraping data that is available to human users, it is generally permissible.

Can I still use Yahoo Finance API? ›

The official Yahoo Finance API was shut down by Yahoo in 2017 due to widespread abuse against their terms of service.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.