Saving Money on Real Food at Trader Joe's (2024)

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You can buy real food at Trader Joe’s for a great price! Here’s a list of items to look for, plus tips for saving money on healthy food at Trader Joe’s!

By Sarah Nichols, Contributing Writer

Trader Joe’s has a special place in my heart. When my husband and I were first married, we loved doing our grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s because of the quick, tasty frozen meals they had. We would peruse the aisles hand-in-hand, stocking up on their orange chicken, tamales, and chicken kabobs. It was our weekly date night. We enjoyed the limited selection of items because it just made life easier for us.

Then we slowly transitioned to a real food lifestyle, and eventually ended up cuttingout a lot of the food that we had enjoyed eating there. Life went on and our grocery shopping needs changed. We had two little boys, and on a youth pastor’s salary, our budget had no wiggle room. I found it really hard and discouraging to eat a real food diet on such a tight budget.

I quickly learned how to compare prices, shop smarter, and stretch a dollar.Imagine my surprise when our real food journey led us right back to Trader Joe’s.Now we still mostly do our grocery shopping as a family and Trader Joe’s is one of our regular stops.

There are many real food items that are always a great deal at Trader Joe’s:

  • Nuts (a huge selection to choose from)
  • Cheese (a huge selection of cheeses including a lot of specialty cheese and goat cheeses)
  • Kerrygold butter (cheaper than conventional stores, but Costco has the best deal overall)
  • Olive oil/coconut oil
  • Gluten free pasta noodles
  • Organic corn chips
  • Organic applesauce (no sugar added)
  • Spices
  • Organic whole milk unflavored yogurt
  • Organic fair trade coffee
  • Grass fed ground beef (for us, it’s cheaper than our local farmer’s market)
  • Uncured bacon ends and pieces (it’s not pretty like regular bacon because it’s the chopped up left over pieces, but it’s cheap and hey, it’s still bacon!)
  • Organic dried fruits
  • Wine
  • Traditionally fermented sauerkraut (no vinegar in this one, just pure probiotics!)
  • Applegate organic grass-fed hot dogs
  • Organic produce (especially the apples and lettuce)
  • Real sourdough bread (No yeast, it just uses a sourdough starter – however it is made with fortified flour. Also, you have to read the ingredients, they have other sourdough breads that aren’t made with a starter and that contain yucky ingredients. Read why our family prefers realsourdough bread here.)
  • Flowers – not a real food item, but so cheap that I couldn’t leave them out. Trader Joe’s always has a fun assortment of flower arrangements that won’t break the bank.

We also have a couple of occasional splurge items that we like to get at Trader Joe’s:

  • Honey mint chocolates (sugar-free) – only three ingredients: honey, chocolate liquor, oil of peppermint
  • 3 cheese organic pizza (frozen) – for less than $5, this is a great emergency meal to have on hand.
  • Juice – a rare treat, but always delicious!
  • Soft-baked snickerdoodles – a yummy treat that is free of the top 8 allergens.

As with any store, you always want to read ingredients.While Trader Joe’s does offer a lot of great items for real foodies, they also have a plethora of items that contain ingredients that we try to avoid. One big reason we love Trader Joe’s, though, is their stance on GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Any Trader Joe’s branded item is guaranteed to be free of GMOs (except the non-organic meat).You can read more about their policy here. They also have a huge selection of food that is gluten free and allergen-friendly.

5 Days to a Fresh Start

For more help with eating healthy food on a budget, check out this FREE eCourse, 5 Days to a Fresh Start! You can grab the free eCourse HERE. Saving Money on Real Food at Trader Joe's (4)

Tips for Saving Money on Real Food at Trader Joe’s

  • Trader Joe’s does not have sales because their prices are already discounted. Not many people know this, but Trader Joe’s does accept manufacturer’s coupons for non-store brand items that they sell. (Think Larabars, Food For Life, Applegate, etc.)
  • Not everything at Trader Joes is cheaper; you have to do your due diligence to shop around and compare prices.For example, Trader Joe’s sells their bananas for 19 cents each. When I sat down and figured out the price per pound, my local Kroger’s ended up having the better deal on bananas.
  • On the flip side, a lot of otherproduce at Trader Joe’s priced “each” instead of per pound(like squash and cauliflower), can save you money. On those items, if you search around for the biggest pieces, you can get the cheapest price per pound!
  • It’s not saving money if it’s not something you usually buy. I have to tell myself this often. Trader Joe’s has so many tempting treats that it would be easy to go way over budget if I gave into every whim. We do splurge every once in a while, but we definitely don’t (can’t) make a habit of it.

If you don’t have a Trader Joe’s in your area, Aldi is another great store to buy health food at a low price! Fore more posts on frugal spending on real food, click here!

Do you shop at Trader Joe’s? What is your best tip for saving money on real food there?

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Reader Interactions


  1. Angelia

    Thanks for the info!

    reply to comment

    • Sarah N.

      You’re welcome Angelia! 🙂

      reply to comment

  2. Sarah Koontz {Grounded & Surrounded}

    I love Trader Joes. I don’t have one where I live, but we shop there every time we visit family (2-3 times per year). I am gluten free, so I have found that many of their gluten free products are priced better than I can find at my local grocery store. I am also IN LOVE WITH their gluten free oatmeal. THE BEST OATMEAL you will ever eat! Thanks for the tips….now, when we eventually get a Trader Joes….I will know EXACTLY what I need to do to not blow my whole grocery budget there 😉

    reply to comment

  3. Nicole

    Trader Joe’s actually *does* have periodic sales. They are few and far between – a few times a year at most. If you visit their website and view the “Fearless Flyer” it will have their current sale (if there is one). My closest TJ’s is nearly an hour’s drive so I don’t get to go often, but I always check their website first just in case they happen to have a sale.

    reply to comment

    • Sarah N.

      That’s so interesting! I knew they had the occasional “special” like on their turkeys that they bring in for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I’ve never seen a sale. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for the next Fearless Flyer. Thanks for letting me know!

      reply to comment


      I’m a mate at a store in Las Vegas and unfortunately the fearless flyer is not filled with “sales” items. They are featured items for the particular season. Trader Joes does not have sales because all of the items are already priced low.

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    • Mary Ellen

      The Fearless Flyer is always their ongoing price. I have spoken with many clerks. Nothing goes on sale – they do this because Trader Joe’s believes that their current price is the best price they can give you.
      For example, right now the Black Bean and Quinoa Chips are in the flyer for $2.99. They have been that price for over 5 years.

      reply to comment

  4. Beth

    where have you found sauerkraut at TJ’s? I asked at our local store and they said they didn’t have it. I’d be interested in asking our store to order some.

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    • Sarah N.

      Hi Beth,
      In our store, the sauerkraut is in the refrigerator section near the hot dogs. It’s good stuff! I would definitely talk with your store about ordering some.

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  5. Lisa

    I had absolutely no idea that TJ’s accepted coupons! Thanks for that info. Loved this article by the way!

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  6. Laura

    I was out of town all weekend and didn’t have time to do my usual meal planning and coupon clipping. On Monday I was out and about near Trader Joe’s and decided just to pop in without a list and grab some things for the week. I was thoughtful about what I picked up and ended up spending a very reasonable amount on plenty of food! For me TJ’s is where I go when I want to mix it up and have a little more fun shopping. The nuts can’t be beat!

    reply to comment

  7. Barbara

    Our family LOVES Trader Joe’s. My children would eat the Organic Creamy Tomato Soup everyday if I allowed them. And let’s talk about the Cookie Butter. Is there any better (and easy) desert or snack than a spoonful of this from the jar. I stock up on many of my fruits and veggies from Trader Joe’s. It is our preferred grocery store!

    reply to comment

  8. Rebecca

    Thanks for this post. Lots of great Ideas!! We love TJs in Las Vegas!! We moved to Nevada from Florida where there aren’t any TJ’s. I shop there often now. A few of 20 k- cup coffee sampler for 8.99 C’MON that’s a awesome price!! Everything is good The frozen Mac N cheese…..the BEST I’VE EVER HAD and 20 oz for 2.99!! And I don’t want to forget the Wine Country Chicken salad….heaven!!!

    reply to comment

    • Erin

      Can’t believe they haven’t made it down to Florida, yet! Glad you have one now!

      reply to comment

      • Nina

        I believe Florida has a couple TJs, one is in Orlando only a couple miles from me 🙂

        reply to comment

    • Barbara Meyer

      There is a Trader Joes in SARASOTA, Florida.

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  9. Victoria Mininger @ Simplified

    Thanks for this great post. We have a Trader Joe’s in the next town but I have to admit I have not been there in a while. Sometimes I just don’t know where to start since we shop for a family of six. But I am pinning this article as a quick reference to remind me before I head there. I will be sharing this with my readers over on The Simplified Life Facebook page. Thanks again! ~Victoria

    reply to comment

    • Erin

      Thanks for sharing the post. Sarah is so encouraging!

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  10. Lisa @ This Pilgrim Life

    I only wish we had one near us! I’m thankful we have a lot of other great options but being able to shop at TJ’s would be so nice. We almost got one in a great part of town but the nearest residents voted the rezoning down so Trader Joe’s just moved on somewhere else.

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  11. Ann D

    Did you know that Trader Joe’s is owned by the same family as Aldi’s? It’s true! A German family – Albrecht.

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    • Erin

      LOVE Aldi!

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  12. Emily

    Sarah, could you share specifically which Sourdough is the one to buy? Thanks!!

    reply to comment

    • Sarah Nichols

      Hi Emily,
      There are several different sourdough breads, but there is one that only has flour, sourdough starter, salt, and water as the ingredients. It’s kind of a circular loaf and the label is blue and red with the words Sourdough Sliced on it. I hope that helps!

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  13. Kristina

    I love TJs
    My kids love the frozen “really expensive ” chicken burritos.

    Their frozen fire roasted peppers are quick and easy and don’t let off a lot of water when adding to eggs etc…

    Love their nuts and as a treat the dried young coconut strips (yum!)
    We always get their plain organic yogurt, organic milk, and Kerry gold butter, also they have the best raw cheddar and it’s under $5 a lb!!!!

    My husband loves the organic blue tortilla chips and pineapple salsa. When I want a treat the chocolate covered almonds are to die for! Head over to the wine shop and get the organic wine the green Finn table white is very good! Also the red boxed wine is great!!!

    reply to comment

  14. Kay

    we recently moved from San Jose to Sutter Creek and so miss Trader Joes.

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  15. Amy

    I think this is a great list, but just a couple of things I would add to update. Right now, eggs are CRAZY expensive at most stores, but they’re still 1.99 at TJ’s (even less than our Aldi). Same with Half and Half and heavy cream. No carrageenan in theirs and it’s much cheaper than any stores I’ve compared (including Aldi and Wal-Mart). Their natural peanut butter is delicious and a great price. Also buy my Almond milk and plain greek yogurt there.

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  16. Leslie

    Please enlighten me…I don’t understand why so many “real food” advocates like Kerrygold butter and cheese. I realize that it comes from grass-fed cows, but are the cows not also given antibiotics and hormones? I haven’t found anything to the contrary, so that leads me to believe that it’s likely. Also, I love TJ’s too, but our local super Target has a lot of the name-brand organic items for less. Might be something to check out of you have a super Target near you.

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    • Erin

      Grassfed means they are avoiding GMOs in the feed.

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  17. Grumpy Gill

    Wow! What a crazy website! I didn’t know you could have this many ads on one page! That bandwidth alone would send my server to an early grave.

    I wanted to see how to save money at Trader joes, and I’m looking at Equifax, Best Buy, Ashley, and other ads. What’s funny, if one wants to save money on your website, she/he will have to wade through tens of thousands of dollars of stuff. Oh look, a Saks Fifth Avenue ad!

    Tell all your advertisers that I won’t be buying things from this website. I’m going to a Trader Joe’s right now (grew up near one, and have lived near one for almost 40 years), and with a Fearless Flyer and good tennis shoes, I should be able to navigate deals on my own.

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Saving Money on Real Food at Trader Joe's (2024)


Does Trader Joe's save you money? ›

After pricing out a full 48-item grocery list at Trader Joe's against a typical supermarket the savings were clear and, honestly, even a bigger than I expected. TJ's netted out to be roughly 33% cheaper.

What you should always buy at Trader Joe's? ›

What to buy at Trader Joe's
  • Frozen food. At Trader Joe's, the “frozen fruits and veggies are always at a really good price point,” says Abarca, who relies on frozen food to make quick and affordable meals. ...
  • Cheese. ...
  • Wine. ...
  • Beauty products. ...
  • Flowers and greeting cards.
Apr 26, 2024

Why do people love Trader Joe's so much? ›

She mentioned the outgoing, charismatic employees who are encouraged to strike up conversations, its quirky hand-drawn signs, its low prices, its unique seasonal products, and its fun, laid-back atmosphere that helps it to stand out from the hustle and bustle of other popular supermarket chains.

What is Trader Joe's strategy statement? ›

We are committed to providing our customers outstanding value in the form of the best quality products at the best everyday prices.

How much does the average person spend at Trader Joe's? ›

Now when it comes to average spending, Americans are dishing out about $66.00 every time they go to Trader Joe's. Arkansas residents spend the most at $80.50 per trip, and Utahns spend the least at just over $53.00 per visit.

What does Trader Joe's do with unsold food? ›

Through our Neighborhood Shares program it's been our long-running policy to donate 100% of products that go unsold but are safe for consumption to local food banks & other non-profit food recovery partners.

What is the most sold item at Trader Joe's? ›

The #1 Overall award went to Chili & Lime Flavored Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips.

What is Trader Joe's most famous for? ›

The eclectic and retail-fan-favorite Trader Joe's is well-known to its loyalists for its quirky culture and low prices on a unique selection of food items. The store doesn't carry many branded items, but it does offer a wide variety of interesting products (especially frozen ones) in the Trader Joe's label.

Is Trader Joe's generally healthy? ›

Trader Joe's is a great place to stock up on staples like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, lean proteins, and healthy fats. With low prices and attractive packaging, it's also easy to grab certain items that may not be nutritionally sound.

What is the controversy with Trader Joe's? ›

The NLRB alleges Trader Joe's illegally fired a union worker, posted false information about the union, unlawfully interrogated union workers, threatened to freeze workers' wages if they unionized, gave union workers worse retirement benefits and forced workers to attend unlawful “captive audience” meetings to hear the ...

What is the average age of Trader Joe's customers? ›

It employs about 17,000 people, and makes an estimated $16.5 billion in sales per year. The grocer has relatively high customer turnover, though it adds more new customers than it loses. Trader Joe's average customer is a married person in an urban area who is 25 to 44 years old, earning $80,000.

Are Trader Joe's employees paid to flirt? ›

Are Trader Joe's Employees Flirting? "Can you please tell us once and for all, are our crew members told to flirt with customers?," asks Tara Miller, one of the co-hosts of the podcast. Bryan Palbaum quickly responds, "Definitively, no."

Who is Trader Joe's biggest competition? ›

Top 10 Trader Joe's competitors
  • Walmart.
  • Bravo Supermarkets.
  • CJ Express.
  • HEB Grocery.
  • Kroger.
  • Pete's Market.
  • Target.

What's the point of Trader Joe's? ›

Trader Joe's believes every customer should have access to the best prices on the best products every day. To consistently deliver value: We buy direct from suppliers whenever possible, we bargain hard to get the best price, and then pass the savings on to you.

What are Trader Joe's 7 values? ›

Crew Member 1: #1's integrity… Crew Member 2: Our 2nd value is product driven company… Crew Member 3: Wow customer service… Crew Member 4: No bureaucracy… Crew Member 5: Kaizen… Crew Member 6: The store is our brand… Crew Member 7: We're a national chain of neighborhood grocery stores.

What are the benefits of shopping at Trader Joe's? ›

If you're new to the brand, here are some of the perks of shopping at Trader Joe's.
  • Generous return policy. ...
  • No need to wait for sales. ...
  • Everyone is welcome. ...
  • Most products are store-brand. ...
  • Fun atmosphere and friendly staff. ...
  • Get a great deal. ...
  • Meal planning is easier. ...
  • Give Trader Joe's a try.
Mar 28, 2023

Does Trader Joe's offer discounts? ›

NO discounts. NO glitzy promotions or couponing wars at our stores. We offer the best everyday values, every day.

What type of benefits does Trader Joe's offer? ›

Trader Joe's is dedicated to making an investment in and for you. All Crew Members currently receive up to a 20% discount on all products in our stores. We offer exceptional medical, dental and vision plans to eligible Crew Members.

Is Trader Joe's a healthy option? ›

Trader Joe's is a beloved grocery store known for its unique and diverse selection of products. A healthy Trader Joe's shopping list is a well-rounded assortment of nutritious foods that prioritize whole, minimally processed options.

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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.