Sardior (2024)

This article is about the dragon deity known as the Ruby Dragon. For the type of rare gem dragon, see ruby dragon.

Sardior (pronounced:/ˈsɑːrdiɔːr/SAR-dee-or[1]) was the dragon god of night, psionics, and secrets, and he was also the Master of gem dragons.[1]


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Realm
  • 4 Activities
  • 5 Relationships
  • 6 Worshipers
    • 6.1 Clergy
    • 6.2 Temples
  • 7 History
  • 8 Appendix
    • 8.1 Notes
    • 8.2 References
    • 8.3 Connections


Sardior was said to be a unique ruby dragon. In his natural form, he had a long and sinewy body covered with deep ruby red scales. At a distance, he was often mistaken for an ancient red dragon.[1]


Despite appearing as a red dragon at first glance, Sardior's playful demeanor soon betrayed his true self. He was reputed to be a great conversationalist, and many who met him were unprepared for his sharp wit.[1]


Sardior's demesne was a huge floating castle named the Ruby Palace,[5][6][3] which orbited the world and always lay in the shadows from the sun. On the nights it was seen, viewers often mistook it for a small red moon.[1]

Periodically, Sardior moved his fortress through the planes, visiting the djinni Citadel of Ice and Steel,[4] and Uroboros, the realm of Jazirian.[3]


Throughout the history of Toril, Sardior worked covertly against the Phaerimm, any human rulers who sought to imprison or make use of psionicists, and any giants who sought hostile actions against dragons. These actions included seeking out dragons to slay them, destroy their eggs, or to conquer their lairs.[7]

One of Sardior's greatest ongoing machinations on Toril was "breeding" more psionicists into the world by manipulating unions between sentient races. He felt this was necessary in order to balance out the world's prevalence of arcane and divine magic users.[7]


Sardior kept a court of five thanes, one for each of the various breeds of gem dragons. They were Aleithilithos, an amethyst dragon, Hrodel, a crystal dragon, Smargad, an emerald dragon, Charisma, a sapphire dragon, and Tithonnas, a topaz dragon. Sardior once had a sixth thane—Seradess, an obsidian dragon—but he destroyed her and banished the obsidian dragons from his court. Even his own clergy didn't know the exact reason behind this decision.[1] These greatwyrms wished to absorb every one of their echoes in order to come together and reform Sardior.[8]


Sardior was worshiped by neutral dragons, psions, and psychic warriors. He didn't require much from his followers, and didn't try to guide their decisions. Gem dragons, in return, viewed him as an ideal and strove to be more like him.[1]

Sardior was always happy when he granted spells and special abilities to his followers.[1]


Sardior had very few clerics. They usually dressed in the appropriate fashion for the area in which they resided, and then embellished the look with an abundance of jewelry in their everyday wear.[1]

Many sought out his clerics as sources of knowledge, as most of his followers were considered sages on various subjects. The temples gained their wealth by charging for these services. The prominent members of his temples also had social functions. They were personable, knowledgeable, and great storytellers. They showed little interest in politics, which made those around them less concerned with the information they revealed to the clergy.[1]

Sardior's clergy was welcomed everywhere much as bards were. A small group of his clergy, known as the ruby disciples, trained to be a martial arm of the church, serving not only as a defense but also as a show of force.[1]


As he wasn't as old as the other members of the draconic pantheon, having ascended to the status of lesser deity in relatively modern times, temples to Sardior were fewer than even his clerics. Temples dedicated to the Ruby Dragon were usually located in high areas that allowed clear views of the night sky but were close to a community of some sort.[1]

Most gem dragons kept a ruby on a small pedestal in their lairs as a shrine to him.[1]


According to the ancient draconic myth Elegy for the First World, Sardior was the first creation of the primordial dragons, Bahamut and Tiamat. He helped them to create the first metallic and chromatic dragons. When the gods of the Outer Planes invaded the Material plane, Sardior hid in the "heart of creation", and it is believed he died when the "First World" was destroyed. However, some sages believe that Sardior's consciousness survived, scattered and fused with all the worlds of the Material Plane. It's also said that the gem dragons were born from the remains of Sardior's consciousness.[9]



According to Ed Greenwood, Sardior was worshiped as a god in the Realms.[10]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Scott Brocius & Mark A. Jindra (2003-01-24). The Legend of Sardior. The Mind's Eye. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2020-11-12. Retrieved on 2019-05-07.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Arthur W. Collins(May 1980). “That's not in the Monster Manual!”. In Jake Jaqueted. Dragon #37 (TSR, Inc.), pp. 6–7, 35–36.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Wolfgang Baur(February 1995). “Mount Celestia”. In Michele Cartered. Planes of Law (TSR, Inc), p. 21. ISBN0-7869-0093-8.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Wolfgang Baur(November 1993). Secrets of the Lamp. Genie Lore. (TSR, Inc.), p. 21. ISBN978-1560766476.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Steven Schend(1995). Blood Wars, "Sardior". TSR, Inc..
  6. Steven Schend(1995). Blood Wars, "The Ruby Palace". TSR, Inc..
  7. 7.0 7.1 Ed Greenwood (2020-12-07). Sardior's Activities (Tweet). theedverse. Twitter. Archived from the original on 2021-07-03. Retrieved on 2021-07-15.
  8. James Wyatt(October 2021). Fizban's Treasury of Dragons. Edited by Judy Bauer, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), p.?. ISBN978-0-7869-6729-2.
  9. James Wyatt(October 2021). Fizban's Treasury of Dragons. Edited by Judy Bauer, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. prologue, p.?. ISBN978-0-7869-6729-2.
  10. Ed Greenwood (2016-12-13). Sardior's Worship (Tweet). theedverse. Twitter. Archived from the original on 2022-08-30. Retrieved on 2022-10-17.


The Draconic Pantheon

Greater Deities
Intermediate Deities
KereskaNathair SgiathachZorquan
Lesser Deities
Dead powers

Deities of the Post–Second Sundering Era

Ao the Overgod
Faerûnian Pantheon
Akadi | Amaunator | Asmodeus | Auril | Azuth | Bane | Beshaba | Bhaal | Chauntea | Cyric | Deneir | Eldath | Gond | Grumbar | Gwaeron | Helm | Hoar | Ilmater | Istishia | Jergal | Kelemvor | Kossuth | Lathander | Leira | Lliira | Loviatar | Malar | Mask | Mielikki | Milil | Myrkul | Mystra | Oghma | Red Knight | Savras | Selûne | Shar | Silvanus | Sune | Talona | Talos | Tempus | Torm | Tymora | Tyr | Umberlee | Valkur | Waukeen
The Morndinsamman
Abbathor | Berronar Truesilver | Clangeddin Silverbeard | Deep Duerra | Dugmaren Brightmantle | Dumathoin | Gorm Gulthyn | Haela Brightaxe | Laduguer | Marthammor Duin | Moradin | Sharindlar | Vergadain
The Seldarine
Aerdrie Faenya | Angharradh | Corellon | Deep Sashelas | Erevan | Fenmarel Mestarine | Hanali Celanil | Labelas Enoreth | Rillifane Rallathil | Sehanine Moonbow | Shevarash | Solonor Thelandira
The Dark Seldarine
Eilistraee | Kiaransalee | Lolth | Selvetarm | Vhaeraun
Yondalla's Children
Arvoreen | Brandobaris | Cyrrollalee | Sheela Peryroyl | Urogalan | Yondalla
Lords of the Golden Hills
Baervan Wildwanderer | Baravar Cloakshadow | Callarduran Smoothhands | Flandal Steelskin | Gaerdal Ironhand | Garl Glittergold | Nebelun | Segojan Earthcaller | Urdlen
Orc Pantheon
Bahgtru | Gruumsh | Ilneval | Luthic | Shargaas | Yurtrus
Mulhorandi pantheon
Anhur | Bast | Geb | Hathor | Horus | Isis | Nephthys | Osiris | Re | Sebek | Set | Thoth
Other gods of Faerûn
Bahamut | Enlil | Finder Wyvernspur | Ghaunadaur | Gilgeam | Lurue | Moander | Nobanion | Raven Queen | Tiamat

Deities of the Post-Spellplague Era

Ao the Overgod
Greater Gods of Faerûn
Amaunator | Asmodeus | Bane | Chauntea | Corellon | Cyric | Ghaunadaur | Gruumsh | Kelemvor | Lolth | Moradin | Oghma | Selûne | Shar | Silvanus | Sune | Tempus | Torm
Gods of Faerûn
Angharradh | Auril | Bahamut | Berronar Truesilver | Beshaba | Garl Glittergold | Gond | Ilmater | Loviatar | Luthic | Malar | Mielikki | Sheela Peryroyl | Sseth | Talona | Tiamat | Tymora | Umberlee | Waukeen | Zehir
Exarchs of Faerûn
Abbathor | Arvoreen | Baervan Wildwanderer | Bahgtru | Baravar Cloakshadow | Brandobaris | Callarduran Smoothhands | Clangeddin Silverbeard | Cyrrollalee | Deep Sashelas | Dugmaren Brightmantle | Erevan Ilesere | Fenmarel Mestarine | Fzoul Chembryl | Garagos | Hoar | Hruggek | Jergal | Labelas Enoreth | Lliira | Maglubiyet | Malar | Marthammor Duin | Milil | Obould | Red Knight | Sharess | Shargaas | Shevarash | Shiallia | Siamorphe | Solonor Thelandira | Thard Harr | Uthgar | Valkur | Vaprak | Vergadain

Deities of the Era of Upheaval

Deities of the Age of Humanity

Ao the Overgod
Major Deities of Faerûn
Angharradh | Bane | Bhaal | Chauntea | Corellon Larethian | Garl Glittergold | Gruumsh | Horus-Re | Lathander | Moradin | Myrkul | Mystra | Oghma | Shar | Silvanus | Sune | Talos | Tempus | Tyr | Yondalla
Other Deities of Faerûn
Auppenser | Abbathor | Arvoreen | Auril | Baervan Wildwanderer | Berronar Truesilver | Beshaba | Callarduran Smoothhands | Clangeddin Silverbeard | Cyrrollalee | Deep Duerra | Deep Sashelas | Dumathoin | Erevan Ilesere | Flandal Steelskin | Gond | Hanali Celanil | Helm | Ilmater | Isis | Labelas Enoreth | Laduguer | Lolth | Mask | Mielikki | Nephthys | Osiris | Rillifane Rallathil | Sehanine Moonbow | Segojan Earthcaller | Selûne | Set | Sharindlar | Sheela Peryroyl | Solonor Thelandira | Thoth | Tymora | Umberlee | Urdlen | Vergadain

Sardior (2024)


What is Sardior the god of? ›

Sardior (pronounced: /ˈsɑːrdiɔːr/ SAR-dee-or) was the dragon god of night, psionics, and secrets, and he was also the Master of gem dragons.

Is sardior related to Bahamut? ›

Bahamut is a child of the dragon god Io. He is also referred to as the God of Dragons or the Lord of the North Wind. In many campaign settings, the draconic pantheon of gods consists of the leader Io, and his children Aasterinian, Bahamut, Chronepsis, Faluzure, Sardior, and Tiamat.

What is another name for a sardior? ›

Also known as Master of the Gem Dragons, Sardior is a unique ruby dragon.

What is the holy symbol of sardior? ›

The ruby symbolized Sardior's mind, and his followers believed that by carrying this type of symbol with him, that his brilliant mind would always be with them. Other common symbols that were carried were gem-laden rings, red tomes and the occasional gem-encrusted monocle.

Who is the strongest dragon god? ›

Ignia: Ignia is the Fire Dragon God and happens to be Igneel's biological son, the Fire Dragon King. This in turn would make him Natsu's foster brother. As his name would suggest, he controls and manipulates the elements of fire itself. His magical power is so immense that he has destroyed many countries in the past.

Is Tiamat an evil god? ›

Cult. Tiamat is a greedy, vain, and arrogant goddess who embodies all the strengths of evil dragonkind, and few of their weaknesses. The Queen of Evil Dragons demands reverence, homage, supplication, and tribute from her subjects. She is sometimes called "Her Dark Majesty" or simply "Dark Queen".

Who is stronger, Tiamat or Bahamut? ›

The platinum dragon Bahamut is a member of the nine dragon deities created from the body of Io and his sister Tiamat. Both Tiamat and Bahamut are similarly powerful, but are very dissimilar in personality.

Are Bahamut and Tiamat married? ›

He appeared when he was younger fell in love with Tiamat which when they were younger they were married and where happy together until the first Lich King appeared.

Is Bahamut the strongest dragon? ›

Physiology of Dragon God: As a Dragon God, Bahamut possesses a level of power that makes him one of the strongest and most powerful of all dragon species.

What is the Sumerian name for dragon? ›

The Dragon (Sumerian: Ušum or Ushum) was one of the warriors slain by Ninurta, patron god of Lagash, in Sumerian religion.

What are celestial dragons called? ›

The World Nobles, also known as the Celestial Dragons (天竜人, Tenryūbito?, literally meaning "Heavenly Dragon Folk"), are the aristocratic descendants of nineteen of the First Twenty who established what is now known as the World Government.

What type of dragon is moonstone? ›

Moonstone dragons were a species of gem or neutral dragon.

What are the powers of the sardior? ›

Sardior has the ability (Create Thane) to transform a gem dragon into one of his six thanes. The transformed dragon takes on the attributes of the chosen thane, including all memories and personalities. Once changed, the new thane cannot be changed back, only slain.

What is the dragon of Kabbalah? ›

Tanin'iver (compd. of Heb. תַנִין, "dragon" + עִוֵר, "sightless" — the "blind dragon") is an evil cosmic entity described in Kabbalistic writings, such as the Treatise on the Left Emanation and the Zohar. He is the steed of Lilith, so he is considered a mechanism by which evil is activated.

What dragons worship Tiamat? ›

According to the ancient draconic myth Elegy for the First World, Bahamut and Tiamat both coalesced from the primordial chaos at the beginning of time. Whatever the truth, her cult grew rapidly in the communities of chromatic dragons, especially among blue, green, and red dragons.

What is Tiamat the god of? ›

Tiamat was a goddess within the Mesopotamian pantheon. She was believed to be a divine creatrix and primordial goddess of the sea. With her mate Apsu (also spelled Abzu), the god of groundwater, she created the younger gods. Tiamat was seen as the monstrous embodiment of the chaos of primordial creation.

Who is the god of neutral dragons? ›

Metallic dragons are good, chromatic dragons are evil, and gem dragons, rare as they are, are neutral. And their patron god, Sardior, Prince of Neutral Dragons, also acts as god of night, secrets, and psionic power. In form, he is a ruby dragon with a long and thin body.

Who is the dragon goddess of chaos? ›

Tiamat, in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, the primordial goddess who was the personification of the salt sea and the mother of the gods. She also was associated with the chaos of creation.

What is Tiamat the beast of? ›

Tiamat is the primordial mother of creation in Mesopotamian mythology. She was dropped into the Abyss by her children, and her womb was cast down to become the surface of the planet. However, as soon as she would wake, she would cease all benevolence she possessed, and become a Beast of Humanity.

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