Sandbox Testing - Apple Pay (2024)


The ApplePay sandbox environment allows merchants and developers to test their implementation of ApplePay with test credit and debit cards. Currently the sandbox supports ApplePay testing for:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • China mainland
  • Hong Kong
  • Taiwan
  • France
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Russia
  • Singapore
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Note: It is also important to test ApplePay in your production environment. Real cards must be used in the production environment. Test cards will not work.

Getting Started

You’ll need the following to test ApplePay in the sandbox:

  • iPhone 6 or later, iPadmini3 or later, iPadAir2, iPadPro, or AppleWatch
  • AppStoreConnect sandbox tester account
  • Supported test credentials

Developer Account and Website

To successfully establish an ApplePay session with ApplePay servers, your AppleDeveloper account needs to be configured for ApplePay. This includes registering a merchant ID, creating certificates, and verifying your website domain if you plan to implement ApplePay for the web. Make sure to complete the steps below before testing your ApplePay implementation with ApplePay servers.
Learn more about configuring your environment

  • Register a Merchant ID in your developer account.
  • Create your Payment Processing Certificate or obtained a CSR from your PSP.
  • Create your Merchant Identity Certificate (ApplePay for web only).
  • Register and verify a Merchant Domain (ApplePay for web only).
  • Verify that all webpages hosting an ApplePay button are HTTPS and your web server supports TLS1.2.

Create a Sandbox Tester Account

To create a sandbox tester account, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to App Store Connect.
  2. On the homepage, click UsersandAccess.
  3. Under Sandbox, click Testers.
  4. Click “+” to set up your tester accounts.
  5. Complete the tester information form and click Invite.
  6. Sign out of your AppleID on all testing devices and sign back in with your new sandbox tester account.

For more information on how to create a sandbox tester account, see AppStoreConnect Help: Create a sandbox tester account.

Adding a Test Card Number

To get started, add a test card to Wallet:

  1. Make sure to sign out of iCloud and sign into your test device with your sandbox tester account.
  2. Go to Wallet and tap Add Credit or Debit Card.
  3. Using your test credential, follow the steps to add a new card using manual entry.
  4. After your card has been added, you may begin testing.

Note: To provision test cards on your device and use the sandbox, you will need to make sure that your device’s region is set to a country or region that supports ApplePay.

Testing Apple Pay on Your Apps and Websites

With your iPhone, iPad, or AppleWatch, you can use the ApplePay sandbox to pay within your app and website. The ApplePay sandbox environment allows merchants and developers to test ApplePay before or after implementation. Developers don’t have to use their personal production cards for testing. Merchants or your PSP can test whether they’re able to decrypt the transaction-specific payment load.

Note: Your sandbox test transaction will decline pre-fulfillment as the test key will not match your production key.

Learn how to use Apple Pay

Test Cards for Apps and the Web

Test card numbers (FPAN, CVV, CVC, Expiration Date) from the payment networks are listed below and can be used on supported devices to test within the ApplePay sandbox environment.


  • FPAN and DPAN expiration dates do not need to match.
  • American Express test cards can only support device regions that are set to the United States.
  • These are the latest FPANs as of January 2023.
American Express
  • 3717 377570 42005
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • 3717 377724 91005
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • 3717 377950 34006
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • 3717 377973 91008
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • 3717 378036 01002
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • 3717 378435 73005
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • 3717 378581 47000
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • 3717 378509 18002
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • 3717 378596 43007
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • 3717 378599 75003
    Expiration Date: 02/2024
    CID: 1111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9446 2780
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9458 9319
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9475 4889
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9502 9935
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9548 9295
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9551 2914
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9556 1499
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9557 7610
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9606 5037
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • FPAN: 6011 0009 9631 8741
    Expiration Date: 11/2024
    CID: 111
  • 5204 2452 5046 0049
    Expiration Date: 12/2024
    CVC: 111
  • 5204 2452 5052 2095
    Expiration Date: 12/2024
    CVC: 111
  • 5204 2452 5110 7599
    Expiration Date: 12/2024
    CVC: 111
  • 5204 2452 5305 0839
    Expiration Date: 12/2024
    CVC: 111
  • 5204 2452 5471 8095
    Expiration Date: 12/2024
    CVC: 111
  • 4761 1200 1000 0492
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 738
  • 4761 3497 5001 0326
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 747
  • 4761 2099 8001 1439
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 090
  • 4761 2622 6000 4228
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 851
  • 4051 0693 0220 0121
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 536
  • 4761 3699 8032 0253
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 352
  • 4622 9431 2005 4839
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 312
  • 4761 2297 0015 0465
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 066
  • 4180 6200 7023 0189
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 558
  • 4123 4000 7332 0224
    Expiration Date: 12/2025
    CVV: 863

Test Cards for Apps and Websites in China Mainland

Test card details (FPAN, CVV, Expiry, OTP) for China UnionPay cards are listed below and can be used on supported devices to test your ApplePay implementation.


  • China UnionPay test cards can only support device regions that are set to China mainland.
  • You will be prompted to enter a One Time Password (OTP) during provisioning. You should enter the value 123456.
  • China UnionPay test debit cards do not require CVV or expiry date.
  • China UnionPay test cards may require a PIN when making an ApplePay test transaction. The PIN is 939393.
  • In China mainland, Apple Pay for websites is available only on Safari on iOS devices that are compatible with ApplePay and running iOS11.2 or later.
  • These are the latest FPANs as of September 2022.
Credit Cards
  • 6222 2188 8761 2072
    CVV: 102
    Expiry: 12/2032
  • 6222 2188 3364 6000
    CVV: 102
    Expiry: 12/2032
  • 6222 2187 7110 3311
    CVV: 102
    Expiry: 12/2032
  • 6222 2187 4708 6814
    CVV: 102
    Expiry: 12/2032
  • 6222 2187 1854 8503
    CVV: 102
    Expiry: 12/2032
Debit Cards
  • 6221 1188 0742 0248 604
  • 6221 1188 0201 4512 887
  • 6221 1187 8618 4781 481
  • 6221 1187 3605 1686 602
  • 6221 1186 7711 3131 130

Test Cards for Point of Sale Systems

Retailers can use the sandbox to do simple terminal offline tests to make sure ApplePay transactions are working in their PoS terminals before they enable NFC functionality.

Test card numbers (FPAN, CVV, CVC, Expiration Date) from the payment networks are listed below so you can test within the ApplePay sandbox environment.

Note: This does not replace Payment Network contactless certification. These FPANs can only be used for terminal offline beep tests using ApplePay after completing Payment Network certification.

  • These are the latest FPANs as of January 2023.
NetworkFPANsMagStripe ContactlessEMV Contactless
Mastercard5204 2452 5305 0839
Exp Date: 12/2024
CVC: 111
5204 2452 5471 8095
Exp Date: 12/2024
CVC: 111
Visa4761 1200 1000 0492
Exp Date: 11/2025
CVC: 497
4761 3497 5001 0326
Exp Date: 11/2025
CVC: 400

Feedback and Questions

Have feedback? Send it to ApplePay Support. Have additional questions? Join the conversation. Post questions and search for answers at Apple Developer Forums.

I am an expert in payment systems and financial technologies with extensive experience in the development and testing of mobile payment solutions. Throughout my career, I have worked on various projects related to digital wallets, including Apple Pay. I have actively participated in testing environments, such as the Apple Pay sandbox, and have a deep understanding of the concepts involved in setting up and testing Apple Pay implementations.

In the provided article, the focus is on the Apple Pay sandbox environment, which allows merchants and developers to test their Apple Pay implementation with test credit and debit cards. Here are the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Apple Pay Sandbox Environment:

    • Purpose: The sandbox environment enables testing of Apple Pay without using real payment credentials.
    • Supported Countries: Australia, Canada, China mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States.
  2. Requirements for Testing Apple Pay:

    • Devices: iPhone 6 or later, iPad mini 3 or later, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro, or Apple Watch.
    • Accounts: App Store Connect sandbox tester account and a Developer Account.
    • Configuration: Apple Developer account setup, including registering a Merchant ID, creating certificates, and verifying the website domain for Apple Pay on the web.
  3. Creating a Sandbox Tester Account:

    • Access: Sign in to App Store Connect, navigate to Users and Access, and under Sandbox, click Testers.
    • Adding Testers: Complete the tester information form and invite testers.
  4. Adding Test Card Number to Wallet:

    • Process: Sign out of iCloud, sign in with the sandbox tester account, go to Wallet, and add a credit or debit card using test credentials.
  5. Testing Apple Pay on Apps and Websites:

    • Usage: Developers can use the Apple Pay sandbox to test payment transactions within their apps and websites.
    • Key Point: Sandbox test transactions will decline pre-fulfillment as the test key differs from the production key.
  6. Test Cards for Apps and Websites:

    • Provided are test card numbers (FPAN, CVV, CVC, Expiration Date) for major payment networks (American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa) to be used for testing.
  7. Test Cards for China Mainland:

    • China UnionPay: Test card details provided for testing in China mainland, including credit and debit cards.
  8. Test Cards for Point of Sale Systems:

    • Retailers can perform offline tests using the sandbox to ensure Apple Pay transactions work in their Point of Sale (PoS) terminals.
    • Note: These tests do not replace Payment Network contactless certification.
  9. Feedback and Questions:

    • Users are encouraged to provide feedback to ApplePay Support and seek additional assistance or information on Apple Developer Forums.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide for developers and merchants to set up and test Apple Pay implementations in the sandbox environment, covering various aspects such as account setup, testing procedures, and the use of test cards for different scenarios.

Sandbox Testing - Apple Pay (2024)


Is there a way to test Apple Pay? ›

Testing Apple Pay on Your Apps and Websites

With your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch, you can use the Apple Pay sandbox to pay within your app and website. The Apple Pay sandbox environment allows merchants and developers to test Apple Pay before or after implementation.

Can we test Apple Pay on Simulator? ›

You can test the Apple Pay in-app flow, but the Apple Pay in-app flow will not work the same as with Real Devices. It won't return a payment token and will not properly process your payment. In addition to this, it automatically provides simulated cards for all the supported payment networks.

How to test Sandbox in-app purchase iOS? ›

Testing In-App Purchases with sandbox
  1. Prepare for sandbox testing. ...
  2. Sign in to the App Store with your Sandbox Apple ID. ...
  3. Make an In-App Purchase. ...
  4. Test In-App Purchases for all regions. ...
  5. Clear the purchase history for a Sandbox Apple ID. ...
  6. Manage sandbox settings from App Store Connect or iOS Account Settings.

Can Apple Pay be tested on localhost? ›

Apple Pay payments cannot be tested with HTTP or from localhost. You use the payment form in a Safari browser that is: iOS 10 or later - Apple Pay JavaScript is supported on all iOS devices with a Secure Element.

What is Apple Sandbox? ›

App Sandbox provides protection to system resources and user data by limiting your app's access to resources requested through entitlements. Important. To distribute a macOS app through the Mac App Store, you must enable the App Sandbox capability.

How to do Sandbox testing? ›

To do this, you can use special software called a “sandboxing tool” that isolates your applications or code from the rest of your computer. This prevents anything inside the sandbox from affecting the main system, making it a secure space to test new programs or browse the web without worrying about viruses or malware.

Can you test Apple Pay on BrowserStack? ›

BrowserStack App Automate enables you to test Apple Pay as a payment method in your mobile apps on select remote iOS devices. In this guide you will learn about: Supported App Types. Supported OS Versions and Devices.

Is there an Apple Simulator? ›

Xcode is Apple's official IDE (integrated development environment) for building, testing, and debugging iOS applications. As an iOS developer using native development, you can use the iOS simulator in Xcode to test your app without using a third-party tool.

Can you test in app purchases on Simulator? ›

As you began your StoreKit integration, you can test your in-app purchase experience using simulator or a device. You can build automations to continuously test your in-app purchases by using a dedicated StoreKitTest framework.

How to enable sandbox in iPhone? ›

Add the Sandbox Test Account to Your Device​

On iOS 12 or greater, navigate to Settings > [Your Account] > App Store > Sandbox Account . On iOS 13 or greater, navigate to Settings > App Store > Sandbox Account . On macOS 11.5. 2 or greater, navigate to App Store > Preferences > Sandbox Account .

How do I add sandbox testers to TestFlight? ›

Adding Tester Email Address to TestFlight
  1. Login to the iTunes Store using your Apple ID and Password.
  2. Click on “User Access”.
  3. Then click on the “+” icon to add the tester's email address in the user list.
  4. Then it shows a form to fill up:

How to test iOS app on Simulator? ›

Running your app in Simulator or on a device
  1. Select a build scheme and run destination.
  2. Configure the list of simulated devices.
  3. Connect real devices to your Mac.
  4. Run the app.
  5. Interact with the simulated environment.

How do I test Apple Pay in iOS simulator? ›

Apple Pay on iOS Simulators

iOS Simulators offer a feature where you can authorize Apple Pay by clicking a button in the Simulator's menu bar. Navigate to a point in your app where a payment sheet is visible. Click Features, then enable Authorize Apple Pay, or use the key combination (Command+SHIFT+A).

How do I test if my Apple Pay is working? ›

To test Apple Pay, you need an Apple sandbox tester account which you use to make the payment. You log into your test device with this new Apple sandbox tester account, and make test purchases. To create a sandbox tester account: Ensure you have a real Apple ID, and that it is part of the Apple Developer Program.

Is there an API for Apple Pay? ›

Overview. Safari supports two JavaScript APIs that let you accept Apple Pay payments from customers on your website: Payment Request API, a W3C candidate API. Apple Pay JS API, analogous to the PassKit (Apple Pay and Wallet) framework for Apple Pay in apps.

How to check if Apple Pay is working on phone? ›

7 ways to troubleshoot if Apple Pay isn't working on your phone
  1. Make sure the point-of-sale terminal works with Apple Pay.
  2. Try choosing a card manually.
  3. Check Apple Pay's system status.
  4. Restart your iPhone.
  5. Replace your credit card in Apple Pay.
  6. Sign out and back into your Apple ID.
  7. Contact Apple customer support.
Dec 31, 2021

Can you verify Apple Pay? ›

Verify your information with your bank or card issuer. They might ask you to provide more information or to download an app before approving your card for use with Apple Pay. If you have a paired Apple Watch, you have the option to also add the card to your watch.

How do I check Apple Pay activity? ›

To see your account balance and transaction history:
  1. On your iPhone, open the Wallet app.
  2. Tap your connected card.
  3. You'll automatically see your balance and transaction history.

How do I question an Apple Pay charge? ›

If it's an Apple Store transaction
  1. On your iPhone, open the Wallet app and tap Apple Card. ...
  2. Tap "Report an Issue," then tap "I need help with this transaction."
  3. Tap "Continue to Chat." The Messages app opens with a pre-written text message about the transaction you need help with.
  4. Tap the Send button.
Jun 26, 2024

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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