Salary Negotiation Emails: Earn What You Deserve (2024)

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Why you should negotiate your salary

What’s a salary negotiation email?

How to write a salary negotiation email: 7 steps

6 tips and best practices for your email

Salary negotiation email template

Salary negotiation email samples

It gets easier

Whether you’ve just received a job offer or feel your responsibilities have changed, at one point you’ll likely need to negotiate your salary. Salary discussions with a recruiter, hiring manager, or boss can be uncomfortable. You don’t want to seem unappreciative, but you want your wages to reflect your true value.

You deserve to feel good about your compensation. Writing a professional salary negotiation email can help you broach the subject with your employer clearly and thoughtfully.

Why you should negotiate your salary

Yes — your salary pays your bills. But knowing your employer fairly compensates you also contributes to job satisfaction and overall happiness at work. It’s how they show they value and appreciate your efforts.

Despite this, most people are reluctant to discuss compensation. According to a survey, only 37% of candidates always negotiate their base salary when they accept an offer of employment.

As a result, they could forgo up to $500,000 by the age of 60. The numbers aren’t better for existing employees. The same survey found that only 12% take advantage of an annual review to discuss a higher salary, while 44% never bring it up.

The main reason for holding back? Fear and a lack of know-how. That’s unfortunate because the odds favor success, whether you’re making a counteroffer on an initial salary proposal or requesting a raise.

Employers expect new hires to negotiate compensation packages, and when a candidate makes an attempt, they’re successful 85% of the time. The success rate is nearly as high for existing employees, with 70% who request a raise receiving one.

Regardless, if you still feel uncomfortable negotiating a job offer, discussing compensation, learning how to write a salary negotiation email can help you make your case for a pay increase with less anxiety.

What’s a salary negotiation email?

A salary negotiation email is a letter you send to a potential employer or existing manager requesting an increase in compensation. Usually, you write it in response to an initial work offer or after you’ve been with a company for more than a year.

Email writing is acceptable in salary negotiations, especially if it’s your primary method of communication. It’s also helpful on two fronts. Writing an email relieves some of the stress of talking face-to-face.

It also lets you clearly list qualifications, outline accomplishments, and express your desire for more pay, making your case while maintaining your professional composure no matter how nervous you feel.

Salary Negotiation Emails: Earn What You Deserve (3)

How to write a salary negotiation email: 7 steps

Like any other formal correspondence, a salary negotiation email must be professional and courteous. Take your time, and include the following:

1. A clear subject

Leave the topic of salary in the body of the email. Instead, create a relevant subject line that doesn’t mention compensation. “Reply: E-commerce coordinator job offer” clarifies what you wish to discuss without referring to pay.

2. An appropriate greeting

Choose a respectful and professional greeting depending on your interactions throughout the hiring process.

“Dear [name]” is perfect for a more formal relationship, while “Hey [name]” is acceptable for casual situations. You can also add a greeting, like “I’m pleased to speak with you again” or “I hope your day is going well,” to connect with the recipient and break the ice.

3. A statement of gratitude

Expressions of gratitude create an atmosphere of generosity that strengthens relationships and smooths the negotiation process. If you’ve received a job offer, let your prospective employer know how excited you are about the opportunity. If you’re asking for a raise, express how much you enjoy working for the company.

4. A specific salary expectation

Now that formalities are out of the way, it’s time to state your request. Based on the market average for similar positions, you should already have a salary range or a specific number in mind. This value is the starting point for the negotiation.

It’s preferable to be upfront about your salary expectations, but if you’re uncomfortable, you can ask if there’s an opportunity to review the offer or your current salary.

Salary Negotiation Emails: Earn What You Deserve (4)

5. Justification for an increased salary

Once you’ve made your request, state your case. Show your value by listing work accomplishments, employee strengths, and qualifications, including quantifiable examples. Be specific and express how your successes brought value to the company. The more evidence you present, the more reasonable your request will seem.

6. Other negotiable items

Money isn’t the only means of compensation. Your salary may be non-negotiable, but your employer might improve other areas, like a higher health spending account or more paid time off (PTO), to improve your work-life balance and overall well-being.

7. A positive sign-off

Once again, thank the potential employer or your manager for considering your request. Let them know how much you enjoy or look forward to working with them. Follow up by requesting confirmation of next steps before signing off with your full name and contact information.

6 tips and best practices for your email

Whether you’re an entry-level worker or a seasoned professional, finding a compromise on a proposed salary increase is an opportunity to practice your negotiation skills. Incorporating these tips and tricks will polish your salary negotiation email and help it stand out.

1. Keep it simple

You may feel there’s a lot of ground to cover to justify your salary increase, but it’s best to restrict your email to three or four paragraphs, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. That way, you don’t lose important information in miscellaneous details.

Miscommunications often happen in emails. Avoid confusion by considering your tone during the writing process. Keep your language simple and direct while remaining polite. And remember to emphasize your continued interest in joining the company or building a professional relationship.

2. Know your value

Like in a job interview, you’re selling yourself to the employer. Your negotiation email should outline how you bring value to the role. Include anything relevant to the job description, like your skill set, education, and certifications.

To better understand your value, find out if there’s an industry-standard market value for someone in your position. Investigate job postings, and online databases to discover the average salary for someone with your:

  • Qualifications

  • Experience level

  • Employer and department

  • Geographic location

Salary calculators like Glassdoor’s Know Your Worth can help you build a compensation profile based on what you bring to the table. And if your existing wage or starting salary is less than the market average, mention that in your email.

3. Aim high

If you provide your employer with a salary range, their initial proposal will gravitate toward the lower end of that scale. To avoid a lowball offer, establish a salary range that places your desired amount closer to the middle so you both have room to bargain.

4. Consider alternative forms of compensation

Be open to exploring other options if your salary is non-negotiable. Some perks are just as valuable as financial compensation, so consider the following:

  • Signing bonus or incentive plan

  • Pension plan and stock options

  • Expanded benefits plan

  • Parental leave

  • Professional development opportunities

  • Remote work

  • Tuition and office equipment reimbursem*nt

  • A senior job title

  • Unlimited PTO

  • Subsidized gym membership

  • A company car

Remember to assess your expenses before suggesting an offer to know what you’d accept if they disapprove of your initial request. You might realize you actually care more about increased vacation time, less about a salary increase, and can adjust your email as necessary.

Salary Negotiation Emails: Earn What You Deserve (5)

5. Be firm

After careful research and considering alternatives, stay firm on your request, drawing on your data and proven results to show you know what you’re worth and have evidence to back it up.

This confidence is also an excellent negotiation strategy as you’re stressing you won’t back down. For fear that you’ll reject the job offer or leave to find better employment, they might respond to this confidence with a firm “Yes.”

6. Review your letter

Before you hit “Send,” read your letter aloud and run it through a spelling and grammar checker to ensure it’s professional and error-free. You could ask a trusted friend, mentor, or career coach to review your letter to gain their perspective.

Salary negotiation email template

If you’ve received a job offer and would like to negotiate your starting salary, here’s a template you can use to frame your email.

Subject: Offer response – [job title]

Greeting: Dear [first name]

Gratitude: I was very excited to receive your offer for the [job title] position. Thank you very much.

Expectation: Before I accept, I’d like to discuss the matter of salary. I’ve researched the compensation for employees with comparable experience in similar roles. After some consideration, I believe a salary falling between [salary range] would better reflect my [skills, experience, or achievements], which is slightly more than your initial offer of [initial offer].

Justification: In my last position, my [accomplishment one] delivered [quantified result one] for my previous employer. I also [accomplishment two], which allowed me to [quantified result two]. I’m confident I can achieve the same results or better in this new role.

Alternative: Are you open to negotiating this salary or other aspects of the compensation package, such as [alternative one], [alternative two], or [alternative three]?

Closing: I’m excited about my future with [company name] and hope we can find something mutually agreeable here. I look forward to hearing from you regarding our next steps.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.


[full name]

Salary Negotiation Emails: Earn What You Deserve (6)

Salary negotiation email samples

If you’re looking for additional guidance, here are two more examples.

1. Counteroffer email for new job applicant

Subject: Sales Manager Employment Offer – Reply

Dear [name],

I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

I was very excited to receive your offer for the Assistant Sales Manager role with [company name].

I’ve considered your offer and would like to discuss my starting salary before accepting. My extensive knowledge and five years of experience in B2B sales will be a great addition to your growing sales department.

During my time with my previous employer, I regularly exceeded my group sales quota by 15%. I also have a proven track record of building rapport with my clients, which allows me to retain their business year-over-year.

The responsibilities of this role will enable me to contribute directly to [company name]’s continued success, which is why I’m enthusiastic about working with you and your team.

I would accept this role if the salary sat between $88–92,000 yearly. After reviewing the average market value for someone in my position, I believe this amount is a fair reflection of my skills and years of experience.

I recognize this is more than your offer of $82,000, and am willing to accept additional paid vacation time or a comprehensive health benefits package if you can't consider a salary increase.

Thank you again for your consideration. I await your response to discuss next steps and am very eager to start my career with [company name].

All the best,

2. Pay increase email

Subject: Performance review follow-up

Hello [name],

I hope you’re having a wonderful afternoon.

I appreciated your feedback during my annual performance review. I genuinely enjoy working for [company name] and am thrilled that my work satisfies you.

The four projects I took the lead on challenged my abilities, and it’s gratifying to hear the clients were pleased with the results. I look forward to continuing to expand my project management skills over the coming 12 months.

Based on my performance, I would like to request a review of my current salary. In addition to my project management duties, I’ve streamlined our design process and reduced the amount of rework by 10%.

In addition, I’ve delivered two projects ahead of time while mentoring three new employees. My contributions have increased the company’s profit margin by 8%.

Considering my success and continued commitment to growing the department, I believe a salary of $102–107,000 would align better with my skills and experience.

The amount is only slightly more than my present salary of $98,000 and better reflects the current market average in the state. If you can’t accommodate a salary increase, I would consider the possibility of remote work and other professional development opportunities.

I appreciate you taking the time to review my request. Please let me know if you’d like to meet in person to discuss the matter further. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

See you at next week’s team production meeting.



It gets easier

Feeling nervous about negotiating your salary is understandable, especially if it's your first time. But let the research guide you — seeing how employers pay others with your experience level will affirm your worth.

Now that you know how to write a salary negotiation email and have useful templates to start with, you’re well-equipped to stand up for what you think is fair.

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Published August 16, 2023

Salary Negotiation Emails: Earn What You Deserve (2024)


Salary Negotiation Emails: Earn What You Deserve? ›

I understand there may be budget constraints, but I think I deserve a raise. My current salary of [current amount], hasn't changed since I started [X] years ago. In that time, I have taken on more responsibility and my workload has increased. I think a salary of [proposed amount] would be more appropriate.

What is the best answer for salary negotiation? ›

During salary negotiations, consider various factors such as cost of living, your current pay package, and any additional employment benefits like pension, leave entitlement, and employee stock option. A recommended approach is to present your expected salary within a range rather than a fixed figure.

How to reply to salary negotiation email? ›

I'm thrilled about the prospect of joining your team and would happily accept your offer if you could match this base salary. I understand that this figure may be above your planned budget, but I'm flexible and willing to find a solution that works for both of us. Thank you again for your offer.

How do you say you deserve a certain salary? ›

Use your previous work performance as the basis of your request for a raise, but also talk about your plans for your future performance. Discuss your goals and how you want to continue to grow within the company.

What to say if you aren t offered enough money in a salary negotiation? ›

Focus on your skills and expertise

Mentioning additional experience or skills that you didn't get to discuss in the interview can help employers understand your value, which can encourage them to find a suitable salary for your needs.

How do I respond to an email asking for salary expectations? ›

Justify the salary range by highlighting your qualifications, achievements, and skills, such as relevant certifications or degrees, years of experience, or specialized knowledge. As for the desired salary within the range, it's generally best to aim for the middle or slightly higher.

What are your salary expectations' best answers? ›

Say you're flexible.

You can try to skirt the question with a broad answer, such as, “My salary expectations are in line with my experience and qualifications.” Or, “If this is the right job for me, I'm sure we can come to an agreement on salary.” This will show that you're willing to negotiate.

How do you counter negotiate salary email? ›

The basics of a salary counter-offer email
  1. Be grateful: Always start by expressing gratitude for the job offer.
  2. Be clear: Clearly specify your counter-offer and the rationale behind it.
  3. Do your research: Base your counter-offer on industry standards, your experience, and the cost of living in your location.

How do you respectfully negotiate salary? ›

During the salary negotiation process, be sure to present the research you've done, such as industry benchmarks, as well as any attractive competing offers you may be considering. It's also smart to justify your request based on any unique skills or experience you possess relative to other candidates for the job.

How do you respond to salary negotiation pushback? ›

What to Say: “I really appreciate that, and benefits are an important part of the package. But I would be more comfortable if we could find a way to meet in the middle about the salary. Is there any way to find flexibility in that number, given my experience level and strong credentials?”

How do you answer what salary do you think you deserve? ›

Consider giving a salary range, not a number

If a job post asks applicants to state their expected salary when applying for the position, then give a range — not a specific figure — you're comfortable with. Answers like “Negotiable” might work, but they can also make you look evasive.

How to answer the desired salary question? ›

How to answer "What is your desired salary?"
  1. Follow the hiring company's directions closely. Don't provide your desired salary in your cover letter or on your resume unless specifically asked to do so. ...
  2. Select an appropriate range. ...
  3. Indicate that your salary is negotiable when possible.
6 days ago

How do you answer salary expectations politely? ›

If a job post asks applicants to state what their salary expectations are when applying for the position, then give a range — not a specific figure — you're comfortable with. Answers like “negotiable” might work, but they can also make you look evasive.

What not to say in salary negotiation? ›

The least I'd be willing to take is…”

Salary negotiations are like high-stakes poker, so you don't want to reveal your hand right away. If you say the least amount you'd accept for a salary, there's a good chance that 's what you'll be offered—and nothing more.

How do I professionally say I'm not getting paid enough? ›

Bring the evidence. Just saying “I feel like I'm underpaid” without being able to back it up won't be enough. If you expect your employer to raise your salary, you need to give them solid evidence that proves your point. Print out / note down your research and make sure you've taken them from reliable sources.

Can you lose a job offer by negotiating salary? ›

Technically yes, though it's highly unlikely if you do it right. One thing is for certain: You won't get what you want if you don't ask for it! Explore our library for even more salary negotiation tips to earn what you're worth, or sign up for our Salary Negotiation Masterclass!

How do you politely negotiate a higher salary? ›

When negotiating salary after you've received an offer, start by expressing your enthusiasm for the position and appreciation for the offer. Next, present your case for a higher salary by highlighting your experience, skills or market research that supports your request.

How to answer a desired salary question? ›

What to put for desired salary on your job application
  1. Leave the question blank (if possible). The first and best option to manage this question on a job application is to leave the answer blank. ...
  2. Write negotiable in place of a number (or 000). ...
  3. Give a salary range. ...
  4. State a specific salary number.
May 21, 2024

What to say when asked for expected salary? ›

For example:
  • "Given the responsibilities of the position and the number of people I'd be managing, I think $XX is a fair figure. ...
  • "I'm really excited by the challenges you described! ...
  • "I'm thinking $XX. ...
  • "I remember the salary range you gave me earlier, and I respect the fact that you have to work within a budget.
Jun 6, 2024

How do you negotiate salary gracefully? ›

What to Say or Do in Negotiations
  1. Avoid the salary issue altogether. ...
  2. Say your salary requirement is negotiable.
  3. State your current salary and say your requirement is negotiable.
  4. Say you are earning market value for someone in your field. ...
  5. Give a range in which the low-end figure is 10% above your current salary.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.