RPR’s Ultimate Guide to Geographic Farming (2024)

Right now, the market is short on inventory and sellers are in high demand. You need help finding sellers, and finding them yesterday. That’s where geographic farming comes in.

And at RPR, we can help. We want to provide you with content that you can dive into and tackle so you’ll be prepared for the current market.

This geographic farming and prospecting article is a perfect example. You may have considered applying a technique like this to market yourself, but perhaps you held off because you thought it was too complicated or time-consuming. Well, now you can properly sink your teeth into this topic and this article will explain each step and every detail.

Start your neighborhood farm off right

Farming, also known as geographic farming or prospecting, is a proven method of marketing your real estate business to a neighborhood or local proximity in a way that raises awareness of your brand, captures leads, earns referrals and gains listings. When used effectively, farming provides an excellent opportunity to connect with potential sellers. But what should you consider when selecting your farm area? This article will review best practices for selecting a farm area; then review how to save a farm area using RPR’s map, and how to generate mailing labels, CSV mailing exports and reports that will spark homeowner interest.

  • Step 1: Answer these questions before selecting a farm
  • Step 2: How to research key metrics for your farm
  • Step 3: Gathering contacts for your mailings
  • Step 4: RPR Reports for homeowners

5 Questions worth answering before committing to a farm area

A predetermined set of criteria for establishing your geographic farm area will help save time and energy, and further your goal of becoming the de facto REALTOR® of choice. Here’s a checklist of questions used by other REALTORS® who rely on farming to build their businesses:

1 Is the neighborhood nearby and easy to get to?

Operating a farm area outside your normal commute can be a challenge if you want the campaign to be consistent and affordable. A consistent effort includes touchpoints at least every three to four weeks, on a long term basis, so easy access to your farm area is an important consideration.

2 Does the area have an acceptable turnover rate?

One of the most important aspects of identifying a farm area, turnover rate, is a simple calculation that helps to identify whether the area has enough sales activity to sustain your prospecting campaign.

To figure out the turnover rate in your potential farm area, divide the number of homes in your farm area by the number of homes sold in the last 12 months.

  • For example, let’s say15 houses have been sold in the past 12 months. There are150 homes in the area. Therefore:
  • (15 ÷150) x 100 = 10% turnover rate
  • You typically want to see 5% turnover rate or higher.

3 What’s the Absorption Rate in the neighborhood?

Another helpful metric that can determine the potential for success is Absorption Rate—a calculation used to predict how many months worth of inventory are in a particular neighborhood.

To calculate months of inventory for your farm area, first calculate the rate of sales. Next we can use that to determine the Absorption rate.

Using the same example as above, we’re looking at the last 12 months (365 days), and 15 homes have sold during that time period. And lastly, there are 3 current listings.

Rate of Home Sales calculation:

  • Time Frame/Number of Sold Homes = Rate of Home Sales365 days / 15 = 24.3

This tells us that 1 home is sold every 24.3 days

Now we can calculate Absorption Rate:

  • Number of active homes x the rate of home sales =3 X 24.3 = 72.9 days (Or 2.43 Months)

This tells us that if market conditions remain consistent and if no new listings come on the market it will take 72.9 days (Or 2.43 months) for the current inventory to sell at the current pace of the market.

4 Is the number of homes manageable for consistent marketing outreach?

Your goal is to get your brand in front of as many eyes as possible. Yet, you need to sustain your farm campaign consistently, with depth and quality, and with a long-term vision in place. Keeping those costs and available resources in mind is important. The key? Market only to as many homes as your budget will allow, every month.

5 Does one agent currently dominate sales activity for the neighborhood or have homes been sold by many different agents?

Real estate is a competitive business with many agents establishing unspoken territories. Knowing that, and preparing is key to developing your farm area. Look for areas that have a multitude of agents selling with no defined market share. Chances are the area isn’t being marketed heavily by any one agent, giving you an opportunity to consistently brand yourself as the local expert.

Calculate Turnover Rate

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How To Put Your Geographic Farming Plan Into Action

To calculate the metrics above such as Turnover, Rate of Sales and Absorption Rate, requires that you know numbers like total homes in the area, number of homes sold in the last year, and number of active properties. To get you started we have created a turnover calculator which can be viewed here. Follow the steps below to complete the document.

First, lets get the number of homes in a neighborhood:

  1. Sign on to narrpr.com
  2. Select Research from the main navigation, and then choose Map Search.
  3. Enter the geographic (Neighborhood name, ZIP or City) area representing your potential farm area.
  4. From the Type/Status dropdown select Public Records.
  5. Select the magnifying glass to Search.(Note: if you’ve searched a zip code or larger area you may receive a message saying you have too many results. Click Close.)
  6. Pan and zoom the map to center your farm area in the window.
  7. Choose the geographic farm boundaries. This can be accomplished a few different ways:
    • Identify pre-defined neighborhoods:
      • From Show Geographies (located at top of the map), try Intermediate, Minor or Micro Neighborhoods.
      • Now select the geographic area that matches your potential farm. The area will turn orange.
    • Draw a shape:
      • Use Draw (freehand, box, radius or polygon) or Driving (drive time or distance) to define a specific area.
      • Once the shape is set, choose Save Area. Enter a name, and Click Save Area again.
  8. With the neighborhood still selected, choose Search in This Area. The count will be shown directly above the map.
  9. Write down the total number of homes in the turnover calculator.
  10. Repeat for each neighborhood you’ll be comparing.

RPR’s Ultimate Guide to Geographic Farming (1)

Next, we’ll determine the number of homes sold in the neighborhood over the last 12 months.

  1. Above the map, from the Type/Status dropdown select For Sale, and then select Closed.
  2. Now click on the date field to the right of closed, then select Last 12 Months.
  3. Also select Include public records solds.
  4. Now select the orange magnifying glass to search again.
  5. Record the sold count of properties in your template worksheet.
  6. Repeat for each neighborhood you’ll be comparing.

Identify the number of homes currently listed in the farm area.

  1. For this, we need to go back up to the Type/Status dropdown and uncheck Closed and now check Active.
  2. Select the magnifying glass.
  3. View the number of homes currently listed under the map.
  4. Record the number in your worksheet.
  5. Repeat for each neighborhood you’ll be comparing.
  6. With your numbers added to the Turnover Calculator, the 12-month turnover rate is calculated.
  7. Lastly, using your template worksheet, enter your estimated cost per mailing. This number does not come from RPR. It is the average per-piece marketing cost for each home in the farm area. Not sure? Try using the USPS Every Door Direct Mail calculator.

Create a Market Activity Report for the Neighborhood to find additional metrics such as Median Estimated Listing Price, Median Estimated Home Value and Median Days in RPR. The Metrics will be found on page #2 of the report.

First Contact: How to get the Contacts for Your Mailing

RPR’s Mailing Labels feature provides REALTORS® the ability to create farming or prospecting lists and generate up to 2,000 pre-formatted labels per month for mailings to residential or commercial property owners, based on any RPR search.

The labels are available in popular formats, or users can choose to export the results into a standard CSV file. The data used to create the lists is licensed from Black Knight, RPR’s public records provider.

Mailing Labels are created from public records data and directly pulled from your search results. Filter your results through the advanced search, the left side of the results page or through the map drawing tools.

RPR’s Ultimate Guide to Geographic Farming (2)

  1. Sign on to narrpr.com
  2. Select Research from the main navigation, and then choose Map Search.
  3. From the top left corner of the map, select the Saved area we created earlier, and then click Search in this Area.
  4. Now toggle over to List or Gallery view and confirm your results look correct.
  5. Now select Mailing Labels.
  6. The Mailing Labels dialog opens.
  7. LAYOUT: Choose your output: CSV or PDF
    • If PDF is selected, choose from 3 format options
      1. Avery 5160: 30 per sheet
      2. Avery 5161: 20 per sheet
      3. Avery 5162: 14 per sheet
  8. CUSTOMIZE: Choose address and owner name format
    • Select Address Type: Property or Tax Billing
      • If Tax-Billing is chosen, you can also choose to Eliminate Duplicates
    • Choose how you want the labels addressed
      • Owner Name
      • Owner Name “and/or Current Resident”
      • “Current Resident”
      • A Custom Name you enter
  9. FILTER your labels:
    1. Choose Occupancy Type:
      • All – Includes all properties in the search results
      • Owner Occupied -Only includes properties where the fields “owner occupied” is set to Yes
      • Absentee Owner- Only includes properties where the fields “owner occupied” is set to No
    2. Select which labels to exclude:
      • Exclude listed properties
      • Exclude properties on Do Not Mail list
      • Exclude properties with incomplete addresses
    3. Select which Records to export:
      • All (Up to 2,000 per month)
      • Range (From/to): controls the number of records to export by specifying a selection range.

Applying What You’ve Learned: RPR Reports

In this section, we’ll outline a few reports best suited to your geographic farming needs, and finally how to instantly respond to on-the-spot consumer inquiries and leads.

Market Activity Report

RPRs Market Activity Report is a snapshot of all the changes in a local real estate market. It includes a list of active, pending, sold, expired and distressed properties, including recent price changes. You can choose to go back days or weeks, and even up to three months.
Prior to walking your farm area, generate and save a Market Activity Report. Then, when striking up a conversation with the homeowner, use the RPR app to share the area’s sales activity, even offering to email or text the report without skipping a beat.

Even if the homeowner isn’t ready to sell, keep the conversation going by offering to send a monthly or quarterly Market Activity Reports. Perhaps the neighborhood has a few distressed properties your new client is concerned about or they’re thinking of selling when values increase. Here’s your opportunity to get in on the ground floor.

Carpet your farm area with the Market Activity Report, either by email, snail mail, or in person. Customize the report to let them know updates are available at frequent intervals. Direct them to your website to sign up for the next report. Ask them to email it to their neighbors.

Here’s what you will find in a Market Activity Report:
(Uncheck elements you wish to hide)

Report Elements:

  • Market Snapshots
    • Estimated Home Values
    • 12-Month Change in Estimated Value
    • Concentration of Distressed Properties
    • Sales Price
    • List Price
  • Market Activity Summary Stats
  • Market Activity Property Details
  • About RPR and Our Data
  • Choose the report timeframe:
    • Last 3 Days
    • Last Week
    • Last Month
    • Last 3 Months
    • Last 6 Months
  • Choose which statuses to show:
    • New Listings
    • Pending
    • Price Change
    • New Distressed
    • Recently Sold
    • Expired
    • New For Lease
    • Recently Leased
    • Open House

Neighborhood Report

RPR’s Neighborhood Report is a user-friendly configuration of data that will help you know a farm area from the inside out. The report profiles the people, economy, quality of life, and housing for the areas you choose, and can be a great icebreaker when introducing yourself to homeowners with a “Get to Know Your Neighborhood” campaign.

Much like the Market Activity Report, generate the Neighborhood Report prior to walking your farm area. Then, when striking up a conversation with the homeowner, use your phone to share the neighborhood’s report, even offering to email or text the report to the homeowner. You might even want to pull out a fun or intriguing fact about the neighborhood and start the conversation off with a “Did you know” type of question.

Here’s what you’ll find in the Neighborhood Report:

(Uncheck elements you wish to hide)

  • Age ranges
  • Average income
  • Occupations
  • Education levels
  • Voting trends
  • Job growth, unemployment rate
  • Cost of living
  • Climate
  • Average commute times
  • Median list and sales prices
  • Listing and sales volume
  • Price range and price per square foot of homes sold

Property Report

RPR’s Property Report takes a deep dive into data sets such as listing and foreclosure activity, market statistics, demographics, property history, taxes, and school information. The report also includes a property’s before-and-after photos.

RPR’s Property Report is a great marketing tool for those follow-up efforts. And remember, with RPR you don’t need to go back to the office to create one. Let the homeowner know that you can easily email, text, or hardcopy a Property or Mini Property Report to them, complete with your evaluation of the home’s value as well as comps from the neighborhood.

Examples of what you’ll find in the Property Report include (among others):

  • Property Values
  • Comp Analysis Results
  • Home and Homeowner
  • FactsProperty Photos
  • Refined Value
  • Tax, Assessment and Mortgage History
  • Sales and Financing Activity and Price Change History
  • Distressed Info
  • Map Layers
  • Neighborhood Info
  • School Scores and Reviews
  • My Mobile Notes and Photos

Mini Property Report

As the name implies, RPR’s Mini Property Report is a handy, cost-effective deliverable that homeowners will find easy to digest. Most importantly, when your photo and contact info are emblazoned on the report, it’s sure to make a lasting impression on a potential client.

Examples of what you will find in a Mini Property Report include:

  • Value
  • List Price
  • Comp Analysis Results
  • Home and Homeowner Facts
  • Property Photos
  • Historical Data (taxes, assessments, mortgages)

RPR’s Ultimate Guide to Geographic Farming (2024)


What is a geo farming strategy in real estate? ›

Geographic farming is when a real estate agent takes a hyper-focused approach to marketing in a specific geographic area. This could be a neighborhood of as little as 100 homes and as many as tens of thousands. It's a combination of different marketing tactics, including but not limited to: Direct mail.

What is a good turnover rate for a real estate farm? ›

Turnover One of the most important aspects of identifying a farm area, turnover rate, is a simple calculation that helps to identify whether the area has enough sales activity to sustain your prospecting campaign. Most agents look for areas with a 5% or higher turnover rate.

How big should my real estate farm be? ›

The Neighborhood Connection is a proven farming and listing tool. We provide complete customization and exclusivity in your desired farm area to establish you as the expert and go-to realtor. While our average agents' farm area size is over 4,500 homes, we have established a 1,500 minimum to start you off right.

How to find high turnover areas? ›

Follow these steps to compare neighborhoods and pinpoint the ones with the highest turnover potential:
  1. Define Your Farming Territories.
  2. Count the Homes in Each Neighborhood.
  3. Track Recent Sales in Each Neighborhood.
  4. Compare and Conquer.

What is the geo farming strategy? ›

Geo-Farming, commonly known as geo-retargeting, is a tactic used by mobile advertisers to target customers at a specific location – whether on premise or in proximity of a point of interest – and re-target them at a later time with the same ad.

What real estate strategy makes the most money? ›

Here are the 8 best real estate investment strategies to build wealth, diversify portfolios, and achieve long-term financial success.
  • Buy and Hold Strategy.
  • Fix and Flip Strategy.
  • Wholesaling Real Estate Strategy.
  • Airbnb/Vacation Rentals Strategy.
  • Invest in REITs Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
May 11, 2024

What is the ROI on farmland? ›

U.S. Farmland Returns

Over the last 20 years, United States farmland has offered average returns of 12.75%.

What is the average net worth of a farm owner? ›

In 2022, the median U.S. farm household had $1,376,404 in wealth. Households operating commercial farms had $3.5 million in total wealth at the median, substantially more than the households of residence or intermediate farms.

What is the average profit margin for a farm? ›

For farms that were in the top quartile during the 2010 to 2014 and 2015 to 2019 periods, the average profit margin was 24.4 percent.

Is 2 acre enough for a farm? ›

We like to graze our cow on pasture at least half the year so about two to three acres is a good amount of land. The dryer the climate, the more land will be required. (Keep in mind we stack other animals with our dairy cow, so those two to three acres aren't solely for the dairy cow.)

Is 1 acre enough for a farm? ›

The truth is you can be self-sustaining on a 1-acre property but it takes work, education, dedication, and time.

How many acres is a typical farm? ›

There were 1.9 million U.S. farms in 2022, down about 7% from 2.04 million in 2017, the census showed. The number of acres of farmland also fell by about 20 million from 2017. The average farm size rose from 441 acres (178 hectares) in 2017 to 463 acres (187 hectares) in 2022.

How to calculate turnover rate rpr? ›

The real estate turnover rate formula

To calculate it, you need to know how many homes are in a selected area and how many of them were sold in a particular time period (typically the prior 12 months). Then divide the sold number by the total number and multiply the result by 100 to get your rate.

What occupation has the highest turnover rate? ›

What Occupations Have The Highest Turnover Rate? The highest turnover rates occur in low-paying jobs that require little education or experience. These jobs include retail salespersons, fast-food workers, and home health aides.

What is the strongest predictor of turnover? ›

Absenteeism is the strongest indicator for turnover intentions, together with tenure. Performance: another important factor is performance. People with a low performance are likely to leave as people with a high performance are less likely to leave.

What is the farming approach in real estate? ›

Real estate farming is a marketing strategy agents use to establish themselves as the go-to expert in their region. Estate farming involves focusing on a specific neighborhood in your geographic area. The key is to build relationships and capture leads in a specific area.

What is geo in real estate? ›

Geographic farming, or geo farming for short, is a proven real estate marketing method you can use to focus your prospecting efforts on a single neighborhood. When done correctly, farming can help you increase brand awareness, capture leads, gain listings, and earn referrals.

What are geo leads in real estate? ›

GeoLeads™ are contact information for homeowners in a specific geographic area. What is circle prospecting? Circle prospecting is a localized lead generation strategy where real estate agents focus on a specific geographic area or neighborhood.

What is geographic competency in real estate? ›

In a nutshell, geographic competency is having expertise in a defined market area. If you're surrounded by ranches, you should be an expert in buying and selling them.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.