Regular expressions in C - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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    Last Updated : 01 Nov, 2023




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    Prerequisite: How to write Regular Expressions?
    A regular expression is a sequence of characters that is used to search pattern. It is mainly used for pattern matching with strings, or string matching, etc. They are a generalized way to match patterns with sequences of characters. It is used in every programming language like C++, Java, and Python.
    Patterns in the POSIX Library

    []Used to find any of the characters or numbers specified between the brackets.
    [:number:]Used to find any digit.
    [:lower:]Used to find lowercase alphabets.
    [:word:]Used to find letters numbers and underscores.

    Creation of Regular Expression
    For compiling or creating the regular expression regcomp() function is used. It takes three arguments:

    regcomp(&regex, expression, flag)


    1. regex is a pointer to a memory location where expression is matched and stored.
    2. expression is a string type
    3. flag to specify the type of compilation

    Return Value: This returns the value as shown below:

    • 0: when successful compilation is done.
    • Error_code: When there is unsuccessful compilation of the expression.

    Below is the illustration of the regcomp() function:


    // C program for illustration of regcomp()

    #include <regex.h>

    #include <stdio.h>

    // Driver Code

    int main()


    // Variable to create regex

    regex_t reegex;

    // Variable to store the return

    // value after creation of regex

    int value;

    // Function call to create regex

    value = regcomp( &reegex, "[:word:]", 0);

    // If compilation is successful

    if (value == 0) {

    printf("RegEx compiled successfully.");


    // Else for Compilation error

    else {

    printf("Compilation error.");


    return 0;



    RegEx compiled successfully.

    Time complexity : O(n)
    Auxiliary Space : O(1)

    where n is the length of the pattern

    Matching of Pattern using Regular Expression
    The regexec() function is used to match a string against a pattern. It takes in five arguments:

    1. A precompiled pattern
    2. A string in which the pattern needs to be searched for.
    3. Information regarding the location of matches.
    4. Flags to specify a change in the matching behavior.


    regexec(&regex, expression, 0, NULL, 0);

    where, regex = precompiled pattern,
    expression = pattern to be match in regex,
    NULL = Information regarding location of the matches.
    flag = to specify the change in matching behaviour
    Return Value: This returns the value as shown below:

    • 0: If there is a match.
    • REG_NOMATCH: If there is no match.

    Below is the illustration of the regexec() function:


    // C program to illustrate the regexec() function

    #include <regex.h>

    #include <stdio.h>

    // Function to print the result

    void print_result(int value)


    // If pattern found

    if (value == 0) {

    printf("Pattern found.\n");


    // If pattern not found

    else if (value == REG_NOMATCH) {

    printf("Pattern not found.\n");


    // If error occurred during Pattern

    // matching

    else {

    printf("An error occurred.\n");



    // Driver Code

    int main()


    // Variable to store initial regex()

    regex_t reegex;

    // Variable for return type

    int value;

    int value2;

    // Creation of regEx

    value = regcomp( &reegex, "Welcome to GfG", 0);

    // Comparing pattern "GeeksforGeeks" with

    // string in reg

    value = regexec( &reegex, "GeeksforGeeks",

    0, NULL, 0);

    // Creation of regEx

    value2 = regcomp( &reegex, "GeeksforGeeks", 0);

    // Comparing pattern "Geeks"

    // with string in reg

    value2 = regexec( &reegex, "GeeksforGeeks",

    0, NULL, 0);

    // Print the results



    return 0;



    Pattern not found.Pattern found.

    Time complexity : O(n)
    Auxiliary Space : O(1)

    where n is the length of the pattern



    Regular expressions in C - GeeksforGeeks (2)


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    Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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