Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) (2024)

What is a REIT?

A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a company that owns a portfolio of properties across a range of sectors such as offices, retail, apartments, hospitals, and hotels.

REITs actively invest in the properties themselves, generating income primarily through the collection of rent from tenants.

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) (1)

Table of Contents

  • How Does a REIT Work?
  • Why Invest in REITs?
  • What are the Historical Returns on REITs?
  • What are the Largest REITs?
  • What are the Tax Advantages of REITs?
  • What are REIT Dividends?
  • REIT vs. C-Corp: What is the Difference?
  • How Does a Company Qualify as a REIT?
  • What are the Different Types of REITs?
  • How to Analyze REITs?
  • What are the Key REIT Metrics?
  • How to Build a REIT Model in Excel
  • What are the REIT Valuation Methods?
  • What are the Other Types of Real Estate Companies?

How Does a REIT Work?

REITs can invest in all property types, although most specialize in specific property types. There are around 160 US public REITs with a combined market cap of $1 trillion (Globally, there are 300 REITs with a market cap of $3 trillion).

Most REITs are publicly traded, which enables investors to gain access to a diversified collection of income-producing real estate similar to investing in mutual funds. Unlike regular companies that can hold on to their profits, REITs must distribute at least 90% of their profits every year back to shareholders in the form of dividends.

As a result of the dividend requirement, the dividend yield on REIT stocks is above 4% – significantly higher than the 1.6% dividend yield for the S&P 500 overall.

In addition to facilitating diversification and high dividend yield, the other major benefit of REITs over other forms of real estate investment is the tax advantages.

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) (2)

Why Invest in REITs?

REITs are a tax-efficient, diversified alternative to direct real estate ownership and investment.

Rather than having to buy and maintain actual physical real estate properties, investors can simply own REIT shares, which are backed by physical assets managed by the REIT.

FeatureREITsReal Estate
Liquidity (Easy to buy and sell)Advantage
Low capitalintensity (Doesn’t require a lot of capital to invest upfront)Advantage
Diversification (Easy to invest in multiple property types across geographies)Advantage
Control (Influence on management and strategy)Advantage

What are the Historical Returns on REITs?

Contrasting REIT vs Real Estate returns is a little more complicated.

REITs have generated 10% in annualized returns over the long run (including the last 10 years).

Meanwhile, real estate assets have grown at 2-3% annually, seemingly giving an advantage to REITs. However, this is not an apples-to-apples comparison.

A huge accelerator of returns is leverage: The average debt / total value for Equity REITs is 37.0% as of 2020 (Source: NAREIT).

Meanwhile, direct real estate investment can range widely, but at the high end, investors can secure debt upwards of 80% of the total property value, which all else equal amplifies returns (and risk) significantly.

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What are the Largest REITs?

Below is a list of the top 20 largest public REITs in the world, by market cap:

TickerNameMarket Capitalization ($mm)
AMTAmerican Tower Corp.$10,7318
PLDPrologis, Inc.$73,278
CCICrown Castle International Corp.$69,955
SPGSimon Property Group, Inc.$42,863
DLRDigital Realty Trust, Inc.$38,576
PSAPublic Storage$38,346
WELLWelltower, Inc.$22,830
AVBAvalonBay Communities, Inc.$20,999
ORealty Income Corp.$20,919
WYWeyerhaeuser Co.$20,686
EQREquity Residential$20,331
AREAlexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.$20,071
HCPHealthpeak Properties, Inc.$17,708
VTRVentas, Inc.$15,554
EXRExtra Space Storage, Inc.$14,546
SUISun Communities, Inc.$14,341
DREDuke Realty Corp.$13,703
ESSEssex Property Trust, Inc.$13,529
MAAMid-America Apartment Communities, Inc.$13,172
BXPBoston Properties, Inc.$12,528

What are the Tax Advantages of REITs?

Entities qualifying for REIT status under the tax code receive preferential tax treatment: The income generated by REITs is not taxed on the corporate level and is instead taxed only on the individual shareholder level.

Specifically, REIT profits pass through – untaxed –to shareholders via dividends.

This is a tax advantage over C-corporations, which are taxed twice – first, on the corporate level, and then a second time on the individual level via a tax on dividends.

In order to qualify for this tax status, REITs must comply with certain requirements, the biggest one being that REITs are required to distribute nearly all profits (at least 90%) as dividends

What are REIT Dividends?

REIT dividends are cash distributions to REIT shareholders. REITs distribute almost all of their profits as dividends.

REIT dividends are typically “non-qualified” dividends, meaning they are taxed at ordinary income tax rates (up to 29.6%1), as opposed to the lower capital gains (up to 20%) on the shareholder level.

That doesn’t sound so great but remember that this is the only tax the investor pays because REITs entirely avoid a corporate-level tax.

In contrast, in a C-corp, there is a corporate-level tax (up to 21%), followed by a second tax on any dividends distributed to shareholders (albeit at the lower capital gains rate of 20% because C-corp dividends are typically “qualified dividends”).

REIT vs. C-Corp: What is the Difference?

This simple illustration shows the basic difference between the single pass-through taxation of a REIT and the double taxation of a C-corp.

Note, however, the following model is a simplification of a rather complex topic.

REIT tax rules can get quite complicated, especially if tax breaks for depreciation are brought into the picture, which can further increase the tax advantages of REITs.

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) (6)

How Does a Company Qualify as a REIT?

In order to qualify and be formally recognized as a REIT, the following requirements must be met (and abided by):

DividendsAt least 90% of taxable income must be distributed as a dividend
  • Income not distributed is taxed at the corporate level
Gross income

(annual test)

At least 75%of gross income must come from
  • Rents from real property
  • Interest income from mortgages held
  • Gain from the sale of real property/shares of other REITs
  • Certain qualified investment income

At least 95% of gross income must come from

  • All of the above, plus:
  • Dividends, interest, and gain on sale from non-real estate investments
AssetsAt least 75% of assets must be
Real estate, mortgages, equity in other REITs, cash, and government securities
  • A REIT’s taxable subsidiaries (companies providing services to tenants in REIT buildings) must be < 25% of the REIT’s assets
  • Their income does not count toward the 75% income test
  • Shares must be owned by at least 100 shareholders
  • Must have transferrable shares
  • No more than 50% of shares outstanding can be owned by 5 or fewer people (“5/50 test”)
  • Although not a legal requirement, virtually all REITs limit individual ownership to 9.9%
  • Must be a domestic corporation for federal tax purposes
  • Cannot be a financial institution or insurance company
  • Must have a calendar year tax year

What are the Different Types of REITs?

Equity vs. Mortgage REITs

Most REITs directly own the real estate and are called equity REITs. However, a few REITs simply own mortgages (Mortgage REITs) and collect income (interest income) from the mortgages.

REIT TypeDescription

90% of total

Equity REITs acquire, develop, and then operate its own properties, unlike other real estate companies which tend to resell once developed

10% of total

Purchase debt (real estate loans and mortgage-backed securities)

Internal vs. External Management

REITs can be internally or externally managed

REIT TypeDescription
Internal management
  • Management are employees of the REIT
  • Majority of public REITs are internally managed
External management
  • Similar to private equity, external management receives flat and incentive fees for managing the real estate portfolio
  • Flat fee based on assets under management
  • Incentive fee based on returns from the sale of assets
  • Typically incentive fee carries a high water mark (i.e. only kicks in if NAV exceeds the highest historical NAV)
  • Private and mortgage REITs tend to be externally managed

How to Analyze REITs?

When valuing REITs, investors look at both traditional profit metrics such as EBITDA, as well as real estate and REIT-specific metrics, including:

  1. Net Operating Income (“NOI”)
  2. Funds from Operations (“FFO”)
  3. Adjusted Funds from Operations (“AFFO”)
  4. Capitalization Rate (“Cap Rate”)

What are the Key REIT Metrics?

Net Operating Income (NOI)

Net operating income, or “NOI”, is the most important profit measure in real estate.

NOI strives to isolate to core operating profits of real estate assets, so as to avoid muddying the waters with non-operating items such as corporate overhead and major non-cash items like depreciation.

In a sense, NOI is similar to EBITDA, but with even more add-backs to really focus on pure operating income generated by the properties.

Net Operating Income (NOI) = Rental and Ancillary Income Direct Real Estate Expenses

Thus, NOI captures profitability before any depreciation, interest, taxes, corporate-level SG&A expenses, capital expenditures, or financing payments

Learn More → Net Operating Income (NOI)

Funds from Operations (FFO)

While NOI is a useful profit measure for analyzing real estate down to the property level, FFO is a real estate-specific metric for cash generated from operations.

FFO is an attempt to reconcile accounting (GAAP) net income to a consistent measure of profit specifically tailored for analysis of REITs. In fact, most REITs provide FFO reconciliations in their filings.

Funds From Operations = Net Income to Common + Depreciation Gains on Sale + Non-Controlling (NCI) Interest Expense, net of NCI Cash Dividends

While often misunderstood, FFO is NOT actually designed to be a measure of cash flow because the formula excludes working capital, capital expenditures (Capex), and other cash flow adjustments

Learn More → Funds from Operations (FFO)

Adjusted FFO (or Cash Available for Distribution)

Over time, analysts and REITs themselves have begun using slightly altered versions of FFO, generally called “adjusted FFO” or AFFO.

The reason for this is that FFO included things like nonrecurring items and notably omitted key outflows like capital expenditures.

While there remains some inconsistency across how these are calculated, the most common calculation is:

Adjusted Funds from Operations (AFFO) = FFO + Nonrecurring Expenses – Capital Expenditures

Note: The adjusted funds from operations (AFFO) is also known as cash available for distribution or “CAD”.

Learn More → Adjusted FFO

Cap Rate (Capitalization Rate)

The cap rate, along with NOI are arguably the most important metrics in real estate. Unlike NOI or FFO, however so far, the cap rate is not actually a measure of profit, but rather a yield measure.

It measures the real estate property’s operating profit as a % of the property’s value. If you’re familiar with EV/ EBITDA multiples, the closest thing to a cap rate is an inverse EBITDA multiple.

Cap rates are the primary shorthand by which different real estate properties are compared by investors. For example a property with a 10% cap rate provides a better yield than a comparable property with a 7% cap rate.

Cap Rate = Net Operating Income (NOI) ÷ Market Value of Property

Capitalization Rate Calculation Example

A property with an asking price of $1m and NOI of $125k will have a $125k / $1 m = 12.5% cap rate

As we’ve noted, cap rates are simply the inverse of a traditional valuation multiples like EV/EBITDA.

What Factors Influence the Cap Rate?

Just as with traditional multiples, there are many variables that can distort the comparison of properties using this metric, including:

  1. Timing of NOI (LTM or forward)
  2. Growth rates
  3. Returns on capital
  4. Cost of capital of properties (or REITs) being compared

However, in real estate, it is much easier to find comparable properties (with therefore similar growth, returns, and cost of capital profiles), which mutes the problems described above.

Learn More → Cap Rate

How to Build a REIT Model in Excel

A REIT model will first forecast the financial statements and then apply the valuation methodologies discussed above to arrive at an investment thesis.

The key challenges in modeling REITs include modeling individual (same-store properties, acquisitions, developments, and dispositions) using the appropriate drivers and occupancy rate assumptions: Obviously mature properties with stable occupancy rates will have a different forecast profile than properties under development.

A second challenge is working with a real company’s financial statements. This requires digging into a REIT’s financial statements and ensuring consistent and logical modeling of REIT-specific metrics and ratios like funds from operations (FFO) and adjusted funds from operations (AFFO / CAD).

What are the REIT Valuation Methods?

So, how can the value of a REIT be determined?

In practice, analysts primarily value REITs using the following four approaches:

  1. Net Asset Value (“NAV”)
  2. Discounted Cash Flow (“DCF”)
  3. Dividend Discount Model (“DDM”)
  4. Multiples and Cap Rates

The most common of these approaches is the NAV and DDM due to the unique features of REITs.

Learn More → REIT Valuation Methods

What are the Other Types of Real Estate Companies?

There are other types of companies in real estate, most notably real estate private equity firms, as well as Real Estate Investment Management firms and REOCs, all with different characteristics and considerations.

The biggest difference between REITs and these other real estate companies is that REITs are publicly traded and report earnings quarterly.

From a strategy perspective, REITs tend to have a much lower risk tolerance than private real estate investment firms, which results in REITs’ portfolios consisting of primarily core assets (meaning more stable, lower cap rates), an aversion to redevelopment and development, and much less acquisition and disposition activity. Asset management roles are featured prevalently at most REITs.

1 The top marginal tax rate on ordinary income is 37% but REITs get a 20% deduction, dropping the rate down to 29.6%

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Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) (2024)


What is the 90% rule for REITs? ›

By law, REITs must distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders. This means most dividends investors receive are taxed as ordinary income at their marginal tax rates rather than lower qualified dividend rates. Any profit is subject to capital gains tax when investors sell REIT shares.

What are the downsides of REITs? ›

Interest Rate Risk

The value of a REIT is based on the real estate market, so if interest rates increase and the demand for properties goes down as a result, it could lead to lower property values, negatively impacting the value of your investment.

How much of its income must a real estate investment trust REIT receive from real estate to qualify as a REIT? ›

Derive at least 75% of gross income from rent, interest on mortgages that finance real estate, or real estate sales. Pay a minimum of 90% of their taxable income to their shareholders through dividends. Be a taxable corporation. Be managed by a board of directors or trustees.

What is the 5 50 rule for REITs? ›

General requirements

A REIT cannot be closely held. A REIT will be closely held if more than 50 percent of the value of its outstanding stock is owned directly or indirectly by or for five or fewer individuals at any point during the last half of the taxable year, (this is commonly referred to as the 5/50 test).

What is the REIT 10 year rule? ›

For Group REITs, the consequences of leaving early apply when the principal company of the group gives notice for the group as a whole to leave the regime within ten years of joining or where an exiting company has been a member of the Group REIT for less than ten years.

How to lose money in REITs? ›

Can You Lose Money on a REIT? As with any investment, there is always a risk of loss. Publicly traded REITs have the particular risk of losing value as interest rates rise, which typically sends investment capital into bonds.

What I wish I knew before investing in REITs? ›

REITs use a special structure to help with taxes

Unlike most corporations that pay income tax on profits and then investors pay tax again on dividends, most REITs avoid double taxation by paying out 100% of their taxable income to investors — who then pay ordinary income tax rates rather than lower capital gains rates.

Can REITs go broke? ›

REITs can offer a good way for retail investors to diversify their investment portfolios and access real estate markets without costly financial outlays or taking on the risk of owning property themselves. Cons: No investment is without risk, and REITs can and do go bankrupt – so it's important to do your own research.

Why are REITs doing so poorly? ›

From the start of January 2022 to October 27, 2023, the S&P United States REIT Index declined 35%, while many nontraded REITs' valuations saw no such slump. Rising interest rates since the start of 2023 have hurt REITs because the cost of capital rises.

What is the average return on a real estate investment trust? ›

REITs vs. stocks: Digging into the historical data
Past 25 years7.6%11.4%
Past 20 years9.7%10.4%
Past 10 years12.0%9.5%
Past 5 years15.7%10.3%
2 more rows
Mar 4, 2024

What is the 95 income test for REITs? ›

For each tax year, the REIT must derive: at least 75 percent of its gross income from real property-related sources; and. at least 95 percent of its gross income from real property-related sources, dividends, interest, securities, and certain mineral royalty income.

How do REIT owners make money? ›

Equity REITs

Properties can generate rental income, which, after collecting fees for property management, provides income to its investors. These REITs generate income from renting real estate to tenants. After paying expenses for operation, equity REITs pay out dividends to their shareholders on a yearly basis.

What is the 80 20 rule for REITs? ›

In situations where all investors submit cash election forms, the dividend payout formula will result in all shareholders receiving their distribution as 20% cash and 80% stock, which means that the cash/stock dividend strategy functions analogously to a pro rata cash dividend coupled with a pro rata stock split.

What disqualifies a REIT? ›

A REIT is generally disqualified from re-electing to be taxed as a REIT for the four taxable years following the taxable year in which it lost its status as a REIT. There is generally no relief available for a REIT that deliberately fails one of the REIT requirements.

How much of a REIT can one person own? ›

Beginning with its second taxable year, a REIT must meet two ownership tests: it must have at least 100 shareholders (the 100 Shareholder Test) and five or fewer individuals cannot own more than 50% of the value of the REIT's stock during the last half of its taxable year (the 5/50 Test).

Why do REITs pay 90% dividends? ›

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has set out the guidelines for the 90% rule for REITs: “To qualify as a REIT, a company must have the bulk of its assets and income connected to real estate investment and must distribute at least 90% of its taxable income to shareholders annually in the form of dividends.”

What is the 75 rule for REITs? ›

For each tax year, the REIT must derive: at least 75 percent of its gross income from real property-related sources; and. at least 95 percent of its gross income from real property-related sources, dividends, interest, securities, and certain mineral royalty income.

How much of my retirement should be in REITs? ›

“I recommend REITs within a managed portfolio,” Devine said, noting that most investors should limit their REIT exposure to between 2 percent and 5 percent of their overall portfolio. Here again, a financial professional can help you determine what percentage of your portfolio you should allocate toward REITs, if any.

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