react-pdf (2024)

react-pdf (1) react-pdf (2) react-pdf (3)

Display PDFs in your React app as easily as if they were images.


This package is used to display existing PDFs. If you wish to create PDFs using React, you may be looking for @react-pdf/renderer.


  • Install by executing npm install react-pdf or yarn add react-pdf.
  • Import by adding import { Document } from 'react-pdf'.
  • Use by adding <Document file="..." />. file can be a URL, base64 content, Uint8Array, and more.
  • Put <Page /> components inside <Document /> to render pages.


A minimal demo page can be found in sample directory.

Online demo is also available!

Before you continue

React-PDF is under constant development. This documentation is written for React-PDF 7.x branch. If you want to see documentation for other versions of React-PDF, use dropdown on top of GitHub page to switch to an appropriate tag. Here are quick links to the newest docs from each branch:

Getting started


Browser support

React-PDF supports all modern browsers. It is tested with the latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, and Opera.

The following browsers are supported out of the box in React-PDF v7:

  • Chrome ≥92
  • Edge ≥92
  • Safari ≥15.4
  • Firefox ≥90

You may extend the list of supported browsers by providing additional polyfills (e.g. for or Promise.allSettled) and either configuring your bundler to transpile pdfjs-dist and using legacy PDF.js worker.

If you need to support older browsers, you will need to use React-PDF v6 or v5.

If you need to support Internet Explorer 11, you will need to use React-PDF v4.


To use the latest version of React-PDF, your project needs to use React 16.8 or later.

If you use an older version of React, please refer to the table below to a find suitable React-PDF version.

React versionNewest compatible React-PDF version


React-PDF may be used with Preact.


Add React-PDF to your project by executing npm install react-pdf or yarn add react-pdf.


If you use Next.js, you may need to add the following to your next.config.js:

module.exports = {+ webpack: (config) => {+ config.resolve.alias.canvas = false;+ return config;+ },}

Configure PDF.js worker

For React-PDF to work, PDF.js worker needs to be provided. You have several options.

Import worker (recommended)

For most cases, the following example will work:

import { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf';pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = new URL( 'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.js', import.meta.url,).toString();

NoteIn Next.js:

  • Using App Router, make sure to add 'use client'; to the top of the file.
  • Using Pages Router, make sure to disable SSR when importing the component you're using this code in.

Notepnpm requires an .npmrc file with public-hoist-pattern[]=pdfjs-dist for this to work.

See more examples
Parcel 2

For Parcel 2, you need to use a slightly different code:

 pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = new URL(- 'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.js',+ 'npm:pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.js', import.meta.url, ).toString();

Copy worker to public directory

You will have to make sure on your own that pdf.worker.js file from pdfjs-dist/build is copied to your project's output folder.

For example, you could use a custom script like:

import path from 'node:path';import fs from 'node:fs';const pdfjsDistPath = path.dirname(require.resolve('pdfjs-dist/package.json'));const pdfWorkerPath = path.join(pdfjsDistPath, 'build', 'pdf.worker.js');fs.copyFileSync(pdfWorkerPath, './dist/pdf.worker.js');

Use external CDN

import { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf';pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//${pdfjs.version}/build/pdf.worker.min.js`;

Legacy PDF.js worker

If you need to support older browsers, you may use legacy PDF.js worker. To do so, follow the instructions above, but replace /build/ with legacy/build/ in PDF.js worker import path, for example:

 pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = new URL(- 'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.js',+ 'pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.worker.min.js', import.meta.url, ).toString();


-pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//${pdfjs.version}/build/pdf.worker.min.js`;+pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//${pdfjs.version}/legacy/build/pdf.worker.min.js`;


Here's an example of basic usage:

import { useState } from 'react';import { Document, Page } from 'react-pdf';function MyApp() { const [numPages, setNumPages] = useState<number>(); const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState<number>(1); function onDocumentLoadSuccess({ numPages }: { numPages: number }): void { setNumPages(numPages); } return ( <div> <Document file="somefile.pdf" onLoadSuccess={onDocumentLoadSuccess}> <Page pageNumber={pageNumber} /> </Document> <p> Page {pageNumber} of {numPages} </p> </div> );}

Check the sample directory in this repository for a full working example. For more examples and more advanced use cases, check Recipes in React-PDF Wiki.

Support for annotations

If you want to use annotations (e.g. links) in PDFs rendered by React-PDF, then you would need to include stylesheet necessary for annotations to be correctly displayed like so:

import 'react-pdf/dist/Page/AnnotationLayer.css';

Support for text layer

If you want to use text layer in PDFs rendered by React-PDF, then you would need to include stylesheet necessary for text layer to be correctly displayed like so:

import 'react-pdf/dist/Page/TextLayer.css';

Support for non-latin characters

If you want to ensure that PDFs with non-latin characters will render perfectly, or you have encountered the following warning:

Warning: The CMap "baseUrl" parameter must be specified, ensure that the "cMapUrl" and "cMapPacked" API parameters are provided.

then you would also need to include cMaps in your build and tell React-PDF where they are.

Copying cMaps

First, you need to copy cMaps from pdfjs-dist (React-PDF's dependency - it should be in your node_modules if you have React-PDF installed). cMaps are located in pdfjs-dist/cmaps.


Add vite-plugin-static-copy by executing npm install vite-plugin-static-copy --save-dev or yarn add vite-plugin-static-copy --dev and add the following to your Vite config:

+import path from 'node:path';+import { createRequire } from 'node:module';-import { defineConfig } from 'vite';+import { defineConfig, normalizePath } from 'vite';+import { viteStaticCopy } from 'vite-plugin-static-copy';+const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);+const cMapsDir = normalizePath(+ path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve('pdfjs-dist/package.json')), 'cmaps')+);export default defineConfig({ plugins: [+ viteStaticCopy({+ targets: [+ {+ src: cMapsDir,+ dest: '',+ },+ ],+ }), ]});

Add copy-webpack-plugin by executing npm install copy-webpack-plugin --save-dev or yarn add copy-webpack-plugin --dev and add the following to your Webpack config:

+import path from 'node:path';+import CopyWebpackPlugin from 'copy-webpack-plugin';+const cMapsDir = path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve('pdfjs-dist/package.json')), 'cmaps');module.exports = { plugins: [+ new CopyWebpackPlugin({+ patterns: [+ {+ from: cMapsDir,+ to: 'cmaps/'+ },+ ],+ }), ],};
Other tools

If you use other bundlers, you will have to make sure on your own that cMaps are copied to your project's output folder.

For example, you could use a custom script like:

import path from 'node:path';import fs from 'node:fs';const cMapsDir = path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve('pdfjs-dist/package.json')), 'cmaps');fs.cpSync(cMapsDir, 'dist/cmaps/', { recursive: true });

Setting up React-PDF

Now that you have cMaps in your build, pass required options to Document component by using options prop, like so:

// Outside of React componentconst options = { cMapUrl: '/cmaps/',};// Inside of React component<Document options={options} />;

NoteMake sure to define options object outside of your React component, and use useMemo if you can't.

Alternatively, you could use cMaps from external CDN:

// Outside of React componentimport { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf';const options = { cMapUrl: `${pdfjs.version}/cmaps/`,};// Inside of React component<Document options={options} />;

Support for standard fonts

If you want to support PDFs using standard fonts (deprecated in PDF 1.5, but still around), ot you have encountered the following warning:

The standard font "baseUrl" parameter must be specified, ensure that the "standardFontDataUrl" API parameter is provided.

then you would also need to include standard fonts in your build and tell React-PDF where they are.

Copying fonts

First, you need to copy standard fonts from pdfjs-dist (React-PDF's dependency - it should be in your node_modules if you have React-PDF installed). Standard fonts are located in pdfjs-dist/standard_fonts.


Add vite-plugin-static-copy by executing npm install vite-plugin-static-copy --save-dev or yarn add vite-plugin-static-copy --dev and add the following to your Vite config:

+import path from 'node:path';+import { createRequire } from 'node:module';-import { defineConfig } from 'vite';+import { defineConfig, normalizePath } from 'vite';+import { viteStaticCopy } from 'vite-plugin-static-copy';+const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);+const standardFontsDir = normalizePath(+ path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve('pdfjs-dist/package.json')), 'standard_fonts')+);export default defineConfig({ plugins: [+ viteStaticCopy({+ targets: [+ {+ src: standardFontsDir,+ dest: '',+ },+ ],+ }), ]});

Add copy-webpack-plugin by executing npm install copy-webpack-plugin --save-dev or yarn add copy-webpack-plugin --dev and add the following to your Webpack config:

+import path from 'node:path';+import CopyWebpackPlugin from 'copy-webpack-plugin';+const standardFontsDir = path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve('pdfjs-dist/package.json')), 'standard_fonts');module.exports = { plugins: [+ new CopyWebpackPlugin({+ patterns: [+ {+ from: standardFontsDir,+ to: 'standard_fonts/'+ },+ ],+ }), ],};
Other tools

If you use other bundlers, you will have to make sure on your own that standard fonts are copied to your project's output folder.

For example, you could use a custom script like:

import path from 'node:path';import fs from 'node:fs';const standardFontsDir = path.join( path.dirname(require.resolve('pdfjs-dist/package.json')), 'standard_fonts',);fs.cpSync(standardFontsDir, 'dist/standard_fonts/', { recursive: true });

Setting up React-PDF

Now that you have standard fonts in your build, pass required options to Document component by using options prop, like so:

// Outside of React componentconst options = { standardFontDataUrl: '/standard_fonts/',};// Inside of React component<Document options={options} />;

NoteMake sure to define options object outside of your React component, and use useMemo if you can't.

Alternatively, you could use standard fonts from external CDN:

// Outside of React componentimport { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf';const options = { standardFontDataUrl: `${pdfjs.version}/standard_fonts`,};// Inside of React component<Document options={options} />;

User guide


Loads a document passed using file prop.


Prop nameDescriptionDefault valueExample values
classNameClass name(s) that will be added to rendered element along with the default react-pdf__Document.n/a
  • String:
    "custom-class-name-1 custom-class-name-2"
  • Array of strings:
    ["custom-class-name-1", "custom-class-name-2"]
errorWhat the component should display in case of an error."Failed to load PDF file."
  • String:
    "An error occurred!"
  • React element:
    <p>An error occurred!</p>
  • Function:
externalLinkRelLink rel for links rendered in annotations."noopener noreferrer nofollow"One of valid values for rel attribute.
  • "noopener"
  • "noreferrer"
  • "nofollow"
  • "noopener noreferrer"
externalLinkTargetLink target for external links rendered in annotations.unset, which means that default behavior will be usedOne of valid values for target attribute.
  • "_self"
  • "_blank"
  • "_parent"
  • "_top"
fileWhat PDF should be displayed.
Its value can be an URL, a file (imported using import … from … or from file input form element), or an object with parameters (url - URL; data - data, preferably Uint8Array; range - PDFDataRangeTransport.
Warning: Since equality check (===) is used to determine if file object has changed, it must be memoized by setting it in component's state, useMemo or other similar technique.
  • URL:
  • File:
    import importedPdf from '../static/sample.pdf' and then
  • Parameter object:
    { url: '' }
imageResourcesPathThe path used to prefix the src attributes of annotation SVGs.n/a (pdf.js will fallback to an empty string)"/public/images/"
inputRefA prop that behaves like ref, but it's passed to main <div> rendered by <Document> component.n/a
  • Function:
    (ref) => { this.myDocument = ref; }
  • Ref created using createRef:
    this.ref = createRef();
  • Ref created using useRef:
    const ref = useRef();
loadingWhat the component should display while loading."Loading PDF…"
  • String:
    "Please wait!"
  • React element:
    <p>Please wait!</p>
  • Function:
noDataWhat the component should display in case of no data."No PDF file specified."
  • String:
    "Please select a file."
  • React element:
    <p>Please select a file.</p>
  • Function:
onItemClickFunction called when an outline item or a thumbnail has been clicked. Usually, you would like to use this callback to move the user wherever they requested to.n/a({ dest, pageIndex, pageNumber }) => alert('Clicked an item from page ' + pageNumber + '!')
onLoadErrorFunction called in case of an error while loading a document.n/a(error) => alert('Error while loading document! ' + error.message)
onLoadProgressFunction called, potentially multiple times, as the loading progresses.n/a({ loaded, total }) => alert('Loading a document: ' + (loaded / total) * 100 + '%')
onLoadSuccessFunction called when the document is successfully loaded.n/a(pdf) => alert('Loaded a file with ' + pdf.numPages + ' pages!')
onPasswordFunction called when a password-protected PDF is loaded.Function that prompts the user for password.(callback) => callback('s3cr3t_p4ssw0rd')
onSourceErrorFunction called in case of an error while retrieving document source from file prop.n/a(error) => alert('Error while retrieving document source! ' + error.message)
onSourceSuccessFunction called when document source is successfully retrieved from file prop.n/a() => alert('Document source retrieved!')
optionsAn object in which additional parameters to be passed to PDF.js can be defined. Most notably:
  • cMapUrl;
  • httpHeaders - custom request headers, e.g. for authorization);
  • withCredentials - a boolean to indicate whether or not to include cookies in the request (defaults to false)
For a full list of possible parameters, check PDF.js documentation on DocumentInitParameters. Note: Make sure to define options object outside of your React component, and use useMemo if you can't.
n/a{ cMapUrl: '/cmaps/' }
renderModeRendering mode of the document. Can be "canvas", "custom", "none" or "svg". If set to "custom", customRenderer must also be provided.
Warning: SVG render mode is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
rotateRotation of the document in degrees. If provided, will change rotation globally, even for the pages which were given rotate prop of their own. 90 = rotated to the right, 180 = upside down, 270 = rotated to the left.n/a90


Displays a page. Should be placed inside <Document />. Alternatively, it can have pdf prop passed, which can be obtained from <Document />'s onLoadSuccess callback function, however some advanced functions like rendering annotations and linking between pages inside a document may not be working correctly.


Prop nameDescriptionDefault valueExample values
canvasBackgroundCanvas background color. Any valid canvas.fillStyle can be used. If you set renderMode to "svg" this prop will be ignored.n/a"transparent"
canvasRefA prop that behaves like ref, but it's passed to <canvas> rendered by <PageCanvas> component. If you set renderMode to "svg" this prop will be ignored.n/a
  • Function:
    (ref) => { this.myCanvas = ref; }
  • Ref created using createRef:
    this.ref = createRef();
  • Ref created using useRef:
    const ref = useRef();
classNameClass name(s) that will be added to rendered element along with the default react-pdf__Page.n/a
  • String:
    "custom-class-name-1 custom-class-name-2"
  • Array of strings:
    ["custom-class-name-1", "custom-class-name-2"]
customRendererFunction that customizes how a page is rendered. You must set renderMode to "custom" to use this prop.n/aMyCustomRenderer
customTextRendererFunction that customizes how a text layer is rendered.n/a({ str, itemIndex }) => str.replace(/ipsum/g, value => `<mark>${value}</mark>`)
devicePixelRatioThe ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels (DIPs) on the current device.window.devicePixelRatio1
errorWhat the component should display in case of an error."Failed to load the page."
  • String:
    "An error occurred!"
  • React element:
    <p>An error occurred!</p>
  • Function:
heightPage height. If neither height nor width are defined, page will be rendered at the size defined in PDF. If you define width and height at the same time, height will be ignored. If you define height and scale at the same time, the height will be multiplied by a given factor.Page's default height300
imageResourcesPathThe path used to prefix the src attributes of annotation SVGs.n/a (pdf.js will fallback to an empty string)"/public/images/"
inputRefA prop that behaves like ref, but it's passed to main <div> rendered by <Page> component.n/a
  • Function:
    (ref) => { this.myPage = ref; }
  • Ref created using createRef:
    this.ref = createRef();
  • Ref created using useRef:
    const ref = useRef();
loadingWhat the component should display while loading."Loading page…"
  • String:
    "Please wait!"
  • React element:
    <p>Please wait!</p>
  • Function:
noDataWhat the component should display in case of no data."No page specified."
  • String:
    "Please select a page."
  • React element:
    <p>Please select a page.</p>
  • Function:
onGetAnnotationsErrorFunction called in case of an error while loading annotations.n/a(error) => alert('Error while loading annotations! ' + error.message)
onGetAnnotationsSuccessFunction called when annotations are successfully loaded.n/a(annotations) => alert('Now displaying ' + annotations.length + ' annotations!')
onGetStructTreeErrorFunction called in case of an error while loading structure tree.n/a(error) => alert('Error while loading structure tree! ' + error.message)
onGetStructTreeSuccessFunction called when structure tree is successfully loaded.n/a(structTree) => alert(JSON.stringify(structTree))
onGetTextErrorFunction called in case of an error while loading text layer items.n/a(error) => alert('Error while loading text layer items! ' + error.message)
onGetTextSuccessFunction called when text layer items are successfully loaded.n/a({ items, styles }) => alert('Now displaying ' + items.length + ' text layer items!')
onLoadErrorFunction called in case of an error while loading the page.n/a(error) => alert('Error while loading page! ' + error.message)
onLoadSuccessFunction called when the page is successfully loaded.n/a(page) => alert('Now displaying a page number ' + page.pageNumber + '!')
onRenderAnnotationLayerErrorFunction called in case of an error while rendering the annotation layer.n/a(error) => alert('Error while loading annotation layer! ' + error.message)
onRenderAnnotationLayerSuccessFunction called when annotations are successfully rendered on the screen.n/a() => alert('Rendered the annotation layer!')
onRenderErrorFunction called in case of an error while rendering the page.n/a(error) => alert('Error while loading page! ' + error.message)
onRenderSuccessFunction called when the page is successfully rendered on the screen.n/a() => alert('Rendered the page!')
onRenderTextLayerErrorFunction called in case of an error while rendering the text layer.n/a(error) => alert('Error while rendering text layer! ' + error.message)
onRenderTextLayerSuccessFunction called when the text layer is successfully rendered on the screen.n/a() => alert('Rendered the text layer!')
pageIndexWhich page from PDF file should be displayed, by page index. Ignored if pageNumber prop is provided.01
pageNumberWhich page from PDF file should be displayed, by page number. If provided, pageIndex prop will be ignored.12
pdfpdf object obtained from <Document />'s onLoadSuccess callback function.(automatically obtained from parent <Document />)pdf
renderAnnotationLayerWhether annotations (e.g. links) should be rendered.truefalse
renderFormsWhether forms should be rendered. renderAnnotationLayer prop must be set to true.falsetrue
renderModeRendering mode of the document. Can be "canvas", "custom", "none" or "svg". If set to "custom", customRenderer must also be provided.
Warning: SVG render mode is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
renderTextLayerWhether a text layer should be rendered.truefalse
rotateRotation of the page in degrees. 90 = rotated to the right, 180 = upside down, 270 = rotated to the left.Page's default setting, usually 090
scalePage scale.10.5
widthPage width. If neither height nor width are defined, page will be rendered at the size defined in PDF. If you define width and height at the same time, height will be ignored. If you define width and scale at the same time, the width will be multiplied by a given factor.Page's default width300


Displays an outline (table of contents). Should be placed inside <Document />. Alternatively, it can have pdf prop passed, which can be obtained from <Document />'s onLoadSuccess callback function.


Prop nameDescriptionDefault valueExample values
classNameClass name(s) that will be added to rendered element along with the default react-pdf__Outline.n/a
  • String:
    "custom-class-name-1 custom-class-name-2"
  • Array of strings:
    ["custom-class-name-1", "custom-class-name-2"]
inputRefA prop that behaves like ref, but it's passed to main <div> rendered by <Outline> component.n/a
  • Function:
    (ref) => { this.myOutline = ref; }
  • Ref created using createRef:
    this.ref = createRef();
  • Ref created using useRef:
    const ref = useRef();
onItemClickFunction called when an outline item has been clicked. Usually, you would like to use this callback to move the user wherever they requested to.n/a({ dest, pageIndex, pageNumber }) => alert('Clicked an item from page ' + pageNumber + '!')
onLoadErrorFunction called in case of an error while retrieving the outline.n/a(error) => alert('Error while retrieving the outline! ' + error.message)
onLoadSuccessFunction called when the outline is successfully retrieved.n/a(outline) => alert('The outline has been successfully retrieved.')


Displays a thumbnail of a page. Does not render the annotation layer or the text layer. Does not register itself as a link target, so the user will not be scrolled to a Thumbnail component when clicked on an internal link (e.g. in Table of Contents). When clicked, attempts to navigate to the page clicked (similarly to a link in Outline). Should be placed inside <Document />. Alternatively, it can have pdf prop passed, which can be obtained from <Document />'s onLoadSuccess callback function.


Props are the same as in <Page /> component, but certain annotation layer and text layer-related props are not available:

  • customTextRenderer
  • onGetAnnotationsError
  • onGetAnnotationsSuccess
  • onGetTextError
  • onGetTextSuccess
  • onRenderAnnotationLayerError
  • onRenderAnnotationLayerSuccess
  • onRenderTextLayerError
  • onRenderTextLayerSuccess
  • renderAnnotationLayer
  • renderForms
  • renderTextLayer

On top of that, additional props are available:

Prop nameDescriptionDefault valueExample values
classNameClass name(s) that will be added to rendered element along with the default react-pdf__Thumbnail.n/a
  • String:
    "custom-class-name-1 custom-class-name-2"
  • Array of strings:
    ["custom-class-name-1", "custom-class-name-2"]
onItemClickFunction called when a thumbnail has been clicked. Usually, you would like to use this callback to move the user wherever they requested to.n/a({ dest, pageIndex, pageNumber }) => alert('Clicked an item from page ' + pageNumber + '!')

Useful links


The MIT License.


react-pdf (4) Wojciech Maj

Thank you

This project wouldn't be possible without the awesome work of Niklas Närhinen who created its original version and without Mozilla, author of pdf.js. Thank you!


Thank you to all our sponsors! Become a sponsor and get your image on our README on GitHub.

react-pdf (5)


Thank you to all our backers! Become a backer and get your image on our README on GitHub.

react-pdf (6)

Top Contributors

Thank you to all our contributors that helped on this project!

react-pdf (7)

react-pdf (2024)


How do I read PDF data in React? ›

  1. Install by executing npm install react-pdf or yarn add react-pdf .
  2. Import by adding import { Document } from 'react-pdf' .
  3. Use by adding <Document file="..." /> . file can be a URL, base64 content, Uint8Array, and more.
  4. Put <Page /> components inside <Document /> to render pages.
4 days ago

How to generate reports in React? ›

To use report builder in your project you must also import needed styles in code:
  1. Report builder own styles: react-report-builder/lib/main. css.
  2. Bootstrap styles: bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap. min. css.
  3. React DatePicker styles: react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker. css.
  4. React table styles: react-table/react-table. css.
Apr 15, 2024

Which React library is best for generate PDF? ›

React-PDF is a unique library that provides powerful functionality for creating PDF files using React components.

How to generate PDF from React component? ›

Simple usage of react-pdf

The following block of code renders a basic PDF document in the browser: import { Document, Page, Text, View, StyleSheet, PDFViewer, } from "@react-pdf/renderer"; // Create styles const styles = StyleSheet.

How do I read and extract data from a PDF? ›

To do this, click the "Open File" button and select your PDF from your computer. Once the PDF is open, click on the "Organize Pages" tab from the left panel. It will bring up a list of pages on the top menu. Select which pages you want to extract by selecting the corresponding checkboxes.

What is pdfmake? ›

What is pdfmake? Pdfmake is a handy JavaScript library that's both free and open-source, making it a great tool for simplifying the process of creating PDF documents in web applications. You can declare PDF document structure by defining text, images, tables etc.

How to download a PDF file in React JS? ›

This approach use HTML DOM Anchor element to link a file adderess along with the anchor tag and download file using link. download with custom file name. Example: Here link the anchor tag to the pdf address / URL and use link. download to to save the file in local storage.

How do you create a generate report? ›

How Do I . . .?: Generate Reports
  1. Select Tools > Create report from the main menu.
  2. Select a report from the drop-down list at the top of the Reports dialog.
  3. Select your filtering options. ...
  4. Click Generate report. ...
  5. (Optional) If you elected to use advanced filtering, specify the advanced filtering options.

How do you pass form data in ReactJS? ›

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:
  1. Wrap your form inside a form tag.
  2. Add an onSubmit event handler to your form that prevents the default form submission behavior.
  3. Use the useState hook to keep track of the form data.
  4. In the onSubmit function, set up your form data object and call any necessary submission methods.
  5. Use the history.

Is React PDF viewer free or paid? ›

License. You have to purchase a Commercial License at the official website.

Which language is best for PDF generation? ›

If you want to create just a PDF file using a programming language you can use libraries in python to create PDF's. But in most cases people use latex to generate PDF files because of its rich feature. Even though latex is not a programming language you can use it with other languages to do the job required.

Which is the best PDF viewer for ReactJS? ›

The React PDF Viewer is a lightweight and modular component for viewing and printing PDF files. It provides the best viewing experience available with core interactions such as zooming, scrolling, text searching, text selection, and text copying.

How do I create a dynamic PDF in React? ›

Creating Dynamic PDFs with JsPDF and Customizing AutoTables in...
  1. Setup the React App.
  2. Install jsPDF.
  3. Install jspdf-autotable.
  4. Import Required Libraries and Components in App.js file.
  5. Define the generatePdf Function.
  6. Render the Main Content Using JSX.
  7. Create the pdfGenerator file component and Import Necessary Libraries.
Mar 5, 2024

How do I extract elements from a PDF? ›

If you have Acrobat Reader, you can copy a portion of a PDF file to the clipboard and paste it into another program. For text, just highlight the portion of text in the PDF and press Ctrl + C to copy it. Then open a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, and press Ctrl + V to paste the text.

How to get text from PDF in React? ›

The PDF Viewer library allows you to extract the text from a page along with the bounds. Text extraction can be done using the isExtractText property and extractTextCompleted event.

How can I read my PDF files? ›

Select Adobe Acrobat (or whichever reader you downloaded) from the list of available options. If no list appears or the page opens in another application, you can right-click the file and select Open With to choose your PDF reader. Click Open.

How do you implement PDF viewer in React? ›

Using the viewer component
  1. // Import the main component.
  2. import { Viewer } from '@react-pdf-viewer/core';
  3. // Import the styles.
  4. import '@react-pdf-viewer/core/lib/styles/index.css';
  5. // Your render function.
  6. <Viewer fileUrl="/path/to/document. pdf" />;

How do I load a PDF from URL in React with React PDF? ›

1. Install React and react-pdf
  1. Using npm. npm install @react-pdf/renderer --save.
  2. Using Yarn. yarn add @react-pdf/renderer.
  3. Using pnpm. pnpm add @react-pdf/renderer.
  4. Using Bun. bun add @react-pdf/renderer.
  5. Save in a file. import ReactPDF from '@react-pdf/renderer'; ReactPDF. ...
  6. Render to a stream. ...
  7. Render in DOM.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.