Questions and Answers/Sections/Alliances (2024)


  • 1 Alliance Issues
    • 1.1 Trying to form a new Alliance
    • 1.2 Change host of alliance.
    • 1.3 can you form alliances with someone not on your server
    • 1.4 Alliance Information
    • 1.5 alliance hosts not active
    • 1.6 Can a player give away their things if they quit the game?
    • 1.7 Alliance Titles
    • 1.8 reinforcing allies, whose attack and skills do you use
    • 1.9 I was attacked by someone in another alliance that is nuetral or friendly with my alliance.. help!
    • 1.10 Changing Alliance Name
    • 1.11 Member Question
    • 1.12 How to make people join your Alliance
    • 1.13 can you send food to another alliance?
    • 1.14 Change alliance by expel
    • 1.15 camping troops
    • 1.16 changing of allince name
    • 1.17 expelled from THT and joined another aliance but aliance is not active
    • 1.18 How much information about lower level members of Alliance do R4s and R5s have access to??
    • 1.19 Can you attack an army that is marching??

Trying to form a new Alliance[ | ]

  • Current Server: 2


What do I have to build to form a new alliance?


An Embassy LV2 is required to form an alliance as well as some gold.

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Change host of alliance.[ | ]

  • Current Server: 5


Windows XP, Internet Explorer 6, Flash unsure.The host of my alliance, Elders, has left the alliance, leaving me as vice-host, but I cannot raise the number of members or change myself to host. He is still listed as founder and host, even though he is no longer a member. What can I do without abandoning the alliance and starting over?

Erlick 03:25, 16 May 2009 (UTC)


The Host of the alliance Cannot leave the alliance without promoting someone else as host. If he is still listed as host then he is still in the alliance. If he definately ISNT in the alliance( i.e hes in a different one and you can see that he is on map or something) and its still listing him as host then thats a bug. But he cant leave without promoting someone to host.

-Kageshukuun 05:54, 16 May 2009 (UTC)


He could not figure out how to promote someone else to host, so he asked me to expel him. I did. He is no longer on the member list, and he is in fact a member of a different alliance now. On the main page though, he is listed as host and founder. I am still vice host at the top of the member page. I already have my embassy to level 5, but the member total remains at 30. This is the problem. If I could raise the total number of members, I wouldn't be worried about it.—Erlick


If you want to raise the alliance member list try using Ritual Of Pack if that dose not also work than it is a evony bug and u have to leave the alliance and make it again if you want it sorted out or mail evony about this.

-Naveed1 7:07, 26 April 2012 (UTC)

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can you form alliances with someone not on your server[ | ]

  • Current Server:


can you form alliances with someone outside your server. im in 17 my friends are in 10. want to play with my friends



Unfortunately no you cant. You or them will have to switch to the others server.

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Alliance Information[ | ]

  • Current Server:


I have been looking around the web but I can't find anything that describe about alliance. Like how many Vice Host there can be, how many officers and Presbyter is allowed. Maybe a more detailed section of alliance can be added.

Scstormwolf 05:50, 28 June 2009 (UTC)


There can be 2 vice hosts, and not sure on the presbyters, but at least more than 5.

Corberen 05:02, 16 August 2009 (UTC)~Corberen

You can have 2 Vice Hosts, 5 Presbyters and 10 Officers.

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alliance hosts not active[ | ]

  • Current Server: 10


My alliance needs some help. Our host has not been active for over two weeks, so there is no new members and if we quit the alliance then we lose 10% of our prestige. is there any way we get someone else as host even when our current one is inactive?

--Flam3 20:38, 3 July, 2009


Are there any vice hosts or presbyters in the alliance? If not, i believe the only way is to leave the alliance, and unfortunately suffer the 10% loss.

Corberen 01:28, 15 August 2009 (UTC)~Corberen

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Can a player give away their things if they quit the game?[ | ]

  • Current Server: 048


If a player wants to quit the game permanently, can they give their things to another player in their alliance as a way of support? If they can't give away, then what can they do? Must they remove themselves from the alliance to let their friend attack them?If their friend attacks them how can they keep their defences to a minimum?

Vulture of Moon Lake 12:49, 9 August 2009 (UTC)


Yes they can. They have to transport their resources to the alliance member. Unfortunately, he cannot send you his troops for you to keep. If you want his resources via attacking him, you will only have to go through his defenses once, as they do not rebuild automatically.

Corberen 05:08, 16 August 2009 (UTC)~Corberen

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Alliance Titles[ | ]

  • Current Server:


What do all the titles in your alliance mean, and what can they do?

~Rain~ 02:40, 26 August 2009 (UTC) ~Rain~


The titles in your alliance mean the rank you are in the alliance. There are 6 possible titles(ranks) in the alliance. Host, Vice Host, Presbyter, officer and member. Host is the leader of the alliance, Vice host helps the host with whatever, and can invite/kick and change messages in the alliance. Presbyter can recruit/kick members from the alliance, but thats about it. And Officer is just a person in the alliance that deserved a title higher than "member". And of course, the title: member is just a person that joined the alliance and has not made any impact, so has not been promoted by the host/vice host.

-Corberen 21:40, 26 August 2009 (UTC)

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reinforcing allies, whose attack and skills do you use[ | ]

  • Current Server: 51

When you reinforce an alliance member, which hero attack (the hero with the reinforcing army or the mayors) and skills (the defending player's or the reinforcing player's skills)do you use?

i assune the defending player uses the mayors attack and his/her own skillsand the reinforcing player use his/her hero's attack and his/her own skills

is this correct?

REMPI 12:31, 15 September 2009 (UTC)

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I was attacked by someone in another alliance that is nuetral or friendly with my alliance.. help![ | ]

  • Current Server: 67

some one right beside me attacked me but, I am in an alliance thats friendly with them, or nuetral help!

evony is good not ads for it

If they were Neutral, it doesn't matter. They can attack you any time. Friendly I believe also has the same issue. They can attack you at any time. Imper1um 11:51, 2 October 2009 (UTC)

Neutral alliance's flags appear white. They can attack you at anytime. Friendly alliance's flags appear blue. They cannot attack you.

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Changing Alliance Name[ | ]

  • Current Server: 20

I was wondering if it is possible to change an alliance name without stating a new alliance and expelling everyone. And if so how? Thank you.

It is not possible to change the alliance name without starting a new alliance and expelling everyone.

The above answer is not true , read the post 1.16 below and see why .

JohnnSitu 00:39, 6 October 2009 (UTC)

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Member Question[ | ]

  • Current Server: 87

I am wondering what lvl one's embassy has to be to have 100 members in their alliance?

You need to buy the "Ritual Pact" to increase your alliance limit to 100. The price in shop is 500 coins. Well, i'd say just to have a level 2+ embassy.

JohnnSitu 00:43, 21 October 2009 (UTC)Oberonne

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How to make people join your Alliance[ | ]

  • Current Server:

Server 88

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can you send food to another alliance?[ | ]

  • Current Server:

How do you send resouces to another alliance?

You can't send resources to another alliance, they either have to join your alliance or you join theirs. Another way is to take over their castle and bring all your resources over then move your troops out and tell your opponent to take over the city.

JohnnSitu 02:21, 23 November 2009 (UTC)

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Change alliance by expel[ | ]

  • Current Server: 113

I have read that if you quit the alliace you will loss 10% prestige. What happend if I get expel? Does the loss in presgige is worst?--M4X 22:54, 6 January 2010 (UTC)


You will only lose prestige if you quit, not if you are expelled. - Faar

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camping troops[ | ]

  • Current Server:

Jerry1horse2 02:53, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

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  • Current Server:

Eroskzn 06:11, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

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changing of allince name[ | ]

  • Current Server: SS23

how do i change alliance name without expeling my members . i have gone to alliance , options , introduction and i see the alliance name but it wont let me change it , it's shaded . is there something i have to do first or is it not allowed . i know this can be done becuase it happened to my alliance , an example one day we were alliance A and the next day we were alliance B and no-one was expeled . i was told how my host did it but can't remember now i'm host and i need to change alliance name but forgot .

Eroskzn 06:13, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

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expelled from THT and joined another aliance but aliance is not active[ | ]

I was expelled by THT for a mistake I made scouting the throne . I have been playing for 1 month and have brought my assets up to level 17 I donated daily to the THT science and time help requests. I would like now to change alliances and stay within a group like THT. I explained I made a 30 day player mistake as I am following internet beginers guide and may have ventured on my own a little to far and made a mistake but they ansawered I should have known.

How do I now find and change to a alliance that I can evolve

How much information about lower level members of Alliance do R4s and R5s have access to??[ | ]

I recently got hit really hard because my bubble dropped while I was asleep, and was upset about this to say the least, but one thing confused me about what my Alliance members said to me after logging on and having to spend BILLIONS of resources to heal my troops....The guy (an R4) said that I 'coin' more than anyone he had seen, which I assumed meant I purchase in game packages to advance. He is correct that I have purchased a LOT of packages trying to advance myself, but how would he even know that?? Do the Alliance leaders get a notification or something when a member makes a purchase??

Can you attack an army that is marching??[ | ]

Is there any way to attack a player who is attacking another player, like attack them from behind while they are trying to siege someone to help out a friend?? Can you and another player gang up on someone to attack them, or is your army considered to be bubbled when marching??

Questions and Answers/Sections/Alliances (2024)


What is an example of an alliance? ›

The deal between Starbucks and Barnes & Noble is a classic example of a strategic alliance. Starbucks brews the coffee. Barnes & Noble stocks the books. Both companies do what they do best while sharing the costs of space to the benefit of both companies.

Why do countries form alliances? ›

Countries form alliances for a variety of reasons but primarily for military cooperation, mutual protection, and deterrence against foes. Military alliances agree that when one party has been attacked, or faces an enemy, the others will mobilize their military to support the fighting.

What are examples of alliances today? ›

Some examples of alliances that the U.S. is in include NATO — the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (with 28 other countries), NORAD — the North American Aerospace Defense Command (with Canada), ANZUS — the Australia, New Zealand and U.S. Security Treaty, and the Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship — which is ...

What does alliances mean in history? ›

Alliance, in international relations, a formal agreement between two or more states for mutual support in case of war.

Why are alliances important? ›

Beyond their military and geostrategic virtues, alliances provide important political benefits that facilitate the use of American power both internationally and with respect to the domestic audience.

What are the two types of alliances? ›

There are three types of strategic alliances: Joint Venture, Equity Strategic Alliance, and Non-equity Strategic Alliance.

How do alliances affect war? ›

Alliances are typically reciprocal, in that countries promise to defend each other in the event of attack. Countries and their citizens profit from having allies, for example, because alliances deter foreign aggression.

How are alliances made? ›

Although alliances may be informal, they are typically formalized by a treaty of alliance, the most critical clauses of which are those that define the casus foederis, or the circ*mstances under which the treaty obligates an ally to aid a fellow member.

How do alliances between countries work? ›

In international relations, an alliance is a group of countries that come together to promote their common security interests. In many cases, alliances promise military support if one member is threatened. This formal commitment is known as mutual security.

What is the biggest alliance? ›

  • NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is probably the most powerful alliance ever formed.
  • Economically, the European Union is probably the most powerful.
Jan 27, 2024

What is an example of a successful alliance? ›

For example: When Nike and Apple formed a strategic alliance to create the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit, they measured success by evaluating the increase in sales of both products as a result of the partnership. The Nike+ iPod Sport Kit collaboration had a positive impact on sales for Nike and Apple.

What is the strongest alliance in the world? ›

NATO Is the World's Most Powerful Alliance Right Now.

What did alliances lead to? ›

Alliances can be seen as the main cause for the First World War, because the alliance system brought in a substantial number of countries from Europe into a Balkan conflict.

What are the disadvantages of an alliance system? ›

On the other hand, the primary disadvantages of strategic alliances are conflicts of interest, lack of commitment and transparency, increased liability, and shared profits.

What are examples of alliances between countries? ›

  • Anglo-Portuguese Alliance, originally signed in 1373, is the oldest alliance still in force in the world.
  • BALTRON is a joint Estonian—Latvian—Lithuanian Naval Squadron.
  • Entente Cordiale / Defence and Security Co-operation Treaty is a joint Military alliance between France and the United Kingdom.

What are the famous alliances? ›

10 of History's Most Important Alliances
  • Warsaw Pact (1955-91). ...
  • Delian League (478 BCE-404 BCE). ...
  • Peloponnesian League (550 BCE-366 BCE). ...
  • Triple Alliance of 1865 (1865-72). ...
  • Holy League of the Great Turkish War (1684-99). ...
  • Triple Alliance of Mesoamerica (1430-1521). ...
  • Imperial alliance of the Genk?
Apr 4, 2019

What is an example of alliance in WWI? ›

World War I Alliances were one of the main contributing factors leading to the outbreak of WWI. There were two major alliances leading up to World War One: the Triple Alliance, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy; and the Triple Entente, which included England, France, and Russia.

What was an example of an alliance in ww2? ›

In World War II, the three great Allied powers—Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union—formed a Grand Alliance that was the key to victory. But the alliance partners did not share common political aims, and did not always agree on how the war should be fought.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.