Questions and answers from our Russian expert about money (2024)

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Questions and answers:

Fab asks: I live of my trusty i get 5000 dollar a month, can i live a good life in Russia?

Expert's answer:

As of March, 2024, this income level is more than 10 times higher than the average monthly income of working people in Russia. So you can live quite comfortably anywhere in Russia. You can, for example, check the prices for various goods and services in Moscow to get an idea of prices in Russia.

If you decide to move to Russia, you should probably wait until some kind of peace agreement is concluded between Russia and Ukraine, which will likely entail the lifting of some sanctions, especially on international transfers. Without this, you will probably have problems getting your income in Russia.

Daniel asks: So I clearly understand: * RUBLES dated 1993 CAN NOT be exchanged and no longer have value? AND,* RUBLES dated 1995 CAN be exchanged at current exchange rates? Thank you!

Expert's answer:

Both, the 1993 and 1995 series of Russian rubles are no longer in circulation and can't be exchanged, they have small collectible value. The 1997 series is in circulation now and can be exchanged.

Anonymous asks: How much does a 25 Soviet Ruble from 1961 cost today?

Expert's answer:

Today, the average collectible value of this banknote is about 2-3 USD. In 1961, the average salary in the USSR was about 80 rubles per month.

LEo asks: Can I use Russian 1997 rubles?

Expert's answer:

Yes, the 1997 Russian banknotes are still in circulation.

Alex asks: Do banks in Russia accept USD 100 old note for payment transaction?

Expert's answer:

Russian banks may refuse to exchange old dollars. Most often, dollar bills with a release date before 1996 are not accepted for exchange. Therefore, if you are going to Russia, then take new banknotes with you.

A M asks: What is the current US and ZAR value of 1909 Russian Ruble 5RF?

Expert's answer:

The average collectible value of this banknote (5 Russian Rubles issued in 1909) is about 5 USD. You can check the prices on Ebay yourself, just use a search query like: 5 rubles 1909.

Chris D asks: I have a 1910 100 ruble note. Can you give me an idea of its value? Thanks!

Expert's answer:

The average collectible value of this banknote is about 1,500 Rubles (20-30 USD). You can check Ebay yourself, just use a search query like: 100 rubles 1910

A asks: How much is 25 ruble from 1961 worth in British pounds?

Expert's answer:

The average collectible value of this banknote is very low, less than 1 British pound. You can check the prices on Ebay yourself, use a search query such as: 25 rubles 1961.

Diane asks: I have many paper notes from 1909 and 1918 Are they worth anything?

Expert's answer:

In most cases, these banknotes have a low collectible value, about 5-20 USD. You can see the approximate prices on Ebay for yourself, for example, 5 rubles 1909.

Steven asks: I have a 1000 Rubles bill 1995. How much is it worth?

Expert's answer:

You probably have the following banknote. Its average collectible value is about 2-5 USD. You can also check its price on Ebay, just use a search query like this: 1000 Rubles 1995.

Peter asks: My father gave me when he passed at least 500000 in 1993 rubles I believe. I don't know if and never thought they could be worth anything. He was a shipping agent and traveled the whole world his whole life.

Expert's answer:

These banknotes are out of circulation now and can't be exchanged in banks. The average collectible values of these banknotes are in the range of about 5-20 USD per banknote. You can check the prices yourself on Ebay, just search for something like: 10000 rubles 1993. All the banknotes with some info about the collectible prices can be seen here (auto-translated from Russian).

DaQuan asks: I have rubles I would to exchange or sell. I'm in the United States. Will I be able to?

Expert's answer:

Previously, this was possible in the offices of large banks, as well as in some exchange offices. I'm not sure that this is still possible. Contact several banks and get this information first hand. If the amount is small, then probably not worth the bother.

Mailes asks: Hey. How much cash money (minimum sum) I should have for my 80 days stay in Russia for crossing the border of Russia without problem? If there is minimum monetary support of the trip at august 2022

Expert's answer:

You can bring cash in an amount equivalent to no more than 10,000 USD into Russia without declaring it. This amount will be more than enough for you 80 days stay in the country. The minimum budget I think starts at about 5,000 USD, although you can spend even less. Most working people in Russia earn in the range of about 400-700 USD per month.

Teresa asks: I'd like to know what was the size of Russian Paper Money in the 19th century?

Expert's answer:

In the 19th century, there were several different banknotes in the Russian Empire, you can see all of them with detailed information including size here. You can use Google Translate to translate the pages.

M V Rao asks: Visiting St Petersburg in May 2022. In present situation, should we carry dollars or rubles?

Expert's answer:

The main thing is that you should take cash with you, as your cards will not work in Russia. Cash dollars will be the best choice, there should be no problems with exchanging them for rubles in banks.

Alex asks: How much money do you need to live comfortably in Rostov-on-Don?

Expert's answer:

In 2021, the average salary in Rostov-on-Don was in the range of about 35,000-40,000 Rubles per month (450-530 USD). The monthly cost of a long-term rental of a one-room apartment starts from about 10,000 rubles. For a general idea of the cost of living in the city, check out this site. I think that an income starting at about 50,000 rubles a month will be enough to live relatively comfortably alone in this city. But of course you can live relatively well even with a lower income.

Janne asks: What is the value of a 10 rubles banknote 1917 Russia / Odessa city in mint condition?

Expert's answer:

The average collectible value of this banknote is in the range of about 10-20 USD. You can also check its price on Ebay.

Nicole asks: is 1993 500 ruble still has value? how much?

Expert's answer:

This banknote is no longer in circulation. Its collectible value is about 1-2 USD, so you can just keep it as a nice souvenir.

Miles asks: What is the US dollar value for a Russian 1912 500 Ruble bank note?

Expert's answer:

It average collectible value is about 10-20 USD, so you can just keep it as a nice souvenir. You can also check its price on eBay.

Brett asks: I see so many Soviet Era Rubles dated 1961. Were they all printed in 1961 or different dates throughout identified by serial number? Thank you!

Expert's answer:

Soviet banknotes, issued in monetary circulation at the beginning of 1961, existed for exactly 30 years without any noticeable changes. Collectors subdivide them into the so-called "series", depending on the letter series affixed before the seven-digit number.

Stian Wikan asks: I have a 1,000 ruble bill from 1919, what is it worth today?

Expert's answer:

If it is a Soviet 1,000 Rubles banknote, its average collectible value is about 2-3 USD. The average prices of 1,000 Rubles banknotes issued by the opponents of the Bolsheviks (it was the time of the Civil War in Russia) are about 20-30 USD. Check it on Ebay and you will find a number of offers.

Collette asks: I have a 10,000 1995 Ruble, is it still good?

Expert's answer:

This banknote is no longer in circulation. Its average collectible value is about 3-4 USD, so you can just keep it as a nice souvenir.

Sam asks: I have a 1961 50 ruble Soviet note and was wondering how much it would be worth today.

Expert's answer:

The collectible value of this banknote is about 2-5 USD, so you can just keep it as a nice souvenir.

Andrea asks: I'm selling a set of Russian coins from 1965. Is it illegal to mail them to Latvia?

Expert's answer:

Sending coins abroad has one, but very important limitation - it is forbidden to send from Russia and to Russia coins over 50 years old without the special permission of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as well as national currency (coins in circulation at the moment). In such a situation, an expertise is required, which must establish whether the imported or exported coins over 50 years old are cultural values, and if they are, then they can't be imported or exported by mail.

Susan asks: I have 2 one rouble silver coins - a 1896 and 1924. What do you think they are worth to a collector?

Expert's answer:

The collectible values of these two coins are relatively low, in the range of about 30-40 USD. So you can just keep them as nice souvenirs.

Elizabeth asks: I have a 5,000 Ruble bank note 1993 in excellent condition. Does it have any value as a collector's item?

Expert's answer:

The collectible value of this banknote is about 10-20 USD.

Mario asks: I have inherited some old Russian banknotes from 1919. 5,000 & 10,000 ruble notes. Do they have any collectible value today?

Expert's answer:

These banknotes have little collectible value, averaging around 15-30 USD. So you can just keep them as nice souvenirs.

Russia asks: I have a Russian coin - 1 Ruble 1714. I want to know what it is worth.

Expert's answer:

This is a very valuable coin. Its price depends very much on its condition and varies from about 10,000 USD to 100,000 USD and even higher. You should better contact your local coin collectors for more information.

Rarshell asks: If an American visits Russia and takes $1500, how many rubles will he receive?

Expert's answer:

The current exchange rate is about 74 Russian Rubles per 1 USD, so 1,500 USD = about 111,000 Russian Rubles.Of course, the exchange rate is constantly changing, but in general it is in the range of 72-76 rubles per dollar in recent months.

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Les asks: I have a 1,000,000 Belarusian Ruble from 2000. Can it be exchanged? What is its value in USD?

Expert's answer:

You probably have the following banknote. You can't exchange it anymore, its collection value is in the range of about 5-20 USD. So you can just keep it as a nice souvenir.

Anna asks: I have a 100 rubble banknote from 1997, but the serial number is quite interesting-1752000. As we know, 1752 was the year when Russia is assumed to have adopted the Gregorian calendar as one of the last countries. Also, in the British Empire, it was the only year with 355 days, as 3-13 September were skipped when the Empire adopted the Gregorian calendar.Would this banknote would be worth anything for the ones who collects them?

Expert's answer:

This is an interesting story and probably can be used to sell this banknote at a higher price. In general, it doesn't have a high collectible value (except the first and experimental versions - 50-100 USD). You can read this article about all the versions of it and the rarest ones (auto-translated from Russian by Google Translate).

Rasmus asks: How much would be 1,400 Russian rubles in 1714 in today's euros/dollars?

Expert's answer:

I have found retail prices for beef in 1718 and used this indicator. By rough estimate, the difference is about 10,000%, so 1,400 Rubles in 1714 is 14,000,000 Rubles in 2019 or about 215,000 USD (65 Rubles per 1 USD).

Cyndy asks: Can I still use the 100,000 1995 Russian ruble note?

Expert's answer:

This note is no longer in circulation and you can't exchange it in banks. It has a small collection value (about 2-5 USD). So you can just keep it as a nice souvenir.

avery asks: Carol travels from France to Russia. She is going to spend six weeks vacationing in Russia. Carol is taking 1,700 Francs with her. How many Rubles will she have after the exchange?

Expert's answer:

The current exchange rate is about 66 Russian Rubles per 1 CHF. So 1,700 CHF is about 110,000 Rubles. The exchange rate at the airport may not be very good, so you should better exchange in banks. Also I would recommend to have USD instead of CHF, so that there are no exchange problems in banks.

Jerry asks: I have 31 100 rubles notes dated 1993. What is their collectible value?

Expert's answer:

These banknotes are no longer valid means of payment, so they can not be exchanged in banks. They have a small collection value, about 1-2 USD apiece, if they are in excellent condition.

Naveena asks: Can a 1,000 ruble note of 2001 still be exchanged?

Expert's answer:

These banknotes are still in circulation so you can use them as you want.

Mousa asks: I've heard that 100 USD 2006 series or unclean cashes with marks are not accepted in Russian exchange offices. Is that true?

Expert's answer:

Yes, it is recommended to bring new 100 USD banknotes in Russia if you want to exchange them in banks (better go to banks rather than exchange points to do it, much safer).It is often explained by the fact that the staff can not accurately ascertain the authenticity of older banknotes and accordingly may refuse to exchange.

Charlie asks: Can a 1,000 ruble note of 1995 still be exchanged?

Expert's answer:

You can't exchange this banknote. Its nominal value is only 1 Ruble today. Although its collectible value is about 200-300 Rubles or 3-5 USD. So I think that you should just keep it as a nice souvenir.

casey asks: What is the historical value of a 1993, 1000 ruble bank note?

Expert's answer:

This note is not of great historical value, a lot of them were released into circulation in the 1990s. Today, the cost of it is less than 1 USD. But still it is a nice souvenir.

Sharon asks: I have several 50,000 Rubles notes from 1995. Are they worth anything?

Expert's answer:

The value of these Russian banknotes as collectible objects is growing with time and currently it is about 1,500 Rubles per 1 banknote (about 25 USD).

leeny asks: 500 Russian Rubles is how much in dollar?

Expert's answer:

As of September, 2017, 500 Russian Rubles is about 9 USD.

Sahil Khan asks: Are the notes of 5000 Rubles of 1995 in use? I want to exchange.

Expert's answer:

No, these banknotes are no longer in circulation. Anyway, after the denomination, the value of such banknote in the current money is less than 1 USD.

Jen asks: I have a 50000 rubles dated year 2000, can you tell me if its worth anything?

Expert's answer:

This is equivalent to 50 rubles today (less than 1 USD).

ena asks: 500 rub converted to dollar how much

Expert's answer:

The current exchange rate is about 60 Russian Rubles per 1 USD.

Raj asks: Whose picture is on 100 ruble banknote?

Expert's answer:

It is the sculpture of the Greek god Apollo on the building of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow.

David Brasher asks: Are the 1997 rouble currency still in use today?

Expert's answer:

Yes, Russian Rubles (the series of 1997) are in use in Russia now.

Lee Abbott asks: I have a 1995 dated 500000 note, is it of any value?

Expert's answer:

It is the banknote of the period before the denomination. After the denomination of 1998, its new value was 500 Rubles, less than 10 USD. So you can just keep it as a nice souvenir.

Jhun Caamic asks: Is the Russian Ruble currency change with other currency outside Russia?

Expert's answer:

It is not a problem to exchange Russian rubles for local currency in the countries of the former USSR and some countries of the Eastern Europe. Also if some place in the world has a lot of tourists from Russia you can do it too, but the exchange rate will be far from fair.

Nick asks: Is it a street with this name in Izhevsk: Dzerzhinsky Street, Izhevsk, 426050, Russia. I have a friend she wants some money in order to purchase a ticket to come and visit me in Holland. How much can I trust her? In order to fly from Russia to Europe do you need a visa?

Expert's answer:

We often receive requests similar to yours and our usual advice is that you should not send any help to a person in Russia before you are absolutely sure that this person is real.

All the costs (tickets, visa, etc.) are not so high that can stop someone from coming to you especially if you help afterwards. Russian citizens need visas to go to Europe but it is not a problem to obtain one.

Laura asks: Who is the man and the landmark on the banknote of 5000 Rubles?

Expert's answer:

The man depicted on the banknote of 5,000 Rubles is Nikolai Muravyev-Amursky - a prominent statesman of the times of the Russian Empire. From 1847 to 1861, he was the governor-general of Eastern Siberia. He played an important role in returning the Amur River ceded to China in 1689. The banknote is devoted to the city of Khabarovsk - the landmark is the Khabarovsk Cliff above the Amur River.

jane asks: How much is the value of our money there per dollar?

Expert's answer:

The exchange rate is about 60 Rubles per 1 USD (2017).

greg b asks: What is 10 ruble equal to a dollar?

Expert's answer:

In September 2017, 1 USD was equal to about 60 Russian Rubles, so 10 Rubles = 0,17 USD.

Nancy asks: Why are you not allowed to bring Russian currency out of Russia?

Expert's answer:

Cash in any currency in a total amount equal to or not exceeding the equivalent of USD 10,000 is not subject to customs declaration in Russia.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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