Quant Active Fund - Growth [718.508] | Quant Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (2024)

Quant Active Fund - Growth [718.508] | Quant Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (1)

Quant Active Fund - Growth [718.508] | Quant Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (2)

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Quant Active Fund - Growth [718.508] | Quant Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (5)

Quant Active Fund - Growth [718.508] | Quant Mutual Fund - Moneycontrol (6)

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  • Regular
  • Direct

Category : Multi Cap Fund

Fund House : Quant Mutual Fund

  • NAV

    : ₹ 718.508-0.02%

    (as on 16th September, 2024)

Crisil Rank

Relatively weak performance among peers

Fund Size: ₹ 11262.23 Cr

(6.47% of Investment in Category)

Expense Ratio: 1.7%

(1.93% Category average)


Very High

Multi Cap Fund :Multi Cap Fund : The fund has 83.29% investment in domestic equities of which 32.45% is in Large Cap stocks, 15.74% is in Mid Cap stocks, 22.59% in Small Cap stocks.The fund has 2.2% investment in Debt, of which 2.2% in Government securities.

Suitable For : Investors who are looking to invest money for at least 3-4 years and looking for high returns. At the same time, these investors should also be ready for possibility of moderate losses in their investments.

  • One-time Investment
  • SIP Returns
  • Calculate Returns
  • 1M
  • 3M
  • 6M
  • 1Y
  • 2Y
  • 5Y
  • ALL

This Scheme


  • Benchmark

    NIFTY 500 Multicap 50:25:25 Total Return Index

  • NA

  • NA

  • Gold

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  • Date : -
  • NAV : -
  • NIFTY 500 Multicap 50:25:25 Total Return Index : -

"); } else { $(".stock_graphs").hide(); $("#" + resp_div).show(); $(".stock_graphs").removeClass('active'); $("#" + resp_div).addClass('active'); } $.ajax({ url: link, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function(t) { var n50d = []; var temp = []; var x_data = []; var x_data_2 = []; var temp_stat = []; var y_tot = 0; var ff = []; i = 0; var per = []; var en = []; var first_val_1 = 0; var first_val_2 = 0; var dt1 = []; var dt2 = []; var navval = []; var cmpval = []; var month_arr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','July','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'] $.each(t.g1, function(k, v) { var spl = v.navDate.split("-"); var y = spl[0]; var m = spl[1] - 1; var d = spl[2]; var dd = v.navValue; dt1.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0))); x_data.push(v.navValue); }); if(type == 'category'){ $("#list_indices").val(""); $("#list_stock").val(""); $("#list_mf").val(""); $("#list_ulip").val(""); $("#cmp_indices").html("NA"); indices = $("#list_navs").val(); $("#cmp_gold").html("NA"); $.each(t.n50, function(k, v) {var spl = v.navDate.split("-");var y = spl[0];var m = spl[1] - 1;var d = spl[2];var dd = v.navValue;dt2.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0)));x_data_2.push(v.navValue); 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if (ind !== -1) { dt2 = dt2.slice(ind); x_data_2 = x_data_2.slice(ind); } } first_val_1 = x_data[0] first_val_2 = x_data_2[0] for (var k = 0; k < x_data.length; k++) {navval.push(x_data[k]); x_data[k] = ((x_data[k] - first_val_1) / first_val_1) * 100; var ttt = [dt1[k], x_data[k]]; temp_stat.push(ttt) } for (var k = 0; k < x_data_2.length; k++) {cmpval.push(x_data_2[k]); x_data_2[k] = ((x_data_2[k] - first_val_2) / first_val_2) * 100; var ttt = [dt2[k], x_data_2[k]];if(dt2[k] <= dt1[x_data.length-1] && dt2[k] >= dt1[0] && dt1.includes(dt2[k])){n50d.push(ttt)} } console.log("First value for calculation scheme - "+first_val_1) console.log("First value for calculation indices - "+first_val_2) var y_min = Math.min.apply(null, x_data); var y_max = Math.max.apply(null, x_data); var y_min_2 = Math.min.apply(null, x_data_2); var y_max_2 = Math.max.apply(null, x_data_2); chngepercnt = x_data_2[x_data_2.length-2].toFixed(2); if(chngepercnt < 0){arrwcls = 'red_arw'; }else{arrwcls = 'green_arw'; } if(type != 'benchmark'){ if(type == 'indices'){$("#cmp_indices").html(" "+chngepercnt+"%"); 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'' : '% Returns') }, labels: {x: 20,y:-2 }, startOnTick: false, min: Math.min(y_min, y_min_2), max: Math.max(y_max, y_max_2), gridLineWidth: 0.5, }, credits: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { pointFormatter: function() { var point = this;var date_obj=new Date(point.x) $("#mouseoverDate").html(date_obj.getDate()+' '+month_arr[date_obj.getMonth()]+' '+date_obj.getFullYear());nav = navval[point.index];$("#mouseoverNavVal").html(nav.toFixed(2));cmp = cmpval[point.index];$("#mouseoverCmpVal").html(cmp); if (point.series.color == '#DF9311') { return '\u25CF ' + point.series.name + ': ' + (point.y).toFixed(2) + '%'; } else { return '\u25CF ' + schemename + ': ' + (point.y).toFixed(2) + '%'; } } }, legend: { layout: 'horizontal', // floating: true, y: 20, }, plotOptions: { line: { marker: { enabled: false },enableMouseTracking: true }, areaspline: { marker: { enabled: false } } }, series: [{ turboThreshold: 0, name: schemename, data: temp_stat, //absoluteY: color: '#2867A0', }, { turboThreshold: 0, name: indices, data: n50d, // yAxis: 1, color: '#DF9311', }], exporting: { enabled: false } }); } });}//$(document).ready(function(){//get_indices_list('', 'mobile');//});function close_suggetion_box(){$('div.sugbox').hide();}function get_indices_list(searchstr, type='desktop') {//var searchstr_len = searchstr.length; //if (searchstr_len > 2 || type == 'mobile') {$(".sugbox").hide(); var link = "https://appfeeds.moneycontrol.com/jsonapi/indices/indian_indices&t_version=155&lang=EN&view=list";$.ajax({url: link,type: "GET",dataType: "json",success: function(data) {if(type == 'mobile'){//$('#fund_options1').removeAttr('onclick');listr = '';$.each(data.list.indices, function(k, v) {if(v.ind_id != $("#sel_benchmarkIndexId").val()){listr += '

';}});$("#fund_options1").append(listr);}else{listr = '

    ';$.each(data.list.indices, function(k, v) {if(v.ind_id != $("#sel_benchmarkIndexId").val()){listr += '
  • '+v.stkexchg+'
  • ';}});listr += '

';$("#indsugbox").show();$("#indsugbox").html(listr);}} }); //}else{ /* if (searchstr_len == 0) {$("#sel_ind_id").val("");$("#indsugbox").hide(); } */ //}}function set_indices_val_mobile(){var ind_id = $("#fund_options1").val();var ind_name = $("#fund_options1 option:selected").text();//console.log(ind_id);//console.log(ind_name);set_indices_val(ind_id, ind_name);}function set_indices_val(ind_id, ind_name){isin = $("#sel_isin_id").val();schemename = $("#sel_schemename").val();$("#sel_ind_id").val(ind_id);$("#list_indices").val(ind_name);$("#indsugbox").hide();$(".stock_graphs").html("");$("#mouseoverCmpName").html(ind_name);get_stock_graph(isin,'1Y','li_1y','oneymfd_1', schemename, 'indices')}function get_nav_list(searchstr) { $(".sugbox").hide(); var searchstr_len = searchstr.length; if (searchstr_len > 2) {var categoryname = $("#sel_categoryname").val();var type = $("#sel_graph_type").val();//console.log(type);var link;if(type == 'mf'){link = "https://www.moneycontrol.com/mc/widget/mfnavonetimeinvestment/get_nav_list?classic=true&schemeName="+searchstr+"&type=ALL";}else{link = "https://www.moneycontrol.com/mc/widget/mfnavonetimeinvestment/get_nav_list?classic=true&schemeName="+searchstr+"&type=CATEGORY&categoryName="+categoryname;}$.ajax({url: link,type: "GET",dataType: "json",success: function(data) {if(type == 'mf'){listr = '

    ';$.each(data.schemeNames, function(k, v) {listr += '
  • '+v.schemeName+'
  • '});listr += '

';$("#mfsugbox").show();$("#mfsugbox").html(listr);}else{listr = '

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  • '+v.schemeName+'
  • '});listr += '

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    ';$.each(data, function(k, v) {listr += '
  • '+v.stock_name+'
  • ' });listr += '

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    ';$(data).find("li").each(function(){ hreflink = $(this).find('a').attr("href"); var linkparts = hreflink.split(".html"); var linkArr = linkparts[0].split("-"); var ulip_id = linkArr[linkArr.length-1]; listr += '
  • '+$(this).find('a').text()+'
  • '});listr += '

';$("#ulipsugbox").show();$("#ulipsugbox").html(listr);} }); }else{ if (searchstr_len == 0) {$("#sel_ulip_id").val("");$("#ulipsugbox").hide(); } }}function set_ulip_val(ulip_id, ulipname){schemename = $("#sel_schemename").val();isin = $("#sel_isin_id").val();$("#sel_ulip_id").val(ulip_id);$("#list_ulip").val(ulipname);$("#ulipsugbox").hide();$(".stock_graphs").html("");$("#mouseoverCmpName").html(ulipname);get_stock_graph(isin,'1Y','li_1y','oneymfd_1', schemename, 'ulip')}/*$(document).ready(function(e) {$('#oneymfd_clk').click();$( "body" ).click(function( event ) { close_suggetion_box();});$("#list_indices").on("keyup", function() {var value = $(this).val().toLowerCase();$("#list_suggestion li").filter(function() { $(this).toggle($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1)});});});*/

  • 1M
  • 3M
  • 6M
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  • 1Y
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  • ALL
  • Date : -
  • Investment : -
  • Value on selected date : -

"); $.ajax({ url: link, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function(t) { var n50d = []; var temp = []; var x_data = []; var x_data_2 = []; var temp_stat = []; var y_tot = 0; var ff = []; i = 0; var per = []; var en = []; var first_val_1 = 0; var first_val_2 = 0; var dt1 = []; var dt2 = []; var navval = []; var cmpval = []; var month_arr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','July','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec'] $.each(t.g1, function(k, v) { var spl = v.date.split("-"); var y = spl[0]; var m = spl[1] - 1; var d = spl[2]; var dd = v.investamt; dt1.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0))); dt2.push(parseInt(Date.UTC(y, m, d, 0, 0))); x_data.push(v.investamt); x_data_2.push(v.returnamt); }); var fund_date = dt1[0] var n50_date = dt2[0] first_val_1 = x_data[0] first_val_2 = x_data_2[0] for (var k = 0; k < x_data.length; k++) {navval.push(x_data[k]); //x_data[k] = ((x_data[k] - first_val_1) / first_val_1) * 100; var ttt = [dt1[k], x_data[k]]; temp_stat.push(ttt) } for (var k = 0; k < x_data_2.length; k++) {cmpval.push(x_data_2[k]); //x_data_2[k] = ((x_data_2[k] - first_val_2) / first_val_2) * 100; var ttt = [dt2[k], x_data_2[k]];if(dt2[k] <= dt1[x_data.length-1] && dt2[k] >= dt1[0]){n50d.push(ttt)} } var y_min = Math.min.apply(null, x_data); var y_max = Math.max.apply(null, x_data); var y_min_2 = Math.min.apply(null, x_data_2); var y_max_2 = Math.max.apply(null, x_data_2); var width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; Highcharts.chart(resp_div, { chart: { type: 'line', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.002)' }, title: { text: '' }, subTitle: { text: '' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', }, yAxis: { title: { text: (width < 768 ? '' : 'Amount') }, labels: {x: 20,y:-2 }, startOnTick: false, min: Math.min(y_min, y_min_2), max: Math.max(y_max, y_max_2), gridLineWidth: 0.5, }, credits: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { pointFormatter: function() { var point = this;var date_obj=new Date(point.x) $("#sipmouseoverDate").html(date_obj.getDate()+' '+month_arr[date_obj.getMonth()]+' '+date_obj.getFullYear());$("#sipmouseoverCmpVal").html("Value on selected date : "+cmpval[point.index]+"");$("#sipmouseoverNavVal").html(navval[point.index].toFixed(2));return '\u25CF ' + point.series.name + ': ' + (point.y).toFixed(2) + ''; } }, legend: { layout: 'horizontal', // floating: true, y: 20, }, plotOptions: { line: { marker: { enabled: false } }, areaspline: { marker: { enabled: false } } }, series: [{ name: 'Investment', data: temp_stat, //absoluteY: color: '#2867A0', }, { name: 'Value on selected date', data: n50d, // yAxis: 1, color: '#DF9311', }], exporting: { enabled: false } }); } });}//$(document).ready(function(e) {//$('#siponeymfd_clk').click();//});

  • Returns Calculator
  • SIP Calculator
  • VIP (Value Avg)


  • Investment Date

  • Sell Date

  • Investment Value


  • Sell Value


  • Profit/Loss


  • Annualised Returns


  • Date : -
  • Investment : -
  • Value on selected date : -

Returns (NAV as on 13th September, 2024)

Period Invested for ₹10000 Invested on Latest Value Absolute Returns Annualised Returns Category Avg Rank within Category
1 Week 06-Sep-24 10086.80 0.87% - 1.89% 28/28
1 Month 13-Aug-24 10233.90 2.34% - 6.26% 28/28
3 Month 13-Jun-24 10263.30 2.63% - 9.66% 26/26
6 Month 13-Mar-24 12300.60 23.01% - 28.89% 26/26
YTD 01-Jan-24 12486.70 24.87% - 28.94% 22/25
1 Year 13-Sep-23 13968.50 39.69% 39.56% 43.51% 17/23
2 Year 13-Sep-22 15884.00 58.84% 25.99% 29.85% 13/16
3 Year 13-Sep-21 17970.00 79.70% 21.55% 20.87% 4/11
5 Year 13-Sep-19 41936.70 319.37% 33.16% 26.06% 1/10
10 Year 12-Sep-14 64735.20 547.35% 20.51% 16.64% 1/7
Since Inception 04-Apr-01 718624.70 7086.25% 19.99% 25.78% 14/24

SIP Returns (NAV as on 13th September, 2024)

Period Invested for₹1000 SIP Started onInvestmentsLatest ValueAbsolute ReturnsAnnualised Returns
1 Year13-Sep-231200014428.0420.23 %39.24 %
2 Year13-Sep-222400033672.640.3 %36.23 %
3 Year13-Sep-213600054777.4652.16 %29.18 %
5 Year13-Sep-1960000133309.48122.18 %32.55 %
10 Year12-Sep-14120000431726.29259.77 %24.16 %

Tax Treatment

If sold after 1 year from purchase date, long term capital gain tax will be applicable. Current tax rate is 12.5%, if your total long term capital gain exceeds 1.25 lakh. Any cess/surcharge is not included. If sold before 1 year from purchase date, short term capital gain tax will be applicable. Current tax rate is 20%. Any cess/surcharge is not included in the 20%.

Portfolio (Updated on 31st Aug,2024)

  • Equity (89.37%)
  • Debt (2.2%)
  • Others (8.43%)

Equity Holding : 83.29% | F&O Holdings : 6.08%| Foreign Equity Holdings : 0.00%| Total : 89.37%

No of Stocks : 49 (Category Avg - 83.07) | Large Cap Investments : 32.45%| Mid Cap Investments : 15.74% | Small Cap Investments : 22.59% | Other : 18.59%

Top 10 Stocks in Portfolio

How to read this table?

Stock Invested in Sector Value(Mn) % of Total Holdings 1M Change 1Y Highest Holding 1Y Lowest Holding Quantity 1M Change in Qty
Reliance Industries Ltd. Refineries & marketing 10752.2 9.55% 0.02% 10.65% (Jun 2024) 5.59% (Sep 2023) 35.61 L 0.00
Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. Pharmaceuticals 6336.1 5.63% 1.34% 5.63% (Aug 2024) 3.77% (Jun 2024) 40.37 L 6.75 L
Steel Authority Of India Ltd. Iron & steel products 4823.5 4.28% -0.63% 4.91% (Jul 2024) 0% (Sep 2023) 3.61 Cr 0.00
Swan Energy Ltd. Other textile products 4428.4 3.93% -0.47% 4.4% (Jul 2024) 0% (Sep 2023) 65.37 L 0.00
Life Insurance Corporation Of India Life insurance 3987.7 3.54% -0.38% 3.92% (Jul 2024) 0% (Sep 2023) 37.47 L 0.00
Adani Power Ltd. Power generation 3780.9 3.36% -0.55% 4.43% (May 2024) 1.12% (Sep 2023) 59.82 L 0.00
Britannia Industries Ltd. Packaged foods 3698.2 3.28% 0.03% 4.03% (Jan 2024) 0% (Sep 2023) 6.32 L 0.00
Jio Financial Services Ltd. Non banking financial company (nbfc) 3673.2 3.26% -0.07% 4.63% (Mar 2024) 3.26% (Aug 2024) 1.14 Cr 0.00
Aegis Logistics Ltd. Trading - gas 3251.8 2.89% -0.30% 3.51% (Jun 2024) 1.7% (Sep 2023) 43.21 L 0.00
Container Corporation Of India Ltd. Logistics solution provider 3143.3 2.79% 0.38% 2.79% (Aug 2024) 0% (Sep 2023) 32.57 L 6.50 L

- indicates change in weight in the portfolio. # indicates a new entry.

No of Debt Holding 3 (Category Avg - 0.74) | Modified Duration 0.00 Years (Category Avg - 1.73)| Yield to Maturity - -- (Category Avg - 0.00%)

Type of Holdings

Security Type % Weight Category Average
GOI 0.00% 0.02%
T-Bills 2.20% 0.25%

Investment / Portfolio Grades

Security Type % Weight Category Average
Government Backed 2.20% 0.27%
Low Risk 0.00% 0.00%
Moderate Risk 0.00% 0.00%
High Risk 0.00% 0.00%
Very High Risk 0.00% 0.00%
Others 0.00% 0.00%
Name Type of Instrument Weight (%)
Net Receivables Net Receivables 3.78%
MF Units MF Units 0.01%

Risk Ratios

Ratios calculated on daily returns for last 3 years (Updated as on 30th August, 2024)

  • Standard Deviation

    High volatility


    Category Avg

  • Beta

    High volatility


    Category Avg

  • Sharpe Ratio

    Poor risk adjusted returns


    Category Avg

  • Treynor's Ratio

    Poor risk adjusted returns


    Category Avg

  • Jension's Alpha

    Poor risk adjusted returns


    Category Avg

Alternative Funds (Category Peers)

Scheme Name Crisil Rank Asset Size (Cr) 1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y
Kotak Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth NA 14541.21 4.46 8.73 25.94 51.06 0.00
HSBC Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth NA 4088.38 3.54 7.34 26.65 50.95 0.00
Axis Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth NA 6551.48 5.32 11.25 31.31 50.70 0.00
Invesco India Multicap Fund - Growth 3 3864.96 7.30 13.35 32.94 47.62 19.88
Baroda BNP Paribas Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 3 2758.15 5.71 8.30 27.87 46.74 20.65
LIC MF Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth NA 1369.60 2.75 9.57 34.67 46.63 0.00
ITI Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 5 1393.09 3.88 6.74 25.20 46.09 19.49
Bank of India Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth NA 696.61 2.90 8.03 26.67 45.28 0.00
ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund - Growth 4 14279.76 4.96 11.03 24.90 44.97 22.47
Mahindra Manulife Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 3 4686.16 4.51 9.39 25.74 43.35 21.71

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Out of 31 mutual fund schemes offered by this AMC,1 is/are ranked 5 * ,1 is/are ranked 4 * ,5 is/are ranked 3 * ,1 is/are ranked 1 * ,and 23 schemes are not ranked. See more about AMC

Scheme Name Crisil Rank Asset Size (Cr) 1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y
Quant Small Cap Fund - Growth 3 25534.997.0011.5733.9251.5926.65
Quant Small Cap Fund - Growth 3 25534.994.516.6826.7052.8530.29
Quant Active Fund - Growth 1 11262.231.551.8620.0438.6420.75
Quant ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 4 11124.712.663.0520.3544.9023.88
Quant Mid Cap Fund - Growth 3 9367.381.89-0.0621.4148.4229.30
Quant Flexi Cap Fund - Growth NA 7709.732.584.5821.3950.3423.94
Quant Infrastructure Fund - Growth NA 3990.920.99-0.9516.2960.2530.66
Quant Large and Mid Cap Fund - Growth 5 3706.811.142.0421.3350.2626.26
Quant Multi Asset Fund - Growth NA 2725.256.675.9818.9746.8524.39
Quant Quantamental Fund - Regular Plan - Growth NA 2702.182.202.7119.6749.8131.46


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