Publication (2024)

Counter Drone Warfare

Author : Major HS Mankoo,


The proliferation of consumer-gradedrones has ushered in a new era of technological innovation and convenience,yet it has also given rise to formidable security challenges. Unmanned aerialvehicles are increasingly being exploited for nefarious purposes, ranging fromespionage and smuggling to acts of terrorism. As a response to this emergentthreat, the field of counter drone warfare has rapidly evolved. This articleprovides a comprehensive overview of the current state of counter drone warfare,examining the multifaceted nature of the drone threat and the intricatestrategies employed to mitigate it.

The article delves into the technicalaspects of countering drones, analysing the diverse methods used for detection,identification, and neutralisation. From radar and radio-frequency technologiesto kinetic and non-kinetic counter measures, the discussion encompasses thefull spectrum of tools and approaches utilised by military and security forcesworldwide.

Furthermore, the article explores the typesof counter drone systems being used in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the lessonslearnt in the Indian context and the future of counter drone systems.


The Ukraine-Russiaconflict has been seen as the first full-fledged drone war with both sidesusing drones extensively. Drones have been used for tasks like recce,surveillance, and direction of own artillery fire, even in the form ofloitering munitions. Looking at the success of drones in this war, it is likelythat in future conflicts drones are going to play a larger role than ever.Hence, it is very important that a nation possesses the capability to defenditself from such weapon systems.

CounterDrone Tech

Counterdrone technology refers to the methods and systems that are used to detect,track, and mitigate unauthorised Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones.These technologies are designed to identify and neutralise drones that may posea security threat, such as those carrying explosives, conducting surveillance,or interfering with airspace. This technology typically involves a combinationof sensors, radars, cameras, and other equipment that can detect and trackdrones, as well as jamming or interception devices that can disable or takecontrol of the drones. Some examples of counter drone technology include radiofrequency jammers, Global Positioning System (GPS) spoofers, net guns, and eventrained eagles.

As the use of drones becomes morewidespread, the need for effective counter drone technology is becomingincreasingly important, particularly in areas such as airports, militaryinstallations, critical infrastructure, and public events. However, there arealso concerns about the potential misuse of counter-drone technology and theneed to balance security with privacy and civil liberties.

In a conventional war scenario, counterdrone technology plays a crucial role in defending against enemy drones, whichcan be used for recce, surveillance or attack purposes. Some examples ofcounter drone technology in a conventional war scenario are:1

Detectionand Tracking Systems.2

n Radar Detectsthe presence of small unmanned aircraft by their radar signature, which isgenerated when the aircraft encounters Radio Frequency (RF) pulses emitted bythe detection element. These systems often employ algorithms to distinguishbetween drones and other small, low-flying objects, such as birds.

n RF Identifiesthe presence of drones by scanning for the frequencies on which most drones areknown to operate. Algorithms pick out and geo-locate RF-emitting devices in thearea that are likely to be drones.

n Electro- Detects drones based on their visualsignature.


n Infrared Detectsdrones based on their heat signature.

n Acoustic Detectsdrones by recognising the unique sounds produced by their motors. Acousticsystems rely on a library of sounds produced by known drones, which are thenmatched to sounds detected in the operating environment.

n Combined Many systems integrate a variety ofdifferent

Sensors sensortypes in order to provide a more robust detection capability. For example, asystem might include an acoustic sensor that cues an optical camera when itdetects a potential drone in the vicinity. The use of multiple detectionelements may also be intended to increase the probability of a successfuldetection, given that no individual detection method is entirely failproof.


n RF Disrupts the radiofrequency link between the

Jamming droneand its operator by generating large volumes of RF output. Once the RF link,which can include Wireless Fidelity links, is severed, a drone will eitherdescend to the ground or initiate a ‘return to home’ manoeuvre.

n GNSS Disrupts the drone’s satellitelink, such as GPS

Jamming orGlobal Navigation Satellite System, which is used for navigation. Drones thatlose their satellite link will hover in place, land, or return home.

n Spoofing Allowsone to take control of the targeted drone by hijacking the drone’scommunications link (also known as protocol manipulation).

n Laser Destroysvital segments of the drone’s airframe using directed energy, causing it tocrash to the ground.

n Nets Designedto entangle the targeted drone and/or its rotors.

n Projectile Employsregular or custom-designed ammunition to destroy incoming unmanned aircraft.

n Combined A number of counter-unmanned aircraftsystem

Interdiction systems also employ a combination of

Elements interdictionelements-most commonly and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) jammingsystems that work in tandem.


n Ground- Systems designed to be used from either

based stationaryor mobile positions on the ground. This category includes systems installed onfixed sites, mobile systems, and systems mounted on ground vehicles.

n Hand-held Systemsthat are designed to be operated by a single individual by hand. Many of thesesystems resemble rifles or other small arms.

n UAV-based Systemsdesigned to be mounted on drones, which can come into proximity with thetargeted unmanned aircraft in order to employ interdiction elements at closerange.

Typesof Counter Drone Systems Being Used in Ukraine-Russia Conflict

BothUkraine and Russia have reportedly used various counter-drone systems in theongoing conflict in Ukraine. Here are some examples:

n Leleka-100 Drone Detection System.This system uses cameras and acoustic sensors to detect drones and provideearly warning alerts to soldiers on the ground.5

n Zaslon Electronic Warfare System.This Russian-made system is capable of jamming the signals of drones and other uavs, as well as disrupting thecommunications of ground-based command and control systems.6

n Aero Scope Drone Tracking System.Both Ukraine and Russia have reportedly used the DJI Aero Scope system todetect and track drones that are being flown near military installations andother sensitive areas.7

n Drone Shield Counter Drone System.This system, which is designed to detect and track drones using radio frequencyand acoustic sensors, has reportedly been used by both Ukraine and Russia.8

n Sky Net Anti-Drone System.Developed by a Taiwanese company, this system uses a combination of radar,cameras, and jammers to detect and neutralise drones.9

n Kupol Counter Drone System. ThisRussian-made system is designed to detect and track drones using a combinationof radar, cameras, and other sensors, and can be integrated with other airdefence systems.10

It is important to note that the use ofcounter drone systems in the Ukraine-Russia conflict is constantly evolving,and both sides are likely to continue to invest in and deploy new technologiesto gain a tactical advantage. However, it is also important to consider thepotential implications of these technologies, particularly in terms of civiliansafety, privacy, and human rights.

LessonsLearnt for India

There are several lessons that India canlearn from the use of drones in the recent conflicts. Here are some keytakeaways:

n The Need for Effective Counter DroneSystems. The Ukraine-Russia conflict has highlighted the importance ofhaving effective counter drone systems to defend against potential dronethreats. India may need to invest in and deploy a range of counter dronetechnologies, such as radar systems, electronic warfare systems, and anti-droneguns, to protect military installations, critical infrastructure, and publicsafety.

n The Potential for Asymmetric Warfare.The use of drones in the Ukraine-Russia conflict has demonstrated the potentialfor asymmetric warfare, where smaller and less technologically advanced forcescan use drones to inflict damage on larger and more advanced military forces.India may need to consider the potential for asymmetric threats from drones anddevelop strategies to counter this threat.

n The Need for Effective Regulations.The use of drones also raises important legal and ethical considerations,particularly in terms of privacy and human rights. India may need to developclear guidelines and regulations for the use of drones and counter dronetechnologies to ensure that they are being used in a responsible and ethicalmanner.

n The Potential for TechnologicalInnovation. The use of drones in the Ukraine-Russia conflict has led to asignificant amount of technological innovation in this field. India has astrong technology industry and could potentially play a leading role in thedevelopment of new and innovative drone technologies.

n The Importance of IntelligenceGathering. The use of drones for surveillance and reconnaissance purposeshas been a key aspect of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. India may need to enhanceits intelligence-gathering capabilities to detect and track potential dronethreats, particularly in areas where there are security concerns.

In summary, the Ukraine-Russia conflicthas highlighted the importance of effective counter drone systems, thepotential for asymmetric threats, the need for effective regulation, thepotential for technological innovation, and the importance of intelligencegathering. India may need to consider these lessons in the context of its ownsecurity concerns and develop appropriate strategies and capabilities toaddress potential drone threats.

India’sstanding in Counter Drone Tech

Indiahas been working on developing counter drone technology to address theincreasing threat posed by UAVs or drones. We have made some progress in thisarea, but it is still behind some other countries in terms of its capabilitiesand infrastructure.

n One of the key initiatives in this area isthe development of the National Counter Rogue Drone Guidelines by the IndianMinistry of Civil Aviation. The guidelines provide a framework for managing thethreat of rogue drones and include measures such as the establishment of acounter-drone task force, the creation of no-fly zones, and the use of counterdrone technology.11

n India has also started developing its owncounter drone technology, with the Defence Research and DevelopmentOrganisation (DRDO) leading the charge. In 2021, DRDO developed a counter dronesystem called ‘D4’ which can detect and jam drone signals up to 3 km away.12

n Indian start-ups are also working ondeveloping
counter drone technology, with companies such as Idea Forge, DetectTechnologies, and Drone Shield offering various solutions for drone detection,tracking, and interception.

Despite these efforts, India still facessome challenges in countering drones. The country has a huge border that isdifficult to monitor, and there have been several incidents of drones beingused for smuggling and espionage activities. Additionally, the market fordrones is rapidly evolving, with new technologies and capabilities beingintroduced all the time. As a result, India will need to continue to invest inresearch and development to stay ahead of the threat posed by drones.

Futureof Counter Drone Technology

Counterdrone technology is evolving rapidly, and we can expect to see significantadvancements in the future. As drones become more common and accessible, thereis a growing need for effective countermeasures to prevent them from being usedfor malicious purposes, such as spying, terrorism, or smuggling.

Here are some potential futuredevelopments in counter-drone technology:14

n Detection and Tracking.Advancements in machine learning and computer vision technology will enablemore accurate and reliable detection and tracking of drones. This could includethe use of advanced radar, thermal imaging, or acoustic sensors to detect andtrack drones in real-time.

n Jamming and Disabling. Counterdrone technology may include the use of radio frequency jammers or othertechniques to disrupt the drone’s communication with its operator, causing itto lose control or even crash. Other technologies may include the use of lasersor electromagnetic pulse to disable drones in mid-air.15

n Interception and Capture. Futurecounter drone systems could include the use of specialised drones designed tointercept and capture other drones. This could include the use of nets or otherphysical barriers to trap the rogue drone.

n Cyber security. As drones becomemore connected and autonomous, there will be an increasing need to secure themagainst cyber-attacks. Counter drone technology may include the use of advancedencryption and authentication protocols to prevent unauthorised access todrones.16

n Artificial Intelligence (AI) andMachine Learning. Counter drone systems are already using AI and machinelearning algorithms to detect and classify drones. In the future, we can expectto see even more sophisticated AI algorithms that can accurately differentiatebetween authorised and unauthorised drones, and can quickly respond to new andemerging threats.17

n More Advanced Sensors. The use ofadvanced sensors such as radar, lidar and cameras will continue to improve theability of counter drone systems to detect drones in all types of weather andlighting conditions.

n Improved Jamming and DisruptionTechniques. As drones become more advanced, counter drone systems will needto become more sophisticated in their ability to disrupt and disable them.Future technologies may include jamming techniques that can target specificfrequencies or even individual drones, as well as more advanced laser-basedsystems.18

n Collaborative Systems. Counterdrone systems will increasingly need to work in collaboration with othertechnologies such as air traffic control systems, satellite networks, and othersensors to create a comprehensive and effective drone defence network.

We can expect to see a significantincrease in the sophistication and effectiveness of counter drone technology inthe coming years. As the threat of malicious drone use continues to grow, thedevelopment of effective countermeasures will become increasingly important.


Counterdrone technology is essential for India for several reasons. First, drones canpose a significant threat to national security, particularly in sensitive areassuch as border regions or military installations. Drones can be used forespionage, smuggling, or carrying out attacks, and countering these threats iscrucial to maintaining the country’s security.

Second, the use of drones is becomingincreasingly prevalent in civilian applications, such as agriculture,transportation, and infrastructure inspections. While this has severalbenefits, it also creates security concerns, as drones can be used for illegalactivities such as smuggling or terrorist attacks. Therefore, it is essentialto have the capability to detect and neutralise unauthorised drones insensitive areas.

Third, India has a significant defenceindustry and is home to several defence manufacturers. Developing indigenouscounter drone technology would not only enhance the country’s security but alsoprovide opportunities for domestic companies to enter the global market.

Overall, counter drone technology isessential for India to protect its national security, prevent illegalactivities, and support its defence industry.




















@Maj HS Mankoo is analumnus of Officers Training Academy and was commissioned into Army Aviation inApril 2015. The officer has also served with 3rdBattalion, The Madras Regiment during theattachment period. He has served in various operational areas and currentlyposted as Instructor Cl ‘B’ at Indian Military Academy.

Journalof the United Service Institution of India,Vol. CLIII, No. 634, October-December2023.

Publication (2024)
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