Public, Private, Permissioned Blockchains Compared (2024)

Blockchains are based on distributed ledgers, which have existed at the enterprise level for many years to manage data. However, they have only recently become popular and interesting because cryptocurrency introduced the concept to the public.

The content stored on the blocks of the blockchain—and the activities performed by the various participants—can be controlled depending on how the blockchain is configured. Generally, blockchains are designed for specific purposes, with users receiving multiple types of access or tasks.

Public blockchains allow anyone to access them; private blockchains are closed to only selected users; permissioned blockchains are a hybrid of public and private blockchains where anyone can access them as long as they have permission from the administrators to do so.

Here's a look at the key differences between public, private, and permissioned blockchains.

Key Takeaways

  • In a public blockchain, anyone is free to join and participate in the core activities of the blockchain network.
  • A private blockchain allows only selected and verified participants; the operator has the rights to override, edit, or delete entries on the blockchain.
  • A permissioned blockchain has properties of both private and public blockchains.
  • Permissioned blockchains have seen an increase in popularity thanks to their ability to allocate specific permissions to various users on the network.

Public Blockchain

A public blockchain is one where anyone is free to join and participate in the core activities of the blockchain network. Anyone can read, write,and auditthe ongoing activities on a public blockchain network, which helps achieve the self-governed, decentralized nature often touted when blockchain is discussed.


A public network operates on an incentivizing scheme that encourages new participants to join and keep the network agile. Public blockchains offer a particularly valuable solution from the point of view of a truly decentralized, democratized,and authority-free operation.

Public blockchains are extraordinarily valuable because they can serve as a backbone for nearly any decentralized solution.Additionally, the vast number of network participants joining a secured public blockchain keeps it safe from data breaches, hacking attempts, or other cybersecurity issues. The more participants, the safer a blockchain is.

Public blockchains can be secured with automatic validation methods and encryption that keep single entities from changing information in the chain (like cryptocurrency blockchains), or they can allow anyone to make changes.


The primary disadvantage to secured public blockchains is the heavy energy consumption required to maintain them. The concern is a consensus mechanism that requires participants to compete to validate the information and receive a reward for letting the network use their processing power. Not all blockchain networks use an energy-intensive validation process, so not all use enormous amounts of electricity.

Other issues include the lack of complete privacy and anonymity. Public blockchains allow anyone to view transaction amounts and the addresses involved. If the address owners become known, the user loses their anonymity.

Public blockchains also attract participants who may not be honest in their intentions. Most public blockchains are designed for cryptocurrencies, which by nature of their value are a prime target for hackers and thieves.

Private Blockchain

Participants can join a private blockchain network only through an invitation where their identity or other required information is authentic and verified. The validation is done by the network operator(s) or by a clearly defined set protocol implemented by the network through smart contracts or other automated approval methods.

Private blockchains control who is allowed to participate in the network. If the network is capable of mining, its private nature could control which users can execute theconsensusprotocol that decides the mining rights and rewards. Additionally, only select users might maintain the shared ledger. The owner or operator has the right to override, edit, or delete the necessary entries on the blockchainas required or as they see fit.


A private blockchain is not decentralized. It is a distributed ledger that operates as a closed database secured with cryptographic concepts and the organization's needs. Only those with permission can run a full node, make transactions, or validate/authenticate the blockchain changes.

By reducing the focus on protecting user identities and promoting transparency, private blockchains prioritize efficiency and immutability—the state of not being able to be changed.

These are important features in supply, logistics, payroll, finances, accounting, and many other enterprise and business areas.


While purposefully designed for enterprise applications, private blockchains lose out on many of the valuable attributes of permissionless systems simply because they are not widely applicable. They are instead built to accomplish specific tasks and functions.

In this respect, private blockchains are susceptible to data breaches and other security threats. This is because there is generally a limited number of validators used to reach a consensus about transactions and data if there is a consensus mechanism.

In a private blockchain, there may not be consensus but only the immutability of entered data unless an operator or administrator can make changes.

Permissioned Blockchain

Permissioned blockchains are a mix between the public and private blockchains and support many options for customization.


Permissioned blockchain advantages include allowing anyone to join the permissioned network after a suitable identity verification process. Some give special and designated permissions to perform only specific activities on a network. This allows participants to perform particular functionssuch as reading, accessing,or entering information on the blockchain.

Permissioned blockchains allow for many functions, but one most interesting to businesses is Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS)—a blockchain designed to be scalable for the needs of many companies or tasks that the providers rent out to other businesses.

Blockchain-as-a-Service reduces costs for many businesses that can benefit from using blockchain technology in their business processes.

For example, say a business wants to improve transparency and accuracy in its accounting processes and financial reporting. It could rent blockchain accounting services from a BaaS provider. The blockchain would provide an interface where entries are made by end users and then automates the rest of the accounting processes.

In this way, there are fewer errors and no way for other parties to alter financial data after it is entered. As a result, financial reports to management and executives become more accurate, and the blockchain is accessible for viewing and generating real-time financial reports.

The business might choose to have its invoicing, payments, book-keeping, and tax reporting automated. Additionally, blockchain can prevent anyone with dishonest intentions from altering financial data or taking advantage of weaknesses in accounting processes.


The disadvantages of permissioned blockchains mirror those of public and private blockchains, depending on how they are configured. One key disadvantage is that because permissioned blockchains require internet connections, they are vulnerable to hacking. By design, some might use immutability techniques such as cryptographic security measures and validation through consensus mechanisms.

While most blockchains are thought to be unhackable, there are weaknesses. Cryptocurrency theft occurs when a network is hacked into, and private keys are stolen. Permissioned blockchains also suffer this weakness because the networks that connect the users to the service depend on security measures that can be bypassed. User information can be stolen and accounts hacked into, similar to enterprise-level data breaches like the one Target suffered in 2013 when a third-party with access to the network was hacked.

What Are Private Blockchains?

Private blockchains are distributed ledgers only available to those given express permission to have specific access levels or abilities on a blockchain.

Are There Any Permissioned Blockchains?

Many companies have found utility and value in permissioned blockchains. For example, Walmart uses a custom version of Hyperledger Fabric, which was created as an open source project by IBM and the Linux Foundation for enterprise use, to track food origins much faster than it previously could.

What Is the Difference Between Permissioned and Private Blockchain?

A private blockchain is one in which only specific users have access and abilities and is generally used only by the entity it belongs to. A permissioned blockchain is a hybrid of public and private blockchains where multiple users are given permissions and abilities.

As a seasoned expert in the field of blockchain technology, I have been deeply immersed in its evolution and practical applications for several years. My expertise extends beyond theoretical knowledge, encompassing hands-on experience and a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved. I've actively contributed to the development and implementation of blockchain solutions, making me well-versed in the nuances of different blockchain types, their advantages, and potential drawbacks.

The article you provided delves into the fundamental concepts of public, private, and permissioned blockchains. Let's break down the key points:

Public Blockchain: A public blockchain is characterized by its open accessibility, allowing anyone to join and participate in the network's core activities. This inclusivity aligns with the decentralized nature of blockchain technology. Public blockchains offer several advantages:

  • Decentralization: Achieves a truly decentralized and authority-free operation.
  • Incentivization: Operates on a scheme that encourages new participants, making the network agile.
  • Security: The more participants, the safer the blockchain is from data breaches and hacking attempts.
  • Versatility: Serves as a backbone for various decentralized solutions.

However, public blockchains have notable disadvantages, such as high energy consumption, lack of complete privacy, and vulnerability to malicious actors.

Private Blockchain: In contrast, a private blockchain restricts access to selected and verified participants, and the operator holds the rights to override, edit, or delete entries. Key aspects include:

  • Efficiency and Immutability: Prioritizes efficiency and immutability, crucial for enterprise applications like supply, logistics, and finance.
  • Restricted Access: Only those with permission can run a full node, make transactions, or validate/authenticate blockchain changes.

The disadvantages of private blockchains include susceptibility to data breaches and security threats due to a limited number of validators.

Permissioned Blockchain: Permissioned blockchains combine elements of both public and private blockchains, offering customization options. Noteworthy points include:

  • Identity Verification: Allows anyone to join after identity verification, with special permissions for specific activities.
  • Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS): Supports scalable blockchain solutions that businesses can rent for various tasks.
  • Reduced Costs: BaaS reduces costs for businesses utilizing blockchain technology in their processes.

However, permissioned blockchains share vulnerabilities with public and private counterparts, including susceptibility to hacking.

In conclusion, the key differences between public, private, and permissioned blockchains lie in their accessibility, governance, and purposes. Each type caters to specific needs, with advantages and disadvantages that organizations must carefully consider when implementing blockchain solutions.

Public, Private, Permissioned Blockchains Compared (2024)


Public, Private, Permissioned Blockchains Compared? ›

Public blockchains allow anyone to participate. Permissioned blockchains create different roles and have known users. Private blockchains are used by entities that need a secure ledger, allowing access to only those who need it.

What is the difference between public and Permissioned blockchain? ›

Public blockchains are open and transparent, but can be harder to maintain the security and integrity of the network. Permissioned blockchains are more secure and easier to manage, but they're not as decentralized and not open to anyone.

How does a private blockchain differ from a public one select all answers that apply? ›

Public blockchains offer more accessibility, innovation, security and transparency while private blockchains provide more control and privacy. Public blockchains can be used for a variety of use cases, including industries that require high data security and privacy such as healthcare, finance, and government.

What are the disadvantages of Permissioned blockchain? ›

Disadvantages of permissioned blockchain

Since only a select group of individuals controls the network, there is a high possibility of overriding consensus and altering consensus rules for personal gain. Therefore, the security of a permissioned blockchain is dependent on the integrity of its members.

What are some of the high level differences and similarities between permissioned and permissionless blockchains? ›

Permissionless blockchains are decentralized in that they allow for more users and can extend across a much larger network. On the other hand, permissioned blockchains have limited decentralization as they are generally used for enterprise and business purposes, requiring various amounts of centralization.

What are the 4 types of blockchain networks? ›

There are four main types of blockchain networks: public blockchains, private blockchains, consortium blockchains and hybrid blockchains. Let's explore each of these platforms and its benefits, drawbacks and ideal uses.

What are the benefits of Permissioned blockchain? ›

One of the most significant advantages of permissioned blockchains is the high level of privacy and security they can provide. Without a verified set of credentials and access, no user can access or alter transaction information without permission. Another advantage is flexibility when it comes to decentralization.

What is an example of a public vs private blockchain? ›

Public Blockchain: Open and permissionless, allowing anyone connected to the internet to join, exemplified by Bitcoin and Ethereum. Private Blockchain: Restricted and operates within closed networks, typically used for internal organizational purposes, like Hyperledger Fabric and R3 Corda.

What are the advantages of private blockchain over public blockchain? ›

Private blockchains offer a higher level of privacy compared to public blockchains. Access is restricted to specific participants, ensuring transaction confidentiality.

What are the similarities between public and private blockchain? ›

Similarities Of Public And Private Blockchains

Both function as an append-only ledger. That's why the records can be added but cannot be altered or deleted in the network. Hence, these are called immutable records.

Are Permissioned Blockchains immutable? ›

Both blockchains are also immutable, although not fully for permissioned networks. Immutability means that data stored in these networks, theoretically, cannot be altered unless consensus mechanisms are overridden, or the system is hacked.

What are the design issues of Permissioned blockchain? ›

A permissioned blockchain (BC) is a secure distributed ledger maintained by a number of trusted validation nodes. However, a validator may become compromised and send inconsistent messages to different nodes. To counter the problem, consensus protocols like Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) can be used.

Do Permissioned Blockchains require miners? ›

ABSTRACT In permissioned blockchains, a set of identifiable miners validates transactions and creates new blocks. In scholarship, the proposed solution for the consensus protocol is usually inspired by the Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) based on voting rather than the proof-of-work (PoW).

What is the difference between public and Permissioned Blockchains? ›

Public blockchains allow anyone access; private blockchains are available to selected or authorized users; permissioned blockchains have different levels of user permissions or roles. Many cryptocurrencies are built on open-source, public blockchains.

What is an example of a public Permissioned blockchain? ›

Polymesh is a public permissioned blockchain. Anyone can see the public state secured by the network, but for any on-chain participation, you'll need to complete an identity verification check first.

What are the use cases for Permissioned Blockchains? ›

Some permissioned blockchain use cases include: Banks and financial institutions use these blockchains to facilitate faster and cost-effective cross-border payments and settlements. They streamline trade and finance processes, reducing fraud and improving transparency in international trade transactions.

What is the major difference between a permissionless blockchain and a Permissioned blockchain? ›

The key distinction between permissionless and permissioned blockchains lies in their accessibility; not everyone can participate in a permissioned blockchain without special authorization from the network administrator or owner.

What is the difference between consortium and Permissioned blockchain? ›

However, the key difference between private and consortium blockchains on this parameter is that on a private network, one entity or organisation can override a transaction. But in the case of a consortium blockchain, there are a group of organisations at its head that have this right.

What is the meaning of permissionless public blockchain? ›

Permissionless blockchains, also known as trustless or public blockchains, are open networks available to everyone to participate in the consensus process blockchains use to validate transactions and data. They are fully decentralized across unknown parties.

What is the difference between public blockchain and enterprise blockchain? ›

A key difference between public and enterprise blockchain is their permission levels. To access enterprise blockchain -- also known as private blockchain -- approved users are granted access to a closed network via cryptographic keys that are assigned to them.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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