Pros & Cons of Hiring a Financial Advisor (2024)

Managing investments can seem like a daunting task. A financial advisor can be beneficial because they can help manage your finances, make wise investment decisions, and plan for the future you desire.

Whether you have personal finance questions or concerns, want someone to guide you for the long haul, or are just curious about the services a financial advisor offers, you’re in the right place.

Common Financial Advisor Services

A financial advisor can provide valuable expertise in many different areas of your finances while also providing you with the encouragement you desire along the way. Here are seven services that a financial advisor can help you with:

1. Provide a holistic financial checkup

Financial advisors know the questions to ask you and what to look for. Their experience and expertise can allow them to disseminate many pieces of information such as your income, tax obligations, investment portfolio, liabilities and assets, etc., and create a snapshot of where you stand financially.

2. Create a financial roadmap

After gathering the data from your financial checkup, financial advisors can create a financial roadmap to get you started on your short, medium, and long-term financial goals. This roadmap can be fluid as you grow in your career and discover new opportunities.

3. Manage your investments

Perhaps one of the most important services a financial advisor offers is the ability to manage your investments. They know about the major financial institutions, vehicles for investing, and actual investments themselves. They can also advise you on alternative assets such as precious metals and real estate, as well as traditional stocks in the S&P 500.

4. Develop a debt repayment plan

Financial advisors can also help you develop and stick to a debt repayment plan, offering solutions you may not have been aware of.

5. Recommend products:

Some financial advisors specialize in selling products such as insurance, annuities, and professionally managed accounts.

6. Guide you in college, retirement, and estate planning

While you may have mastered budgeting and saving, many complex financial events require a bit of extra planning and support. A financial advisor can help you create college savings, a retirement plan, and estate needs that fit your needs and lifestyle.

7. Review and update your plan as needed

Many people find ongoing, continual support from a financial advisor beneficial. Most financial advisors stay with their clients for a long time, guiding them as life throws them both curve balls and new opportunities.

When You Should Consider Hiring a Financial Advisor

There’s no exact time or age to start working with a financial advisor, since their service offerings are vast. But generally, a major life event can often require extra financial support such as a marriage, divorce, spousal death, or the addition of a child.

Combining or separating finances can often cause a change in financial goals. And starting a family has major implications on your budget, insurance needs, savings, and estate planning.

A major career shift can also be a great time to seek out financial guidance. A financial advisor can help you review your new benefits packages and help you roll over an employer-sponsored IRA.

Approaching retirement, preparing an estate, receiving an inheritance, and selling a family business can also be great times to consider hiring a financial advisor. They can help you sort through tax implications, budget decisions, investment choices, and more during these unique times.

Six Pros of Working with a Financial

Financial advisors can help be a great resource for you and your family for both short and long periods. Here are six benefits of working with a financial advisor:

1. Receive objective, integrated financial advice
2. Increase your financial awareness
3. Free up your schedule
4. Understand tax implications
5. (Potentially) boost your portfolio
6. Gain insight into the future

1. Receive objective, integrated financial advice

When you’re too close to a situation or choice, it can be difficult to make objective, wise decisions. A financial advisor who knows your objective data, available resources and options, and your hopes and dreams, can provide you with a bird’s eye view perspective.

They can also show you your shortcomings and opportunities for improvement while giving you advice on which step to take next.

2. Increase your financial awareness

There may be areas of your finances that you’ve simply never addressed or been aware of. You might have a benefit at work such as an employee stock purchase plan that you’ve always ignored because you didn’t understand the benefits. Or you could be underinsured in an area of your life which could potentially derail your finances should an unexpected event happen.

By looking at your financials holistically, a financial advisor can increase your financial awareness and bring lesser-known risks and opportunities to the forefront of your mind.

3. Free up your schedule

You’ll initially invest a lot of time when you start working with a financial advisor. You’ll need to get to know one another, build relationships, share information, upload documents, sign agreements, etc.

But once the relationship is established and a financial plan has been drafted, working with a financial advisor can ultimately free up your schedule. Worrying and agonizing over financial decisions can waste precious time.

You’ll want to periodically review your portfolio and check in with your advisor, especially after a significant life event, but ultimately, you should be able to spend less time thinking about your finances once you’ve outsourced to a financial advisor.

4. Understand tax implications

Because of their financial expertise, financial advisors can be particularly valuable when it comes to the tax implications of your financial decisions. Most financial advisors are not certified public accountants (CPA), so they shouldn’t replace the tax professional in your life. However, they can advise you on:

  • Tax-advantaged accounts
  • Tax deductions
  • Asset location
  • Tax-loss harvesting
  • Tax-minimization actions
  • Tax-efficient withdrawal strategies
  • And more!

Proper tax planning can create significant savings over the course of your career!

5. (Potentially) boost your portfolio

While it’s challenging to quantify exactly how much a financial advisor can boost your portfolio, some studies show financial advisors can boost returns because of their steady encouragement. When markets become volatile, advisors can help their clients remain calm and stay the course.

They can be a sounding board for investment ideas that you have or they can educate you on investments you’ve never considered before. Of course, nothing is ever guaranteed, and if a financial advisor does guarantee something, consider that a red flag.

6. Gain insight into the future

It can be challenging to imagine what retirement will look like for you in terms of inflation, spending, healthcare needs, etc. A financial advisor who has experience with helping individuals and families through pre-retirement and retirement can provide insight into what you need to plan for. They can also advise you on the many aspects of estate planning.

Cons of Working with a Financial Advisor

While it’s easy to see the many advantages a financial advisor has, we want to also bring up the potential disadvantages so you can make informed decisions:

1. They may have a conflict of interest
2. They could charge high fees
3. You could feel left in the dark

1. They may have a conflict of interest

If the financial advisor you hire is a non-fiduciary (meaning they don’t work in their client’s best interest), they could recommend products, insurance, and investments that don’t necessarily benefit you. While they may still offer financial advice, their conflict of interest as a salesperson earning commission can cloud their guidance.

They could charge high fees

Financial advisors are paid in different ways. Some are paid through commissions as we mentioned above while others are paid via a percentage of the assets they manage for you and others charge fixed fees.

Regardless of how they earn their income, their fees could end up eating up a large portion of your nest egg. As your account grows, the fees are often decreased.

3. You could feel left in the dark

While it’s beneficial to have someone else handling your finances for you, it can be a slippery slope. You could find yourself left in the dark about your money management and investments and have no idea what’s going on.

Trusting another person’s opinion and expertise can be a wise decision, but just make sure you still understand all of the decisions you’re making and that your financial advisor is being upfront.

How to Choose a Financial Advisor (And What Questions to Ask!)

Financial advisors are certainly not all the same. Their communication, client load, fee schedule, and qualifications can vary greatly. A few terms you’ll want to look for when choosing a financial advisor are:

Fiduciary: This means the financial advisor is putting their client’s interests first. A lot of financial advisors are fiduciaries, but not all. Fiduciary financial advisors are required to disclose conflicts of interest, are held to high standards, and can only recommend products that are beneficial for their clients.

Fee-only: These financial advisors are paid directly by you (the client) and not by any commissions. They may charge a percentage of assets under management (AUM), hourly, or on a retainer basis.

Certified Financial Planner (CFP): This certification requires rigorous requirements to be met including education, examination, experience, and ethics. CFPs can help you with retirement planning, investing, insurance, taxes, and insurance. CFPs also have a fiduciary duty.

Word of mouth is always a great way to find a reputable professional, especially when it comes to financial advisors. You can also find a financial advisor through the many different financial planning associations such as NAPFA (The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors) and XY Planning Network.

Questions to ask a potential financial advisor

Before signing a contract and entering into a professional relationship with a financial advisor, consider asking the following questions:

  • Are you a fiduciary?
  • How do you get paid?
  • What services do you offer?
  • What certifications do you have?
  • How many years of experience do you have?
  • How many clients do you have?
  • Do you require an account minimum?
  • What’s your investment philosophy?
  • How often do you communicate with your clients?

These questions will help you determine if the financial advisor is a good fit for you and your finances.

Discover Investment Services and Retirement Solutions at LFCU

Financial advisors can offer objective, integrated financial advice, increase your financial knowledge, free up your time, keep your taxes above board, potentially boost your portfolio, and give you insight into your financial future.

At Lafayette Federal Credit Union, we offer our members the opportunity to grow their wealth through our investment services and retirement solutions. We offer a full array of brokerage services and products to help our members achieve a healthy financial life.

Our services include:

  • Retirement Planning
  • Education Planning
  • Full-Service Professional Management
  • Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs & Rollover Options for 401(k)s, 403(b)s and TSPs
  • Portfolio Products for Your Business
  • Wealth Transfer & Estate Planning

In addition, our financial advisors will listen to your financial needs, provide impartial advice and be dependable and responsive. The process starts when you meet for a no-cost, no-obligation review of your current financial situation.

Appointments are available at any of our branch locations, via virtual appointment, or at a business office location of your choosing.

Not a Lafayette Federal member yet? You can become a member by completing an online membership application.

Pros & Cons of Hiring a Financial Advisor (2024)


Pros & Cons of Hiring a Financial Advisor? ›

Pros of hiring a financial advisor include gaining access to expertise, leveraging time, and sharing responsibility. However, there are also potential downsides to consider, such as costs and fees, quality of service, and the risk of abandonment.

What are the disadvantages of hiring a financial advisor? ›

Costs are one of the primary drawbacks of hiring a financial advisor. It's typically to pay fees that are based on a percentage of your assets under management (AUM). Some advisors, however, may charge flat fees or hourly fees for their services.

Is it worth it to hire a financial advisor? ›

A financial advisor is worth paying for if they provide help you need, whether because you don't have the time or financial acumen or you simply don't want to deal with your finances. An advisor may be especially valuable if you have complicated finances that would benefit from professional help.

How much money should you have before hiring a financial advisor? ›

Very generally, having between $50,000 and $500,000 of liquid assets to invest can be a good point to start looking at hiring a financial advisor. Some advisors have minimum asset thresholds. This could be a relatively low figure, like $25,000, but it could also be higher, such as $500,000, $1 million or even more.

Is it better to have a financial advisor or not? ›

Not everyone needs a financial advisor, especially since it's an additional cost. But having the extra help and advice can be paramount in reaching financial goals, especially if you're feeling stuck or unsure of how to get there.

When not to use a financial advisor? ›

They don't get caught in analysis paralysis and are good about making decisions for themselves. If you have a handle on your financial life, feel confident in navigating the material available to you, and enjoy doing it yourself, there is no point in hiring a financial advisor. You already have it well under control!

How safe is your money with a financial advisor? ›

Most reputable financial advisors never take possession of your money. Giving them direct access makes it easy for them to steal funds. Avoid doing that unless you're 100% certain that you can trust the person you're working with.

Is 2% fee high for a financial advisor? ›

Answer: From a regulatory perspective, it's usually prohibited to ever charge more than 2%, so it's common to see fees range from as low as 0.25% all the way up to 2%, says certified financial planner Taylor Jessee at Impact Financial.

Is a 1% fee for a financial advisor worth it? ›

Bottom Line. On average, financial advisors charge between 0.59% and 1.18% of assets under management for their asset management. At 1%, an advisor's fee is well within the industry average. Whether that fee is too much or just right depends entirely on what you think of the advisor's services and performance.

At what point should you consider a financial advisor? ›

If you have enough money in your bank account to start investing, you might want to find an advisor. Another sign you need an advisor is if you're navigating a significant life change. For instance, if you've recently become a parent, finding a financial advisor can help you plan for your child's future.

What's the difference between a financial planner and financial advisor? ›

While both offer guidance on investments, taxes and other financial matters, financial advisors generally focus on managing an individual's investment portfolios, while financial planners take a look at the entire financial picture and an individual's long-term goals.

Should you put all your money with one financial advisor? ›

Hiring a single advisor to manage an extensive investment portfolio may be unwise and restrictive since it can include a large number of undertakings.

Is a 1% management fee high? ›

The Bottom Line. A 1% management fee is well within the average for most financial advisors, who tend to charge around 0.5% and 2% for their services. The bigger question, though, is whether you feel like you're getting what you pay for because, even at small percentages, those management fees aren't cheap.

What are some disadvantages of using a financial advisor? ›

Cons of Working with a Financial Advisor
  • They may have a conflict of interest.
  • They could charge high fees.
  • You could feel left in the dark.

Can you leave a financial advisor whenever you want? ›

Yes, you can switch financial advisers at any time. You have the right to change if you're not satisfied with the service you're receiving. However, it's important to check your contract with your existing adviser, as there may be termination fees you'll need to pay.

Is it wise to pay a financial advisor? ›

If, however, you have some money you want to invest, maybe you run a business, or you come into an inheritance, a financial advisor is a good idea to help you navigate financial decisions. Their time might seem expensive, but consider the time you would need to spend to learn as much as they know.

What are the disadvantages of a financial advisor? ›

Not all relationships are successful ones though. Potential negatives of working with a Financial Advisor include costs/fees, quality, and potential abandonment. This can easily be a positive as much as it can be a negative. The key is to make sure you get what your pay for.

Can financial advisors be trusted? ›

All financial advisers should be registered with the FCA. This means they meet the right standards and you get more protection if you're not happy with the service. For example, you can complain to the Financial Services Ombudsman and may be able to claim compensation if things go wrong.

What if a financial advisor makes a mistake? ›

If your broker or financial advisor engaged in financial misrepresentation, then reporting them to the appropriate governmental agencies – such as FINRA and/or the SEC – is an important way to seek justice.

Should I use a fee-only financial advisor? ›

Before you overwhelm yourself with your financial planner search, it's a good idea to start with fee-only planners. That way, you have a guarantee the advisors you begin with will already have a fiduciary responsibility. You also know that they won't have any incentives to sell you a product or service for their gain.

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