Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (2024)

What are the pros and cons of investing in Ripple (XRP)? Ripple isn’t your average cryptocurrency. Instead, it offers something entirely different from every other type of digital currency. Unlike Bitcoin or Litecoin, Ripple is an entirely new kind of payment protocol intended to streamline international and cross-border payments around the world.

And while this presents a solid investment opportunity, you must know what Ripple is, what it does, and any potential red flags to look out for as a speculator. No investment is perfect after all.

Key Points

  • XRP is an affordable solution to cross-border remittance and transactions. It can be used to facilitate transactions across the globe quickly and trouble-free.
  • Ripple has forged partnerships with major banks. They are also moving into developing CBDCs, developing private ledgers based on the public XRP.
  • The SEC’s case against Ripple is problematic. While it looks like Ripple could win, the SEC may employ dirty tactics.

What Is Ripple?

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (1)

Ripple is a technology that acts as a cryptocurrency (XRP) and a digital payment network for financial transactions. It was co-founded by computer programmers Chris Larsen and Jed McCaleb and released in 2012 though their US-based company, Ripple Labs Inc.

Ripple effectively exists as three separate but interrelated things.

  • The Ripple Network (or RippleNet). A digital payment network for financial transactions.
  • XRP. The digital currency that works on the Ripple Network.
  • Ripple Labs. The company that develops the Ripple Network, XRP and other blockchain payment solutions for financial institutions.

The idea behind Ripple is to simplify how financial payments are made. Typically, the systems that process financial payments are often overly complicated and fragmented.

And this often results in costly payments, long waiting times and the added element of unreliability.

Ripple offers an alternative platform that can facilitate cross-border payments which are 100% secure, instant, and practically free. Moreover, Ripple can facilitate payments in every type of money, including cryptocurrencies.

Ready to invest in Ripple?

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (2)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

Just a couple of years after it released XRP, Ripple Labs was named as one of the 50 Smartest Companies by researchers at MIT University in 2014, which is regarded as one of the best private research universities in the world.

Slowly but surely banks and other financial organisations began showing an interest in using Ripple’s payment system. Five years later in 2019, more than 200 financial institutions had adopted some of Ripple’s technology.

Today, the RippleNet advanced blockchain is used by a growing network of more than 300 providers spanning 40 countries across six continents.

Some of the biggest adopters of Ripple include American Express, Santander, and US-based money transfer company MoneyGram.

What’s more, there are whispers that VISA and Western Union are seriously considering switching over to the Ripple platform in the not-so-distant future.

For many crypto and financial analysts, Ripple has the potential to replace SWIFT as the number one network for secure, standardised, and reliable global payments.

In fact, that’s precisely what Ripple’s founders are aiming for. In an interview in 2020, Ripple’s co-creator Chris Larsen said:

“It’s going to take some time, it’s going to seem frustrating because government and regulators work in a different cycle [...] XRP can be a replacement for that inefficient (SWIFT) system”.

So, to help you make an informed decision about your next market move, here are the pros and cons of investing in Ripple.

Want to know the pros and cons of investing in Ripple so you can figure out if it is a good idea to invest in XRP? Then you’re in the right place!

XRP Transfers Are Pretty Cheap

The low cost of transferring XRP from one account to another makes it a popular cryptocurrency for transferring value. For context, $10,000 can be transferred with fees as low as $0.0001 using XRP. Compared with other coins such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, XRP is much better for value transfers.

This low cost makes XRP better suited for everyday payments. It also makes XRP a good cryptocurrency to buy and hold for the long haul. As cryptocurrencies become accepted for payments, XRP's low-cost transfers play a positive role in its value.

Do you believe XRP's low transaction costs make it an excellent cryptocurrency to buy today? If yes, here are some of the best exchanges where you can buy XRP.

  • Binance
  • Coinbase
  • eToro

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (3)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

The Pros Of Investing In Ripple

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (4)

What are the benefits of buying Ripple?

Lots of crypto analysts and speculators think Ripple has a big future, making it an attractive option for new and established traders. So, here’s a quick look at why XRP is a good investment.

✅XRP is Affordable

Ripple is cheap compared to its previous high level in 2018! You can pick up a serious amount of Ripple for less than a few hundred dollars, while even a smallish punt of $50 would get you more than 113 coins.

Ripple hit an all-time high of above $3.10 in 2018, but some market analysts believe it will push beyond the $5 barrier within the next 10 year. Other predictions are far more optimistic.

So, given its low price and increasingly mainstream appeal, snapping up some Ripple is a relatively low-risk option with the potential for a big return on investment.

✅ Ripple solves problems and creates opportunities

Ripple solves problems for large financial institutions. It also speeds up the flow of capital, which is excellent for the economy.

But Ripple could work for small business owners, too. If it becomes widely adopted, the Ripple platform will provide millions of sole traders and entrepreneurs with access to the global economy.

✅ Market cap of Ripple

With a market cap of approximately $21.89 billion, Ripple is the world’s sixth-biggest cryptocurrency.

A large market cap is a strong sign of investor confidence and makes the asset more resistant to volatile market cycles or dips.

✅XRP isn't just another cryptocurrency

Ripple is more than a cryptocurrency or technology, it’s a fully-fledged company!

Ripple Labs Inc has over 500 full-time employees, including public relations and marketing specialists who promote the technology to banks, investors, new users, and the public.

✅Partnerships and investors

Ripple has perhaps the best backing by financial institutions out of the entire cryptocurrency market. In some circles, it’s more liked than Bitcoin.

Their First major banking partner to use the Ripple Payment Protocol was German bank Fidor, in May 2014, according to Pete Rizzo of CoinDesk.

Today, some of their biggest partners include American Express, Santander and MoneyGram, as mentioned earlier. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

✅Moving into CBDCs

CBDCs are ‘Central Bank Digital Currencies’, and in March 2021, Ripple announced that they are piloting the creation of private ledgers based on the public XRP ledger.

They claim that it can handle tens of thousands of transactions per second and has the potential to reach hundreds of thousands of transactions per second.

It is quite likely that in the future there will be more private endeavours like this. It is also quite possible that many future banks and financial institutions could use a private version of the XRP ledger.

✅XRP is recovering from SEC case

XRP is right in the middle of recovering from the lawsuit with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Back in December 2020, the SEC sued Ripple for selling $1.3 billion worth of XRP tokens illegally, claiming that they were actually ‘securities’ not cryptocurrency.

The XRP lawsuit resulted in Ripple’s price crashing to new lows, right at the moment most other cryptos were surging (e.g., BTC reaching $60k!).

However, it started to become apparent that the SEC’s case is weak and there is growing optimism that Ripple can win the case. This has put the price of XRP on an upward trajectory which it seems to still be riding.

Don't Miss: Top 10 Growth Cryptocurrencies To Buy And Hold

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (5)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

XRP Tends To Move In The Direction Of The Broader Market

Although XRP has faced issues since the Ripple case started, this cryptocurrency still trades in the overall market direction. For instance, in the cryptocurrency market bull run that ended in 2021, XRP was going up even though it did not retest the all-time highs that it had made in 2017.

So, why does XRP trading in the direction of the broader market matter? Well, it matters because the cryptocurrency market tends to move in tandem with the Bitcoin halving cycles. Going by past cycles, the next cycle may be starting now and will peak in 2025.

By this logic, it follows that XRP is massively undervalued at current prices now. Besides, by 2025, the odds are that the case between Ripple and the SEC will have ended, clearing off a major hurdle for XRP at the moment.

With the potential to rally off its current prices, XRP comes off as one of the best cryptocurrencies to buy and hold. Even if XRP were just to retest the prices it hit in 2017, it would be a big win for investors.

XRP Is A Decentralized Cryptocurrency

XRP is 100% decentralized and not under the direction of any bank or other centralized authority. It's pretty much like Bitcoin in this respect. This means you can be sure your money won't go anywhere when transferred via XRP. No one can freeze your transaction for whatever reason.

The decentralized nature of XRP makes it a popular cryptocurrency with many people who want to avoid being tied down by traditional currencies. It also makes XRP highly popular with investors.

That's because one of the core reasons for cryptocurrencies to exist in the first place is to decentralize finance. While many centralized cryptocurrencies have come up in recent years, the collapse of a large-cap cryptocurrency (Terra) has reinforced the need to invest in decentralized coins.

This puts XRP at the forefront of cryptocurrencies that investors may find favourable going into the future. For this reason, XRP comes off as undervalued crypto to buy now when overall crypto prices are still way off the 2021 highs.

XRP's Potential Market Is Huge

XRP was created to tackle the inefficiencies of the global banking system. Thanks to its fast transaction speeds and low costs, banks could find XRP a profitable option for cross-border payments going into the future.

This is a big deal when you factor in the size of the global cross-border payments market. It is a market that is worth upwards of a trillion dollars. If XRP takes just a small portion of this market, the impact on its value could be huge.

With Ripple, one of the largest fintech companies globally, connected to XRP, the odds are that XRP could gain long-term traction in the cross-border payments market. The potential for it to trade at multiple times its current price is pretty high.

Don't Miss: Ripple (XRP) Price Prediction

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (6)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

XRP Has Proven To Be A Resilient Cryptocurrency

Due to the wild west nature of the cryptocurrency market, many scams have come, rallied for a while, then disappeared with investors' money.

That's why it is best to consider investing in cryptocurrencies that have proven to have an element of resilience. It speaks strongly to their credibility as investments. On this front, XRP stands tall among the best cryptocurrencies in the market since crypto became a thing.

Since 2009, many cryptocurrencies have come and gone. XRP entered the market in 2012 and has maintained its position among the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

However, what speaks best about XRP's resilience is the issues it has gone through since 2020. When the SEC announced that it was going after Ripple for selling XRP as illegal security, XRP lost its number 3 position.

Interestingly, the price stabilized, and XRP has retained its position among the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. XRP adoption also continues to grow despite the prolonged legal issues affecting Ripple. This leads to two significant conclusions.

First, despite Ripple's issues, investors still have faith in XRP as a tradable asset and a means of payment. Second, it is an indicator that if the case facing Ripple ends favourably, XRP FOMO could easily kick in and push this cryptocurrency back to its market rank before the SEC case came up.

Whichever way you look at it, with investor confidence in XRP still high, it stands out among the best cryptocurrencies to buy and hold.

XRP Transfers Are Fast

XRP is the fastest way to send money across borders, with transactions taking less than 5 seconds. It's more reliable and easier for people in different countries to exchange their goods & services by using this digital currency compared to traditional banking.

This is a big deal as it gives XRP an edge as a potential replacement for the current system for international payments. So far, XRP adoption is gaining traction due to its fast transaction speeds.

In several Asian countries, banks are already using XRP for cross-border payments. As this use case gains traction, XRP's value will also grow. That's why despite Ripple's legal issues, XRP still stands out as one of the best cryptocurrencies to buy now. The future looks bright for it.

XRP Association With Ripple Is A Good Thing

XRP's association with Ripple may feel like baggage in the short term. However, when you take a broader view of the market, it is one factor that makes XRP a smart cryptocurrency investment in 2023.

To understand why, consider that Ripple is one of the largest blockchain companies in the world. Ripple's tech is so advanced that even as the case with the SEC drags on, banks in places as diverse as The Middle East and Japan are still adopting its tech. For instance, Ripple's technology called XCurrent is used by dozens of banks globally for cross-border payment settlements.

If by any chance, the case ends in Ripple's favour, there is a chance that the adoption of Ripple's cross-border technologies could rocket. One of the technologies that could boost XRP value is xRapid. This is Ripple's cross-border payments solution that settles transactions in XRP.

It is also noteworthy that before the case started, Ripple had won several valuable partnerships in the U.S, including with MoneyGram. If the case ends well, many of these partnerships could return. The result would be a surge in the use value of XRP and could see emerge as one of the best-performing cryptocurrencies in coming years.

With Ripple constantly scoring wins against the SEC, there is a chance that things could end in its favour.

For this reason, XRP is an undervalued cryptocurrency to buy and hold over the next few years. All investments carry risk, but XRP seems like a potentially high-risk, high-return play when considering these factors.

XRP Is Easily Accessible On Most Major Exchanges

Where a cryptocurrency is listed has a bearing on its potential value appreciation. When a cryptocurrency is easily accessible on major exchanges, new investors can easily buy into it and support the price.

Besides, there is a tendency that most low-quality cryptocurrencies and scams are usually listed on small exchanges.

Many investors now know this, as an advantage for cryptocurrencies like XRP. Despite some exchanges delisting it following the SEC case against Ripple, XRP is still listed on most major cryptocurrency exchanges. This gives it strong liquidity. Things could get even better if the case against Ripple comes to a favorable conclusion.

It would see even more exchanges list XRP, and those that had delisted it, possibly relist it. This high liquidity, coupled with XRP's strong use case, makes it one of the best cryptocurrencies to buy now when prices are still at their lowest.

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (7)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

The Cons Of Investing In Ripple

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (8)

Like any investment, putting your money into Ripple isn't risk-free. So here's what you should know about the risks of investing in XRP.

❌ There won't be any more new Ripple

There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins. And while the amount of Ethereum is limitless, the production will slow down over time. This limited supply could push up demand in the future, leading to big price increases and bigger profits for early investors. Ripple is different. All the XRP coins are pre-mined and already in circulation.

❌ Ripple owns a massive share of XRP

Ripple Chairman Chris Larsen owns around a third of all XRP. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse also holds a significant amount, as do other senior board members. With so much XRP concentrated in just a few hands, there's a chance the price may be overinflated.

❌ It's not decentralised

For blockchain purists, XRP isn't a 'real' cryptocurrency. Many argue that it goes against the principles of decentralisation and economic autonomy. Unlike Bitcoin, which is mined and then exchanged anonymously between users, Ripple was specially designed for the banking and finance industry. Its primary purpose is to solve issues within the banking industry, rather than revolutionise the way ordinary people exchange or store value.

Allocation of Altcoins

Unlike Ethereum and Bitcoin, all of Ripple’s XRP coinage is pre-mined, meaning that no more coins will be released to the market. This has resulted in its developers owning a substantial percentage of them (Ripple chairman, Chris Larsen, currently holds almost a third of all XRP), which is a concern, as it runs counter to the idea of decentralisation which is core to the cryptocurrency philosophy.

❌ Strong Rivalry

Ripple’s biggest rival is SWIFT, currently the largest international payment network and the preferred choice of some 11,000 financial institutions. Ripple will need to convince the notoriously Luddite banking sector that its payment protocols offer a better, quicker, and safer solution than SWIFT.

❌ SEC case is still ongoing

Though we mentioned above that things are starting to look good with Ripple’s SEC case, there is still a risk that Ripple could lose. It hangs over Ripple like a grey cloud.

The SEC, likely under political pressure, may want to make an example out of Ripple which could lead them to take up unfair tactics.

For example, in April 2021 it was revealed in court that the SEC had allegedly sought out incriminating information on Ripple from overseas which violated Federal Rules in the USA.

Unfortunately, Ripple is out of the woods yet.

❌ Ripple and XRP are not the same thing!

As you’ve probably noticed, people often use ‘Ripple’ and ‘XRP’ interchangeably, but there is a very important difference you need to know about.

Ripple, the company, offers a variety of different blockchain services to its partners, but actually, most of these blockchain services do not involve the XRP token.

What this means is that many of us have this incorrect image of all of Ripple’s partners using XRP, when in fact only a small amount of them actually do. Most of Ripple’s partners are looking for blockchain solutions, not to start using XRP.

Therefore, the value of XRP should not reflect Ripple’s success because more Ripple partnerships does not equal more XRP usage!

Is XRP A Good Cryptocurrency Investment Today?

If you have read through this guide, then you are in a position to decide on whether XRP is a good cryptocurrency investment.

That said, besides considering XRP's core fundamentals, you need to be aware of the buying process's risks.

To be on the safe side, read on the other essential factors you need to consider when you want to buy XRP.

Here are some of them.

  1. Only buy XRP from credible cryptocurrency brokers.
  2. Once you open an account and buy XRP, set a password that can't easily be cracked. A lot of people lose their cryptocurrencies to scammers due to weak passwords.
  3. After you have bought XRP, move it out of the exchange and to a secure wallet. That's because there is always a risk that the exchange can close shop with your cryptocurrencies inside. It can also get hacked, and you end up losing all your assets.
  4. Since all cryptocurrencies carry risks, and XRP can underperform, invest in several other cryptocurrencies.

Confident about XRP's fundamentals and how to navigate the exchanges landscape? Let's now look at how to buy XRP.

Conclusion: So Is Ripple (XRP) A Good Investment?

Most investments come down to the risk vs reward factor. In other words, do the potential rewards outweigh the possible consequences of the risks? Ripple certainly has some risk factors. The founders hold a large number of coins, it's still a long way from challenging its main market rival, and it's not the most popular technology for blockchain purists.

On the other, Ripple is becoming more and more mainstream and has the backing of some major financial institutions. Plus, the current price is a low barrier of entry for crypto newcomers, as well as a good opportunity for established investors to diversify their portfolio without taking a large amount of value out of other assets.

Put simply, Ripple (XRP) is a low-risk investment with lots of potential rewards. It’s something you should definitely do some research before you consider adding it to your portfolio.

The real Ripple investing question then, does it really work? If you’re willing to invest the time and energy, then for you, it could well do.

Have you considered investing in Ripple?

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (9)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

Will Ripple Be A Millionaire-Maker?

In a sense, it already is as we have discussed, this continues to rise as the application of its payment protocols becomes more widely adopted.

Being a finite resource, the value of Ripple is likely to increase further, as scarcity tends to promote growth in price. Please remember, any investment includes some risk. So only invest what you can afford and do as much research as possible before making a final decision.

Now you know the pros and cons of investing in Ripple. If you’re feeling inspired enough to start investing in XRP, or if this article has provided some extra insight to your existing trading knowledge, you may be pleased to know that eToro provides the ability to trade with crypto assets and CFDs on up to 90+ cryptocurrencies.

eToro – Best Place To Buy Ripple XRP

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (10)

eToro have proven themselves trustworthy within the crypto industry over many years – we recommend you try them out.

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (11)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

If you enjoyed reading Pros and Cons of Investing in Ripple article, please share it with anyone else you think it may be of interest too.

How To Invest In XRP?

There are numerous ways to invest in XRP, the most popular being via a cryptocurrency exchange.

Step 1: Register

Open an account with a reputable broker, such as eToro mentioned above. Typically, with most brokers, you will need to provide your full name, date of birth, and address.

Some brokers allow you to sign up with your Facebook or Google account, which will save you having to enter all your details.

You will likely need to upload a document to verify your identity, such as a government-issued ID card. Once complete, you may need to wait a period of time until they can verify your identity.

Step 2: Make a deposit

To purchase Ripple, you will need to make a deposit. With eToro, it can be in either USD, EUR, or GBP. Payments can be made with debit or credit cards or via alternative payment methods, such as PayPal.

Most brokers also have a minimum deposit amount, such eToro, which requires at least the equivalent of $200.

Step 3: Buy XRP

With your account now fully activated and funded, navigate to XRP and buy Ripple. Note that different brokers may offer different ways in which to buy XRP.

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (12)

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.




Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education (2024)


Pros And Cons Of Investing In Ripple (XRP) | Trading Education? ›

Moreover, its partnerships with financial institutions and its role as a bridge currency for cross-border payments make it a promising investment. However, the lack of decentralization and the ongoing lawsuit with the SEC are potential drawbacks that may affect its future value.

What are the pros and cons of XRP? ›

Ripple has some big names on its side and is cheaper and faster than Bitcoin. However, it is viewed as a semi-centralized system and it is currently being sued by the SEC. Overall, investors should do their own research before investing in any cryptocurrency, including Ripple.

Is Ripple XRP a good investment? ›

Potential store of value: While XRP's primary function is in payments, some investors and speculators view it as a potential store of value, similar to Bitcoin. Others are drawn to the potential for price appreciation in XRP and other cryptocurrencies, betting on quick and massive price increases.

Can Ripple make you a millionaire? ›

According to, Ripple handled nearly 700,000 transactions in the last 24 hours. It's obvious to me that in order for Ripple to make millionaires out of its investors, adoption would need to rise substantially over the long term. As demand increases for the digital coin, its price should as well.

What are the risks of investing in XRP? ›

Like any investment, XRP comes with its own unique set of risks. XRP is underpinned by blockchain technology, which ensures secure, fast and cost-efficient transactions. However, like all cryptocurrencies, XRP's market value can be volatile, influenced by market trends, investor sentiment, and economic factors.

Will XRP be used by banks? ›

Ripple (XRP) is a popular choice among banks worldwide. The network's fast transaction speeds, low gas fees, and energy-efficient consensus make it an ideal cryptocurrency for traditional financial institutions. Fortunately, this is exactly the clientele that Ripple Labs has in mind.

Does XRP have a good future? ›

XRP hit $0.30 in the first week of 2023 and has since been in an steady upward trend. XRP broke out of a short-term downtrend at the start of February, bouncing off key support at $0.50. Provided Ripple wins its case against the SEC, our XRP forecast predicts a price of $4.50 by the end of 2025.

Is XRP designed to be $10 000? ›

A $10,000 price target is achievable if there is a burn mechanism that dramatically reduces $XRP production over the next several years. But, with no burn mechanism and such a vast supply still accessible, a price in the double digits would be cause for joy within the community.

How much will 1 XRP be worth in 2030? ›

XRP Prediction Table
YearMinimum PriceMaximum Price
8 more rows

How much can XRP realistically go? ›

Thus, the most realistic Ripple price target before 2030 may be around 2 USD per 1 coin. The price reached this level in 2021 during the last growth period in the crypto market.

Can $100 XRP make you a millionaire? ›

At the time of writing, the value of one XRP token is approximately $0.50. Therefore, investors would need around two million tokens to hold XRP worth one million dollars. However, a study suggests that even having less than 100 XRP could be enough to reach the milestone of being a millionaire.

How many XRP coins do I need to be a millionaire? ›

Astronomical Valuation: $3,500 to $21,900 per Token

At the median price of $12,822, it is intriguing to note that owning just 77.9 XRP could potentially lead to attaining millionaire status. Even with the most conservative projection of $3,500, holding 285.8 XRP would be enough to achieve this milestone.

Will Ripple ever hit $100? ›

🚀🔥Will XRP reach $100? It is completely absurd to think xrp will ever reach that price. Currently, the trading price of xrp is $0.51 with MC of $27.67B. Probably, the price of xrp might reach $4-$7 or $10 during the bull run.

Should I stay invested in XRP? ›

Key Points. Ripple's native token, XRP, is trying to disrupt how money moves across borders. Investors can't ignore Ripple's ongoing regulatory troubles. There is a ton of risk with owning XRP, so investors should probably avoid it.

Should I invest in Bitcoin or XRP? ›

Bitcoin is considered to be more decentralized than XRP, but XRP is cheaper, faster, more scalable, and environmentally friendlier. Bitcoin is primarily used as a store of value and medium of exchange, while XRP was designed for cross-border payments.

Will Ripple reach $10 dollars? ›

When can Ripple's XRP reach $10? According to Changelly, XRP could reach a price of $10.39 by 2030, almost six years from now. XRP attaining $10 would mean a growth of about 1438% from current levels. The firm also predicts the token will reach $26 by 2032.

Why not to buy XRP? ›

XRP's regulatory issues

According to the SEC, XRP is a "security," and it is doing everything in its power to regulate it as such. That's terrible news for investors. It means that XRP's core business operations have been sidelined in the United States until this regulatory mess gets cleared up.

What are the benefits of XRP? ›

The minimum transaction cost required by the network for a standard trade is 0.00002 XRP. Another advantage of XRP is its scalability, with 1,500 transactions per second, and its inherently green attributes that make it carbon-neutral and energy-efficient.

Can you make money with XRP? ›

The XRP Ledger's decentralized exchange presents an opportunity to earn money through algorithmic trading, which means running a computer program to find and take profitable trading opportunities automatically.

Is XRP a better investment than Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin is considered to be more decentralized than XRP, but XRP is cheaper, faster, more scalable, and environmentally friendlier. Bitcoin is primarily used as a store of value and medium of exchange, while XRP was designed for cross-border payments.

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