Pros and Cons of Investing in Multi-Family Properties | Trion Properties (2024)

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Many people decide they want to invest in rental property but aren’t sure where to begin. A logical first step, for many investors, is to buy multifamily property. Multifamily real estate investing is a popular form of real estate investing because it’s an asset class that most people can understand, having rented an apartment or owned a home previously.

People can understand the basics: each unit needs to have a functioning kitchen, bathroom, and some combination of bedrooms and living space. Rentals typically run on month-to-month or annual leases using simple, straightforward paperwork.

In short, for the masses, buying multifamily property is a lot less complicated than investing in office space, retail, hotels and other asset classes. It’s a great way to get started with commercial real estate investing.

Related:The Ultimate Guide to Multifamily Real Estate Investing

What Is a Multifamily Property?

A multifamily property is any property that has more than one unit. The smallest scale multifamily properties are duplexes, known as “two-families” in some parts of the country. Triplexes and four-plexes are the next step up, having three and four units each, respectively.

Two- to four-unit multifamily properties are a great way for first-time investors to dip their toes into the rental property waters as they are typically financed by banks in the same way as are single family homes. Many investors will begin by owner-occupying a small multifamily property. In other words, they’ll live in one unit and rent the other(s). There are many benefits to doing so.

For instance, owner-occupied properties tend to qualify for more advantageous financing with lower interest rates and less of a down payment. By living on site, the investor can more easily manage the property. Most will even self-manage. This can save hundreds of dollars each month on property management fees. Sometimes an investor will buy a multifamily property without owner occupying it or hiring a property manager, which can make management more time intensive since it requires the owner to visit the unit in person for repair and maintenance requests.

Larger multifamily properties, those with five or more units, start to fall into the “commercial real estate” category. Properties with 5+ units typically qualify for a different type of financing, which is usually more expensive than properties that are considered strictly residential.

Multifamily property can continue to scale to include hundreds, even thousands, of units. Large apartment complexes, for example, and high-rise apartment buildings are other examples of multifamily property. Sometimes multifamily property will cater to a specific demographic, such as students or seniors, but this is not always the case. The majority of multifamily properties are agnostic to demographics (aside from catering to the general local demographic).

The Pros of Multi-Family Property Investment

There are several benefits to investing in multifamily property, including:

    • Cash Flow. One of the reasons investors like multifamily property is for the cash flow it generates each month. Rents are predictable and in strong markets, units can be turned over easily and re-leased to ensure steady cash flow year in and year out.
    • Passive Income. Investing in multi-family real estate is a great way to generate additional income without lifting a finger. It is easy to hire a property manager who will take on the day-to-day responsibilities for you. This is particularly attractive to those who have little experience owning or managing rental property.
    • Valuation Potential. It’d be a fool’s errand to believe that multifamily property will always appreciate in value. Many investors lost their shirts in 2008-2009 when the housing market collapsed. That said, those who have a long-term investment horizon will find that typically, multifamily real estate appreciates over time and are more resilient to economic downturns. Real estate values ebb and flow, but over the course of multiple real estate cycles, values tend to continue their upward climb.
    • Lowered Risk. Multifamily property is considered a relatively “safe” investment compared to other real estate asset classes. That’s because even during an economic downturn, people need somewhere to live. In fact, during a recession, many people find themselves forced to sell their homes and move into rental housing, instead. It can take a while for people to rebuild their credit after an economic downturn, which creates prolonged demand for multifamily property. Compare this to office or retail properties, for example, in which demand almost always decreases when the economy slows.
    • Fewer Loans. One benefit to owning multifamily property is that it can typically be purchased with one straight-forward, traditional bank loan. Compare purchasing a 10-unit apartment building to buying ten single-family rental properties. The former will require one loan, whereas the latter will require ten individual loans. These loans can be difficult to track and manage over time. Other types of real estate often require multiple loan products that mature on different time horizons, which can be confusing for a first-time investor.
    • Insurance Simplicity. Insurance, like financing, is relatively simple when buying multifamily property (at least, relative to other real estate types). Insurance policies will become more complicated as the number of units grows, particularly if there are certain amenities (e.g., a rooftop terrace or outdoor pool) that could increase an owner’s liability. That said, insurance companies tend to be well-versed in multifamily assets and will be able to put together a policy with ease. As you grow your multifamily portfolio, it is also easy to get a single “blanket” policy to cover all of your assets under the same provider.
    • Scalability. Multifamily also appeals to investors given the ability to scale one’s portfolio among this asset class. An investor can grow their portfolio two units at a time, if they so choose. It’s much harder to scale your portfolio when investing in strip malls or hotels, for example, which tend to have higher barriers to entry.
    • Tax Benefits. Multi-family real estate is highly tax advantaged. Most investors use a mortgage to finance the property. They can then take a deduction for mortgage interest paid during that fiscal year, which tends to be higher in the first years of ownership as the loan begins to amortize. Multifamily properties can then be depreciated over a 27.5-year period, even if the property technically appreciates in value. Depreciation can be used to offset a significant portion of the rental income collected each year, making this a highly attractive asset class for investors of all kinds.
    • Diversity of Product Types. While we refer to “multifamily” as a single type of real estate asset class, the sector is actually huge and offers investors the opportunity to buy several different product types. For example, you can invest in small, neighborhood-oriented duplexes or triplexes. You can choose newly-renovated properties or opt for a more opportunistic investment, such as buying a value-add apartment building.You can invest in private, off-campus student housing or 55+ retirement communities targeted toward seniors. You can buy a multi-family property with the intention of renting on a traditional, year-long lease or you can invest in one that you then list on Airbnb or another short-term rental platform. Multifamily provides tremendous optionality given the many product types that make up this sector.
    • Multiple Investment Mechanisms. Another reason people are drawn to multifamily property is because of the myriad of ways in which to invest. You can purchase a multifamily building individually, or you can partner with others. You can invest via a syndication, which allows you to reap the benefits while taking on a more passive role in the partnership. You can invest in a multifamily fund that has broad reach to invest in multifamily properties across the country, thereby diversifying the location of your holdings (and therefore, providing some risk mitigation). Alternatively, you can invest via a real estate investment trust (REIT), which preserves liquidity as REIT shares can be purchased and sold as easily as stocks. These are just a few of the ways to invest in multifamily property, which is why the asset class is so attractive to such a diverse group of investors.

Related: How to Value Real Estate

The Cons of Multi-Family Property Investment
Despite the many benefits of investing in multifamily property, there are also some downsides. A few of the cons are outlined below:

    • Management Intensity. Although property management can be outsourced, that doesn’t mean that multifamily isn’t management intensive. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. A multifamily property means dealing with many individual leases, different tenants who have various repair and maintenance requests, tenants who prefer to communicate in different ways, pay their bills differently, etc. Compare this to leasing a 10,000 sq. ft. office space to a single tenant. In this case, you’d only be dealing with a single entity. And with commercial leases, many of the routine repair and maintenance obligations fall to the tenants – not the owner, which makes management less intensive for the investor. That said when comparing management intensity of only residential property types, managing a multifamily property can be considerably easier than managing a disparate portfolio of single-family rentals. There are efficiencies that come with managing a single multifamily asset, including the ability to hire an on-site or live-in property manager, depending on the size of the property
    • Cost. Depending on where you’re looking to invest, multifamily property can be really expensive. In fact, this is one of the largest barriers to entry for most investors. A two-unit apartment building in San Francisco, Portland, New York or Boston can cost well over a million dollars. Most banks will want to see the investor put down at least 20% as a down payment (if not more), which would mean at least $200,000 on a property that sells for $1 million. Coming up with that cash is no easy feat for the average investor, particularly in a bull market where many investors compete for the same multifamily property, thereby driving prices even higher. Single-family homes are often less expensive for those looking to buy residential rental property, but as noted above, single-family homes have their own management challenges to consider.
    • Competition. As noted above, multifamily property tends to draw interest from more experienced investors. This can create intense competition for multifamily property, and effectively, shuts many novice investors out of the market. Experienced investors are often able to pay cash and are willing to waive all purchase contingencies (such as the inspection and/or financing contingencies) which make their offers, even at a lower price point, more appealing to some sellers. First-time investors are often best served by partnering with more experienced investors as they get begin to learn the ins- and outs- of the multifamily product type.

Anyone who is interested in buying rental property will certainly want to take a hard look at multifamily investments. The asset class is one that investors can begin investing in gradually, with just two or four units at a time. Some may even employ the strategy of owner-occupying the property initially, as a way of truly “living” the property management lifestyle before investing in larger multifamily properties.

Remember, the most important aspect of real estate investing is just getting started. Investing in small multifamily properties is a great way to do just that.

Over time, as your portfolio grows, you can sell the smaller units and roll the proceeds into larger multifamily investment opportunities through what’s known as a “1031 exchange”. Those with a buy-and-hold strategy might instead hang on to their smaller multifamily homes while the tenants pay down the mortgage and values appreciate. Eventually, these investors will be able to leverage the equity in their multifamily portfolio to invest in larger multifamily properties.

Both of these tried-and-true approaches are how some of American’s wealthiest individuals have got to where they are today – which is why, in sum, we can’t help but love the potential offered by multifamily investing.

Related: The Role of the Multi Family Industry in the Housing Shortage Scenario

Pros and Cons of Investing in Multi-Family Properties | Trion Properties (2024)


What are the disadvantages of buying a multifamily home? ›

The primary disadvantage of multifamily investing is that it requires more capital upfront than other types of investments, apart from other, large commercial assets. Multifamily investments often require a larger down payment than other types of investments, as well as larger monthly mortgage payments.

Is multifamily still a good investment? ›

Multifamily property is considered a relatively “safe” investment compared to other real estate asset classes. That's because even during an economic downturn, people need somewhere to live. In fact, during a recession, many people find themselves forced to sell their homes and move into rental housing, instead.

What are the benefits of owning a multi-family home? ›

There are many advantages to owning multi-family real estate. These include access to easier and better financing opportunities, the ability to quickly grow one's rental property portfolio, and the luxury of hiring a property manager. National Association of Home Builders. "Multifamily."

Is owning multiple properties a good investment? ›

Owning multiple homes gives you the opportunity to create a sustainable and passive cash flow stream. Each additional property adds to the total rental income, which can help cover mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance costs and other expenses associated with owning multiple rental properties.

Is multifamily risky? ›

Like any real estate venture, multifamily real estate properties carry a unique set of risks. While multifamily real estate has earned a reputation for greater stability and is often considered a recession-proof investment, investors must conduct a comprehensive risk analysis to protect their investment.

What are the threats to multifamily? ›

Multifamily housing is facing some of the same problems as the rest of the commercial real estate market—falling property values, high debt loads, a pullback in available debt capital, and a loan maturity wall—as well as some unique supply issues over the next two years.

What is a good ROI for multifamily? ›

What is a good ROI for multifamily? A good return on investment (ROI) for multifamily investment could be between 14% and 18%.

Is multifamily recession proof? ›

Among various asset classes, multifamily real estate stands out as a particularly resilient choice during economic downturns. In this article, we delve into the reasons multifamily real estate stands out as a recession-resilient asset class. Especially when compared to other product types.

How do you determine if a multifamily is a good investment? ›

Positive cash flow and a healthy NOI indicate a potentially lucrative multifamily investment opportunity. Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate) and Cash-on-Cash Return: The Cap Rate is a measure of the property's yield based on its purchase price. It provides insight into the property's income potential relative to its cost.

Do millionaires own multiple homes? ›

Having more than one home is now the norm for wealthy Americans. A 2023 Ameriprise Financial survey of financial advisors who work with high-net-worth clients estimated that about two out of three own second homes — and one-third of those who don't say they're interested in acquiring one in the future.

What is the useful life of a multifamily property? ›

Straight-Line Depreciation: This is the most common method used in real estate, especially for residential properties. The total depreciable cost (property value minus land value) is divided evenly over the asset's useful life. For multifamily properties, this lifespan is typically 27.5 years.

Is it better to buy single family or multifamily? ›

New investors may opt for single-family rental properties because the initial costs are lower and financing is more accessible. On the other hand, multifamily properties generally provide higher potential returns and better cash flow due to multiple sources of monthly income.

What is the 1 rule for investment property? ›

The 1% rule of real estate investing measures the price of an investment property against the gross income it can generate. For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule, its monthly rent must equal at least 1% of the purchase price.

What is the 2 rule for investment properties? ›

What Is the 2% Rule in Real Estate? The 2% rule is a rule of thumb that determines how much rental income a property should theoretically be able to generate. Following the 2% rule, an investor can expect to realize a positive cash flow from a rental property if the monthly rent is at least 2% of the purchase price.

Why investing in multifamily? ›

Investing in multifamily properties can help you earn passive rental income, scale your portfolio, and in some cases qualify you for unique tax deductions. Simply put, if you are looking for your next asset class to diversify a 60/40 portfolio, multifamily investing could be a great fit.

Why single family homes are better than multifamily? ›

Pros of Managing a Single-Family Home

Consistent resale value: Single-family housing is more common than multifamily units, so they tend to hold their value better over time. When it comes time to sell or refinance your investment, you'll get more bang for your buck!

Why you should buy a multifamily first? ›

Benefits of investing in a multifamily home

Investing in real estate may help you diversify your assets to offset market volatility, earning rental income through changing market environments. Multifamily homes can also generate tax benefits.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.