Program to print ASCII Value of a character - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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Program to print ASCII Value of a character - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 08 Feb, 2024




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Given a character, we need to print its ASCII value in C/C++/Java/Python. Program to print ASCII Value of a character - GeeksforGeeks (3)

Examples :

Input : a
Output : 97

Input : D
Output : 68

Here are few methods in different programming languages to print ASCII value of a given character :

  1. Python code using ord function : ord() : It converts the given string of length one, returns an integer representing the Unicode code point of the character. For example, ord(‘a’) returns the integer 97.


# Python program to print

# ASCII Value of Character

# In c we can assign different

# characters of which we want ASCII value

c = 'g'

# print the ASCII value of assigned character in c

print("The ASCII value of '" + c + "' is", ord(c))


("The ASCII value of 'g' is", 103)

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

  1. C code: We use format specifier here to give numeric value of character. Here %d is used to convert character to its ASCII value.


// C program to print

// ASCII Value of Character

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


char c = 'k';

// %d displays the integer value of a character

// %c displays the actual character

printf("The ASCII value of %c is %d", c, c);

return 0;



The ASCII value of k is 107

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

  1. C++ code: Here int() is used to convert a character to its ASCII value.


// CPP program to print

// ASCII Value of Character

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


char c = 'A';

cout << "The ASCII value of " << c << " is " << int(c);

return 0;



The ASCII value of A is 65

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

  1. Java code : Here, to find the ASCII value of c, we just assign c to an int variable ascii. Internally, Java converts the character value to an ASCII value.


// Java program to print

// ASCII Value of Character

public class AsciiValue {

public static void main(String[] args)


char c = 'e';

int ascii = c;

System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + c + " is: " + ascii);




The ASCII value of e is: 101

Time Complexity: O(1) // since no loop is used the algorithm takes up constant time to perform the operations
Auxiliary Space: O(1) // since no extra array is used so the space taken by the algorithm is constant

  1. C# code : Here, to find the ASCII value of c, we just assign c to an int variable ascii. Internally, C# converts the character value to an ASCII value.


// C# program to print

// ASCII Value of Character

using System;

public class AsciiValue


public static void Main()


char c = 'e';

int ascii = c;

Console.Write("The ASCII value of " +

c + " is: " + ascii);



// This code is contributed

// by nitin mittal


The ASCII value of e is: 101

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

  1. JavaScript code: Here, to find the ASCII value of the character, the charCodeAt() method is used to get the ASCII value of the character at a specific index in a string.


// JavaScript program to print

// ASCII Value of Character

console.log("The ASCII value of " + 'A' + " is " + 'A'.charCodeAt(0));

// This Code is Contributed by Prasad Kandekar(prasad264)


The ASCII value of A is 65

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Here is a method to print the ASCII value of the characters in a string using python:


print("Enter a String: ", end="")

text = input()

textlength = len(text)

for char in text:

ascii = ord(char)

print(char, "\t", ascii)


Enter a String: Aditya Trivedi


A 65
d 100
i 105
t 116
y 121
a 97
T 84
r 114
i 105
v 118
e 101
d 100
i 105

Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the input string.
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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Program to print ASCII Value of a character - GeeksforGeeks (5)

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.