Private Equity Pulse: key takeaways from Q4 2023 (2024)

Private Equity closes 2023 on a strong note.

In brief

  • The year closed on a strong note, with firms announcing deals valued at US$124b, making it the most active quarter of the year by value.
  • PE remained resilient in 2023, as firms opportunistically deployed capital across a range of verticals, asset classes, and transaction types.
  • Higher interest rates will continue to elevate the value of operational value-add.

Private equity (PE) remained resilient in 2023, as firms opportunistically deployed capital across a range of verticals, asset classes, and transaction types.

This was an opportunity for some funds to acquire top-tier assets at discounted valuations, while for others macro dynamics yielded openings to enter new markets.

The year closed on a strong note, with firms announcing deals valued at US$124b, making it the most active quarter of the year by value. Activity was up 11% by value in Q4 versus Q3.

November in particular was a busy month – it was the second-most active month of the last year and a half, with an aggregate US$71b in deal announcements. Volume in Q4 remained relatively consistent with prior quarters, underscoring the degree to which larger deals are becoming increasingly common.

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    Interactive bar chart showing volume and value of private equity deals in 2024.

Overall, multiple factors challenged the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market in 2023, with inflationary headwinds, rising interest rates, geopolitical unrest and general macro uncertainty all leading to many dealmakers stepping back from transacting. Despite these challenges, PE remained an active participant in the M&A markets, accounting for 25% of aggregate M&A activity.

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Activity in the first half of the year was defined almost exclusively by larger take-privates and smaller bolt-ons. As the year progressed, announcements broadened to include a growing array of secondaries, carve-outs, and private-to-privates. As 2024 begins to unfold, market participants expect many of these deal types to continue. While take-privates have fallen from their Q1 peak, a compelling population of attractive targets remains. The fourth quarter, for example, saw a number of take-privates including Blackstone’s acquisition of Adevinta; at US$15b, it was one of the largest deals announced last year.

Although higher interest rates have made financing deals more challenging, investors also expect them to be a tailwind for certain types of activity in the coming year. In the US, the leveraged loan default rate sits below its long-term average (at about 1.4%); however, pressure is building across parts of the system. S&P’s Weakest Link Index (comprised of issuers that are rated B- or below that have a negative outlook or implication), has grown by more than 50% over the last 12 months, and interest coverage ratios for have been falling steadily as well, to 3.8x (down from 5.6x last year) according to Pitchbook Leveraged Commentary and Data. These dynamics open opportunities for PE firms with dry powder and the proper expertise to assist companies through volatile macro periods.

In a survey of PE investors conducted by EY in late November and early December, 63% of respondents expect an uptick in distressed transactions over the next year. Respondents also expect an increase in secondary buyouts - with roughly US$1.3t in PE dry powder available to fund new deals, firm are well-positioned to acquire companies from sponsors seeking an exit and usher them through their next phase of growth. As one survey respondent said, “I expect private equity to face some headwinds in 2024 due to high inflation, rising interest rates, and a potential macro slowdown. However, PE firms with capital to deploy should still find select opportunities, especially in distressed assets, as the environment shakes out weaker companies."

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    Interactive bar chart showing survey results from the EY PE Pulse Survey.

PE firms with capital to deploy should still find select opportunities, especially in distressed assets, as the environment shakes out weaker companies.

Respondent to EY PE Pulse Q4 Survey

From a sector perspective, tech remained a strong theme throughout the year, comprising almost one-third of PE investment by value. Investments in cloud remained an active category, with investors expecting areas such as enterprise SaaS to have considerable runway left for additional growth, while machine learning saw accelerating momentum as businesses across the globe worked to embed generative AI (GenAI) into their operational processes.

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    An interactive table showing PE activity by sector. The table denotes an increase and decrease from the previous year by sector.

Consumer, financial services, and health were other active spaces. In consumer, investors found opportunities in low-risk, moderate-yield businesses across the food and agribusinesses value chain, such as sustainable farming, combined agriculture, and timber.

In health, the enterprise imaging space, voice-based diagnostics and other med-tech platforms with innovative products and service offerings have seen growing attention from PE.

Overall, firms expect a more active 2024 for transactions – 63% of survey respondents expect an increase in activity over the next six months; just 17% expect a decline. Notably, 20% of respondents expect a marked increase in activity of 25% or more; this was up seven percentage points from when the same question was posed three months ago.

Exits continue their slow recovery

In aggregate, PE firms announced 298 exits valued at US$355b over the course of the year, a decline of 28% by volume versus the year prior. In contrast to the buyside, exit activity in Q4 was constrained versus the second and third quarters, which were marginally more active.

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    Interactive bar chart showing value and volume of private equity deals in 2024.

As a result, the industry continues to see a significant focus on liquidity through alternative paths, including secondary transactions – both GP-led and LP-led – as well as fund-level facilities that allow sponsors to support portfolio companies through longer-than-expected hold periods, and in some cases facilitate distributions back to investors. These having become essential parts of the PE toolkit, that interest is likely to continue in the new year. In our survey, GPs cited a continued increase in secondary sales and continuation funds as their leading prediction for 2024.

The downstream effects are most significant in the raising of new funds. Overall, fundraising was roughly flat versus last year, but remains down from the market peak in 2021. Looking ahead, fundraising tops the list of investors’ concerns for the coming year – ahead of valuations, the macro environment, interest rates, and portfolio-level issues.

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    Interactive bar chart sharing EY PE Pulse Survey results about the fundraising concerns for this year. On a scale of 1-10 how concerned GPs are.

Private credit’s tipping point

While private credit’s rise has been a long time in the making, 2023 was the year it broke through into mainstream attention. With diminished appetite from banks and other traditional lendingsources, private credit firms have stepped in to provide capital for a wide range of needs, including the bulk of PE transactions announced last year. LP surveys consistently rate credit as a top priority for increased allocations (typically alongside private equity and infrastructure). New vehicles and new RFPs (request for proposals), from LPs looking for new credit managers are announced almost weekly, and news coverage of the space has increased almost exponentially. Last year, private credit funds financed approximately 86% of LBOs according to Pitchbook Leveraged Commentary and Data, and currently have more than US$950b in dry powder to deploy against new deals.

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    An interactive line graph showing private credit Google searches volume in 2023.

As a result, 2024 should see continued rapid evolution in the space, driven in part by increased banking reserve requirements that make syndicators more selective about the deals they pursue, and from private credit lenders increasing the scope and breadth of their businesses. In that way, it mirrors the shift seen in capital formation on the equity side over the last 15-20 years, wherein for an increasing number of companies, the financing modality of choice is private capital.

What might 2024 bring?

While macro impediments are likely to continue to represent meaningful - albeit waning - headwinds for PE investors, the coming quarters are also likely to yield tremendous opportunities for firms with diversified platforms, flexible approaches, and the depth of experience required to capitalize on an investment landscape that require looking at the PE playbook through fresh eyes. As one survey respondent put it, “2024 is a year when vintages will be made."

2024 is a year when vintages will be made.

Respondent to EY PE Pulse Q4 Survey

In our survey, investors expect private credit to remain a dominant form of financing; for secondary sales to remain an active and viable portfolio management tool; for industry consolidation to increase; and for tech to remain a dominant investment theme through 2024.

  • Open image description#Close image description

    Interactive bar chart showing results from the EY PE Pulse Survey, which includes ways investors think PE will be different next year. On a scale of 1-10 how much did the survey respondents agree or disagree with each statement.

  • Survey results

    • More financing will shift back to the syndicated markets from private credit:
      When banks stepped away 18 months ago from lending for many PE deals, private credit providers filled the gap. As markets begin to normalize, it’s an open question as to how much of those market share gains for private credit providers persist, and to what degree banks will be willing and able to reassert themselves in the syndicated lending space. The fact that respondents ranked this lowest on the list suggests that in the eyes of many, private credit’s markets gains are here to stay.
    • IPOs will increase from 2023 levels:
      IPOs remain muted, between both PE-backed companies and the IPO market more broadly. 2024 could see the window widen by offering buyers more reliable returns as rates begin to stabilize. Nonetheless, firms will continue to pursue multi-track approaches to ensurealternatives are available.
    • Higher interest rates will predicate an LP shift from private equity to private credit:
      Respondents are lukewarm as to whether a “higher for longer” rate regime will predicate a shift from private equity to private credit. Anecdotal observations suggest that while LPs are indeed shifting additional allocations to private credit, they’re pulling from other parts of the pool.
    • Commercial real estate will offer compelling buying opportunities:
      Higher rates, challenges in the retail space, and slower-than-expected return-to-office trends have pushed asset values lower across many sectors in commercial real estate. While it’s not ranked the highest in our survey, it’s clear a number of investors see opportunity this year.
    • Alternative financing arrangements and investment structures will proliferate:
      Creative financing structures have become more common as interest rates have increased and financing has become more difficult to arrange. According to LCD, LBO equity contributions hit 51% in 2023, their highest on record, while debt multiples dropped to 5.3x, a post-GFC low. PE firms will look for solutions in earn-out provisions, deferred payments, seller-financed notes, and other types of financing structures.
    • Consolidation across GPs will increase:
      2023 saw a number of marquee mergers between private capital firms, including TPG’s US$2.7b acquisition of Angelo Gordon. As the industry matures, as competitive pressures build, and as diversified product lineups become more important, inorganic growth will become an increasingly important part of the GPs’ playbooks.
    • Tech will remain a dominant investment theme:
      Technology has been a dominant investment theme, accounting for x% of aggregate PEinvestment by value over the last five years. Despite headwinds from increased costs of capital, investors expect heavy tech investment to continue this year, driven by strong secular underpinnings.
    • Secondary sales and continuation activity will increase:
      The long-term secular growth in the secondary market is being accelerated by macro conditions that have made traditional exit routes more challenging. Even as conditions normalize, growth in this space is expected to persist as it becomes increasingly integrated into the GP/LP toolkit.

Firms are continuing to embrace sustainability, with many looking at environmental, social and governance (ESG) as a critical value creation lever. When GPs were asked to rate the degree to which they're leaning in on ESG and sustainability as a value creation lever on a scale of one to five, almost 60% rated themselves 4-5, with 30% saying they're looking holistically at ESG to help drive deal metrics and that they expect a measurable ROI.

Lastly, higher interest rates will continue to elevate the value of operational value-add. Results from our survey are very clear – when asked about the relative contribution of return levers for deals exited two years ago versus deals expected to exit over the next 24 months, respondents anticipate a strong pivot from multiple expansion to operational value-add.

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    Interactive bar chart showing deals expected to be exited in 2024-2025.

Private Equity Pulse: key takeaways from Q4 2023 (2024)


Private Equity Pulse: key takeaways from Q4 2023? ›

Summary. PE remained resilient in 2023, as firms opportunistically deployed capital across a range of verticals, asset classes, and transaction types. The year closed on a strong note, activity was up 11% by value in Q4 versus Q3.

Is 2023 a good year for private equity? ›

Throughout 2023, private equity faced a litany of challenges as it navigated a mini banking crisis, increasing capital costs, and an intractable valuation gap between buyers and sellers, all while facing enhanced regulatory scrutiny. The cumulative impact resulted in a steep decline in overall deal activity.

What are the notable private equity deals for 2023? ›

Notable private equity infrastructure deals of 2023 include Redwood Materials' $1 billion Series D round led by Goldman Sachs and Avaada Group's $1 billion funding from Brookfield. In 2024, many of these trends will continue influencing the private equity sector.

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Many investors put dealmaking on hold in 2023, worried about slowing economic growth across much of the region, persistently high interest rates that raise the cost of PE debt, and volatile public stock markets. Ongoing geopolitical tensions and global conflicts reinforced investors' concerns.

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This is because private equity firms typically hire from investment banks. Blackstone and Apollo for example hire a lot of finance and business studies graduates, as does European firm CVC. All firms hire humanities students too, though. Historically, the golden ticket into a private equity role was an MBA.

Why did private equity struggle in 2023? ›

The firm's analysis showed that sponsor-backed companies have generally grown faster than public companies. But not in 2023. Higher interest rates are one plausible explanation, according to Rasmussen. “Private equity firms are significantly more leveraged than public companies.

What is the outlook for private equity in 2023? ›

The data shows a slowing decline for buyouts and development capital in 2023, with only a 9% decline, after a 23% fall in 2022, but it was a challenging year for bolt-ons, which fell 15%: down to 893 from 1049.

Why is private equity booming? ›

Summary. The huge sums that private equity firms make on their investments evoke admiration and envy. Typically, these returns are attributed to the firms' aggressive use of debt, concentration on cash flow and margins, freedom from public company regulations, and hefty incentives for operating managers.

Is private equity slowing down? ›

Private equity deal activity has remained sluggish so far in 2024, with buyers and sellers continuing to dig in amid mismatched expectations on asset value. Interest rates have remained higher for longer than anticipated, limiting buyer ability to bridge gaps to expected value through cheap debt.

What is the future of the private equity industry? ›

Summary. Private equity firms will focus on five key trends in 2024. Deploying artificial intelligence will lead the way, followed by investment in infrastructure particularly related to energy projects. Value creation will also be a priority as firms seek to improve strategic and operational efficiency.

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but nowhere near as much as in management consulting. While the travel will be less, the work in private equity is very stressful and demanding, so the hours you actually spend working may be more stressful or mentally demanding.

How much do VPs in private equity make? ›

Vice President Private Equity Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$244,500$118
75th Percentile$190,000$91
25th Percentile$115,000$55

Is private equity outlook in 2023 anatomy of a slowdown? ›

Inflation and rising rates put an end to the extraordinary post-Covid surge in dealmaking, setting up a challenging year ahead.

How elite is private equity? ›

Working at a Private Equity Firm

The private equity business attracts some of the best in corporate America, including top performers from Fortune 500 companies and elite management consulting firms.

Is private equity harder than banking? ›

Both investment banking and private equity are demanding careers that require long working hours, although private equity firms tend to have a more relaxed work environment and offer a more flexible schedule.

Why do people in private equity make so much money? ›

By contrast, private equity firms make money by exiting their investments. They try to sell the companies at a much higher price than what they paid for them. The profits are then divided up based on a distribution waterfall.

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Good Tidings

Let's review the good times of late 2023. The S&P 500, which tracks the most valuable stocks in the U.S. market, rose 11.2 percent in the last quarter — and had a total return of 11.7 percent, including dividends. For the year, it gained 24.2 percent and returned 26.3 percent, including dividends.

Is 2023 a good financial year? ›

During fiscal year 2023, the American economy continued to improve and the gains have been widely shared: consumers have more purchasing power, businesses have been investing more, and inflation has come down significantly. The labor market is also strong, with the unemployment rate near historic lows.

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2023 IPO Market Was Much Like 2022

There was modest improvement year-over-year in capital raised, increasing in 2023 by over 8% compared to 2022 levels to $26.2 billion, although the capital raised in 2023 represents less than 8% of the nearly $339 billion raised in 2021, a record year.

Does private equity have a future? ›

Thus, while we can't predict the future, we believe the conditions noted above could precipitate a rebound for private equity dealmaking and exits in 2024 relative to 2022 – 2023. Moreover, we believe small- / middle-market managers are particularly poised to capitalize on the current opportunity in private equity.

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