Pizza Tower/Unused Rooms/Levels - The Cutting Room Floor (2024)


  • 1 Levels
    • 1.1 beach_#
    • 1.2 city_#
    • 1.3 desert_#
    • 1.4 exit_#
    • 1.5 factory_#
    • 1.6 floor2_room#
    • 1.7 floor3_room#
    • 1.8 floor4_room#
    • 1.9 floor5_room#
    • 1.10 golf_room#
    • 1.11 kidsparty_#
    • 1.12 mansion_# (April 2021)
    • 1.13 mansion_# (Rework)
    • 1.14 pinball_#
    • 1.15 strongcold_#
    • 1.16 top_#
  • 2 Level-Specific
    • 2.1 ruin_4b
    • 2.2 forest_4
    • 2.3 industrial_5OLD
    • 2.4 freezer_10
    • 2.5 chateau_10
    • 2.6 war_4 + war_5
    • 2.7 kungfu_#
    • 2.8 ufo_#


To do:
A couple of levels have hidden tile layers that have early leftover level layouts:
  • beach
  • desert tile placement matches those seen in the level
  • factory
  • pinball
  • top (only includes a portion of ufo_1 that was duplicated 10 times)
  • ufo_1
  • kungfu_#

There are a bunch of levels leftover from earlier in development that were sometimes even scrapped as they were being made. Each has their own quirks that causes them to be unplayable, from crashes to objects that no longer function as they're supposed to.

In total, a whopping 16 unused levels are still present in the final game. To give clarity on what works and what doesn't, see this table below.

  • Crashes on beach_11, related to obj_reverseminipillar with the variable obj_geromedoor.beach_treasure being unset. Even if the crash is fixed, beach_11b is impossible without noclip due to the changes in the physics of the barrel transformation.
  • city_1 doesn't have its instances layer visible and will cause rendering issues.
  • Level is unbeatable because the Trash Can enemies that are supposed to throw out rolling cheese balls no longer function as intended, thus not allowing the player to break their blocks.
  • Crashes on city_6, related to obj_clownmatoOLD with the variable obj_clownmatoOLD.railmovespeed being unset.
  • desert_11 and any rooms that take place in the UFO are inaccessible due to TNT blocking the way.
  • Level is unbeatable because the door in desert_4 is floating 1 pixel above the ground, thus not letting you through.
  • There's no Pillar John, so the level remains unbeatable.
  • exit_2 has a row of scrapped blocks that destroy when in the ball transformation. These no longer function properly.
  • exit_3 has a part with a Rancher enemy, which is supposed to turn the player into a ghost, but the change in mechanics prevent that.
  • exit_4 won't let the player jump out of the barrel transformation.
  • Crashes on exit_5, related to obj_clownmatoOLD with the variable obj_clownmatoOLD.railmovespeed being unset.
  • One of the sections with the Meat Grinder object lacks Weenies to throw at the grinder, preventing the player from progressing further into the level.
  • No door positioners are present, so the game will put the player out of bounds.
  • floor2_room13 lacks solids and has the haystack objects fall into the void, preventing further progression.
  • floor2_room0 has a Grandpa Pepper enemy blocking the way that will not react to enemies being thrown at him. Only The Noise is able to bypass him without debug.
  • Crashes on floor2_room1, related to obj_breakabletv with the variable obj_breakabletv.thrown being unset.
  • There's no Pillar John, as the game made use of tower treasures to start the countdown.
  • Crashes on all 7 golf_room# rooms, related to obj_pizzaballOLDOLD with the variable obj_pizzaballOLDOLD.spr_pizzaball_idle being unset.
  • Crashes on kidsparty_14, related to obj_monstertrackingrooms with the variable obj_monstertrackingrooms.kidsparty_2 being unset.
  • Several rooms crash, related to obj_secretmanager with the variable obj_secretmanager.touchedtriggers being unset, though this is dodgable.
  • pinball_10 doesn't have its instances layer visible and will cause rendering issues.
mansion_# (April 2021)NoNoYes
  • Crashes in mansion_3, related to obj_door with the variable obj_door.mansion_2 being unset.
  • Crashes in mansion_5, related to obj_collect with the variable obj_collect.gotowardsplayer being unset.
mansion_# (Rework)NoNoYes
  • The electric blocks that are supposed to take away Knight Peppino don't work as intended anymore.
  • The enemies that are supposed to follow the player (obj_farmer1follow) crash, with the variable obj_farmer1follow.lock being unset.
  • Crashes on stroncold_miniboss, because no object index is present for obj_taunteffect.
  • Level cannot be beaten as there's a blockade of Rat Pins, and the Big Cheese enemy that's supposed to destroy them throws the player at an angle too high to hit them and progress.
  • No door positioners are present, so the game will put the player out of bounds.
  • There's no Pillar John, as the game made use of tower treasures to start the countdown.
  • No door positioners are present, so the game will put the player out of bounds.
  • The player won't be able to collect the key in floor4_room7 and progress further, because of changes in the Cheese Peppino transformation.
  • Similarly in floor4_room8, the player can't break the cheese blocks and progress further, due to changes in the transformation used here.
  • There's no Pillar John, as the game made use of tower treasures to start the countdown.
  • No door positioners are present, so the game will put the player out of bounds.
  • There's no Pillar John, as the game made use of tower treasures to start the countdown.
  • For a room to count as "tiled", all solids must be tiled properly, with the exception for platforms, ladders or secret rooms that may be missing them.

Note that the following levels were built in an different format with different mechanics, and as such, these levels can no longer be properly played from room to room and require changes to the levels themselves in order for them to be playable again. The videos linked may have some minor changes made in the level design and does not fully represent how these levels are found in the game's files in a vanilla state:

  • floor2_room#
  • floor3_room#
  • floor4_room#
  • floor5_room#
  • golf_room#

This page or section has one or more broken YouTube links.
Please find an archived version of the video(s) or a suitable replacement.


  • Last modified: Between September 2021 Playtest build and Eggplant Patreon build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

The original version of Crust Cove. The stage itself, besides lacking tiles, also lacks many objects in some of its later sections. The game will crash attempting to load Gerome's door, because the room its trying to target was renamed later in development. However, the level is still impossible to complete without noclip due to a jump being impossible to perform with the barrel transformation in beach_11b.


  • Last modified: April 2021 Patreon build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

The original version of The Pig City, but features a circus section if the player goes to the left. Features a tileset that would be used later on in Peppibot Factory.


  • Rooms: 25 (includes 3 unused secrets)
  • Secrets: 6 (3 unused, 3 inaccessible)
  • Toppins Present: All five Toppins
  • Gerome Present: Both Gerome and his door
  • Enemies: Tribe Cheese, Pizza Car, Kentucky Kenny, Cheese Slime, Pepperoni Goblin, Pizza Box Goblin and Meatball Boulder
  • Mechanics: Firemouth transformation, totems with thunderclouds and the alien pickup (unused)
  • Music intended to play: Oregano Mirage for the outside sections, Oregano UFO for the UFO sections
  • Intended world: Western District (Floor 2)
  • Last modified: Between September 2021 Playtest build and Eggplant Patreon build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

The original version of Oregano Desert that was worked on from late 2018 up until early 2022, making it the earliest level that still exists in the game's files. The level was eventually replaced with badland, a level sharing the same name, theme and mechanics. This revision of the level is almost playable, with all secrets left inaccessible, some enemies no longer being present in some rooms and the UFO section, although being optional, is inaccessible unless you use the console. There's also an unused alien pickup that'll follow the player around like a Toppin (obj_alienpickup) whose purpose is unknown, though it likely would've helped the player access the UFO. The level mechanics are otherwise mostly the same compared to its used counterpart.

Even though most of the rooms have shifted tiles, the placement of them matches those seen in the level, and there's even a few instances of rooms that have been properly tiled, yet their tile layers are disabled.

Tiles Disabled (default)Tiles Enabled


  • Rooms: 7
  • Secrets: None
  • Toppins Present: None
  • Gerome Present: None
  • Enemies: Every enemy used up to the April 2021 Patreon build
  • Mechanics: Almost all of them, minus the monsters from Don't Make A Sound, though they are supposed to be present
  • Music intended to play: Receding Hairline Celebration Party (aka I Ain't Got No Time to Dance)
  • Intended world: Exit (final world in April 2021 Patreon build)
  • Last modified: Between April 2021 Patreon build and September 2021 Playtest build
  • Last used: April 2021 Patreon build

One of the scrapped final levels, simply titled Exit. It's a wrap-around level that would throw every mechanic and enemy at the player from every level that was present in the game around that point of development in one way or another. The stage is tiled and completed for the most part, aside from a few platforms that were added later on and objects that were placed in the wrong spot. Pizza Time is also supposed to activate, but Pillar John isn't present in the level for whatever reason. Due to the various changes in mechanics, the level is not beatable without the use of noclipping at various portions throughout the level. Some objects present will even crash at certain points due to missing variables.


To do:
Upload comparisons for the tile layers.

  • Rooms: 19
  • Secrets: 6 (all are inaccessible)
  • Toppins Present: Cheese and Pineapple
  • Gerome Present: Gerome is present, his door is not
  • Enemies: Pizza Box Goblin, Peppino Robot, Box Stamper, Grabbie Hand and Cheese Slime
  • Mechanics: Boxxed transformation, conveyor belts, floating platforms and meat grinder
  • Music intended to play: Pizza Engineer and Peppino's Sauce Machine
  • Intended world: Slum (Floor 4)
  • Last modified: Between September 2021 Playtest build and Eggplant Patreon build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

The original version of Peppibot Factory, which was restarted from scratch with the name "industrial" in the game's files. The mechanics are similar to those seen in the finalized level, though the sizes of the rooms are smaller in comparison. Some later parts of the level in particular will have lots of empty spaces where extra collectibles would've been placed. The unused Meat Grinder mechanic is used here, though will prevent you from finishing the level regularly as it is no longer functional.

Even though none of the tile layers are visible, they are present and match with the layouts seen in the April 2021 Patreon build.


  • Last modified: Between Desert 2019 and Blue Block Land v1 Patreon builds
  • Last used: April 2019 Patreon Build

The original version of Mansion, before it was reworked and eventually scrapped. This version of the level has a chase sequence with Pepperman to get to a key in time and progress to the next level. Interestingly, there's only 3 secrets here, not 6, even though this was before the decision was made to revert back to 3. One of the rooms crashes the game, leaving the level unbeatable.


  • Rooms: 16
  • Secrets: None
  • Toppins Present: Shroom, Cheese, Tomato and Pineapple
  • Gerome Present: No
  • Enemies: Big Cheese, Spit Cheese, Forknight, Peasanto, Peppino Robot and Box Stamper
  • Mechanics: Boxxed transformation and knight transformation
  • Music intended to play: Peppino's Sauce Machine
  • Intended world: Floor 1, as of the Optimization Test Patreon build
  • Last modified: Optimization Test Patreon build
  • Last used: April 2019 Patreon build

A level simply known as "Factory", which ended up having its idea and few assets recycled for Peppibot Factory. With this level being built during an earlier point of development, the layout is much smaller and the level itself much shorter. On the way the player will find a room where they have to throw a Greaseball in a golf net to gain some extra points for a higher score. The player won't be able to complete the level without noclipping, as a metal block blocks the Pizza Time path, because the player was able to destroy metal blocks from the bottom during this point of development.

Some weird quirks can be seen throughout. floor3_room1 has a blocked off path that sends the player to floor3_room2A, which explains why that room has a platform the player can't pass through. Even weirder is that floor3_room6 is lacking a Sausage Toppin, even though an empty platform is placed in between one of the solid spaces where it would've been put.


  • Rooms: 12
  • Secrets: None
  • Toppins Present: All five Toppins
  • Gerome Present: No
  • Enemies: Trash Pan (old variant), Big Cheese, Ninja Slice, Forknight, Peasanto, Cheese Slime and Invincible Trash Pan
  • Mechanics: Cheeseball transformation
  • Music intended to play: Tubular Trash Zone
  • Intended world: Floor 1, as of the Optimization Test Patreon build
  • Last modified: Optimization Test Patreon build
  • Last used: April 2019 Patreon build

A level simply known as "Sewer", which respectively became Oh sh*t! This level makes heavy use of the Cheeseball transformation, as it was used in this point of development to either throw the player into (unused) cheese blocks or be used as an obstacle that sends the player the wrong way. Several factors will prevent finishing the level, such as the broken older Trash Pan variants that won't spit out Cheeseballs, metal blocks the player was meant to hit from the bottom, and being unable to jump in the Cheeseball transformation.


  • Rooms: 12
  • Secrets: None
  • Toppins Present: All five Toppins
  • Gerome Present: No
  • Enemies: Forknight, Big Cheese, Snowman, Peasanto, Peppino Robot, Spit Cheese, Cheese Slime and Ninja Slice
  • Mechanics: Washing Machine mount
  • Music intended to play: Don't Preheat Your Oven Because If You Do The Song Won't Play
  • Intended world: Floor 3, as of the Optimization Test Patreon build
  • Last modified: Optimization Test Patreon build
  • Last used: April 2019 Patreon build

A level simply known as "Freezer", which much like Factory had its assets reused for a used level, Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator. This level was intended to be exclusive to The Noise, but doesn't do much else that the two levels mentioned above haven't done. The unused Washing Machine mount can be found here, which although no longer necessary will allow the player to break metal blocks. While the metal blocks aren't a problem for progression, a Big Cheese will block the way during Pizza Time, preventing finishing the level without noclipping.


  • Rooms: 9
  • Secrets: None
  • Toppins Present: None
  • Gerome Present: No
  • Enemies: Big Cheese, Forknight, Snowman, Cheese Slime, Trash Pan (old variant), Spit Cheese and Ninja Slice
  • Mechanics: Greaseball / golfing
  • Music intended to play: Funiculi Funicula (old tutorial theme composed by Dim Widdy)
  • Intended world: None
  • Last modified: Between April 2019 and Desert Patreon builds
  • Last used: GOLF build

A level simply known as "Golf" that was built in only a few hours, as it is - and was only meant to be a level made for April Fools 2019. If the game is modified to resolve the crashing issue mentioned above, there's seven small golf courses where the player has to bring a Greaseball to the exit to earn points, and run back to the exit during Pizza Time. It's simple, but the idea was carried over into a full level of its own. Weirdly enough, the gate the player comes through has been misplaced, which will prevent beating the level unless it's placed on solid ground. Why that was done is not clear.


  • Last modified: Between April 2021 Patreon build and September 2021 Playtest build
  • Last used: April 2021 Patreon build

An alternate version of Kids Party that would've played out differently than what's in the used variant. Not every room is tiled and the game crashes early into the level.

mansion_# (April 2021)

  • Rooms: 10
  • Secrets: 6
  • Toppins Present: All five Toppins
  • Gerome Present: Gerome not present, but his door is
  • Enemies: Cheese Slime, Forknight, Pencer, Peppino Robot, Peasanto, Pizza Slug
  • Mechanics: Clown transformation, Knight transformation
  • Music intended to play: Ground Bound
  • Intended world: World 5
  • Last modified: Between April 2021 Patreon build and September 2021 Playtest build
  • Last used: April 2021 Patreon build

A scrapped level simply known as Mansion was supposed to appear in World 5. The level makes use of Knight Peppino and the rails. Most of the rooms are fully tiled all the way up to mansion_10, where an unfinished tiling job can be seen, suggesting this is where all work on the level suddenly stopped. The level is unbeatable due to Knight Peppino no longer reacting to electric blocks and removing Peppino's transformation. Some of the rooms will crash due to unset variables.

Mansion's assets and the scrapped Clown transformation can be found in the final game's hub as secrets.

mansion_# (Rework)

  • Rooms: 26
  • Secrets: None
  • Toppins Present: None
  • Gerome Present: No
  • Enemies: Forknight, Pencer, Peppino Clone
  • Mechanics: Fireass transformation, Knight transformation, farmers as allies, haystacks, spider webs, Fake Peppino, Fake Peppino's limbs, ice blocks
  • Music intended to play: Ground Bound
  • Intended world: World 5
  • Last modified: September 2021 Playtest build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

Another redone version of Mansion under the same name exists as well and got scrapped early on. Unlike the above version of Mansion, this one mostly separates its rooms by internally naming them, instead of numbers. None of the rooms are tiled and some of the enemies are missing their animations. Interacting with them crashes the game. Two duplicate starting areas exist as well, mansion_1 has a semi-duplicate counterpart named mansion_plain, which is where the player would drop down to when they pick up Gerome at the exit door.


  • Rooms: 24 (includes 2 unused secrets)
  • Secrets: 2 (one of which is inaccessible)
  • Toppins Present: Tomato, Sausage and Pineapple
  • Gerome Present: Gerome is present, his door is not
  • Enemies: Clownmato, Bad Rat and Ranch Shooter
  • Mechanics: Rolling ball transformation, teleporters, timed gates, flush cards and horse races
  • Music intended to play: Extraterrestrial Wahwahs
  • Intended world: Vacation Resort (Floor 3)
  • Last modified: Between September 2021 Playtest build and Eggplant build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

A scrapped level known as Space Pinball, which was supposed to appear in Floor 2 and makes heavy use of the rolling ball transformation and other mechanics. Parts of old versions of the also scrapped Kung Fu and an early version of Space Pinball were frankensteined together, which both shared similar mechanics for its levels. A few rooms use tiles from Fast Food Saloon, while others are untiled completely. There's also secret triggers placed throughout the level, which when touched, is supposed to make hidden toppings and a secret entrance appear, though touching any of them crashes the game. They can be dodged if one knows where to look, making this the only unused level that can be completed without the use of noclipping. Most of the mechanics present in this level would be reused for Fast Food Saloon, which in turn would also replace this level in Floor 2.

Some leftover rooms from Kung Fu (kungfu_#) and the early version of Space Pinball (ufo_#) are present as well, though are inaccessible during gameplay.


  • Rooms: 19
  • Secrets: 6
  • Toppins Present: All five Toppins
  • Gerome Present: Both Gerome and his door
  • Enemies: Pizza Box Goblin, Flying Anchovy, Pencer, Pepperoni Goblin, Cheese Slime, Forknight and Santa (miniboss)
  • Mechanics: Fireass transformation, Knight transformation and ice blocks
  • Music intended to play: Teeth Dust In The Strongcold
  • Intended world: World Extras (bonus world as of April 2021 Patreon build)
  • Last modified: Between Beach & Forest and April 2021 Patreon builds
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

Strongcold, a level created specifically for Peppino's Xmas Break. It's a harder version of Bloodsauce Dungeon where the player travels upwards instead of down, with lots of ice blocks and a miniboss fight with Santa that has the player play a game of whack-a-mole with a time limit. Aside from that, the ice cube's different behavior decreases the overall challenge since the player can no longer slide on them, and most of the rooms' tiles have shifted (however rooms strongcold_6 to strongcold_miniboss appear fine, albeit the ice cubes are invisible). Gerome is present in the level, as the level was intended to be reused as a bonus level as seen in the April 2021 Patreon build.

strongcold_1 still uses the tileset_chateau1 tileset, which causes those rooms to use incorrect tiles due to those tilesets having been changed somewhere between April 2021 and the final version. However, tileset_medieval perfectly matches up with the placed tiles in strongcold_1 (due to Pizzascare originally having started out as a Halloween-themed harder version of Pizzascape), so using that tileset instead will solve that problem. strongcold_10 to strongcold_7 (along with the 6 secret rooms) also use incorrect tiles, notably rendering the first two blue rooms to appear mostly invisible.

One inaccessible room is an extra escape room that has the player hop on a sleigh, titled strongcold_escape. It was removed in the next Patreon build.

The level wasn't readjusted to account for the nerfed fireass transformation, though for the most part this isn't an issue, only being a problem in the two secret rooms that fire pits are located.

The miniboss in strongcold_miniboss crashes the game because obj_noisebomb tries to spawn obj_taunteffect without defining a parent for it. If a parent is defined for it (like the obj_noisebomb itself, for example) and define state, spr_taunt and xscale for the parent, the crash will be gone, and the player can actually fight the miniboss like intended. But be warned: if you don't beat the whack-a-mole miniboss fast enough, the Noise Bomb following the player will explode, causing a softlock and requiring the player to restart the level (or use the noclip console command).


To do:
Upload images of top_8 and its hidden layer.

  • Rooms: 10 (3 duplicate rooms)
  • Secrets: None
  • Toppins Present: None
  • Gerome Present: None
  • Enemies: All enemies used up to whatever point this level was made
  • Mechanics: Almost all of them that were important during that time of development
  • Music intended to play: Unknown
  • Intended world: The Top (final world in September 2021 Playtest build)
  • Last modified: September 2021 Playtest build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

Another scrapped final level titled Top that was made around the same time when the Reception hub was built. The player was supposed to enter the level from that hub's Top Entrance by superjumping. Top itself is a climb-to-the-top level that throws difficult platforming challenges with all of the game's mechanics that were used at that point in development, with an overuse of the electrical blocks stopping the player on the way. The third room will stop progression, as the Big Cheese enemy throws Peppino at an angle too high for him to hit a row of Rat Pins.

It seems like Top was supposed to be three rooms longer initially as there are three duplicate rooms titled top_8, top_9 and top_10. These rooms are a very early version of the second room, only having two Clownmatos, a bounce pad and some electric blocks. It seems like the level was originally intended to start at Pizzaland Exit in the Reception hub according to the room title that wasn't changed; pizzaland_1. To add extra confusion, a portion of the level layout for ufo_1 exists on the tile layers, and is otherwise identical to that room.


These rooms were once part of a level, but weren't reused or overwritten in one of the game's many level design changes.


  • Last modified: Between September 2021 Playtest build and Eggplant build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

This area was intended to be used as a mini-tutorial on how to throw bombs upwards. However, the brief integration of this specific use of the ability proved to make the level more difficult than it should. The Eggplant build would dial it back to just requiring the player to throw bombs in the regular manner. The four small Stupid Rats have been replaced with one big Stupid Rat. The room is decorated with a few exclusive tiles, including an unused one depicting a big purple block with a Stupid Rat face. The smaller block would later be used as the block in front of the level's first secret.


  • Last modified: September 2021 Playtest build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build

A leftover from an earlier version of Gnome Forest using an entirely different mechanic for delivering pizzas. Entering the room will make the player automatically walk to Gustavo and play a short cutscene of him handing over a stack of pizza boxes. From here, the player is given a list of where to deliver the pizzas, but walking past the houses does nothing. A separate object for switching to Gustavo & Brick is also present.


  • Last modified: Between October 2022 playtest build and final release
  • Last used: Unknown

A slightly earlier version of industrial_5. Only two things were changed:

  • One rat block on the right was removed from one of the pizza box sections.
  • Alarm lights were added to the ceiling for the Pizza Time section.


  • Last modified: Between September 2021 Playtest build and Eggplant build
  • Last used: September 2021 Playtest build
  • The original room of which the player would get the Pepper Pizza transformation from. It was originally more robust with enemies and objects, but was later simplified to just the Pepper Pizza, one iceblock and a Toppin. There's also a door that leads to freezer_9.


  • Last modified: Noise's Hardoween
  • Last used: April 2021 Patreon build

A room that was originally created for the Noise's Hardoween. This room was only accessible during Pizza Time. The room itself contains a bunch of Pizzards blocking the way, with a pizza box on the other end of the room. Although the tiles are shifted, the community-made props for the event remain intact.

war_4 + war_5

  • Last modified: April 2021 Patreon build
  • Last used: April 2021 Patreon build
  • Respectively, a corridor with a Pizza Shield, and a mini-battle gauntlet with some enemies are the only two remaining rooms from War's original level design from the April 2021 build. Their tiles remain intact, however war_5 no longer forces the player to engage in defeating a few rounds of enemies.


  • Last modified: Between April 2021 Patreon build and September 2021 Playtest build
  • Last used: April 2021 Patreon build

Some parts of the scrapped Space Pinball level that weren't used are still here. kungfu_3 and kungfu_6 were going through a bit of an overhaul before still getting scrapped, as their original layouts are still present as tiles. kungfu_4 shows the scrapped arena mechanic.


  • Last modified: Between April 2021 Patreon build and September 2021 Playtest build
  • Last used: April 2021 Patreon build

More parts of the scrapped Space Pinball level, this time from its original itteration. ufo_1 and ufo_2 had received some updates, with new tiles and objects that were moved around. ufo_3 and ufo_5 on the other hand have remained unchanged. Levels will crash upon attempting to load into them because multiple doors and hallways have their TargetDoor variables set to unused names.

Pizza Tower/Unused Rooms/Levels - The Cutting Room Floor (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.