Piper Wright (2024)

Born in a settlement on the outskirts of the Commonwealth with Nat and their father, a member of the local militia, Piper's "career" in journalism started when her father was found dead under suspicious circ*mstances, and she investigated to learn that he had discovered that raiders were plotting to sack the town. His superior in the militia, Captain Mayburn, was in league with them and arranged to leave the main gate open and unguarded one night in exchange for a cut of the loot; when Piper's father caught onto his scheme, the captain murdered him to prevent word of the plot from getting out.[2] When the local authorities refused to believe or even investigate her claims about Mayburn's corruption, Piper resorted to making and distributing flyers across the entire settlement calling out his crimes. The conspicuously public accusation got the attention of the town's mayor, who accepted Piper's evidence. Outraged by his dereliction of duty, the settlers exiled Mayburn, and when the raiders eventually showed up expecting the gate to be wide open, they instead encountered prepared defenses by alerted townsfolk and were driven away.[2]

With both of their parents gone and Nat too young to work, Piper relied mainly on kindness and charity to survive. Eventually, the sisters were able to save enough money to relocate to Diamond City by paying for passage on a caravan.[3] However, life in the "big city" provided its own share of challenges; at the time of their arrival, Diamond City was plagued by corruption, lax security, and failing infrastructure. Frustrated with this state of affairs and increasingly desperate to enact change, Piper founded and ran the newspaper Publick Occurrences to raise awareness of the city’s problems.[4]

Despite her noble intentions, her career was fraught with danger and intrigue from the outset. Shortly after founding her newspaper, an article she wrote exposing the efforts of a caravan cartel to drive up food prices made her the target of their retribution. The cartel secretly arranged for Piper to be poisoned while drinking at the Dugout Inn; she narrowly survived by immediately chugging Vadim Bobrov's moonshine straight from the still to induce vomiting and remove the poison, in the meantime the assassin was apprehended by Diamond City security and the cartel members were arrested.[5] In a later incident, an investigation into irradiated drinking water at Bunker Hill led her to be kidnapped by the Church of the Children of Atom, who would have killed her as a human sacrifice if not for Piper convincingly faking a vision of Atom and being subsequently initiated into the cult.[1] Piper also regularly fell afoul of DC security herself during her investigations, to the point that their lockup came to be nicknamed "the Piper Suite" for her frequent stays in it.[6]

Piper’s activism and investigative fervor ultimately bore fruit; whether they agreed with her or not, citizens read her newspaper in droves, and many of the issues she brought to light were addressed by DC authority.[7] However, this success came at a cost to Piper’s personal life. Following the release of the paper's first edition, many in the city who Piper had once considered friends and confidants became distant, and she gained a reputation both in Diamond City and across the Commonwealth as a “nosy snoop.”[8] Public opinion of the paper slowly but surely soured, with many citizens writing in to complain about the negative tone of its reporting, and Piper began to feel deeply alienated from the community.

This alienation reached its peak with the publication of an article titled "The Synthetic Truth" in 2287. Though the article largely consisted of a retrospective on the Broken Mask incident of 2229 and an interview with the event’s last surviving eyewitness, Eustace Hawthorne, it also contained thinly-veiled accusations that the city’s mayor, McDonough, was a synth infiltrator acting on behalf of the Institute.[9] Though privately certain in her accusations, Piper lacked any solid evidence for them, and McDonough subsequently had Piper thrown out by security and banned from the city. Despite her temporary exile, Piper remains steadfast in her determination to protect the city and expose the mayor’s wrongdoings.

Piper is a rather lonely woman who feels isolated in Diamond City. She has a strong drive to better the world and does not want to be complacent, causing her to become a writer and journalist in order to try to reduce the corruption within the town. As such, Piper has a rapport with Nick Valentine, both serving as investigators in their own capacities. Her tendency to find the latest scoop and the truth can cause others to find her nosy and annoying, however, resulting in her having few friends. She tends to enjoy sarcasm.

Despite multiple death threats and at least one assassination attempt, finding herself in sticky situations is a point of pride for Piper, who feels getting into trouble is just part of chasing the truth.[6] Adding to her reckless nature, she may also be seen smoking occasionally. She is shown to not be above lying and manipulating others in order to get what she wants, such as when she tried to use the Sole Survivor to regain access to Diamond City after being banned from the town, though she generally dislikes it when the Sole Survivor lies.

While distrustful of the Institute, Piper is still sympathetic to the plight of synths, especially runaway synths, due to her interactions with Nick, even mentioning that Nick is the only synth she has met that did not seem to have a "screw loose" and at one point, says that Nick sat down to talk to her about why synths are different than typical robots.

She also has an open dislike for the Brotherhood of Steel due to their self-serving nature, technology hoarding, anti-synth policies, and in her eyes, lousy fashion sense.[10][11] Thus she will react negatively to any pro-Brotherhood choices.

The player character may find copies of Publick Occurrences written by Piper throughout the Commonwealth. They will first find Piper locked outside Diamond City by Mayor McDonough, extremely frustrated. She will then try to loop the player in to a scheme to open the gate pretending they are a merchant caravan. The player has the option of playing along or not. Either way the ruse works, and the gate is opened. Alternatively, starting a fight also causes the gate to open, skipping Piper's dialogue.

At the entrance Mayor McDonough confronts Piper over her latest article, with the players opinion on newspapers is brought up. Noticing someone new, Mayor McDonough changes topics and tries to put a friendly face. Piper decides that the player represents a fresh set of eyes on Diamond City and requests an interview. In exchange she offers to help follow the player around in the Commonwealth.

When showing up at her home/office for the interview, Piper reveals she intuited the player is a Vault Dweller, and over the course of the interview discovers that they are from the pre-war era. The interview is later published in Publick Occurrences, and Piper is available as a companion.

In the main quest, Piper can be seen arguing with Geneva demanding access to the mayor as the player visits the office to obtain the key to Kellog's house. After having dealt with Kellog at Fort Hagen, the next stage of the main quest starts with Nick Valentine and Piper meeting in Publick Occurrences and discussing what to do next, where they decide to try talking to Dr. Amari in Goodneighbor.

As Piper travels with the player through the Commonwealth, she'll reveal the troubles she's had running her newspaper, how she was inspired following the death of her father by a corrupt town guard, and her adventures in investigation and reporting, but also how her reporting has alienated her within Diamond City. However her primary concern is how her little sister Nat seems to be taking after her, and with the dangerous lifestyle that Piper leads, what that entails for her.

Piper Wright's location commentsLocation/RequirementCommentFallon's department store (West Roxbury township)"I'd take Diamond City Market over this place any day."Diamond City, entrance"It's big, loud, full of corrupt officials and brown-nosing citizens. But it's home."Goodneighbor, entrance"Goodneighbor, huh? You lookin' to get stoned or stabbed?"Combat Zone, exterior"Ah, the Combat Zone. No finer place to get murdered in all the Commonwealth."Boston Airport, before the barricades"The mystery. The intrigue. The airport."Boston Airport, before the barricades after the Brotherhood of Steel arrive"Cold steel, angry scowls, lousy hair cuts. All the touches I've come to expect from the Brotherhood."Cabot House, exterior by the shrubbery"Place gives me the creeps."Parsons State Insane Asylum, entrance foyer on the rug just past the front door; during the quest The Secret of Cabot House."Parsons. Even the name sounds vaguely macabre."Jamaica Plain, northwest road entrance, by the diner"Jamaica Plain, huh? We gonna look for the treasure? Personally, I always worried it was some metaphorical crap. "The real treasure is you." Pfft."Vault 81, entrance walkway"Vault 81. Have I got some questions for the folks down here..."Covenant, gate exterior"Always thought something was a bit... off, about Covenant. I mean, what good's an entry exam against Raiders?"Bunker Hill, base of stairs to the monument - before the gate"All routes and rumors lead to Bunker Hill."Parking garage, after entering the parking garage"No sign of Ghouls in here. We must be getting close."Public Works maintenance area"God. Looks like no one's been in here for years."Sentinel site, bomb storage room entrance"They destroyed the world and still had all this left over?"Sentinel site, gantry just inside the main entrance"Oh my god. Are those... nukes?"Sentinel site, exterior entrance"Is, is that a tomb?"Ticonderoga, penthouse foyer"I always pictured the Railroad slinking through sewers. This I could get used to."Old North Church, catacombs"How far down you think these go?"Old North Church, nave"Real shame to see a place like this neglected."Hubris Comics, shop floor"You see any back issues of "Grognak the Barbarian?" I could use them for, uh, research purposes."Hubris Comics, top floor studio"Looks like we've uncovered the secret lair of the Silver Shroud."Yangtze, bridge"Oh, you've got to be kidding me.Just one second. Need to get this all down."Starlight Drive In, in the projection room"Wonder how long he was living up here."Starlight Drive In, at the screen"No one even tried to get away. Must've been a good flick."Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ, Arlen Glass' office"It's like something out of a museum."Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ, foyer display"You gotta be kidding me. I thought these were all gone. Might come back and get you later."Wildwood Cemetery"Reminds me of Diamond City. Rich folks up top, everyone else down below."West Everett Estates, backyard bunker"Well, isn't this clever."Walden Pond, just in front of said cabin."You know the guy who owned this place wrote the book "On Civil Disobedience." Like, literally."Milton General Hospital, basem*nt morgue"Oh, lovely. The morgue."Milton General Hospital, waiting foyer"I find the quality of care at this facility to be lacking. At best."Vault 95, Overseer's office"A real shame. They still had a lot more rounds of musical chairs left."Museum of Witchcraft"Blue."Museum of Witchcraft"Blue. What the hell's up there?"Vault 75, combat training room"This is just creepy."Vault 75, entrance"Is that what I think it is?"Vault 114, entrance construction"It's like where old excavators go to die."Vault 111, cryonic stasis room"Is, is that who I think it is? You okay?"Vault 114, exterior tunnel construction"Isn't this where Nick was trapped? I can imagine worse places to be holed up."Trinity Church, theatrical rigging"Fancy set up for a house of worship."Trinity Church, nursery"Goodness."Thicket Excavations, near the waters edge; before the conclusion of the quest Pull the Plug."Goodness. That could be hiding a lot of Mirelurks."Gwinnett Brewery, brewing floor"Do you know where your suds have been?"Combat Zone, front row"Animals on either side of this cage."Boston Common, just in front of the infantry fighting vehicle"Blue, we're walking right into Boston Common. People don't come back from here."South Boston military checkpoint"Yes, yes, we hear you."Skylanes Flight 1981"Can't believe the shape this thing is in."Sandy Coves Convalescent Home, captain's room"You think these folks died in the blasts?"Rocky Narrows Park, at the playground"Kids didn't have to worry about much back then, did they?"Robotics disposal ground, in front of the sentry bot"Huh. Now why hasn't anyone scavenged you?"Revere Beach station, end tunnel raider encampment"Damn. Raiders. So, around? Or through?"Reeb Marina"Guess these folks just couldn't get along."Ranger cabin, inside, next to the skeleton"How long do you think she's been here?"Quincy ruins, Freeway stronghold bridge to roof catwalks"Oh, it's nicer from up here... I think."Quincy ruins, southeast entrance"See scenic Quincy, home to... uh... gimme a minute..."Boston Police rationing site, in front of the trailer kiosk"Desperate times."Pickman's Gallery"Oh, are these abstra... Oh god."Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates, entrance"All the dangers of the wilderness, all the privacy of downtown."Neponset Park"I mean the area's nice, but I'm not sure about the neighbors."Natick power station"Hope none of this is still live."Nahant Oceanological Society, second floor"Can't believe someone hasn't put that thing out of its misery."Nahant Oceanological Society, research laboratory"Someone was not a fan of the aquarium."Gorski Cabin, root cellar workshop"Please tell me that's not what I think it is."University Point, just inside the gate"All this destruction. All the work of the Institute."Mass Fusion disposal site"Well, would you look that. Such majesty."Mahkra Fishpacking, basem*nt store room"How can someplace smell this bad two hundred years after the fact?"Vault 81, observation room"Now this is creepy."Libertalia"Blue, that's Libertalia. They're not exactly known for their hospitality."Libertalia, at the top of the main structure"Place is nicer without the Raiders. Not much, but nicer."Kingsport Lighthouse, at the top beacon"What a view."WRVR broadcast station, control room"Oh, this is where the Charles River Trio "performs." Come on, let's get out of here before they ask us to watch."Jamaica Plain, treasure room"And now the story of a lifetime, the fabled treasure of Jamaica... Oh."Jamaica Plain, security room"You getting the feeling we're on the right trail?"Jalbert Brothers Disposal, at the barn with the barrels"Radiation sure did a number on these folks. Probably best if we didn't linger."Super-Duper Mart, front counters"And now it's time for every Commonwealther's favorite game: is it still structurally sound?"Irish Pride Industries shipyard, at the corpse of Rory Rigwell"Nasty way to go."Cambridge crater, edge"Goodness, Blue. Do you have a deathwish? Let's get out of here."Hub City Auto Wreckers, while on the crane"Where'd the Gunners get the brains to build something like this?"Hester's Consumer Robotics, entrance: showroom floor"So, are these beyond repair or just lying in wait?"College Square, the square"To have been in this place in its prime."Fort Hagen, command center – outside the gated main room, next to the door"Place is in surprisingly good shape, considering."Greater Mass blood clinic, basem*nt storage"Warm, two-century-old bags of blood. Lovely."Piper Wright (24) Atom Cats garage, unable to determine due to bugged content. Piper Wright (25)"It's certainly the most benign use of Power Armor I've come across, that's for sure."Gunners plaza, cafeteria – before the staircase"Spared no expense it would seem."Gunners plaza, main entrance of the atrium writer's room"So many people dedicated to finding out the truth."When walking on a mirelurk infested beach, between Reeb Marina and Gibson Point Pier."Uh, Blue. If you're looking to commune with the Mirelurks, next time, count me out."General Atomics factory, quality assurance test chamber"Huh. They actually tried to train Mister Handy's. Could've fooled me."Back Alley Bowling, at the lanes"My god. They were teaching the robots to bowl? So, these were the men who doomed the world."General Atomics Galleria, at the gate"Can, can we get inside that thing?"Fort Strong, sublevel in the room before the main mini nuke storage room."That is a lot of death."West Roxbury station, platform"Hello. Who got the train running?"Federal Surveillance Center K-21B, gantry overlook"How far down does this place go?"Faneuil Hall, the hall"Blech. You could nuke this place a second time and you'd still never get that smell out."Concord Civic Access, main pipe room"You think we're under Concord proper yet?"Fairline Hill Estates, at the fortified house"A silent neighborhood. A fortified homestead. This is how you start a good story... or a horror novel."Fairline Hill Estates, at the entrance to the cul-de-sac"Something's not right. Where are the people?"Easy City Downs"Inside Easy City Downs."Easy City Downs, northern corner fence hole to the racetrack, next to the stands"Now this, this is funny."East Boston Preparatory School, third floor torture chamber"Oh my god."USS Constitution, after quest the completion of the quest Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution"So, that's progress. Not a lot."Weatherby Savings & Loan, before the completion of the quest Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution"I'm confused. This didn't sail up here, right?"D.B. Technical High School, basem*nt – after killing Bosco or at the throne"Well, there goes any restful sleep I was planning for in the near future."Croup Manor, basem*nt"Basem*nt full of Ghouls. And just when I thought I'd smelled everything."Crater House, edge of crater"What kind of nuts would want to live in a blast crater? This kind, I guess."Corvega assembly plant, entrance of the assembly line room"I've seen birds land on Corvegas and go up in flames. Can't believe people used to drive these things."Piper Wright (26) Coast Guard Pier, either at the corner of the pier by the tower, or the center of the building. The super mutants were supposed to be wearing Coast Guard hats. Piper Wright (27)"God, I hope they don't start singing."Chestnut Hillock Reservoir"Be a nice view, if it weren't for that wreck out there."Shaw High School, cafeteria"And I've lost my appetite."Charles View Amphitheater"Might be a while till the next show."Cabot House, laboratory"No, this doesn't feel like a trap at all..."Cabot House, living room"The stuff in here's older than you, Blue."Bunker Hill, base of the monument"Worst part of being lookout in the Obelisk? Forgetting your lunch."Breakheart Banks, at the building"Hope these folks didn't suffer. Course, knowing Super Mutants..."Boston Public Library, hall where defenses are"So many books. I'd live in this place if it weren't for all the Mutants."Boston Public Library, main entrance"You think there might still be real lions out there somewhere?"Boston mayoral shelter, at the basketball court"I'll never understand the games of the past. Give me Red Menace any day of the week."Beantown Brewery, bottling room floor"Hell of a set-up to just get people sauced."Fallon's Department Store (West Roxbury township), by the fountain"Was there a ban on depicting anything other than an old general, a lion, or an angry-looking naked lady back then?"Fallon's Department Store (West Roxbury township), by the escalators"Bet this was where all the fashionable folks of Boston came in its day."Joe's Spuckies sandwich shop, speakeasy stairway"You know, if you're looking to get a drink, I can think of worse places."The Switchboard, the foyer of the agency"Could probably spend a lifetime sorting through all this old intel."BADTFL regional office, evidence lockup"Looks like Raider heaven in here."
Piper Wright (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.