PIP changes 2024:  Modernising Support Green Paper to be published today (2024)

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  • PIP changes 2024: Modernising Support Green Paper to be published today

Massive changes to personal independence payment (PIP) are being consulted on in the Modernising Support Green Paper to be published by the government today. Any changes will only be put into law if the Conservatives win the next general election and the green paper is widely seen as an attempt to put pressure on Labour to declare its position on benefits.

The proposed changes are believed to include:

  • Ending PIP assessment for people with the most serious health conditions, including those with terminal illnesses.
  • Changes to current descriptors, especially those relating to aids and appliances.
  • Changes to the qualifying period for eligibility for PIP, to ensure it is only available to people whose condition will be long term.
  • Considering if PIP should only be available to people with a formal diagnosis by a medical expert.
  • One-off grants instead of regular cash payments for some claimants who need adaptations or special equipment.
  • Vouchers instead of cash payments.
  • Reimbursing claimants who provide receipts for the purchase of aids, appliances or services.
  • Providing people with lower extra costs due to their health condition with treatment, rather than regular payments.

The Modernising Support Green Paper will be published later today.

UPDATE: You can read more about the Green Paper and how to take part in the consultation here:Replace PIP with a catalogue and decide whether food or medication is more important for disabled people - 2024 PIP changes Green Paper


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    krissuk · 11 days ago

    why as a country do we just sit back and get walked all over labour stoppig heating allowance for some oaps pip changes if this was happening in france or other countries there would ba an outrage people would take to the street and demonstrate we just sit back and let it happen ;-(

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    Jackie · 20 days ago

    My son suffered life changing injuries after having a brain trauma injury in August 2020. He was an unprovoked victim of crime ouside of his home. He has brain damage and neurological Impairment to the right side of his body, which is unlikely to improve. My son spent 3 months in a brain specialist hospital and a further 3 months in a rehabilitation hospital. This was very difficult and challenging for him.

    He was receiving the 2 enhanced rates to P.I.P until April 2024 when the assessor's deemed him capable of walking up to the limit that was required and able to plan journeys.

    My son relies on the vehicle that he uses regularly as it plays an important role to his mobility and mental wellbeing. The vehicle will be taken away from him very soon. This decision has had such a negative impact on him. He has relapsed further into depression as he formed an attachment to the vehicle. He cant see a life for himself with no vehicle, so as for planning journeys using public transport will leave him to despair as he suffers from anxiety, panic attacks, post traumatic stress and is sociallly awkward. His personal care has also deteorated .

    Without a vehicle he'll be a prisoner in his home. He is a prisoner in his home mentally already. We are appealing against the decision and are still waiting on a date.

    When he was being re-assessed over the phone, he wasn't aware of the purpose of the call. He doesn't like talking to strangers and cannot form engaging conversations so he answered quickly yes and no to get off the phone.

    He didn't realise that he needed to explain pain incurred during walking or how long he could actually walk and he doesn't understand meters. As for planning journeys, he lives as a recluse because he is scared to leave his home and will only pop out locally off peak times to avoid people and busy environments

    As a mother, his pain is my pain. He feels he has no purpose in life anymore. He didn't ask to be attacked. He claimed P.I.P because he had no choice. My son used to be fully independent, he worked and paid his taxes and did charity work abroad for homeless children and brought awareness. He was happy.

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    John G Tucker · 27 days ago

    I suffer with osteoarthritis in both feet, both anklesan both knees, now it has spread to my right hip, and my neck, I also suffer with IBS and type 2 diabetes, I get nothing for my osteoarthritis from PIP, and only get £282.00 every 4 weeks. As far as I know the DWP don't think that I have the problem. The Veterans agency pay around the same, for the osteoarthritis but nothing for my other conditions. I have had hardly any money to live on since being made redundant in 2015, so where would I stand if this all goes ahead?

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    Paula · 1 months ago

    I hope everyone who has posted a message on here has completed the Modernising Support Green Paper, I have completed the online form, as well as emailing my response also.

    I started a petition about the changes to PIP in April 2024, please feel free to sign it and spread the word.

    Please use the link below. Thank you in advance.

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    Rosalind Avis · 1 months ago

    Pip is my lifesaver it allows me to do things I need to without relying on other people it gives me my independence

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      Sharon Trenholme · 1 months ago

      @Rosalind AvisTotally understand and agree with you on that one cause it effect me in the same way and what do they expect us to do if everything changes.

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    Jacks the PIP payment defender · 1 months ago

    Will Labour defend and stop the PIP proposals?

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    Jacks the PIP payment defender · 1 months ago

    I protested against the PIP proposals and objected via online grren paper, contacted the Labour party and also my local new labour MP. I have't heard back from any of those contacted. So is this a done deal?

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    Jacks the PIP payment defender · 1 months ago

    Is the deadline today 22 July or 23 July for the PIP proposals?

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      Jacks the PIP payment defender · 1 months ago

      @Jacks the PIP payment defenderLabour must stop the “dangerous” proposals for disability benefit reform set out by the Conservative government, charities have warned.

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      Sharon Trenholme · 1 months ago

      @Jacks the PIP payment defenderYes I think it's 2day

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      Tom · 1 months ago

      @Jacks the PIP payment defender22 July

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    George Mair. · 2 months ago

    Remember the child support agency when lots of Fathers had to pay support money for their children? The Fathers were asset by the CSA a lot of Fathers were left with hardly any money to live on and a lot of Fathers took their own lives. This could happen again people taking their own lives if vouchers replace Money Disabled people won’t be able to lead a normal life, I myself recive PIP and I won’t be able to pay my bills and the rest I get depressed as it is I don’t need this kind of worry at my age.

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    Katie · 2 months ago

    This will simply line the pockets of the few companies selected to accept the vouchers It will also line the pockets of the officials who choose the companies Who will receive backhanded for putting the companies in line for receiving vouchers. Just like food vouchers they were using, these vouchers will be sold on cheaply by disabled people just so that they can buy the things they do need, and not the stuff they are told by some faceless Dwp moron

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    Dan · 2 months ago

    Why did I vote for Labour to ruin my life or something

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      Sharon · 1 months ago

      @Dan Labour is trying to sort out the conservatives mess, the never realised how much debt they had put themselves in

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    Kett · 2 months ago

    Ridiculous idea .

    I am having to wait to get my pension as I don’t get it till I am 67 .

    I am fully paid up with my NI contributions , I have worked up till I was 64 years old .

    I had to finish my work as I have been diagnosed with a few issues .

    Some days I can’t get out of bed for the pain in lower back and legs .

    An idea like this will dehumanise not only myself but a lot more people .

    Receiving PIP helps me a lot .

    I pay for reiki , Physiotherapist, , dentist .

    Another issue to worry about now is this looming over our heads .

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    BIG MAC 🍔 · 2 months ago

    McDonald's here I come! 😁😜🤤

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      Sharon Trenholme · 1 months ago

      @BIG MAC 🍔Why has this been mentioned for ??

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      Jacks the PIP payment defender · 1 months ago

      @BIG MAC 🍔Whats this about?

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    Peter.C · 2 months ago

    Typical Tories, I hope Labour will show much more compassion.

    Tories set out to attack disabled people when the moved disabled from DLA to PIP and traumatised disabled people putting them through reassessments by unqualified people who knew very little about every health condition, they should have been seen by a health professional in the health condition of each person.

    Now here they are on the attack on Disabled people once again.

    Trying to take away disabled people's freedom of choice where they go to purchase their daily needs for their health issues.

    Trying to dehumanise disabled people by making them use vouchers, pay up front and hand in receipts.

    Where will 99% of disabled people find money to pay up front?

    This reminds me of the days of free school meals for the poor, queue and the queue for those who could afford to pay for their school meals.

    Those who could afford to pay always got served first.

    Those kids were very cruel to those kids in the queue for the poor.

    This Tory attack on the Disabled is draconian and ruthless assault on disabled peoples freedoms.

    I would say it is an Infringement on disabled peoples freedom to shop at a place of their choosing.

    Time to stop declaring war/assault on Disabled People.

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    Alice · 2 months ago

    Why as no one set up a petition to stop this ,this caused me to have an asthmatic attack yesterday,I'm 24hrs house never go outside there not telling us how we i can buy food buy gas and electric etc I have no family or friends to call for help

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      Tina · 2 months ago

      @AliceI tried because of election, it was not going to be published, and not reconsidered, that's why there is not one, I got a disabled 33 year old, had a stroke at 3 weeks old during heart surgery, now has left hemiplagia and cerebal palsy, can't do alot of things for himself, he has a mobility car as well, so that will go as well, it is causing great stress and anxiety, he pays for his own shopping, towards the rent, and gas and electricity, so god knows how this is going to work, hope you are feeling abit better xx

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      Tracy · 2 months ago

      @AliceIt’s another form of control is so very wrong, I’m having more & more anxiety attacks due to This rubbish they’re trying to bring in , surely it was a decision made my Conservative Party not the Labour Party. One of the reasons I voted to get the conservatives out

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    Claire · 2 months ago

    I have an unseen disability following a stroke aged 29. I legitimately get PIP, but the new proposals will see me loose it and what little independence I have. I feel it's an insult offering vouchers, which in turn would make a person with a disability feel more disabled. Having the cash gives the individual a sense of ability and independence.

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      Angie Lynn · 2 months ago

      @Claire I have many unseen disabilities, how are they going to rate them, I need my husband as my carer to take me around in the disability car with blue badge. As I can't get far. So Claire I agree with you

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    Lynsey henning · 2 months ago

    How could I live on vouchers labour are out of their minds, how can they expect me to pay all of my bills I will have to sell my property and me a my will on the streets why should my partner be homeless just because I can’t pay half of the bills

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      Victoria · 1 months ago

      @MarkyLabour thought of the idea years ago

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      Lesley · 2 months ago

      @MarkyBut Labour are following the Conservative's fiscal policy and changes to PIP

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      Marky · 2 months ago

      @Lynsey henningIt's not a labour idea, it's a conservative idea

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    Stuart B · 2 months ago

    This will not work and will cause more disruption then what the transition too universal credit and even then universal credit is somewhat questionable whether it actually works. PIP payments are use for travel ie taxis keeping warm in the house paying someone too come in and look after or take out if said carer has appointments school runs etc this will cause more problems then what it solves

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    charles woolley · 2 months ago

    this is grossly unfair and will create more problems than help for those in need as how can vouchers be used for care needs etc as i,myself have mobility issues and a long term illness and have suffered great stress like most people moving onto PIP in the first place and this was also put forward by the Tories who messed it up so much so how they think vouchers will work better i dont know as itll put on the added stress of needless worry to people like myself and just how theyre going to do this ive no idea...what about the people who dont have access to a PC or mobile??!!its going to cause mayhem i feel

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