PIP award review backlog could take ten years to clear (2024)

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  • PIP award review backlog could take ten years to clear

Figures produced by the DWP show that, at present rates, it will take almost ten years to work through the backlog of outstanding personal independence payment (PIP) planned award reviews. This means that over 74,000 claimants are likely to be getting a lower award than they are entitled to.

A Freedom of Information request by a Benefits and Work member asked the DWP to provide the outstanding number of PIP reviews, the cause of the backlog and how long it would take to clear.

The DWP responded that “As of 31st May 2024, there were 392,000 Award Reviews outstanding in England and Wales.”

The department said there was no timeline for clearing the backlog and that:

“The main reason for the length of time to complete PIP award reviews is very high demand for PIP. We are seeing unprecedented numbers of new claims being made. To manage this demand, and ensure cases are put into payment as soon as possible, we are prioritising these claims.”

The DWP claimed that it is recruiting additional case managers and that assessment providers are “taking steps to increase the number of Healthcare Professionals they employ”. However, they also stressed that “it takes time to train and consolidate new entrants”.

However, the latest quarterly PIP statistics published earlier this month, show that in the last quarter the DWP only managed to reduce the backlog of outstanding award reviews by 10,000. The figures show that 120,000 new award reviews were registered and 130,000 were cleared.

So at the current rate it would take just short of 10 years to work through the entire backlog.

And, in fact, the most recent quarter was the only one in the last year that the backlog was actually reduced. In preceding quarters it either went up or remained the same.

Given that the number of PIP new claims is continuing to rise month on month, with the last quarter seeing a record breaking quarter of a million new claims, it is doubtful whether new recruits will be able to do much to cut the review backlog.

Also according to DWP statistics the outcome of planned award reviews over the last five years has been:

  • Increased 19%
  • Maintained 54%
  • Decreased 7%
  • Disallowed 20%

On this basis, the backlog includes:

  • 74,480 claimants getting a lower award of PIP than they are entitled to
  • 27,440 claimants getting a higher award than they are entitled to
  • 78,400 claimants who are no longer entitled to PIP, in the view of the DWP.

It is hard to see how this situation can be resolved in the near future. In the meantime, tens of thousands of claimants will continue to receive yet another annual communication from the DWP telling them that their review has not yet taken place and that their current award will remain in payment.

We'd be interested to hear from readers how long you have been waiting for your planned PIP award review.


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    Adam · 2 days ago

    My current PIP Award is until end of December 2026. Am I going to be called for an assessment now or nearer the end date? I only ask as I am housebound and worried sick that I'm going to called for an assessment under the new scheme and don't know what I can do as I am unable to leave my home.

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    Michael · 4 days ago

    The new changes to Pip that took effect in the 01st week of September is the DWP's attempt to expedite waiting times. Various new companies have taken over the role of Pip assessments - the goal is to reduce waiting times on all Pip claims, including people awaiting Pip reviews.

    You won't notice ANY difference in the procedure or in the assessment itself. However, you might find your Pip reviews start to speed up somewhat.

    Please find reference to detail here:


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    FS · 4 days ago

    My anxiety is just constantly at a high level, my claim is until feb 25 and I filled in the review form and sent it back two months ago. So is no one being reviewed right now?? What does this mean?

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    Jen · 4 days ago

    Just had another text from them, to say that they still have my review form, pending review, and that I might still need an assessment. I get these texts every 3 months, it would seem - this is the 3rd one. Initial 2.5 year PIP award ends this November, but I still qualify - no changes.

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    Mick · 6 days ago

    I'm due to send my review form back next week so from the looks of it I'm looking at long wait to get an assessment??Also with the WCA reforms coming you must qualify for pip in order to be eligible for new health element.2025 will be a important year.

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    Eddiek · 7 days ago

    My Pip review forms had to be returned by 25/12/23 which I did. I am still waiting on a review decision and only just this morning I recieved a text from DWP stating they had my forms and my review will be progressed as soon as they can lol 🤣 Seriously though, all this waiting and wondering does a person's mental health no good at all. There has been times when I have been getting quite anxious. My bus pass is about to run out and I can't even renew it, because I have no up to date letter about when my award is till. It's really past the joke now.. ☹️

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    C Davies West Midlands · 10 days ago

    Pip was due to expire Feb 2024, extended to November 2024. Pip review from returned on 9 Jan - still awaiting review. Please can anyone advise if DWP automatically extend a 2nd time or if you have to phone and ask them to do this. Currently been waiting 9 months for a review.

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      Michael · 4 days ago

      @C Davies West MidlandsThey will auto renew it.

      Hope that eases your worries somewhat.

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    jorph · 18 days ago

    returned my review form about 16 weeks ago....heard nothing yet, still paying me though, my pip has an end date of December 2024 so 4 months, guess I'll receive an automatic extension..but I need award letter so I can renew my travel with carer buss pass

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    Valerie · 22 days ago

    I submitted my review forms at the beginning of August 2023 after they “lost” my forms sent in July 2023. I have phoned several times and sent in more evidence, but nothing! I wrote and gave them a deadline of 28 days at the beginning of this month, but I am not expecting much. I will be of state pension age in November and I feel that they are running down the clock so that they can then refuse to increase my benefit , even though I am considerably sicker than I was a year ago.

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    John · 23 days ago

    PIP due to end Feb '25, and have just completed the review form. Hopefully I'll still get to renew my blue badge in Feb! Fingers crossed.

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    Helen · 27 days ago

    They've had my review since the 1st March 2024. My blue badge expired last month and they won't issue me a new one until I have an up to date review document stating how many points I get. It's extremely frustrating.

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      Jan · 13 days ago

      @Helen Hi most county council blue badge departments can and will issue a blue badge without pip award, if you fulfill their criteria...this is from Surrey ,same for hampshire..

      Can I get a Blue Badge without receiving PIP?
      Can I apply without PIP? Yes you can, even if you have PIP or DLA if your award if for less than 3 years and your blue badge is due for renewal, you may wish to reapply under the walking disability criteria and if assessed and approved we can issue a badge for the full term of 3 years.

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    Emma · 27 days ago

    My PIP ends Oct 2024. Received review forms Nov 2023. With extensions, returned Dec 2023. As of Aug 24, not had any correspondence from DWP.

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      Patricia · 11 days ago

      @EmmaThat's the same dates for my Daughter, it's not helping anxiety levels. She's just had one email saying they have received the papers but nothing else.

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    LPaz · 1 months ago

    14 weeks from first telephone application to award decision.

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      Y.C. · 1 months ago

      @LPazThe question is how long are pip reviews taking. 14 weeks is for a brand new claim I believe.

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    Clare · 1 months ago

    I have sent of my review form with no expectation of when it will be done At least having the higher rate care and mobility I am not being under paid But As I have less than 12 months left on my award I am stuck in limbo and unable to use the Motability scheme that I now need to use While waiting for them to either get the review done or add time to my pip claim until the review can be done While completely left in the dark with what is happening with my review I have been told that stress makes my conditions worse Like many others Any review is stressful These reviews are made worse by the lack of time frame

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    Ms Knight · 1 months ago

    I can't understand why New claims have taken president. Surely someone who's condition has deteriorated significantly to the point they need to pay for a carer should be the priority?

    I submitted a change of circ*mstances form for deteriorating health in January 24 and have received absolutely no communication from them at all. I've called (and waited on hold for 45 mins to an hour) three times, only to be told 'you're in a queue!'. I'm 60. I live alone and I'm housebound. I can't cope much longer like this.

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      NMc · 3 days ago

      @Ms Knightmaybe new claims are taking priority because the claimant has no money at all .my 16 yr old son has autism,social anxiety,paranoia,extreme anxiety and insomnia , he has just left school ( 2 years non attendance) because of his dissability and as he cannot go to college because of his dissability i have had my child benefit and child element stopped resulting in me losing £433 a month this is half my benefits cut .i have to ration certain medication as he is not entitled to free prescriptions now as not in education , i have just applied for pip for him and could take 5 months to hear back

      so as you are obviously frustrsted about your exsisting claim i am also living off hand outs off lovely kind people just trying to feed and keep my son safe ...

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      CC · 17 days ago

      @Ms KnightTo me its understandable, assuming we talking about standard reviews (not reconsideration).

      Someone on an existing award is getting their payment, a new claimant gets nothing until an award decision has been made.

      I believe if reviews get delayed, they will also extend your existing award.

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      Michael · 17 days ago

      @Ms KnightWell, if you were a new claimant, I'm sure you'd feel differently. The big difference is, they aren't getting paid anything yet, whilst those awaiting review are still been paid the same amount they were receiving.

      Ergo, it's not dilifficult to understand why they are prioritising new claims first.

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      Y.C. · 1 months ago

      @Ms KnightI agree about dealing with new claims first because they already have a massive backlog because they say more & more people are claiming pip. So if they're priorities are new pip claims first. It only adds to the backlog even more. Pip reviews should be dealt with first. With us already being on pip. Therefore it should be a quick process to make the correct decisions. Then deal with new claims. As they'll take longer anyway because of the much longer application process.

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    Kirsty webb · 1 months ago

    Submitted my review form on time. 7th August last year. Didn't start dealing with it til april/may..got my decision in August and its gone up due to the law change on more points for specific people supporting you. This was not applied to my claim 4 years ago which was an assessment and them filling my form in at same time.

    Can't appeal due to my anxiety and can't leave the house. Not back dating so I've lost over £3000 in payments because they have back log.

    Without the fact I should have been entitled to all this and full mobility from the claim before my review.

    My sons carers has been in limbo for 9 months because they didn't read a letter from the college and only read their own form. Case was closed despite asking for more times as only had 2 days to complete forms and get them back. Now been in mandatory reconsideration since July 3rd because noone picks up messages and applies them to your account or reads any letters you send I'm to support your claim.

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    Marc · 1 months ago

    Living in limbo...Waiting 8 months for review, unable to renew Blue badge or exemption for vehicle.

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    Fran · 1 months ago

    I have been waiting g for my pip review for 10 months now.

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    Nibs · 1 months ago

    I phoned PIP in June for a review because my health has gotten worse was told they had received my adjustment and it would take 6 weeks I phoned PIP on the 5th August 24 and was now being told it is taking 52 weeks I could be dead by then I hope not but it is ridiculous government don’t have to 52 weeks for a pay rise

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    Connie · 1 months ago

    I submitted my review form September 2023. My previous award was due to end October 2024 having been extended for a year due to COVID. I have received repeated texts saying that they are looking into it but then this week I've received a letter extending my award for a further year as the review of my pip award is not yet complete and the letter also states should my review not be completed by August 2025 then they will further extend it. This is shocking and whilst my pip continues to be paid the overwhelming worry and stress you go through whilst awaiting the decision of your review is exacerbated cause there is no explanation of why this is happening. DWP should be held to account if a claimant doesn't return their review form by a certain date their payments are stopped, DWP should be penalised someway for not adhering to timescales

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PIP award review backlog could take ten years to clear (6)

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PIP award review backlog could take ten years to clear (2024)


PIP award review backlog could take ten years to clear? ›

Figures produced by the Department for Work and Pensions

Department for Work and Pensions
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is a ministerial department of the Government of the United Kingdom. It is responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy.
https://en.wikipedia.org › Department_for_Work_and_Pensions
show that, at present rates, it will take almost 10 years to work through the backlog of outstanding personal independence payment (PIP) planned award reviews, the organisation Benefits and Work has highlighted.

How long is the PIP review backlog? ›

The figures show that 120,000 new award reviews were registered and 130,000 were cleared. “So at the current rate, it would take just short of 10 years to work through the entire backlog.

Why have I been awarded PIP for 10 years? ›

Some Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claimants whose condition is severe and unlikely to change are subject to a 'light touch review'. This means your award will only be reconsidered after 10 years. This can apply if a claimant: is over pension age, or.

Why is my PIP review taking so long in 2024? ›

The DWP responded that “As of 31st May 2024, there were 392,000 Award Reviews outstanding in England and Wales.” The department said there was no timeline for clearing the backlog and that: “The main reason for the length of time to complete PIP award reviews is very high demand for PIP.

What is the average hold time for PIP? ›

The current average speed of answer for PIP telephony for August 2022 was 25mins 44secs. This obviously does fluctuate but is comparable to the 2 previous months also.

Are PIP reviews still delayed? ›

As the DWP grapples with personal independence payment (PIP) reassessment delays, Carri Swann considers how to advise affected claimants. As of October 2022, it takes the DWP 16 weeks to decide a new PIP claim. While nowhere near the August 2021 peak of 26 weeks, 16 weeks is still a long time for new claimants to wait.

How long should I wait to hear back from PIP? ›

There is no time frame for when a decision must be made on your PIP claim. The Government has planned processing times for benefit decisions, for a PIP application this is 75 working days, but recent figures published confirm that only 51 per cent of decisions are made within this timescale.

What is the longest time PIP can be awarded for? ›

PIP is normally awarded for a fixed period - for example two or three years - although an indefinite award can be made if a fixed-term award would not be appropriate. Indefinite awards are ususally reviewed every 10 years.

Does PIP stop after 10 years? ›

If you claim PIP after State Pension age, the DWP will usually give you an 'indefinite award'. This means there's no end date. They will usually review the award every 10 years.

What is the success rate of PIP award review? ›

According to the DWP, PIP review success rates are: Award Increased 19% Award stays the same 51%

Is PIP stopping in 2024? ›

You need to apply for Adult Disability Payment ( ADP ) instead of PIP . If you currently get PIP , you'll be automatically moved to ADP by summer 2024. When the move begins, you'll get letters from DWP and Social Security Scotland.

What happens when PIP is reviewed? ›

How PIP reviews work. You will continue to get PIP while your claim is being reviewed. You'll get a letter asking you to fill in a form called 'Award review - how your disability affects you'. Fill in the form using the notes that come with it.

How successful is the PIP Mandatory Reconsideration in 2024? ›

Are you in need of professional PIP or ESA legal help ? Don't hesitate to contact Disability Claims. As of July 2024 we have a 98.65% Tribunal success rate, based on 716 appeals.

What is the 3 month rule for PIP? ›

Required period condition

In order to be entitled to PIP , claimants have to satisfy a qualifying period of 3 months and a prospective test of 9 months. These 2 conditions are referred to as the 'required period condition' and help establish that the health condition or disability is likely to be long term.

How long is a PIP normally? ›

Generally, PIPs are designed to take 30, 60, or 90 days to complete. There's typically no need to string it out to six months, which would just be painful to the business and likely to the employee as well.

What conditions are most likely to be awarded PIP? ›

Psychiatric disorders

With 37% of people receiving PIP having a psychiatric disorder, it is the most common condition people receiving PIP claim for. Psychiatric disorders are mental health conditions that can affect how a person thinks and feels about themselves and/or the world around them.

How do I know if my PIP review is successful? ›

Once you have submitted your PIP review, the DWP will either write to you with their decision - you can challenge a PIP review decision with a mandatory reconsideration - or they may require more information. They can do this by: Asking you for more evidence on how your condition affects your life.

What happens when your PIP is reviewed? ›

How PIP reviews work. You will continue to get PIP while your claim is being reviewed. You'll get a letter asking you to fill in a form called 'Award review - how your disability affects you'. Fill in the form using the notes that come with it.

How many PIP reviews fail? ›

Because even claimants with the enhanced awards of both components can lose out on review: 8% fail before their assessment – presumably because the DWP decide they didn't return their review form in time - 1% don't show for their assessment, and 5% fail the assessment itself.

Can I check the progress of a PIP claim? ›

Check the decision yourself

If you're not sure whether the decision is right, you can check whether you qualify for PIP and what PIP award you're likely to get by using our Turn2us PIP Helper. If you disagree with the decision, you can ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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