PIP AR2 light touch review form, details and sample copy (2024)

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  • PIP AR2 light touch review form, details and sample copy

The DWP have finally created a light touch review form for claimants who have reached pension age or who have an ongoing PIP award.

The AR2 form is being issued from August 2023.

This form is a much shorter alternative to the AR1 PIP award review form, which most claimants who have an end date to their award receive.

The AR2 form is being issued to claimants who have:

  • very stable needs which are unlikely to change over time
  • high level needs which will either stay the same or get worse
  • a planned award review date due on or at State Pension age

PIP was first introduced in 2013. The new form is being brought out just as the earliest PIP claimants with ongoing (no end date) awards, have been claiming for 10 years and are thus due to have their first review.

The six page form covers:

  • Identity and contact details
  • Immigration status
  • Your main healthcare professional
  • Details of any changes to your health condition or disability
  • Details of any changes to your daily living needs
  • Details of any changes to your mobility needs
  • Your consent to allow the DWP to collect further information

If there has been no change, then in most cases an assessment with a health professional will not be needed.

Claimants receive the form along with a covering letter which the DWP say will:

  • Confirm that you have a long-term health condition/disability or that you are over state pension age
  • Confirm your current awards for daily living and/or mobility
  • Set out the needs or difficulties that you have been assessed under for daily living and/or mobility for your current award
  • Explain the reason for the review
  • Give clear instructions about what you need to do next
  • Explain what to do if you have problems completing the form
  • Explain what the DWP will do once they receive the form

Claimants are given a time limit in which to return the form. If you fail to meet this deadline your award may end, but this is a decision which can be appealed against.

It is likely that most forms that are returned which indicate there has been no change, or where the change could not make a difference to the award, will result in a decision being made in-house by the DWP without passing the case on to an assessment provider.

Benefits and Work would be very interested to see a copy of the accompanying letter, please get in touch if you are willing to let us see yours, completely confidentially.

We’d also like to hear from people who complete the process, to discover if it is as streamlined and painless as the DWP claim.

You can download a sample copy of the PIP AR2 light touch award review form in pdf format.


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    Simon · 2 months ago

    I am 42 and got awarded PIP 2yrs ago, I suffer from MS for last 10yrs and it so much affects my everyday life and getting out and about. I rcvd a txt today from DWP saying The review of your PIP has started, we are sending you a review form. Has anyone else been in this situation? i really hope i dont need to complete that big form lengthy form like the one when i first applied, im stressing and wondering whats going to happen next? :(

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      Susan · 1 months ago

      @Tommy Hi Tommy, I have MS and am on PIP. I am happy to help you with your review form. MS is one of the conditions that classes you as disabled from Day 1. This is a genuine offer of help.

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      Tommy · 2 months ago

      @SimonPretty much the same the forms are really depressing and I really struggle with filling forms in I’m 58 and had a review the short form just after covid and really dreading this I’ve nothing to hide I just really can’t fill in forms I get stressed and anxious and really struggle

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      xwitchymagicx · 2 months ago

      @SimonYou'll probably have the smaller review form. It is quite common to only have short awards unfortunately.

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    Nonnymus · 3 months ago

    My PIP award is of the type that should have the 'light review' form described above: "PIP was first introduced in 2013. The new form is being brought out just as the earliest PIP claimants with ongoing (no end date) awards, have been claiming for 10 years and are thus due to have their first review."

    This applies to me, but I have just received my review letter along with a much longer form to fill in. Have they changed the rules again, or am I just very unlucky?

    I have just subscribed to Benefits and Work because I have no idea how to fill in the form I have received.

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    Em · 4 months ago

    Hello, I was wondering whether anyone knew if the evaluation are done in person or over the phone, and if we can change it? And what I would need to say? Or how? Thank you

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    Em · 4 months ago

    Hello, does anybody know whether they still do the evaluation over the phone or in person, and if I have been on pip for 10 years shouldn’t it just be a light touch review form?

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    Sweets · 7 months ago

    I received and returned a light touch review form in July 2023, I haven’t had a response yet and my blue badge is about to expire, any idea how long the backlog is? Seven months seems a bit excessive!

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      Loz · 1 months ago

      @NashotaI had this problem I got in touch with dwp and they have extended it for a year so now I have got my blue badge back.

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      Nashota · 2 months ago

      @SweetsThere is a backlog, some reviews are taking 12 months or more, if your blue badge is running out you can contact PIP and let them know about your blue badge. They should be able to advise you.

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      Charlie · 6 months ago

      @SweetsReturned my review form over 12 months ago and haven't had a response yet. You might have a long wait ahead of you, unfortunately.

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    mary · 7 months ago

    hi, Just phoned for a review form and swore after first time 3 years ago i wouldn't do it again and i just wish someone would write it out for me. Can I type up an additional sheet as my hands shake and its easier to type up. cheers

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      Jen · 3 months ago

      @maryI always type them.

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    CC · 8 months ago

    hi all, I just received my review form on 23 dec..nice timing, when my renewal is not due til end Mar 24..have already asked for extention to return as it was 9 Jan, however given I have had 7 years of loosing and fighting for PIP after being awarded in 2014, stopped in 2016, tribunal from 2016-2022, and awarded again 2021-2024 I am terrified of putting in any changes (which are only increases in need) however one of the main reasons I got kicked off all that time was simply being discharged by the local CMHT which was due to NHS cuts not needs and this has happened again recently due to moving area. I cannot go through another reduction/tribunal - I just haven't got it in me. Can anyone advise is the telephone/medical assessment after filling it in going to happen regardless? I'm also not sure which form I've received but think its the shorter one.

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    Didi · 9 months ago

    I am on the highest for both PIP parts and my award is ongoing but just received an AR1 not AR2 form. So it’s not working as they promised

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    Ms · 10 months ago

    Throw any extra evidence you can at them. No change is ok once or twice but in their opinion its not enough sometimes. Best of luck

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    Sarah · 10 months ago

    Hi I just got a text about my review and expect the form to arrive any day. I have complex issues which have slightly worsened since my award in 2020. I am already on max points so should I just say no change or should I detail the worsening problems, and if so should I then submit evidence such as doctors' letters?? #stressed!!!

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      Nashota · 2 months ago

      @Sarah I've been advised to always decribe in full about my conditions/struggles regardless of what type of form it is. I have a review coming up in August and I've already typed out my answers and have also added that I shouldn't have had points removed for certain things because there was no change between my first assessment and my review in 2019 where they tried to remove all points related to my mental health.

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      Lee · 10 months ago

      @Sarah I wouldn’t say no change if you’ve got worse and have doctors letters to back it up attach them to your review letter I’m just waiting on my review letter to come in the post I’m diabetic my medication has been put up twice since my initial pip claim so I’ll be putting all that in please don’t think should I just submit everything that’s changed about your self all the best

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    Ms · 10 months ago

    After going through 3 triunals in the past 26 years, numerous MR, I had a telephone assessment 8 weeks ago. After 4 weeks they stopped my pip, they gave 4 points for personal care. Tribunal gave me 10 points 6 years ago and i got 11 off a case worker 3 years ago. I have amputation of fingers so therefore my condition and help i need will never change. Sent an MR off month ago expecting to have to go through another tribunal, this morning, completely out of the blue, a nice lady from dwprand and asked me a couple of questios, have i been out of the country in the last 12 months and if my bank account details are still the same. She then told me i got my pip back. Fight it all the way people. Its usually worth it in the end. Dont give up

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    Jacqui Adams · 10 months ago

    I was on the phone for over an hour to DWP PIP today, on behalf of a 68 year old alcoholic. They stopped his PIP 2 months ago, no warning, no letter. Apparently the pension people have only just realised that I've been phoning on his behalf even though I have LPA finance and have registered this with the DWP and have acted on his behalf for over a year. Normally they send an agent out to interview me. Why ? I asked. It's legally binding, registered, they have the access code. And I was told, his PIP has to be paid into a seperate account other than his bank account. I've never heard such a load of rubbish. When I pointed out just how long I've had the LPA, how many interactions I've had with the DWP, and that stopping a benefit without warning sent him into OD, and that he is vulnerable, she couldn't have cared less. By the way they stopped his pension credit last month, no reason given, but I'm guessing this was why. I've got both reinstated now. What a shambles

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    C · 10 months ago

    Hi I got the 6 page review in Dec 2023 sent it back in with all health issues ongoing no changes. I was then assessed on phone in Sept 2023 for over an hour n half felt like a full assessment asking same question over again and got my report I've gone from enhanced care and mobility to enhanced care and standard mobility even though I sent in Dr's letter stating I had fibromyalgia copd anxiety and couldn't walk any further from 1 metre to 10 metres. But my report states 20 to 50 metres. She even asked how long I had my mobility car for. I said a year today when she called me. I've asked for a mandatory reconsideration and resent the Dr's letter in saying it contradicts the length I can walk before it causes me pain breathlessness and I have to stop. How long before I have to send my car back? Does anyone know please. I'm so upset my nearest family is 6 and 12 miles away and only 1 drives who lives 12 miles away how I'm supposed to get to Dr's etc I don't know as the nearest bus stop is at least 100metres away. Any advise will be appreciated.

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    Helen · 11 months ago

    I just ticked nothing has changed on my form , that’s what I was to do, now I’m panicking.

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      Simon · 2 months ago

      @HelenDid you get a reply/answer? has anything changed? I was thinking the same to tick box that nothing has changed

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    Bernard CHAISTY · 11 months ago

    I got in touch with pip to tell them about change of address and asked for for certificate of entitlement, they sent one out but it was only till August 2024, i appealed my points for daily living, and they sent me a letter saying I have enhanced for both ongoing with no end date, now they are saying I have to apply again in six months for pip again when I will have been nearly 7 months over my pension age any help would be appreciated.

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    Sam · 1 years ago

    I have just had a light touch review after being on pip for 5years I filled in my new form posted I back 7 working days later received a text to day they had received my paperwork and 2 days later I received a notification that my review had taken place and I would receive my paperwork within 2weeks on the outcome of my award I must admit that this was a very easy process compared to the other occasion when I applied for pip so there is hope that things are getting better good luck to everyone else who has to go through the process

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      Mary · 10 months ago

      @Sam How did things go, any word back

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      Marion · 10 months ago

      @Sam Hi Sam, when my first review for PIP comes up (sometime in 2025?) as I have it from 2019 to 2026, standard for both, is there a sample review form on B & W, or elsewhere? A very experienced man who was a carer for his wife with M.E. attended a support group I go to, he did my first PIP form. He also did my ESA a few months before, late 2018 & I was over the moon I got kept in support group without another WCA. But sadly, he passed away in summer 2022 & hardly any places to help in Norwich, with varied experience.

      I’m concerned on 2 fronts, my condition has worsened, plus diagnosed in 2022 with a pre cancer rare myeloma (no way am I risking telling them yet) need to know what evidence I would need to provide for this? Plus, as a woman age 62, done out of pension until 2028, I want to continue getting PIP, so I keep it after pension age. Any advice would be gratefully received.

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    Ms · 1 years ago

    Tiptoe, you should ring again. You have to persevere with the dwp. You dont get anything for nothing. You have to work hard for your money

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      Ms · 1 years ago

      @TiptoeOh thats great news. You have to fight these people but at least it was all worth it in the end. No more assessments, just an easy form to fill in which is basically a yes/no. I had my phone assessment 2 weeks ago. Could be waiting weeks yet🤞

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      Tiptoe · 1 years ago

      @MsHello Ms, after five phone calls to DWP, and being told on more than one occasion to complete the full 44 page PIP paperwork I was eventually transferred to a DWP caseworker..

      And the good news, I had a result today!

      It did take the caseworker 24 hours to get back to me but the good news is, over the phone DWP has extended my full PIP for mobility and Care until 2028 and she said that in 2028 I will get a light touch review..

      I also got an apology saying it was a glitch in the IT system. Probably going back to Covid times?

      Thank you Ms for your excellent advice and giving me the strength and encouragement to fight my corner….

      Bless 🙏

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    Ms · 1 years ago

    You do not need an assessment. You should just have to fill in the light touch review form which is much simpler and quicker than the normal form. Im not at that stage but i have downloaded the form to look at and it will probably take about 5-10 mins to fill in

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      Tiptoe · 1 years ago

      @MsThank Ms, that's really kind of you to get back to me with some additional advice.
      The PIP paperwork that I was sent was dated the 1st of September and I only received it on the 15th of September and its had to be returned by the 1st of October...2 weeks notice to complete a full 44 page assessment, when hopefully I should only be on a light touch review due to my age of 69..
      Take care and I will let you know the outcome of my next lengthy conversation with DWP

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    Emj · 1 years ago

    Hello does anyone know what the procedure is like for those who have been claiming pip for 10 years. Do they still do phone or video calls for reviews?

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    Ms · 1 years ago

    I would ring them on monday and say why are you sending me a 44 page review form when im 69 years of age. You should have a light touch review

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      Tiptoe · 1 years ago

      @MsThanks Ms for the much appreciated reply.
      I took your advice and spent 40 minutes waiting for DWP to answer the Phone only to be told he didn't know the answer to my query and continue with the 44 page paperwork!
      When I queried the fact that I was 69 and I've been on continuing DLA for 30 years and PIP for the last five years for enhanced care and mobility he said he would transfer you to somebody else who can answer my question and after a 10 minute wait the line went dead!
      Talk about being stressful and I still don't know what to do

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PIP AR2 light touch review form, details and sample copy (2024)
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