Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (2024)

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by Jack Alexander 51 Comments

Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (1)

One photographer has learned about royalty-free licensing the hard way. After failing to read the terms and conditions when uploading to Shutterstock, he found his image was used on over 500,000 units of merchandise being sold at Walmart stores. He received $1.88.

Michael Stemm, who is based in Fredericton, often finds himself taking pictures in the city. The photo in question is one he took of a snowy bridge back in December 2017. In seeking additional income from his photography, he uploaded the photo the following February, as part of Shutterstock’s royalty-free library.

He then completely forgot he had even done so, until a couple of months later when friends discovered it again. As per his own words in a video posted to his Facebook, which has 70,000 views at the time of writing, Stemm found the picture used on a calendar, greeting cards, and large throw blanket, all of which were on sale at Walmart.

Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (2)

So, what happened? Newfoundland-based Islandwide Distributors were using it on their merchandise, having purchased it from Shutterstock. Upon further inquiry, Stemm discovered the company has distributed 500,000 units of the calendars and cards. Ordinarily, usage of an image for such a large production would equal a hefty payday for a photographer. However, Stemm pocketed only $1.88 for the sale. To add insult to injury, he is also unable to redeem the money until his account reaches $50.

Speaking of the incident, he said:

[I feel I’m] being taken advantage of: the small guy who makes the time, effort to take the picture, and upload, and now, it’s being exploited by big companies.

Marc Belliveau, a copyright specialist of over 25 years, dispelled any foul play and said the situation is “consistent with copyright law.”

Walmart reached out to Stemm in the comment section of his Facebook video. He says he sent them his details but is yet to hear back.





About Jack Alexander Follow

A 28-year-old self-taught photographer, Jack Alexander specialises in intimate portraits with musicians, actors, and models.

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Alex Cooke [Edited]

Everything about that video, from the title ("...Selling Without My Permission") to his sense of entitlement annoyed the daylights out of me. Like it or not, everything that happened here was legal and standard. You deciding to experiment with stock photography and not bothering to read the terms and conditions is not the problem of the companies on the other end of the transaction. Show some responsibility for your business, do the proper research, and don't blame others when your own laziness and apathy toward being informed in financial transactions bites you in the butt.

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Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (11)

Deleted Account Alex Cooke

Bang on.

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Jack Alexander Alex Cooke

It's a hard pill to swallow, and naturally I'm always on the side of the photographer, but really he only has himself to blame for this one sadly. A lesson he'll never make again, I'm sure...

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Erpillar Bendy Jack Alexander [Edited]

Actually, Jack Alexander, you are not always on the side of the photographer, even when you should be. The distributor did not purchase the enhanced license required to produce products like blankets. The reason the photographer only got $1.88 is because they purchased the standard license. Shutterstock's terms require purchase of the enhanced license in order to produce blankets and other merchandise. So the distributor is the one to blame. But you took the wrong lesson from this story, and you published the wrong lesson about it. By blaming the photographer, you let the distributor get away with cheating the photographer and cheating Shutterstock too.

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Alex Cooke Erpillar Bendy [Edited]

It's likely the company has a premiere account agreement with Shutterstock that includes the enhanced model because merchandising graphics departments buy up cheap art all the time. Even if the company didn't purchase the correct license, that doesn't change the transaction he agreed to between him and Shutterstock. Even if we assume that they purchased a single, ad hoc license (which 99% likely isn't the case), he would have netted, what, $60 or $80 for an image being used on a half million products? It's still terrible judgment on his part.

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Erpillar Bendy Alex Cooke [Edited]

Shutterstock's terms explain how much the photographer gets for enhanced license purchases. It's clearly not $1.88. It's 20% of the purchase, up to $80. If the distribution company has some defense to dishonestly purchasing the "standard" license, the burden is on them to prove it via whatever agreement they have with Shutterstock. As far as I know, they haven't presented any defense. Apparently everyone is piling on the photographer, while not asking the buyer or Shutterstock the relevant questions.

Sure $60 to $80 isn't a lot of money for this, but it's $60 to $80 more than he got. It's $60 to $80 stolen from his pocket. It's the difference between getting paid X dollars and approximately 40X dollars. You don't think a difference of 40X is relevant? Then you won't mind getting paid just ~ 3% of what you're entitled to under your agreements, right? It seems you would rather blame the photographer than the actual wrongdoer.

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Alex Cooke Erpillar Bendy

No, in absolute terms, I think a difference of $58 to $78 pales in comparison to the larger issue: a photographer willingly submitted himself to a business transaction designed to take advantage of him, then got upset when he was taken advantage of because he didn't do his homework.

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Erpillar Bendy Alex Cooke

Wow, so you are totally ignoring the fact that they paid him about 3% of what Shutterstock's terms require them to pay. You are just piling on and blaming the photographer, totally excusing the gross violation of the Shutterstock terms. Just blame the photographer, again and again. The photographer made a deal with clear terms. The distributors violated it, whether out of ignorance or as a intentional theft. You can say there is a "larger issue" — of course there is. But there is also a very clear violation of the license terms and a gross underpayment of what is due. The distributor is required to read the Shutterstock terms and abide by them. To ignore that is to blame the wrong party, and to excuse the distributor's behavior. It's pretty sad when photographers don't support a photographer who was so obviously cheated of even the $58 to $78 that he was due.

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Alex Cooke Erpillar Bendy

We don't know that there was a violation of the terms, and I doubt there was; see my response about the company likely having a premiere account with Shutterstock. And, for the sake of the argument you're making, let's assume that an agreement was violated. Then there's two issues: the distributor violating the contract with the stock agency and the photographer who still made a bad business deal out of willful ignorance. I would say the distributor still needs to be held responsible and would have plenty of an opinion on their role in hurting the industry, but my opinion on the photographer would remain the same.

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Daniel Medley Alex Cooke

Absolutely. I don't get the "taken advantage of" quip. No one held a gun to his head and forced him to upload the image under the TOS that he did not take the time to read.

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Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (20)

yanpekar Alex Cooke

Totally agreed. Best reply ever. Thank you.

Rick Nash Alex Cooke

You might be wrong on this one. Find my comment below.

Alex Cooke Rick Nash [Edited]

I saw. It's likely the company has a premiere account agreement with Shutterstock that includes the enhanced model because merchandising graphics departments buy up cheap art all the time. Even if the company didn't purchase the correct license, that doesn't change the transaction he agreed to between him and Shutterstock. Even if we assume that they purchased a single, ad hoc license (which 99% likely isn't the case), he would have netted, what, $60 or $80 for an image being used on a half million products? It's still terrible judgment on his part.

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Rick Nash Alex Cooke

I agree that compensation at $60-$80 is insufficient for any 500K+ products. However that's clealy written in the terms. Some stock sites might pay better but not going to provide a living out of sales.

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Mike Kelley

Stop putting your photographs on stock websites. Don't fall for the marketing bait, it's almost NEVER worth it.

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Johnny Rico Mike Kelley

But what about all those sponsored, pro Micro Stock articles posted on Fstoppers? How do you feel about those.

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Gerald Bertram Johnny Rico

I'd be curious to know this as well.

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Mike Kelley Johnny Rico

Maybe I need to have a chat with the boys :)

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Johnny Rico Mike Kelley

You should.

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Carl Murray Mike Kelley

Does that "marketing bait" include the MANY "sponsored" articles here on Fstoppers for stock websites? :P

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Studio 403

Good post, I get it. I have been a dumbo too...for me it was my ego, just to get "noticed"? The big companies know the game, and if legal, will skin us all and enjoy the profits. When in doubt, I got to my mirror, "who's to blame". I have never found anyone but me looking at me.

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Johnny Rico

And that Ladies and Gents is why Micro Stock is a cancer to the industry.

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Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (32)

yanpekar [Edited]

"insult to injury"?? It sounds like the photographer did not bother to get familiar with terms and conditions, and then started thinking how much could be earned, or thinking how famous he could have become if the world would know the name of the photographer...What insult and what injury are you talking about?:) Everything seem to have been in line with legal matters.


“Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!”

This felt like a weird Jerry Springer confessional

Jonathan Brady

This is hilarious!

Rifki Syahputra

sharing is good.
it's Christmas anyway

michael buehrle

it is a nice pic though. i can see why walmart wanted it.

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Brian Cover

Having no experience with Shutterstock, I don't understand why he would only be paid $1.88. Is that their going rate for using/ selling your images?

If so, then he was an idiot for uploading even a single one. How does he expect to make even minimum wage getting paid $1.88 per image?

Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (38)

michaeljin Brian Cover

Still better than the people uploading their images for FREE use on Unsplash.

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user 65983 Brian Cover [Edited]


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Ann Quimby Brian Cover

It's even worse than that. Their image payouts start at 25 cents. That's right. A QUARTER.

Color Thief

Looks like he hit the exposure lottery. Bet all his friends and family will be hounding him to borrow some exposure. He can bath in exposure or light cigars with it. Granted, it would be a lot more fun if it was money.

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John Dawson

Bottom line: Read the [insert expletive here] terms and conditions!

Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (43)


This guy is a clown.

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Chad D [Edited]

guess you found out about EXPOSURE :)


well college is expensive so are most learning experiences :) guess you got your best bang for buck out of this one :)

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Rick Nash [Edited]

Did the company that purchased the image purchase it under "ENHANCED IMAGE LICENSE"? Otherwise a "STANDARD IMAGE LICENSE" in the TOS limits the reproduction to a maximum of 500,000 copies in aggregate. (The story says that over 500,000 copies were made.) It's noted that two images purchased under the ENHANCED LICENSE cost $199.00 USD. The photographer received a pittance if all he was paid was $1.88 for the image. He may be eligible for more than $1.88. At the very least, the photographer should confirm that the correct license was purchased. Typical payment to a photographer under ENHANCED LICENCE use should be 20%-30% of the sale price.

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Erpillar Bendy Rick Nash [Edited]

Also, use in merchandise is not permitted under the cheapo standard license, no matter how many copies they produce. Use in merchandise requires purchase of the more costly enhanced license, which would have netted the photographer more money.

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Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (47)


He agreed to sell is photo using the terms of the stock agency. This isn't a travesty, it's called Stock Photography. If you can't accept the terms of the agreement, don't make the agreement.

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Jason Lorette [Edited]

Having walked across that very bridge I think it's a wonderful capture of a nice moment (finding no one on that bridge is unusual, I probably would have removed the big blue sign though, lol)). At first I was angry for him, however after reading that he didn't read the TOS my opinion changed. Now if the Newfoundland company that bought the image did not buy the 'extended' license then he has a minor gripe, however he wasn't 'taken advantage of' he put the picture up for sale, it was bought, plain and simple. That said, if the extended license was not bought then you could argue there was some advantage taken and he is entitled to more, how much I wouldn't say (his percentage pay out of the extended license or more)?

Jon Winkleman

The United States has strong copyright laws that date back to the original draft of the Constitution even before the Bill of Rights was added. Both US copyright and trademark laws have reasonable "use it or lose it" clauses. If you want to retain ownership and control of either copyright or trademark the creator/owner must actively enforce it rather than selectively enforce it after falling into the public domain. Photographers who are more familiar with copyright have a responsibility to loudly educate the general public because it is in our own interest to push back against companies like Shutterstock or corporate lobbyists who try to pass new laws to undermine the rights of independent creatives.

Tom Reichner [Edited]

Putting my photos on ShutterStock has worked out well for me. I have made far more money selling through ShutterStock than I have by making submissions directly to publishers. When I upload a good image to ShutterStock, it sells and sells and sells. Just about every time it sells I get anywhere from 38 cents to $30 (every once in a blue moon a commission will be upwards of $100, but that only happens a few times a year).

When I submit a good photo directly to a publisher, 99% of the time they never use it and I never get anything. It takes a lot of time and attention to detail to make a real quality submission to a publisher - and yet it rarely yields anything at all.

It takes a few minutes to submit and keyword an image to ShutterStock, and when I do, it sells dozens, if not hundreds, of times.

One image that I submitted to ShutterStock 5 years ago has been licensed over 2,000 times, and from those sales I have made over $2300 in commissions. Yoo hoo!

So, I've tried to make money with my photography in many different ways, primarily via direct submissions to publishers. And it has yielded a pathetically low amount of money and an abysmal success rate. Conversely, I've tried to sell my photos through ShutterStock, and it has yielded a half decent amount of money, and a very high success rate.

I don't know what the photographer is all bent out of shape about - we all know what happens to our images when we sell them through a microstock agency. We know what types of corporations buy our photos, how they are used, and what kind of commission we will get for each type of license sale. If he wasn't okay with all of that, then why did he enter into an agreement with ShutterStock in the first place?

When publishers won't bother with you, and when years of submissions to macrostock (rights managed) agencies result in ZERO SALES, then what else is the photographer supposed to do? Microstock agencies are a viable option for those of us who must make money with our photos, yet have met with failure everywhere else.

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Dee Wallace Tom Reichner

Putting your photos on Shutterstock hasn't worked out well for you. No matter how much money you made, you were only paid a fraction of what the company would've paid you.

I know this because I used to upload to Shutterstock and promote the site as an affiliate. I had also made a few grand on a tiny handful of images like you, but I made quadruple that just by referring people. The reason why is that SS pays people more for their referrals than for their images.

To put it another way, had you put up a portfolio site with your images, placed a few banners linking to Shutterstock and promoted the site so it became popular in Google or Bing images, you would've made well over $4K with that one image you talked about (the one that earned you $2300). You wouldn't have earned it via license, but as an attractive lure to encourage people to click on your Shutterstock banners and sign up with it. Sad, but true.

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Tom Reichner Dee Wallace [Edited]


I have no idea what you mean by "referrals". No clue. I pretty much don't understand "how the internet works", and I am starting to think that I lack the aptitude to ever understand it. I don't "get" Instagram or Facebook, and have no idea how in the world people make money just by being there.

All I know is that I tried different ways to sell my images and they didn't work. Then I tried ShutterStock, and in 5 years I have made almost $40,000. How else could I make $8,000 a year with my images, with barely any time or effort invested? I have no idea.

For someone who doesn't know what referrals are or how they work, and who doesn't have the work ethic and follow-up necessary to sell directly to publishers, I really have no idea how else I could possibly make more than $8,000 a year by only investing, quite literally, 10 or 15 minutes per month.

I would love to know about this referral thing you speak of. If there is anyway you can explain it in a way that someone like me can understand, I would really appreciate that. I am living below the official poverty level and any way of making more money with the photographs I've already taken would be extremely helpful. In fact, it would change my life.

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Dee Wallace Tom Reichner

Sure thing!

Some companies run what's known as an "affiliate program." What you do is place a special link back to the company on your website. Sometimes the link is in the form of an advertising banner or a normal hyperlink. If a person clicks on the banner or link and purchases a product, you get a cut of the profits. This is what's known as a "referral."

So, for example, say you have a blog and you promote the hell out of it. It gains a lot of traffic. If you place some referral links in the right places, you will earn money in referrals.

Shutterstock ran (and still runs) such a program. If someone signs up for a subscription at SS, you earn money. If you refer a photographer to join up and they earn money, you earn a little money from their sales, too.

What I found out early on when I joined SS was that I was getting paid more per referral than I was per download of my images. Because of this, I pretty much stopped uploading to SS, deleted all but my most popular images, and then relied mostly on referrals to make revenue.

Here's how you could do the same:

1. Start a photo blog or website with your images. (Watermark them to protect your copyright).
2. Try to generate traffic for it on social media or other ways.
3. Place referral links on your website, but in a clever way that exploits your images.For example, maybe place a gallery and then a link that reads "get more at Shutterstock" or something to that affect.

In terms of this comment you made ("I really have no idea how else I could possibly make more than $8,000 a year by only investing, quite literally, 10 or 15 minutes per month."). I'm a little confused. If you mean using referrals, actually, it takes a lot of work to build and promote a popular website that earns enough money to make an affiliate program worthwhile. You would have to constantly update it with new content to keep it "fresh", so it doesn't get penalized by Google or people become too bored to keep coming back.

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Tom Reichner Dee Wallace [Edited]

Dee, you said you are a little confused, so please allow me to clarify my statement.

I make around $8,000 per year in commissions with my images on Shutterstock. I only spend about 10 or 15 minutes per month adding to my Shutterstock content. So I would not be willing to spend much more than that to get additional referral revenue.

If $8,000 a year takes just 10 to 15 minutes per month, then all of this additional referral revenue you speak of doesn't seem like such a good deal. If you measure it according to a "time invested per dollar earned" basis, then I make a lot more by just getting commissions on the images that I upload than I would ever get via referrals.

It seems like referral revenue would be good for someone who doesn't HATE promoting themselves and their work. I do hate it - it is the one of the most unpleasant things I can even imagine doing. Writing a blog, in order to get people to click on a link? My goodness, what a terribly unpleasant thing to spend my time doing! The one thing I hate about Instagram is having to write a caption for each image. I mean, I think I am good at writing the captions - I don't "struggle" with it. But I simply can't stand doing it. It is unpleasant to do. I can't imagine having to spend my precious minutes writing things to get people interested in my work. That would not be fun at all, and I really make an effort to avoid things that aren't fun to do! Referrals - definitely not for me.

Rick Nash Tom Reichner

"...Just about every time it sells I get anywhere from 38 cents to $30 (every once in a blue moon a commission will be upwards of $100, but that only happens a few times a year)."
Do you know why some commissions are $30 and others are $100? I'm confident that it has something to do with how it will be used. In the case of the phito in this story, it was physically printed on over 500,000 merchandise items. That requires an ENHANCED LICENSE. The photographer should have been paid more than $1.88.

Jonathan Dearth

What I'm getting from this story is.... dont put your work up on gutterstock.

Xavier Larios

Well at least he didn't put it in the public domain

Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (58)

imagecolorado [Edited]

There are two types of photographer in this world.

Those who spend more money on photography than they make from photography.


Those who make more money from photography than they spend on photography.

More comments

Photographer Naively Uploads Photo to Royalty-Free Stock Site, Finds Image Used on 500,000+ Walmart Products (2024)


Can you print copyrighted images at Walmart? ›

Photo Center Copyright Policy

In such cases, negatives or digital images of a copyrighted image will be returned to you unprinted and you will be provided instructions on how to present Walmart with a signed Copyright Release.

Can I use royalty-free images to sell? ›

Yes, with the appropriate license. The royalty free extended license, and the rights managed license, can cover the use of stock pictures on products for resale.

Are free stock images copyright free? ›

Yes, there are forms of permissible commercial use of free stock photos. Carefully check the license terms before doing so. The licensing conditions available include Creative Commons Zero (CC0) licenses or licensing terms that limit commercial usage or require attribution.

Can I use stock images on my photography website? ›

Stock photos for commercial use can be placed on websites and in marketing materials and editorial work ― some stock photos can only be used for editorial purposes. The one caveat is that they cannot be used in materials related to illegal or morally sensitive areas, nor can they be resold or distributed.

How do you legally use copyrighted images? ›

It's by no means impossible to use an image that is copyright-protected – you just need to get a license or other permission to use it from the creator first. In most cases, using the work either involves licensing an image through a third-party website, or contacting the creator directly.

Is it legal to print a copyrighted picture for personal use? ›

Copying includes printing, photocopying and similar methods of mechanical duplication. It is not permissible to reproduce copyrighted materials without the written authorization of the copyright holder unless it qualifies under the copyright law's doctrine of "fair use."

What is the best stock image site? ›

Best Free Stock Photo Sites
  • Pexels. ...
  • Gratisography. ...
  • Picjumbo. ...
  • Life of Pix. ...
  • Burst. ...
  • Pixabay. Key features: Illustrations, videos, and music. ...
  • Key features: High-resolution photos & excellent user experience. ...
  • Reshot. Key features: Authentic images & best for freelancers and startups.

What is the difference between copyright-free and royalty-free images? ›

Royalty-free signifies that payment goes to the artist, whereas copyright-free means that the music, sound, or track holds no copyright. Many people tend to use the terms interchangeably, but they are different.

What is the difference between free stock image and paid stock image? ›

Commercial stock images require a fee, which could be a one-time payment or a subscription-based model, while free stock images are available at no cost. Quality: Generally speaking, the difference in visual quality of commercial stock images versus free stock images is negligible.

What makes a photo a stock photo? ›

What is stock photography? Stock photos are photographs that are licensed for commercial purposes. Commonly, marketing agencies and people who need a photo for graphic design will use them to add personality and excitement to an image — without having to conduct a photoshoot of their own.

How do stock photo sites make money? ›

Stock photo websites will license your photos to brands, agencies, and anyone who needs a high-quality image for commercial use. Then, they'll give you a cut of the revenue. If you're building a portfolio of professional-quality images, become a contributor to a stock photo site to monetize your collection.

How do I legally use photos on my website? ›

6 Best Practices for Legally Using Google Images
  1. Always Assume the Image is Protected by Copyright. ...
  2. Linking. ...
  3. Use Your Own Photos and Images. ...
  4. Use Creative Commons-Licensed Images. ...
  5. Use Images From Stock Photo Agencies. ...
  6. Confirm Who Owns the Copyright in the Image.
Dec 14, 2022

Can you print copyrighted images at Walgreens? ›

Does Walgreens make copies of printed pictures? Yes, but! They are fussy about you owning the rights to the photo. If they have a photo studio's mark in the corner, or are in a copyrighted book or pamphlet they will not let you make copies.

Will Walgreens print copyrighted images? ›

If we believe a photo order includes images that do not belong to the person ordering them, or that may have been taken by a professional photographer, we will not make prints or other products from them until we have written permission or other evidence confirming their ownership in our files.

Can you print Google images at Walmart? ›

It's easier than ever to fill your home with your favorite memories. We'll send your prints right to your door. Print and pick up your photos on the same day at your local CVS, Walmart, or Walgreens.

Can you print JPEG files at Walmart? ›

Walmart Photo Centre accepts digital images in . jpg, . JPG .

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.