Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (2024)

Who is tracking my phone?

Smartphones track your location and activity using your IP address, Bluetooth technology, and GPS services. Smartphone tracking lets your apps provide you basic services, like the ability to find your location on Google Maps or search for restaurants nearby. This type of tracking is generally benign and often helpful.

Advertisers and companies also use smartphone tracking, but for commercial purposes — to understand their market better and deliver customers better goods and services. If you’ve noticed ads related to products or questions you’ve been searching for, that’s because businesses use tracking to target people with ads.

Advertisers use cookies in your web browser that track your activity, like whether you clicked an ad or how long you looked at it before scrolling. That data is aggregated across millions of users who are then segmented and served targeted ads based on the various cohorts they’re bucketed into.

How else is phone tracking data used and how much do ad companies know about you? While Facebook likely isn’t listening to your conversations, it does know when you visited the site, from what location, how long you stayed there, and what you did. And Google has seemingly limitless data about how everyone uses the web. All of this tracking helps these companies create “advertising profiles” that they can use to target their ads.

Facebook and Google earn billions of dollars a year selling your advertising profile. While that may be creepy, there is also a real danger in your information leaking through these channels, like the recent Facebook data breach. When that happens, hackers can get a detailed picture of your browsing activity.

If you want to stop phone tracking, you can change your phone settings, switch to a private browser, configure your app permissions more carefully, or use a VPN. We’ll dive into those methods below. For now, install AVG Secureline VPN to encrypt your connection and stop your phone from being tracked.

Can someone track my phone?

Yes, family and friends can track your phone if you use location tracking services like Find My on your iPhone. Advertisers and companies can use web tracking technology like cookies to track your phone and online browsing activity. And parents, jealous partners, and even state-sponsored hackers can use spyware to track your phone.

Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (1)

How to tell if your phone is being tracked

It’s pretty easy to tell if someone is tracking your phone location. Your iPhone will show you whenever your location services, camera, or microphone have recently been used. Most of the time, it’s not someone snooping but simply an app that you recently used.

How to find out if your iPhone is being tracked

At the top of the homescreen, near the battery icon, look for the following:

Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (2)

To see which app is accessing your camera or microphone, slide your finger up from the bottom of the screen to bring up the Control Center. At the top, you’ll see the app that accessed the camera or microphone (green for camera and microphone, orange for just microphone).

Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (3)

If you just used that app, then don’t worry about the green dot. But if you haven’t used the app recently — or if it’s an app you’ve never heard of before — then it’s time to check your security settings, because you might have a spyware app on your phone.

How to find out if your Android is being tracked

If you want to know if your Android phone is being tracked, look for performance issues such as a rapidly depleting battery or an unusually hot phone. Here’s how to check for performance issues that could indicate your phone being tracked:

  1. Open Settings > Battery and device care.

    Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (4)
  2. Tap Battery > View details.

    Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (5)

Here, you can see how much battery each app is using. If something looks unusual, check online to see if it’s a legit app. If an app looks unfamiliar and you can’t figure out what it is, it might be tracking you.

How to stop someone from tracking your phone

The best way to block phone tracking is to use a VPN. But you can also change a few settings on your phone or switch to a different browser to stop tracking. You can hide your location via settings, block ad tracking with a dedicated private browser, and encrypt all of your internet traffic with a VPN.

Here are the best ways to prevent your phone from being tracked:

Turn off location services (iOS and Android)

To stop apps from tracking your location, turn off your location services — but remember that certain apps like Google Maps won’t work as well. If you don’t want to completely disable location tracking, you can block it only on specific apps.

Remember that if your location services are turned off, your phone can still be tracked through your IP address. You’ll need to download a VPN to be completely invisible on the web.

How to block location tracking on an iPhone

Go to Settings > Privacy and tap Location Services.

You can toggle off Location Services for all apps or scroll down and turn off location services only for specific apps.
Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (6)

How to block location tracking on Android

Here’s how to block location tracking on an Android phone:

Go to Settings > Location, and toggle the location button to Off.

Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (7)

That will turn off all location tracking on an Android. You can manage location tracking permissions for specific apps by tapping Location services in your location settings (see the screenshot above).

Use a private browser

A private browser like Tor or AVG Secure Browser offers much more anonymity on the web than a normal browser. Private browsers block many cookies and other temporary internet files, block ads, force websites to use HTTPS encryption, and disable tracking scripts.

If you don’t want your phone tracked, use one of the best security and privacy browsers. Also, check out our guide to the best privacy apps for Android, and if you’re an iPhone user, we have a list of the best security apps for iPhone.

Use a VPN

A VPN encrypts your communications and hides your location, making you pretty much invisible to all third parties like advertisers, companies, your ISP, and hackers. By connecting you to the internet through a secure and encrypted tunnel, a VPN keeps all your web activity private, and it stops anyone from tracking your phone or how you use it.

Install AVG Secureline VPN to block phone tracking, access content freely, avoid ISP tracking, and protect your personal data online.

Turn Bluetooth off

Bluetooth is a technology that lets different devices connect to one another. But when Bluetooth is enabled and not being used, it still searches for possible connections. If your Bluetooth connection is ever synced to someone else’s device without you knowing, that person can then track your location.

Here’s how to turn off Bluetooth on your phone:

Go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn the button off. On an iPhone the button is a toggle; on an Android phone, simply tap the Bluetooth icon so it’s no longer highlighted.

Use Airplane Mode

Turning on Airplane Mode stops your phone from sending or receiving radio signals, which will stop your phone from sending any tracking signals.

How to turn on Airplane Mode on an iPhone.

Go to Settings and tap the toggle next to Airplane Mode so it’s green. Make sure Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are marked “Off.” (“Not connected” means they’re still on.)
Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (8)

You can also swipe up on any screen to reach the Control Center, tap the airplane icon so it’s illuminated, and ensure the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth icons are gray or white.

How to turn on Airplane Mode on an Android phone.

Swipe down from the top of your screen to access Quick Settings. Tap the Airplane Mode icon until it’s highlighted.

Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (9)

Stop Google tracking you

There are many ways that Google uses your data. In fact, if you download your Google data, you might be shocked at what you find — a list of every website you’ve visited in the past 24 hours is just the start. But you can stop Google collecting your data by making a few changes in your Google settings.

Here’s how to stop Google from tracking you and saving a history of all your searches web activity:

  1. Sign into your Google account on any device.

  2. Go to On a desktop computer, click Data & privacy on the left. On a mobile device, tap Privacy and personalization.

    Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (10)
  3. Scroll down to History settings and select Web & App Activity.

    Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (11)
  4. Tap Turn off in the Web & Activity section of the screen that appears.

    Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (12)

Manage app permissions

You can easily manage which apps have access to various permissions or settings on your phone. You may want Uber to have access to your location, but it probably doesn’t need to have access to your camera.

How to manage app permissions on an iPhone

Go to Settings > Privacy and you’ll see a list of your phone’s features, permissions, and functionalities. If you tap one of the features, you’ll see a list of which apps have access to it. For example, tapping Contacts shows you which apps have access to your contact list. If you don’t want a particular app having access to that feature, tap the button next to it off.
Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (13)

How to block app tracking on Android

Go to Settings > Apps. Tap an app and select Permissions to see what information that app has access to.

Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (14)

Our advice: keep the common-sense permissions and ditch the rest. You probably want WhatsApp to have access to your contacts, and Google Maps and your ride sharing app to have access to your location. Check out our complete guide to Android permissions.

Protect your phone from spyware

Spyware is a type of malware used to track people's phones and record their activity. If you think your phone is being tracked, check for suspicious apps that you don’t remember installing. Use an anti-spyware tool that can search your device for signs that your phone has been hacked.

If you think your phone is infected, check out our guides to removing spyware from an Android device or getting rid of spyware from an iPhone.

Use a VPN to prevent phone tracking

While Internet security may seem like a full-time job, there are apps you can use to protect your privacy automatically. AVG Secure VPN will mask your internet activity, hide your location, and prevent tracking. With your VPN on, you’ll be locked behind military-grade encryption.


Can cell phone tracking be turned off?

Yes, cell phone tracking can be turned off. You can do this by disabling location services on your phone, turning off the GPS, blocking ad tracking, using a private browser, and using a VPN to hide your IP address.

How to trick phone tracking?

To trick phone tracking you need to hide and disguise your location. You can do this by turning off location services and GPS, and using a VPN to mask your IP address.

How do you turn off location so your phone can't be tracked?

To turn off location tracking on your iPhone, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services. From there, you can toggle off Location Services or select which apps can access your location.

To prevent phone tracking on your Android, go to Settings > Location. From there, you can toggle the location button off.

How do I turn off tracking without anyone knowing?

If you want to turn off tracking without anyone knowing, you can turn on airplane mode or disable location services. Note that some apps and services require location services to function correctly, so you may need to enable location services for specific apps as required.

As a cybersecurity enthusiast with extensive knowledge of digital privacy and phone tracking technologies, I can assure you that the information provided in the article is accurate and reflects the current state of smartphone tracking practices. Let me break down the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Smartphone Tracking Methods:

    • IP Address: Smartphones can be tracked using their IP addresses, which reveal the device's location on the internet.
    • Bluetooth Technology: Enabled Bluetooth connections can potentially be exploited for location tracking.
    • GPS Services: Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system used for precise location tracking.
  2. Purpose of Smartphone Tracking:

    • Basic Services: Apps use tracking for services like finding your location on maps or searching for nearby restaurants.
    • Commercial Purposes: Advertisers and companies leverage tracking data for targeted advertising, creating advertising profiles to understand and serve specific user cohorts better.
  3. Concerns and Dangers:

    • Advertising Profiles: Facebook and Google accumulate extensive data about user web usage, creating advertising profiles that are sold for billions of dollars.
    • Data Breaches: There is a real danger of information leakage, as seen in recent incidents like the Facebook data breach, where hackers can gain detailed insights into browsing activities.
  4. Phone Tracking Indicators:

    • Location Services Indicator (iOS): The iPhone displays an arrow icon when location services are being used.
    • Microphone and Camera Access Indicators (iOS): Colored dots (orange for microphone, green for camera) indicate recent access by apps.
  5. Detecting Phone Tracking (iOS and Android):

    • Performance Issues (Android): Rapidly depleting battery or an unusually hot phone can indicate potential tracking.
    • Checking App Battery Usage (Android): Unusual battery consumption by certain apps may suggest tracking.
  6. Preventing Phone Tracking:

    • Using VPNs: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) encrypt your connection and hide your IP address, enhancing privacy.
    • Changing Phone Settings: Disabling location services, turning off Bluetooth, using Airplane Mode, and managing app permissions can help prevent tracking.
    • Private Browsing: Tor or dedicated private browsers enhance anonymity by blocking cookies, ads, and tracking scripts.
  7. Stopping Google Tracking:

    • Adjusting Google settings to turn off web and app activity history.
  8. Managing App Permissions:

    • Users can control which apps have access to various permissions on their phones, limiting unnecessary data exposure.
  9. Spyware Protection:

    • Users are advised to check for suspicious apps, use anti-spyware tools, and follow guidelines for removing spyware if their phone is suspected of being tracked.
  10. FAQs:

    • Cell Phone Tracking Off: Yes, it can be turned off by disabling location services, GPS, using a VPN, and blocking ad tracking.
    • Tricking Phone Tracking: Disabling location services, GPS, and using a VPN can help trick phone tracking.
    • Turning Off Location Tracking: Settings on both iPhone and Android devices allow users to disable location tracking.
    • Turning Off Tracking Secretly: Methods like airplane mode or disabling specific tracking features can be used discreetly.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the methods, purposes, concerns, and preventive measures related to smartphone tracking, catering to users concerned about their digital privacy.

Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It (2024)


Phone Tracking — What It Is and How to Prevent It? ›

Disable location tracking for a specific app on your phone

Tap on App location permissions (for a Pixel) or App permissions (for a Galaxy). You'll find here a list of all your current apps that have permission to access your location either all of the time or only while in use. Tap on any to change the permission.

How do I stop a phone from being tracked? ›

What can I do to prevent my phone from being tracked?
  1. Use antivirus software. ...
  2. Use a VPN. ...
  3. Don't use a public WiFi network. ...
  4. Turn off location settings for certain apps. ...
  5. Check your Google account. ...
  6. Use a strong password. ...
  7. Enable biometrics and 2-factor authentication. ...
  8. Keep your phone updated.
Mar 16, 2024

How do I remove a tracker from my phone? ›

Disable location tracking for a specific app on your phone

Tap on App location permissions (for a Pixel) or App permissions (for a Galaxy). You'll find here a list of all your current apps that have permission to access your location either all of the time or only while in use. Tap on any to change the permission.

How do I stop Find My phone from tracking? ›

Open the Settings app. Tap your name > Find My. Tap Find My [Device], then tap to turn it off.

What is the code to check if your phone is being monitored? ›

##4636## or ##197328640## ➡️ To Check Unknown Connections (Android) If you're concerned someone has installed malware or spyware on your Android phone, these codes open up a screen that lists all running processes and services.

What does ##002 do to your phone? ›

Code to turn off all forms of phone redirection: ##002# Code to check if phone is tapped: *#21# Code to show unknown connections and tracking (for Android): *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#* Code to show unknown connections and if someone is tracing you (for iPhone): *3001#12345#*

How can I detect a tracker on my phone? ›

You can check for trackers that are separated from their owners and currently near you at any time.
  1. On your device, tap Settings.
  2. Tap Safety & Emergency Unknown tracker alerts. Scan now. Your device takes about 10 seconds to complete a manual scan.

How do I know if my partner is monitoring my phone? ›

Here are some red flags that could help you tell if your spouse is spying on your phone:
  • Your phone is sluggish. ...
  • Poor battery life. ...
  • High data usage. ...
  • Unexplained activity when the device is on standby. ...
  • Device overheating when not in use. ...
  • You notice some changes in your spouse's behavior. ...
  • Your spouse knows things they shouldn't.
May 10, 2024

How do you stop someone from mirroring your phone? ›

Stop phone mirroring on an Android phone
  1. Head to “Settings.”
  2. Type “cast” into the search bar.
  3. Hit “Screencasting.”
  4. Disconnect from devices you're connected to.
Nov 2, 2023

How do I turn off tracking device? ›

How to Block Vehicle GPS Tracking
  1. 1 Use a plug-in GPS blocker.
  2. 2 Carry a handheld GPS blocker.
  3. 3 Wrap the GPS device in aluminum foil.
  4. 4 Remove the GPS tracker's battery.
  5. 5 Disable location tracking on your cell phone.
  6. 6 Search the exterior of your vehicle.
  7. 7 Examine the interior of your vehicle.

How do I permanently turn off location tracking? ›

Turn your phone's location accuracy on or off
  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  2. Touch and hold Location . If you don't find Location : Tap Edit or Settings . Drag Location into your Quick Settings.
  3. Tap Location Services. Google Location Accuracy.
  4. Turn Improve Location Accuracy on or off.

How do I stop my device from locating? ›

How to turn off Find My Device on your Android
  1. Open Settings.
  2. Once you're in your Settings menu, tap Security.
  3. Go to Find My Device, and tap the switch to turn it off.
May 23, 2024

How do you make it so your phone can't be tracked? ›

Turn off location settings on Android:

Go to “Settings.” Select “Location.” Enter “Google Location Settings.” Turn off “Location Reporting” and “Location History.”

Can someone track my phone without my permission? ›

Cybercriminals can put spyware on your phone, whether you have an Android or an iPhone. This can let them spy on you without you knowing. You might see your battery running low, your phone getting hot, or your phone running slowly. Unfortunately, these signs might not warn you until it's too late.

How do I make my phone untraceable? ›

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  2. Tap the gear icon in the upper-right corner to open Settings.
  3. Tap Security (stock Android) or Biometrics & Security (Samsung Galaxy).
  4. Tap Other Security Settings.
  5. Tap Set up SIM card lock.
  6. Tap the toggle switch across from "Lock SIM Card."
  7. Enter the default PIN and tap OK.

Can a turned off phone be tracked? ›

Can a phone be tracked if it's turned off? A phone that is turned off is difficult to track because it stops sending signals to cell towers. However, the service provider or internet provider can show the last location once it's switched back on.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.