PGP Encryption in Cybersecurity: Still Used in 2023? (2024)

Users send more than three billion emails every day. That’s one too many emails to count every year – but it only takes one leaked message to cause trouble. You should use encryption for that reason. There are many choices, including PGP – but is PGP still used in 2023?

PGP (short for Pretty Good Privacy) is an encryption security program used to protect messages and files as well as provide digital signatures. It’s still widely used in 2023, though certain security analysts believe it’s time to choose other options because of several issues.

Does old age make encryption software risky? It’s difficult to choose whether to stick with PGP or let it go, especially when there are few secure alternatives on the market. You should understand what PGP is, its benefits and cons, and what alternatives are available before choosing.

Table of Contents

  • What’s PGP?
  • Main Features of PGP
  • 4 Benefits of Using PGP
    • 1. Seemingly Unbreakable Algorithm
    • 2. Industry Standard
    • 3. Easy To Learn
    • 4. Helps With Your Data Needs
  • 4 Cons of Using PGP
    • 1. Far From User Friendly
    • 2. Prone to User Mistakes
    • 3. Not Anonymous
    • 4. Compatibility Issues
  • Is PGP Outdated?
  • When Will PGP Stop Working?
  • 3 PGP Alternatives
    • 1. GnuPG
    • 2. Signal
    • 3. Telegram
  • Conclusion

What’s PGP?

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP for short) is a software program used to encrypt and decrypt email messages and files as well as provide digital signatures to authenticate the identity of the people you’re talking to.

PGP first started in 1991 and has a handful of decades being one of the best ways to encrypt your emails. It’s been the go-to option for journalists and other users handling sensitive information (or wanting to protect their privacy).

This software uses multiple keys to protect and encrypt information from unauthorized third party access. PGP is also faster than your average encryption protocol, making it a secure and efficient way of handling privacy.

Main Features of PGP

  • Email Encryption. The number one reason why people use PGP is to encrypt their emails. You can do so too! It doesn’t matter if you’re a journalist handling sensitive information or a person who doesn’t want third parties to snoop in: you can always encrypt your messages using this protocol and have peace of mind.
  • File Encryption. Another great feature of PGP is encrypting files. Sure, you can send information over email and protect it against hackers – but you need to do the same for the files on your computer. Fortunately, PGP can help you with that, and most experts agree it is borderline unbreakable.
  • Digital Signature Verification. Handling sensitive information is far from easy. You still have to deal with making sure you’re talking to the right person on the other end, even if you are encrypting your files and emails to be safe. PGP allows users to create a unique digital signature, so you can be sure you’re talking to the right person.

4 Benefits of Using PGP

1. Seemingly Unbreakable Algorithm

It’s almost impossible to break the PGP algorithm. Hackers have tried to get past this encryption but had little results to show after decades’ worth of going at it.

That’s why journalists, politicians, and other privacy enthusiasts choose PGP. Does that mean it’s completely unbreakable? Of course not! All software becomes vulnerable sooner or later. However, after more than thirty years, it seems to be getting harder and harder to make that happen.

Certain vulnerabilities were discovered in the past, but none were strong enough to render PGP useless. You can learn more about them at the bottom of this article.

2. Industry Standard

Did you know PGP is an industry standard? It first appeared in the early 90s – and continues to be the go-to choice for email encryption nowadays!

People use it less than before because most communication has gone mobile, though that doesn’t mean PGP isn’t an incredible option to consider.

In fact, that 30+ year run could only happen because the competition is not up to the task. PGP can encrypt your emails faster and better than any alternatives on the market. There are some downsides to using PGP, and we’ll detail them below.

3. Easy To Learn

PGP is far from user-friendly but is easy to use once you have the basics down. That’s one of the best things about it: it’s fast and not that complicated to learn.

However, that doesn’t mean you should try to learn on the go. That will bring you more trouble than it’s worth. We highly recommend sitting down, reading documentation, and watching a tutorial or two before going down the PGP route.

We’ll explain below what happens when you dive head first to encrypt data using PGP without going through the learning curve. It’s not pretty.

4. Helps With Your Data Needs

Are you worried about data loss? What about the other way around, making sure you permanently delete data? You don’t have to worry about that when you use PGP – because it’ll help you with your data needs.

You can expect PGP to protect your emails from interception or someone messing with data in transit, but most people don’t know PGP can help you delete data (which isn’t as easy as you’d think, especially with so many recovery software options available) and recover things that you thought were lost forever.

Having these features doesn’t mean you should rely on them, though. Always have backups at hand!

4 Cons of Using PGP

1. Far From User Friendly

PGP is fast, efficient, and secure. It’s easy to learn if you’re tech-savvy, but it won’t hold your hand if you don’t know what you’re doing. You may find yourself hitting a wall if you haven’t used this type of software before.

What does that mean? Users tend to use apps that are ready to go out of the box. PGP demands a little time before you can take a deep dive. It’s not a fun user-friendly experience unless you know what you’re doing.

Are you planning to implement PGP in your company? We highly suggest you invest money and time into training anyone who’ll use this protocol. Otherwise, you’ll find your workers making plenty of mistakes, which may create huge security holes.

2. Prone to User Mistakes

Users will be prone to making mistakes if they don’t fully understand how PGP works. Other software will take your hand and guide you through the process, up to the point of stopping you if you’re about to make a mistake. PGP doesn’t work that way.

To make matters worse, you’ll create huge security holes without knowing if you’re not aware of what you’re doing. As we’ve stated above, we believe using PGP is not difficult and doesn’t have a steep learning curve. However, you have to take the time to learn how to use it before doing so.

You may not have the time and energy to do so, and that’s okay. We have a handful of PGP alternatives waiting for you at the bottom of this article.

3. Not Anonymous

Most people using PGP want to stay anonymous – but that’s not possible when using PGP. This software will encrypt your email message but leave everything else out in the open, making it slightly easier to trace you.

For example, take the email subject line. PGP will not encrypt it, so it’ll be out in the open for anyone to see. You can’t solve this issue – but you can work around it: don’t put any sensitive information on the subject line when encrypting emails using PGP.

You can further improve your anonymity efforts using TOR and similar protocols. Users often tend to trust VPN companies – but remember you’re sending all your information to them, so ask yourself if you feel safe doing that beforehand.

4. Compatibility Issues

One of the biggest problems with PGP comes in the shape of compatibility issues. We’re not talking about having trouble using PGP plus something else – but using a version of PGP that’s slightly older than the other party is using or vice versa.

Simply put, PGP clashes with older versions of its own software. You may have trouble sending a message to someone using PGP if your versions aren’t an exact match.

You can probably tell why that’s such a problem. Fortunately, it’s one you can easily fix: update your software – and update it often. Doing so is one of the recommendations we often give users because it’s a big part of following cybersecurity best practices to stay safe.

Is PGP Outdated?

PGP could be outdated or not, depending on who you ask. Several security experts have voiced their concerns over certain issues regarding PGP, including the latest EFail vulnerability, though other analysts have considered these issues to be blown out of proportion.

Let’s say PGP is far from outdated for the sake of argument. It still is a bad idea to put all of your eggs in one basket. In other words, you shouldn’t rely on PGP alone to encrypt your communications, especially if you’re handling sensitive data.

What do we recommend? Continue reading this article and find out about the PGP alternatives we have listed below. Mix them up and change the way you talk to friends, family, and colleagues if you’re worried about privacy. Become a harder target to hit that way!

When Will PGP Stop Working?

PGP will stop working under two scenarios: first, someone discovers (and makes public) a massive vulnerability; second, the company that owns PGP decides to stop updating it. None of these things have happened so far, so PGP continues to work.

The first scenario would be devastating. A hacker or security expert finding a catastrophic flaw would end PGP encryption while potentially making it easy for hackers to decrypt messages that were already sent.

The second scenario is milder, though far from ideal. PGP is owned by Broadcom Inc., so they have to decide to stop supporting PGP. More often than not, companies give plenty of time for users to adopt another option, so it’d be bad but not terrible.

3 PGP Alternatives

1. GnuPG

GnuPG (or GPG for short) should be your go-to PGP alternative if you’re looking for an open-source option that will grant you privacy the same way PGP would. In fact, GPG first appeared as a response to a company purchasing PGP (making it proprietary software).

You can establish secure communications using GPG, though you should always mind your password. Creating a strong password will be the difference between having private conversations and having a hacker share your messages with the world.

How can you create a strong password? Make sure it’s more than 10 characters long, features different characters (e.g., numbers and exclamation points), and never reuse it.

2. Signal

Signal should be the go-to option for encrypted communications. Keep in mind this isn’t an email encryption service but a messaging service. We recommend this option and a similar one below because most people use their phones more than they send emails.

Is Signal secure? Absolutely! The Signal protocol is an industry standard. In fact, we’ve seen hackers attempt to breach Signal before, but they didn’t get far. In contrast, similar attacks were widely successful for other apps.

You can see who uses Signal if you need further proof that this is the best option available: WhatsApp adopted the Signal protocol a long time ago, and Google uses it too.

3. Telegram

Telegram is another way to handle encrypted communications. It’s user-friendly, available for most phones, and will cause you zero trouble connecting with other people, as this app has more than 500 million users.

This app is secure for most uses by default, though you can make it even better at stopping people from snooping around by enabling certain features. For example, using the Secret Chat feature will help you improve your security efforts.

Keep in mind Telegram is secure but not 100% anonymous: the company running the app will store metadata and other information for a year. They do so because law enforcement requests it.


PGP is still widely regarded as an industry standard, though some analysts have voiced their concerns about its widespread use in recent years. Certain alternatives, such as GPG and Signal, are available, but whether they are better or not is up to the user.

PGP Encryption in Cybersecurity: Still Used in 2023? (2024)


PGP Encryption in Cybersecurity: Still Used in 2023? ›

PGP (short for Pretty Good Privacy) is an encryption security program used to protect messages and files as well as provide digital signatures. It's still widely used in 2023, though certain security analysts believe it's time to choose other options because of several issues.

Is PGP still being used? ›

Yes, PGP encryption is still used and is considered an industry standard for protecting sensitive information. Both commercial and free, open-source implementations of PGP are available. Commercial solutions offer technical support that may be lacking in freeware tools.

Is PGP encryption outdated? ›

With the advancement of cryptography, parts of PGP and OpenPGP have been criticized for being dated: The long length of PGP public keys, caused by the use of RSA and additional data other than the actual cryptographic key. Lack of forward secrecy. Use of outdated algorithms by default in several implementations.

What is the most secure encryption algorithm 2023? ›

Some of the most commonly used encryption algorithms are:
  • Data Encryption Standard (DES) ...
  • Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES) ...
  • Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm. ...
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ...
  • Blowfish.
Jan 11, 2023

Who uses PGP encryption? ›

Advantages of PGP encryption

It is widely used by people who need to secure their private communications and is considered a leading method for enhancing cloud security. That is because PGP makes it impossible for a hacker, nation-states, or government agencies to break into files or emails protected by PGP encryption.

What replaced PGP? ›

GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or GPG) is a free-software replacement for Symantec's cryptographic software suite PGP.

Is PGP still the best? ›

Is PGP Encryption Secure? PGP encryption is almost impossible to hack. That's why it's still used by entities that send and receive sensitive information, such as journalists and hacktivists. Though PGP encryption cannot be hacked, OpenPGP does have a vulnerability that disrupts PGP encrypted messages when exploited.

Why don t people use PGP? ›

But the biggest problem with PGP is how difficult it is for people to use simply. "It's a real pain," says Green. "There's key management – you have to use it in your existing email client, and then you have to download keys, and then there's this whole third issue of making sure they're the right keys."

What is better than PGP encryption? ›

Virtru End-to-End Encryption –Better than Pretty Good

Virtru overcomes inherent weaknesses in PGP and S/MIME and represents the next generation of end-to-end encryption. “Virtru offers encryption as secure as PGP but makes it easy enough that our end users, customers and partners can use it regularly.”

Which is better PGP or AES 256 encryption? ›

When you are considering which encryption to use for your sensitive information, choose whichever will suit your needs best: AES is fast and works best in closed systems and large databases. PGP should be used when sharing information across an open network, but it can be slower and works better for individual files.

What is the latest strong security encryption? ›

WEP, WPA, WPA2, and the latest WPA3 are the four types of wireless network security protocols, each with increasing levels of security. While WPA2, which uses AES encryption, is commonly used, WPA3 provides additional security features such as stronger encryption and attack defense.

What is the strongest encryption available today? ›

The algorithm provides 128-bit block encryption and has been designed to supports key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bits. AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest and most robust encryption standard that is commercially available today.

What is the most common encryption today? ›

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is currently considered the most secure and widely used encryption algorithm.

Has PGP been cracked? ›

In short, it is essentially impossible for anyone – be they a hacker or even the NSA – to break PGP encryption.

What is PGP in cyber security? ›

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an encryption software program software designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of virtual communications and information.

What companies use PGP? ›

Who uses Symantec PGP?
Accenture PLCaccenture.comIreland
Infosys Ltdinfosys.comIndia
HP Development Company, L.P.hp.comUnited States
International Business Machines Corporationibm.comUnited States
1 more row

Does anyone use PGP? ›

Encrypting Emails

As in the example above, most people use PGP to send encrypted emails. In the early years of PGP, it was mainly used by activists, journalists, and other people who deal with sensitive information.

Do people still use GPG? ›

GPG is in use today by journalists, business leaders, universities, and others who wish to keep the transmission of messages and data secure. The primary issues with GPG continue to be user acceptance, key handling, and the lack of understanding surrounding the complexity of key creation and exchange.

Is PGP better than AES? ›

PGP is just as strong as that of AES, but it adds an additional layer of security to prevent anyone who only has the public key from being able to decrypt data. Another benefit of asymmetric encryption is that it allows for authentication.

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