Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (2024)

Abdel-Karim Al Tamimi, [email protected]


The two main characteristics that identify anddifferentiate one encryption algorithm from another are its ability to securethe protected data against attacks and its speed and efficiency in doing so.This paper provides a performance comparison between four of the most commonencryption algorithms: DES, 3DES, Blowfish and AES (Rijndael). The comparisonhas been conducted by running several encryption settings to process differentsizes of data blocks to evaluate the algorithm's encryption/decryption speed.Simulation has been conducted using C# language.

Keywords : Encryption Algorithm, Performance,Analysis, AES, DES,Blowfish, TripleDES, Cryptography

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Cryptography : Overview
    1. Cryptography Goals
    2. Block Cipher and Stream Cipher
      1. Block Cipher
      2. Stream Cipher
    3. Mode of Operations
    4. Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption
      1. Symmetric Encryption
      2. Asymmetric Encryption
    5. Compared Algorithms
  3. Related Work Results
  4. Simulation Setup
  5. Performance Evaluation Methodology
    1. System Parameters
    2. Experiment Factors
    3. Simulation Procedure
  6. Simulation Results
    1. Performance Results with ECB
    2. Performance Results with CBC
  7. Conclusion
  8. References
  9. Acronyms

See Also : Security in Wireless Data Networks , Network Security Concepts: Review

1. Introduction

As the importance and the value of exchanged data over theInternet or other media types are increasing, the search for the best solutionto offer the necessary protection against the data thieves' attacks along withproviding these services under timely manner is one of the most active subjectsin the security related communities.

This paper tries to present a fair comparison between themost common and used algorithms in the data encryption field. Since our mainconcern here is the performance of these algorithms under different settings,the presented comparison takes into consideration the behavior and theperformance of the algorithm when different data loads are used.

Section 2 will give a quick overview of cryptography and itsmain usages in our daily life; in addition to that it will explain some of themost used terms in cryptography along with a brief description of each of thecompared algorithm to allow the reader to understand the key differences betweenthem.Section 3 will show the results achieved by other contributions and theirconclusions. Section 4 will walk through the used setup environment and settingsand the used system components. Section 5 illustrates the performance evaluationmethodology and the chosen settings to allow a better comparison. Section 6gives a thorough discussion about the simulation results, and finally section 7concludes this paper by summaries the key points and other relatedconsiderations.

2. Cryptography: Overview

An overview of the main goals behind using cryptography willbe discussed in this section along with the common terms used in this field.

Cryptography is usually referred to as "the study ofsecret", while nowadays is most attached to the definition of encryption.Encryption is the process of converting plain text "unhidden" to a cryptic text"hidden" to secure it against data thieves. This process has another part wherecryptic text needs to be decrypted on the other end to be understood. Fig.1shows the simple flow of commonly used encryption algorithms.

Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (1)
Fig.1 Encryption-Decryption Flow

As defined in RFC 2828 [RFC2828], cryptographic system is "a set of cryptographic algorithmstogether with the key management processes that support use of the algorithms insome application context." This definition defines the whole mechanism thatprovides the necessary level of security comprised of network protocols and dataencryption algorithms.

2.1 Cryptography Goals

This section explains the five main goals behind using Cryptography.

Every security system must provide a bundle of security functions that canassure the secrecy of the system. These functions are usually referred to as thegoals of the security system. These goals can be listed under the following fivemain categories[Earle2005]:

Authentication:This means that before sending and receiving data using the system, the receiverand sender identity should be verified.

Secrecy or Confidentiality:Usually this function (feature) is how most people identify a secure system. Itmeans that only the authenticated people are able to interpret the message(date) content and no one else.

Integrity: Integrity means that the content of the communicateddata is assured to be free from any type of modification between the end points(sender and receiver). The basic form of integrity is packet check sum in IPv4packets.

Non-Repudiation:This function implies that neither the sender nor the receiver can falsely denythat they have sent a certain message.

Service Reliability and Availability: Since secure systems usually get attacked by intruders, which may affect theiravailability and type of service to their users. Such systems should provide away to grant their users the quality of service they expect.

2.2 Block Ciphers and Stream Ciphers

One of the main categorization methods for encryptiontechniques commonly used is based on the form of the input data they operate on.The two types are Block Cipher and Stream Cipher. This section discusses themain features in the two types, operation mode, and compares between them interms of security and performance.

2.2.1 Block Cipher

Before starting to describe the key characteristics of blockcipher, the definition of cipher word must be presented. "A cipher is analgorithm for performing encryption (reverse is decryption) "[Wikipedia-BC].

In this method data is encrypted and decrypted if data is infrom of blocks. In its simplest mode, you divide the plain text into blockswhich are then fed into the cipher system to produce blocks of cipher text.

ECB(Electronic Codebook Mode) is the basic form of clockcipher where data blocks are encrypted directly to generate its correspondentciphered blocks (shown in Fig. 2). More discussion about modes of operationswill be discussed later.

Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (2)

Fig.2 Block Cipher ECB Mode.

2.2.2 Stream Ciphers

Stream cipher functions on a stream of data by operating onit bit by bit. Stream cipher consists of two major components: a key streamgenerator, and a mixing function. Mixing function is usually just an XORfunction, while key stream generator is the main unit in stream cipherencryption technique. For example, if the key stream generator produces a seriesof zeros, the outputted ciphered stream will be identical to the original plaintext. Figure 3 shows the operation of the simple mode in stream cipher.

Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (3)

Fig. 3 Stream Cipher (Simple Mode)

2.3 Mode of Operations

This section explains the two most common modes of operationsin Block Cipher encryption-ECB and CBC- with a quick visit to other modes.

There are many variances of block cipher, where differenttechniques are used to strengthen the security of the system. The most commonmethods are: ECB (Electronic Codebook Mode), CBC (Chain Block Chaining Mode),and OFB (Output Feedback Mode). ECB mode is the CBC mode uses the cipher blockfrom the previous step of encryption in the current one, which forms achain-like encryption process. OFB operates on plain text in away similar tostream cipher that will be described below, where the encryption key used inevery step depends on the encryption key from the previous step.

There are many other modes like CTR (counter), CFB (CipherFeedback), or 3DES specific modes that are not discussed in this paper due tothe fact that in this paper the main concentration will be on ECB and CBC modes.

2.4 Symmetric and Asymmetric encryptions

Data encryption procedures are mainly categorized into twocategories depending on the type of security keys used to encrypt/decrypt thesecured data. These two categories are: Asymmetric and Symmetric encryptiontechniques

2.4.1 Symmetric Encryption

In this type of encryption, the sender and the receiver agreeon a secret (shared) key. Then they use this secret key to encrypt and decrypttheir sent messages. Fig. 4 shows the process of symmetric cryptography. Node Aand B first agree on the encryption technique to be used in encryption anddecryption of communicated data. Then they agree on the secret key that both ofthem will use in this connection. After the encryption setup finishes, node Astarts sending its data encrypted with the shared key, on the other side node Buses the same key to decrypt the encrypted messages.

Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (4)

Fig.4 Symmetric Encryption

The main concern behind symmetric encryption is how to share the secret keysecurely between the two peers. If the key gets known for any reason, the wholesystem collapses. The key management for this type of encryption is troublesome,especially if a unique secret key is used for each peer-to-peer connection, thenthe total number of secret keys to be saved and managed for n-nodes will ben(n-1)/2 [Edney2003] .

2.4.2 Asymmetric Encryption

Asymmetric encryption is the other type of encryption where two keys areused. To explain more, what Key1 can encrypt only Key2 can decrypt, and viceversa. It is also known as Public Key Cryptography (PKC), because users tend touse two keys: public key, which is known to the public, and private key which isknown only to the user. Figure 5 below illustrates the use of the two keysbetween node A and node B. After agreeing on the type of encryption to be usedin the connection, node B sends its public key to node A. Node A uses thereceived public key to encrypt its messages. Then when the encrypted messagesarrive, node B uses its private key to decrypt them.

Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (5)

Fig.5 Asymmetric Encryption

This capability surmounts the symmetric encryption problem of managing secretkeys. But on the other hand, this unique feature of public key encryption makesit mathematically more prone to attacks. Moreover, asymmetric encryptiontechniques are almost 1000 times slower than symmetric techniques, because theyrequire more computational processing power[Edney2003] [ Hardjono2005] .

To get the benefits of both methods, a hybrid technique isusually used. In this technique, asymmetric encryption is used to exchange thesecret key, symmetric encryption is then used to transfer data between senderand receiver.

2.5 Compared Algorithms

This section intends to give the readers the necessarybackground to understand the key differences between the compared algorithms.

DES: (Data Encryption Standard), was the firstencryption standard to be recommended by NIST (National Institute of Standardsand Technology). It is based on the IBM proposed algorithm called Lucifer. DESbecame a standard in 1974 [TropSoft] . Since that time, many attacks and methods recordedthat exploit the weaknesses of DES, which made it an insecure block cipher.

3DES: As an enhancement of DES, the3DES (Triple DES)encryption standard was proposed. In this standard the encryption method issimilar to the one in original DES but applied 3 times to increase theencryption level. But it is a known fact that 3DES is slower than other blockcipher methods.

AES:(Advanced Encryption Standard), is the new encryption standard recommended byNIST to replace DES. Rijndael (pronounced Rain Doll) algorithm was selected in1997 after a competition to select the best encryption standard. Brute forceattack is the only effective attack known against it, in which the attackertries to test all the characters combinations to unlock the encryption. Both AESand DES are block ciphers.

Blowfish: It is one of the most common public domain encryption algorithms provided byBruce Schneier - one of the world's leading cryptologists, and the president ofCounterpane Systems, a consulting firm specializing in cryptography and computersecurity.

Blowfish is a variable length key, 64-bit block cipher. TheBlowfish algorithm was first introduced in 1993.This algorithm can be optimizedin hardware applications though it's mostly used in software applications.Though it suffers from weak keys problem, no attack is known to be successfulagainst [BRUCE1996][Nadeem2005].

In this section a brief description of the comparedencryption algorithms have been introduced. This introductions to each algorithmare to provided the minimum information to distinguish the main differencesbetween them.

3. Related Work Results

To give more prospective about the performance of thecompared algorithms, this section discusses the results obtained from otherresources.

One of the known cryptography libraries is Crypto++ [Crypto++]. Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographicschemes. Currently the library consists of the following, some of which areother people's code, repackaged into classes.

Table 1 contains the speed benchmarks for some of the mostcommonly used cryptographic algorithms. All were coded in C++, compiled withMicrosoft Visual C++ .NET 2003 (whole program optimization, optimize for speed,P4 code generation), and ran on a Pentium 4 2.1 GHz processor under Windows XPSP 1. 386 assembly routines were used for multiple-precision addition andsubtraction. SSE2 intrinsics were used for multiple-precision multiplication.

It can be noticed from the table that not all the modes havebeen tried for all the algorithms. Nonetheless, these results are good to havean indication about what the presented comparison results should look like.

Also it is shown that Blowfish and AES have the bestperformance among others. And both of them are known to have better encryption(i.e. stronger against data attacks) than the other two.

Algorithm Megabytes(2^20 bytes) Processed Time Taken MB/Second
Blowfish 256 3.976 64.386
Rijndael (128-bit key) 256 4.196 61.010
Rijndael (192-bit key) 256 4.817 53.145
Rijndael (256-bit key) 256 5.308 48.229
Rijndael (128) CTR 256 4.436 57.710
Rijndael (128) OFB 256 4.837 52.925
Rijndael (128) CFB 256 5.378 47.601
Rijndael (128) CBC 256 4.617 55.447
DES 128 5.998 21.340
(3DES)DES-XEX3 128 6.159 20.783
(3DES)DES-EDE3 64 6.499 9.848

Table 1 Comparison results using Crypto++

[Nadeem2005] In this paper, the popular secret keyalgorithms including DES, 3DES, AES (Rijndael), Blowfish, were implemented, andtheir performance was compared by encrypting input files of varying contents andsizes. The algorithms were implemented in a uniform language (Java), using theirstandard specifications, and were tested on two different hardware platforms, tocompare their performance.

Tables 2 and 3 show the results of their experiments, where they haveconducted it on two different machines: P-II 266 MHz and P-4 2.4 GHz.

Input Size (bytes) DES 3DES AES BF
20,527 24 72 39 19
36,002 48 123 74 35
45,911 57 158 94 46
59,852 74 202 125 58
69,545 83 243 143 67
137,325 160 461 285 136
158,959 190 543 324 158
166,364 198 569 355 162
191,383 227 655 378 176
232,398 276 799 460 219
Average Time 134 383 228 108
Bytes/sec 835 292 491 1,036

Table 2 Comparative execution times (in seconds) of encryptionalgorithms in ECB mode on a P-II 266 MHz machine

Input Size (bytes) DES 3DES AES BF
20,527 2 7 4 2
36,002 4 13 6 3
45,911 5 17 8 4
59,852 7 23 11 6
69,545 9 26 13 7
137,325 17 51 26 14
158,959 20 60 30 16
166,364 21 62 31 17
191,383 24 72 36 19
232,398 30 87 44 24
Average Time 14 42 21 11
Bytes/sec 7,988 2,663 5,320 10,167

Table 3 Comparative execution times (in seconds) of encryptionalgorithms in ECB mode on a P-4 2.4 GHz machine

From the results it is easy to observe that Blowfish has anadvantage over other algorithms in terms of throughput. [Nadeem2005] has also conducted comparison between the algorithms in streammode using CBC, but since this paper is more focused on block cipher the resultswere omitted.

The results showed that Blowfish has a very good performancecompared to other algorithms. Also it showed that AES has a better performancethan 3DES and DES. Amazingly it shows also that 3DES has almost 1/3 throughputof DES, or in other words it needs 3 times than DES to process the same amountof data.

[Dhawan2002] has also done experiments for comparing the performance of thedifferent encryption algorithms implemented inside .NET framework. Their resultsare close to the ones shown before (Figure 6).

Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (6)

Fig. 6 Comparison results using .NET implemntations[Dhawan2002]

The comparison was performed on the following algorithms:DES, Triple DES (3DES), RC2 and AES (Rijndael). The results shows that AESoutperformed other algorithms in both the number of requests processes persecond in different user loads, and in the response time in different user-loadsituations.

This section gave an overview of comparison results achievedby other people in the field.

4. Simulation Setup

This section describes the simulation environment and theused system components.

As mentioned this simulation uses the provided classes in.NET environment to simulate the performance of DES, 3DES and AES (Rijndael).Blowfish implementation used here is the one provided by Markus Hahn [BlowFish.NET]under the name Blowfish.NET. This implementation is thoroughly tested and isoptimized to give the maximum performance for the algorithm.

The implementation uses managed wrappers for DES, 3DES andRijndael available in System.Security.Cryptography that wraps unmanagedimplementations available in CryptoAPI. These are DESCryptoServiceProvider,TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider and RijndaelManaged respectively. There is only apure managed implementation of Rijndael available inSystem.Security.Cryptography, which was used in the tests.

Table 4 shows the algorithms settings used in thisexperiment. These settings are used to compare the results initially with theresult obtained from [Dhawan2002].

Algorithm Key Size


Block Size


DES 64 64
3DES 192 64
Rijndael 256 128
Blowfish 448 64

Table 4 Algorithms settings

3DES and AES support other settings, but these settingsrepresent the maximum security settings they can offer. Longer key lengths meanmore effort must be put forward to break the encrypted data security.

Since the evaluation test is meant to evaluate the resultswhen using block cipher, due to the memory constraints on the test machine (1GB) the test will break the load data blocks into smaller sizes .The load dataare divided into the data blocks and they are created using theRandomNumberGenerator class available in System.Security.Cryptography namespace.

5. Performance Evaluation Methodology

This section describes the techniques and simulation choicesmade to evaluate the performance of the compared algorithms. In addition tothat, this section will discuss the methodology related parameters like: systemparameters, experiment factor(s), and experiment initial settings.

5.1 System Parameters

The experiments are conducted using 3500+ AMD 64bit processorwith 1GB of RAM. The simulation program is compiled using the default settingsin .NET 2003 visual studio for C# windows applications. The experiments will beperformed couple of times to assure that the results are consistent and arevalid to compare the different algorithms.

5.2 Experiment Factors

In order to evaluate the performance of the comparedalgorithms, the parameters that the algorithms must be tested for must bedetermined.

Since the security features of each algorithm as theirstrength against cryptographic attacks is already known and discussed. Thechosen factor here to determine the performance is the algorithm's speed toencrypt/decrypt data blocks of various sizes.

5.3 Simulation Procedure

By considering different sizes of data blocks (0.5MB to 20MB)the algorithms were evaluated in terms of the time required to encrypt anddecrypt the data block. All the implementations were exact to make sure that theresults will be relatively fair and accurate.

The Simulation program (shown below in Fig. 7) accepts threeinputs: Algorithm, Cipher Mode and data block size. After a successfulexecution, the data generated, encrypted, and decrypted are shown. Notice thatmost of the characters can not appear since they do not have characterrepresentation. Another comparison is made after the successfulencryption/decryption process to make sure that all the data are processed inthe right way by comparing the generated data (the original data blocks) and thedecrypted data block generated from the process.

Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (7)

Fig.7 GUI of the simulation program

6. Simulation Results

This section will show the results obtained from running thesimulation program using different data loads. The results show the impact ofchanging data load on each algorithm and the impact of Cipher Mode (EncryptionMode) used.

6.1 Performance Results with ECB

The first set of experiments were conducted using ECB mode,the results are shown in figure 8 below. The results show the superiority ofBlowfish algorithm over other algorithms in terms of the processing time. Itshows also that AES consumes more resources when the data block size isrelatively big. The results shown here are different from the results obtainedby [Dhawan2002]since the data block sizes used here are much larger than the ones used in theirexperiment.

Another point can be noticed here that 3DES requires alwaysmore time than DES because of its triple phase encryption characteristic.Blowfish ,although it has a long key (448 bit) , outperformed other encryptionalgorithms. DES and 3DES are known to have worm holes in their securitymechanism, Blowfish and AES, on the other hand, do not have any so far.

These results have nothing to do with the other loads on thecomputer since each single experiment was conducted multiple times resulting inalmost the same expected result. DES, 3DES and AES implementation in .NET isconsidered to be the best in the market.

Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (8)

Fig.8 Performance Results with ECB Mode

6.2 Performance Results with CBC

As expected CBC requires more processing time than ECBbecause of its key-chaining nature. The results show in Fig. 9 indicates alsothat the extra time added is not significant for many applications, knowing thatCBC is much better than ECB in terms of protection. The difference between thetwo modes is hard to see by the naked eye, the results showed that the averagedifference between ECB and CBC is 0.059896 second, which is relatively small.

Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (9)
Fig. 9 Performance Results with CBC Mode

This section showed the simulation results obtained byrunning the four compared encryption algorithms using different Cipher Modes.Different load have been used to determine the processing power and performanceof the compared algorithms.

7. Conclusion

The presented simulation results showed that Blowfish has abetter performance than other common encryption algorithms used. Since Blowfishhas not any known security weak points so far, which makes it an excellentcandidate to be considered as a standard encryption algorithm. AES showed poorperformance results compared to other algorithms since it requires moreprocessing power. Using CBC mode has added extra processing time, but overall itwas relatively negligible especially for certain application that requires moresecure encryption to a relatively large data blocks.


  1. [RFC2828],"Internet Security Glossary",
  2. [Nadeem2005]Aamer Nadeem et al, "A PerformanceComparison of Data Encryption Algorithms", IEEE 2005
  3. [Earle2005] "Wireless Security Handbook,". AuerbachPublications 2005
  4. [Dhawan2002] Priya Dhawan., "PerformanceComparison: Security Design Choices," Microsoft Developer Network October2002.
  5. [Edney2003]," Real 802.11 Security: Wi-Fi ProtectedAccess and 802.11i ,". Addison Wesley 2003
  6. [Wikipedia-BC] "Block Cipher",
  7. [Hardjono2005]," Security In Wireless LANS AndMANS ,". Artech House Publishers 2005
  8. [TropSoft]"DES Overview", [Explains how DES works in details, features and weaknesses]
  9. [Bruce1996]BRUCE SCHNEIER, "Applied Cryptography" , John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1996
  10. [Crypto++]"Crypto++ benchmark", [Results of comparing tens of encryption algorithms using different settings].
  11. [BlowFish.NET] "Coder's Lagoon",[List of resources to be used under GNU]


3DES Triple Data Encryption Standard
AES Advanced encryption Standard
CBC Chain Block Chaining Mode
CTR Counter Mode
CFB Cipher Feedback Mode
ECB Electronic Codebook Mode
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OFB Output Feedback Mode
PKC Public Key Cryptography
Performance Analysis of Data Encryption Algorithms (2024)


What is the algorithm for performing encryption? ›

Ideal for applications where a small amount of data is used by ensuring authentication. Standard symmetric encryption algorithms include RC4, AES, DES, 3DES, and QUAD. Standard asymmetric encryption algorithms include RSA, Diffie-Hellman, ECC, El Gamal, and DSA.

How does data encryption affect performance? ›

Encryption can impact database performance in various ways, including increased CPU usage, storage requirements, and query execution times. Let's delve into these factors in more detail. Encryption and decryption processes consume computational resources.

What are the metrics for encryption performance? ›

Encryption performance depends on several factors, such as the hardware, the software, the network, and the workload. To test the encryption performance of your system, you can use tools such as benchmarking software, profiling tools, and monitoring tools.

What is the performance of AES algorithm? ›

AES algorithm uses Rijndael encryption and decryption process. Higher performance is achieved by throughput of 4.28 Gbps and maximum frequency of 334.5 Mhz. Simulation and Synthesis is done on Modelsim and Xilinx.

What are the two 2 types of encryption algorithm? ›

There are two types of encryption in widespread use today: symmetric and asymmetric encryption. The name derives from whether or not the same key is used for encryption and decryption.

What is the easiest encryption algorithm? ›

Symmetric encryption is a simple cryptographic algorithm by today's standards, however, it was once considered state of the art.

Is data encryption enough? ›

Inadequate Protection for Stored Data

Encryption is most effective while data is in transit from one system to another. However, it offers less protection for data at rest, i.e., data stored on hard drives or other media. If an encrypted device is physically stolen, the thief could potentially decrypt the data.

What is a disadvantage of data encryption? ›

However, as with any other technology, there are limitations to data encryption too. If the encryption key gets lost or stolen, all your encrypted data will be rendered useless. You'll also need to prioritize which data is encrypted, considering not only the sensitivity of the information held but also your budget.

How much does encryption increase data size? ›

Asymmetric encryption increases the data size by 1/3 during encryption. Symmetric encryption does not increase the size of the data.

What is performance evaluation of cryptographic algorithms? ›


The purpose is to analyze and compare performance between encryption, decryption speed of symmetric algorithms, asymmetric algorithms and hash functions.

What is the standard algorithm for data encryption? ›

Data Encryption Standard (DES)

The DES algorithm uses a key of 56-bit size. Using this key, the DES takes a block of 64-bit plain text as input and generates a block of 64-bit cipher text.

What is the most performant encryption? ›

AES is generally faster and more efficient for symmetric encryption (used for data in transit), while RSA and ECC are typically used for asymmetric encryption (used for secure key exchange).

Which algorithm is better than AES? ›

Both AES-256 and XChaCha20 are great at encrypting and, therefore, securing sensitive data. But XChaCha20 really shines when it comes to simplicity and speed, making it a better choice for situations where you need both top performance and easy setup.

What is the drawback of AES algorithm? ›

AES has the following drawbacks: If the AES key is not employed effectively, a cryptoanalysis attack is possible. Therefore, key scheduling must be performed with caution. Each block is always encrypted using the same algorithm.

Why is AES faster than RSA? ›

Because there is no known method of calculating the prime factors of such large numbers, only the creator of the public key can also generate the private key required for decryption. RSA is more computationally intensive than AES, and much slower. It's normally used to encrypt only small amounts of data.

What is the key algorithm for encryption? ›

An encryption key is a randomized string of bits used to encrypt and decrypt data. Each key is unique, and longer keys are harder to break. Typical key lengths are 128 and 256 bits for private keys and 2048 for public keys. There are two kinds of cryptographic key systems, symmetric and asymmetric.

What is the encryption method algorithm? ›

An encryption algorithm is the method used to transform data into ciphertext. An algorithm will use the encryption key in order to alter the data in a predictable way, so that even though the encrypted data will appear random, it can be turned back into plaintext by using the decryption key.

What algorithm is used to encrypt files? ›

Also known as ciphers, algorithms are the rules or instructions for the encryption process. Triple DES, RSA, and AES are examples of encryption algorithms, or ciphers.

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