Password Hashing: PBKDF2, Scrypt, Bcrypt and ARGON2 (2024)

There’s always a lot of debate in regards to how to safely store passwords and what algorithm to use: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, PBKDF2, Bcrypt, Scrypt, Argon2, plaintext??

So I tried to analyse and summarise the most recent and reasonable choices: Scrypt, Bcrypt and Argon2. …and yes, MD5, SHA1, SHA256 are not suitable for storing passwords! 😉

Password Hashing: PBKDF2, Scrypt, Bcrypt and ARGON2 (3)

A summary

Password Hashing: PBKDF2, Scrypt, Bcrypt and ARGON2 (2024)


Password Hashing: PBKDF2, Scrypt, Bcrypt and ARGON2? ›

Argon2 is a cryptographic hashing algorithm specifically used to hash passwords. It provides better protection against password cracking than other hashing algorithms like Bcrypt, Scrypt, and PBKDF2. The Argon2 function takes in the password and outputs the hash of the specified length.

What is Argon2 Scrypt bcrypt or PBKDF2 used for? ›

Argon2 is a cryptographic hashing algorithm specifically used to hash passwords. It provides better protection against password cracking than other hashing algorithms like Bcrypt, Scrypt, and PBKDF2. The Argon2 function takes in the password and outputs the hash of the specified length.

Is Argon2 hash better than bcrypt hash? ›

Argon2 is a great memory-hard password hashing algorithm, which makes it good for offline key derivation. But it requires more time, which, for web applications is less ideal. bcrypt can deliver hashing times under 1 second long, but does not include parameters like threads, CPU, or memory hardness.

What is the difference between PBKDF2 and bcrypt? ›

While PBKDF2 is a hard job on a CPU, it's a quite easy job for a GPU system. BCrypt is from 1999 and is GPU-ASIC resilient by design as it's also a memory hardening function: it's not just CPU intensive, but also RAM-intensive to execute a bcrypt hash.

What is the advantage of using Scrypt or Argon2 vs PBKDF2? ›

​Argon2 is modern ASIC-resistant and GPU-resistant secure key derivation function. It has better password cracking resistance (when configured correctly) than PBKDF2, Bcrypt and Scrypt (for similar configuration parameters for CPU and RAM usage).

Is Argon2 still secure? ›

It's a trustworthy source of information. But either way, argon2 is still "good", just not "great". You're not necessarily vulnerable just because you're using argon2. or hash the input once before passing it to bcrypt to avoid the character limit.

What is the best hashing algorithm for storing passwords? ›

To protect passwords, experts suggest using a strong and slow hashing algorithm like Argon2 or Bcrypt, combined with salt (or even better, with salt and pepper). (Basically, avoid faster algorithms for this usage.)

What is the strongest hash algorithm? ›

Probably the one most commonly used is SHA-256, which the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommends using instead of MD5 or SHA-1. The SHA-256 algorithm returns hash value of 256-bits, or 64 hexadecimal digits.

Which string hashing is best? ›

Good Hash Function for Strings
  • Uniformity: The function should distribute the strings uniformly across the hash table.
  • Efficiency: The function should be efficient to compute.
  • Non-sensitivity to small changes: The function should not produce drastically different hash values for small changes in the input string.

Should I use sha256 or bcrypt? ›

The technology in the Bcrypt algorithm and process limits attacks and makes it harder for attackers to compromise passwords. Bcrypt was not designed for encrypting large amounts of data. It is best implemented for passwords, however SHA-256 is better for large amounts of data because it is less costly and faster.

Is PBKDF2 obsolete? ›

2) PBKDF2 is at best obsolete for key stretching; use Argon2 instead. @fgrieu Argon2 is not usable if one requires FIPS 140 compliance, in that case PBKDF2 is the only approved function to derive a key from a string.

What is the disadvantage of bcrypt? ›

Bcrypt is slower and requires some memory (4 kiB IIRC), so one spends 100ms to check a valid password whereas an attacker needs days / years to crack it because he's slowed down and can't use GPUs efficiently.

What are the advantages of PBKDF2? ›

What is the advantage of PBKDF2 on top of other hash functions? Hash function is designed to be quick while PBKDF2 is purposely slow. The slowing is achieved by adding big number of iterations and a long random salt, which makes the brute force attack on key created with PBKDF2 much harder.

What are the weaknesses of PBKDF2? ›

PBKDF2 has a major weakness: it is not GPU-resistant and not ASIC-resistant, because it uses relatively small amount of RAM and can be efficiently implemented on GPU (graphics cards) or ASIC (specialized hardware).

What is the alternative to PBKDF2? ›

Argon2id. Argon2, the winner of the 2015 Password Hashing Competition, is available as an alternative to PBKDF2 (learn more). There are three versions of the algorithm, and Bitwarden has implemented Argon2id as recommended by OWASP.

Which hashing algorithm is best for passwords Python? ›

BCrypt is a password hashing algorithm, designed with all security precautions we've mentioned in mind. It is used as the default password hashing algorithm in OpenBSD, an open-source security-focused operating system, and is the most widely supported hashing algorithm to date. BCrypt is considered to be fairly secure.

What is the most secure hash algorithm in 2023? ›

SHA-256 it's a NIST's (National Institute of Standards and Technology) recommended and officially approved standard algorithm.

What is the recommended hashing algorithm 2023? ›

Due to the vulnerabilities of SHA-1, it is recommended to use stronger hash functions such as SHA-2 and SHA-3. SHA-2 is a family of hash functions that includes SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512, which produce hash values of 256, 384, and 512 bits, respectively.

Is Argon2 NIST approved? ›

Argon2id is the recommendation from the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) [5] but does not use a NIST approved hash function. Balloon is suggested by SP 800-63B [1]. We think SP 800-132 should recommend the use of memory-hard or cache-hard algorithms instead of PBKDF2 [6] for all use cases.

Is BCrypt safe for passwords? ›

Bcrypt is designed to be slow and computationally intensive, making it resistant to brute-force attacks that try to guess passwords by hashing many possible combinations.

Which is the most secure hash function for password hashing? ›

Common attacks like brute force attacks can take years or even decades to crack the hash digest, so SHA-2 is considered the most secure hash algorithm.

What is the most common hash for passwords? ›

There are many hashing algorithms that people have used to hash passwords. Two of the most common hashing algorithms you may have come across are MD5 and the SHA-* family of algorithms (SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3), but there are several reasons not to use these.

What is the most commonly used hashing algorithm today? ›

The MD5 algorithm, defined in RFC 1321, is probably the most well-known and widely used hash function.

How does PBKDF2 work? ›

PBKDF2 applies a pseudorandom function, such as hash-based message authentication code (HMAC), to the input password or passphrase along with a salt value and repeats the process many times to produce a derived key, which can then be used as a cryptographic key in subsequent operations.

What is the fastest hashing algorithm? ›

xxHash is an Extremely fast Hash algorithm, running at RAM speed limits. It successfully completes the SMHasher test suite which evaluates collision, dispersion and randomness qualities of hash functions.

Which hashing algorithm is best for Blockchain? ›

SHA-256 is the most famous of all cryptographic hash functions because it's used extensively in blockchain technology. The SHA-256 Hashing algorithm was developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2001.

Which hash function should I choose? ›

Choosing a good hashing function, h(k), is essential for hash-table based searching. h should distribute the elements of our collection as uniformly as possible to the "slots" of the hash table. The key criterion is that there should be a minimum number of collisions. will provide uniform hashing.

Does bcrypt use PBKDF2? ›

For legacy systems using bcrypt, use a work factor of 10 or more and with a password limit of 72 bytes. If FIPS-140 compliance is required, use PBKDF2 with a work factor of 600,000 or more and set with an internal hash function of HMAC-SHA-256.

Is Scrypt more secure than SHA256? ›

SHA256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256)

As Op already mentioned Bitcoin uses SHA256 which is far more complex and time-consuming than Scrypt. As the SHA256 is slow and thorough through the data it is considered as the more secure one among these two.

Which is more secure MD5 or bcrypt? ›

Data security systems that rely on MD5 can be easily hacked by anyone with a basic understanding of the function. On the other hand, bcrypt is not broken. As a result, it's still able to keep passwords and information safe. Modern passwords should never be stored behind MD5.

What is the difference between sha512 and PBKDF2? ›

SHA-512 is a cryptographically secure hash, PBKDF2 is what we call a Password Based Key Derivation Function. If the resulting secret isn't used as key but as hash value it's also called a password hash. Password hashes differ from secure hashes in the sense that they contain a salt and a work factor / iteration count.

What is 100000 iterations of PBKDF2? ›

100,000 rounds of PBKDF2 for a password with a given hash adds the equivalent of log2(100000)≈16.6 bits of entropy compared to a single round of that hash. If the password itself is already very strong, then you don't even need PBKDF2.

Is PBKDF2 sha256 secure? ›

The short answer is that PBKDF2 is considered appropriate and secure for password hashing.

Can bcrypt be hacked? ›

Thanks to the added salt and cost factors, bcrypt provides robust protection against brute force and rainbow table attacks. Hackers are unlikely to guess the password hash because of bcrypt's slow-working hashing algorithm, which requires extreme computational effort.

Why is bcrypt hard to crack? ›

bcrypt is a very hard to crack hashing type, because of the design of this slow hash type that makes it memory hard and GPU-unfriendly (especially with high cost factors).

What is better than bcrypt? ›

scrypt (with a great enough work factor) has the added benefit of having extra RAM/Memory requirements (not just CPU), making it more GPU-resistant than SHA, BCrypt or PBKDF2.

Is PBKDF2 symmetric or asymmetric? ›

PBKDF2 as a symmetric key

This relies on the fact that AES can use any value as its input that meets certain length and entropy requirements and that PBKDF2 can produce a hash of any length which meets those requirements for entropy. This property is extremely handy for tools such as password vaults.

Is PBKDF2 an algorithm? ›

PBKDF2 is a modern hashing algorithm that is being used nowadays since it has a considerable computational cost which reduces the vulnerabilities of brute force attacks.

What is PBKDF2 in cyber security? ›

PBKDF2 is a key derivation function that's used to slow down attackers who gain possession of some encrypted material. In this situation, vault passwords are the weakest link because weak passwords can be brute-forced with a dictionary of commonly used passwords.

Can you decrypt PBKDF2? ›

How to decrypt PBKDF2? The only way to decipher a hash encoded by PBKDF2 is therefore to try all the passwords, with all the salts. Since this work is gigantic and endless (several years) with a sufficiently long salt chain and a large number of iterations, dCode does not offer this functionality.

What algorithm does Scrypt use? ›

Scrypt is used in many cryptocurrencies as a proof-of-work algorithm (more precisely, as the hash function in the Hashcash proof-of-work algorithm). It was first implemented for Tenebrix (released in September 2011) and served as the basis for Litecoin and Dogecoin, which also adopted its scrypt algorithm.

What is PBKDF2 password based key derivation function 2? ›

PBKDF2 (Password Based Key Derivation Function 2) is typically used for deriving a cryptographic key from a password. It may also be used for key storage, but an alternate key storage KDF such as Scrypt is generally considered a better solution. This class conforms to the KeyDerivationFunction interface.

What is the NIST recommended password hashing algorithm? ›

NIST encourages application and protocol designers to implement SHA-256 at a minimum for any applications of hash functions requiring interoperability.

What is the NIST approved password hashing? ›

The NIST guidelines require that passwords be salted with at least 32 bits of data and hashed with a one-way key derivation function such as Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) or Balloon. The function should be iterated as much as possible (at least 10,000 times) without harming server performance.

What are the NIST password hash recommendations? ›

Stored passwords should be hashed and salted, and never truncated. Prospective passwords should be compared against password breach databases and rejected if there's a match. Passwords should not expire. Users should be prevented from using sequential characters (e.g., “1234”) or repeated characters (e.g., “aaaa”).

Is Argon2 better than Bcrypt? ›

Argon2 is a great memory-hard password hashing algorithm, which makes it good for offline key derivation. But it requires more time, which, for web applications is less ideal. bcrypt can deliver hashing times under 1 second long, but does not include parameters like threads, CPU, or memory hardness.

What hashing algorithm does Windows 10 use to store passwords? ›

The password is hashed by using the MD4 algorithm and stored.

Why is hashing better than encryption for passwords? ›

The difference between hashing vs encryption

Encryption works both ways, while hashing is a one-way function. Hashing boils down the original to a fixed set of characters. This is not the case with encrypted messages. Encryption secures data, while hashing protects its integrity.

What is the usage of PBKDF2? ›

Purpose and operation. PBKDF2 applies a pseudorandom function, such as hash-based message authentication code (HMAC), to the input password or passphrase along with a salt value and repeats the process many times to produce a derived key, which can then be used as a cryptographic key in subsequent operations.

What is the purpose of bcrypt? ›

bcrypt allows building a password security platform that can evolve alongside hardware technology to guard against the threats that the future may bring, such as attackers having the computing power to crack passwords twice as fast.

What is bcrypt used for? ›

Bcrypt turns a simple password into fixed-length characters called a hash. Before hashing a password, bcrypt applies a salt — a unique random string that makes the hash unpredictable.

What is the purpose of the bcrypt module? ›

Bcrypt is a popular and trusted method for salt and hashing passwords. You have learned how to use bcrypt's NodeJS library to salt and hash a password before storing it in a database. You have also learned how to use the bcrypt compare function to compare a password to a hash, which is necessary for authentication.

What is the difference between bcrypt and hash? ›

Bcrypt is a hashing algorithm that transforms a plain text password into a fixed-length string of characters, called a hash. Hashing is a one-way process, meaning that it is easy to generate a hash from a password, but hard to recover the password from the hash.

Can bcrypt passwords be cracked? ›

Bcrypt is a 184-bit hash created in 1999. It uses a salt to guard against rainbow table attacks and is adaptive. Over time, it becomes resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computational power.

Why do we need hash files? ›

Hashing has a large number of applications in cybersecurity, centering around the ability to verify that data is legitimate. With a secure hashing algorithm, one could verify that a downloaded file matched what was expected. In fact, many projects provide hashes alongside their downloads.

What is an example of a hash password? ›

For example, the SHA256 hash of "12345" is "5994471abb01112afcc18159f6cc74b4f511b99806da59b3caf5a9c173cacfc5" . If this hash is seen in a database, we know that the user's password is "12345" 2. In fact, there is an entire database of precomputed hashes which can be checked against.

Can bcrypt passwords be decrypted? ›

bcrypt is not an encryption function, it's a password hashing function, relying on Blowfish's key scheduling, not its encryption. Hashing are mathematical one-way functions, meaning there is no* way to reverse the output string to get the input string.

What is the difference between encrypt and bcrypt? ›

1 Answer. bcrypt() is for creating a Hash , which is a one-way process to turn a plain-text string into a hashed value. You cannot un-hash a value, so there is no way to return the value to it's "normal" state. encrypt() is for "obfuscation", which changes the plain-text string into a non-human readable value.

How secure is a bcrypt hash? ›

In the case of MD5, it's possible to generate collision hashes within minutes. Data security systems that rely on MD5 can be easily hacked by anyone with a basic understanding of the function. On the other hand, bcrypt is not broken. As a result, it's still able to keep passwords and information safe.

What is password hashing? ›

Hashing turns your password (or any other piece of data) into a short string of letters and/or numbers using an encryption algorithm. If a website is hacked, cybercriminals don't get access to your password. Instead, they just get access to the encrypted “hash” created by your password.

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