Overview of radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain in childhood cancer survivors: A narrative review (2024)

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Overview of radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain in childhood cancer survivors: A narrative review (1)

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Paediatr Neonatal Pain. 2023 Mar; 5(1): 1–9.

Published online 2023 Feb 2. doi:10.1002/pne2.12094

PMCID: PMC9997122

PMID: 36911786

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Radiotherapy is an important aspect of oncological treatment in several childhood cancers. However, radiotherapy is known to have numerous side effects, including detrimental effects on growth, neurocognitive impairment, and the development of secondary malignancies. One less studied long‐term side effect of pediatric radiotherapy treatment is chronic pain. While the short‐term toxicities of radiotherapy resolve over a few weeks to months, the chronic pain caused by radiotherapy‐induced tissue damage can significantly affect children's quality of life. As long‐term childhood cancer survivors age into adulthood, they are typically followed up by a wide variety of doctors, not all of whom may be familiar with radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain and its management. The aim of this review is to discuss the various common manifestations of radiotherapy‐related pain in children, as well as ways to identify and manage these. Common radiotherapy‐related side effects leading to chronic pain symptoms include radiation fibrosis, enteritis, dermatitis, lymphedema, neuropathic pain, and effects on bone development. The pathophysiology, evaluation and management of these are briefly summarized in this review. This is followed by an overview of radiotherapy techniques that allow greater sparing of normal tissue, minimizing future painful side effects. Finally, the assessment of pain in children is described, as well as strategies for management, and red flag symptoms that should prompt urgent specialist referral. In conclusion, a good understanding of the long‐term side effects of radiotherapy treatment in children is essential for the various medical professionals that follow‐up the child in the years after treatment. For young children, the evaluation of pain is in itself a challenge, and effects on growth, development, and learning are crucial. For older children, social and psychological factors become increasingly important. As radiation therapy techniques continue to advance, the spectrum and incidence of chronic pain syndromes may change over time.

Keywords: pediatric oncology, radiotherapy


Radiotherapy is an important aspect of oncological treatment in children. While the use of radiotherapy is declining somewhat in the modern era with increasingly effective chemotherapy treatment, radiation remains a mainstay of the treatment protocol for cancers such as neuroblastoma, Wilms' tumors, retinoblastoma, sarcomas, and central nervous system cancers, among others. For instance, based on SEER data, around 53% of Wilms' tumor patients and 25% of neuroblastoma patients received radiotherapy treatment in 2008.1 As prognosis of childhood cancers continues to improve over the years, with the overall 5year survival rate as high as 80%,2 the long‐term side effects of cancer treatment increase in significance. Radiotherapy is known to be toxic to normal tissue, especially at high doses. Sequalae of radiotherapy can range from hormone dysfunction to cardiac and pulmonary toxicity, decreased fertility, and detrimental impact on physical growth and neurocognitive function, as well as secondary cancers.

One less studied long‐term side effect of pediatric radiotherapy treatment is chronic pain. While the short‐term painful effects of radiotherapy, including acute dermatitis or mucositis, are well documented, these tend to resolve over a few weeks to months;3, 4 whereas the chronic pain caused by radiotherapy‐induced tissue damage can significantly affect children's quality of life. Not only can physical function and activities of daily living be affected, chronic pain may have a detrimental impact on young people's ability to learn, form relationships and integrate into society.5 Identification and management of radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain in children is a complex matter, as patients frequently receive other treatment modalities such as chemotherapy and surgery, which may contribute to pain and complicate management.6 As long‐term childhood cancer survivors age into adulthood, they are typically followed up by a wide variety of doctors—for instance neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, general practitioners; not all of whom may be familiar with radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain and its management. The aim of this review is to discuss the various common manifestations of radiotherapy‐related pain in children, as well as ways to identify and manage these. Where possible, this review has incorporated references from pediatric studies; if these were unavailable, relevant literature from publications in adults has been included.


2.1. Radiation fibrosis

Radiation fibrosis is a process whereby normal tissue components, responding to radiation‐induced inflammation and damage, are replaced by matrix and collagen fibrils, leading to detrimental effects on normal organ function. Damage can incur to organs in or adjacent to the radiation field; for instance skin, lungs, and GI tract can all be susceptible. Radiation fibrosis typically develops after the first 2 weeks of radiotherapy and may persist for years. For areas receiving high doses, incidence of radiation‐induced fibrosis can be as high as 50%.7 While agents such as pentoxifylline and vitamin E have been mooted for the prevention of radiation fibrosis, their use has been mostly limited to adults.8

Radiation fibrosis has wide ranging effects from cosmesis to functional impairment, and chronic pain can often result. For instance, children receiving radiotherapy to the head and neck area may suffer from trismus and dysphagia. Long term side effects of xerostomia, resulting from radiation dose to salivary glands, may cause chronic discomfort in eating and swallowing.9, 10 Meanwhile, in patients receiving radiotherapy to a limb, fibrosis leading to muscle contracture can result, causing chronic pain and decreasing range of movement.11

While physiotherapy, occupational or speech therapy can help with radiation‐induced fibrosis to the head and neck or limbs, fibrosis resulting from radiation to the GI tract is more difficult to manage and may lead to fistula formation as well as stenosis. In extreme cases obstruction may occur.12, 13 Children suffering from the above may experience chronic discomfort while eating, for instance abdominal cramping or nausea and vomiting. This is especially significant for children as it can lead to malabsorption from the GI tract thus contributing to poor growth.

2.2. Dermatitis

Chronic radiation‐induced dermatitis, both in adults and children, is thought to be caused by an influx of cytokines such as TNF‐alpha, IL‐6, and TGF‐B among others.14 The persistent inflammation and endothelial damage causes restricted vascular perfusion and result in a compromised healing process, skin atrophy, and telangectasia. In severe cases, necrosis and ulceration can result. Reviews have shown that up to 95% of patients receiving radiotherapy have some form of skin toxicity.15 RTOG16 and CTCAE17 grading are used to classify these side effects, which are especially significant where a bolus has been used to increase skin dose.

In a group of patients studied 6–16 months after the end of radiotherapy treatment, 45% experienced a feeling of skin induration, 25% experienced dry skin and 25% experienced pain on palpation.18 For young children, the constant sensation of skin irritation and change in texture can be especially disconcerting—parents may have to employ distraction techniques to stop children from frequently touching or scratching the affected area.19 Meanwhile, for adolescents suffering from radiation‐induced dermatitis, there can be additional self‐image issues resulting from poor cosmesis.20 Thus it can be seen that both chronic pain and psychological trauma may occur from this radiation induced side effect of dermatitis, which is especially obvious to outside observers.

2.3. Enteritis

Radiation enteritis is defined as small or large intestinal injury, occurring as acute or delayed side effects of radiotherapy. Initial intestinal changes can be seen as soon as several hours postradiation, for instance apoptosis, acute inflammation of the lamina propria, injury to the crypts and arterioles.21 In the chronic phase, tissue fibrosis and arteriolar endarteritis can occur, leading to symptoms such as cramping, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and malabsorption. Symptoms can typically be further evaluated by imaging and endoscopy, and managed conservatively. More invasive techniques such as argon plasma coagulation are also known to have been successful in radiation‐induced enteritis.22

While radiation enteritis is more common in adults with up to 50% of patients receiving abdominal radiotherapy reporting some form of impact to quality of life,22 this is less‐frequently reported in children with various case series reporting between 1–6 cases each.12, 23, 24 However, due to the nature of some childhood tumors requiring large field abdominal irradiation, for example neuroblastoma or Wilms' tumor, enteritis is an important side effect to consider in children. Indeed, pain‐free feeding is essential for proper growth and development in the pediatric population.

2.4. Lymphedema

The pathophysiology of lymphedema results from a dysfunction of lymphatic drainage causing retention of fluid and swelling of tissues. Range of movement can be affected and susceptibility to infection may be increased. Radiation causes lymphedema by damaging lymphatic vessels, and causing fibrosis of the lymph nodes themselves.25 Patients frequently have surgery to the lymph node basins as well which may exacerbate this. Both upper and lower limbs may be affected.

Radiation‐induced lymphedema often results in chronic discomfort and compromise of limb function. It is burdensome for the pediatric patient to be fully compliant with the long‐term management of lymphedema—for example wearing of compression garments, or attending appointments for lymphatic drainage procedures. Children may thus be at higher risk of infections, which are also a contributory factor for pain and compromised quality of life.26

2.5. Neuropathic pain

Up to a third of patients are reported to have some form of neuropathic pain from radiotherapy.27 Cranial or peripheral nerve damage, for instance brachial plexopathy, have been reported. Pathophysiology is multifold, including directly damaging nerves via demyelination or injury to axons. Alternatively, indirect damage via radiation‐induced tissue fibrosis, resulting in nerve compression or tissue ischemia, may occur.28 Sites that receive higher doses, for example during the radical treatment of head and neck cancer, can be especially susceptible and symptoms can also be potentiated by the damage caused by chemotherapeutic agents.29 Tingling, pain, numbness, temperature sensitivity and decreased somatosensory input have been reported in children.30 In the developing child, neuropathic pain and sequelae may result in balance, coordination and motor skills being affected. Overall, mobility and quality of life may be reduced.31

2.6. Effects on bone development

In young children, radiation can have a significant effect on bone growth and density due to changes in vasculature and chondrocyte populations, leading to side effects such as limb shortening and increased risk of fracture.32 Doses above 30 Gy result in measurable effects—Indelicato et al. reported a 31% rate of fracture among patients with Ewing's sarcoma who received radiotherapy to weight‐bearing bones.33 Osteoradionecrosis, predominantly affecting the mandible in patients receiving RT at doses >60 Gy, has been researched and reported extensively in adults but little data exists regarding this side effect in the pediatric population. While some degree of toxicity to the bone is inevitable, particularly in cases involving young children receiving higher doses of radiotherapy, use of more conformal radiotherapy techniques have reduced the volume of bone at risk and helped to mitigate this side effect.34 Furthermore, it has been recognized that vertebral radiotherapy should be given hom*ogenously, in younger children who have not yet reached puberty, with the vertebral body receiving a consistent dose. This reduces the risk of spinal problems such as scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis.35

Table1 summarizes the common symptoms, pathophysiology and evaluation of radiation‐induced chronic pain presentations in children.


Common chronic pain symptoms experienced by childhood cancer survivors receiving previous radiotherapy.

Radiation fibrosisNormal tissue components are replaced by matrix and collagen fibrils in response to radiation‐induced inflammation. Damage can incur to organs in or adjacent to the radiation field

Organ specific assessments: e.g., CT thorax for pulmonary fibrosis

Swallowing assessment for head and neck fibrosis

Physiotherapy—techniques such as myofascial release

Occupational therapy

Anti‐inflammatory medications for pain relief

DermatitisRadiation‐induced inflammation and endothelial damage causes restricted vascular perfusion. This results in a compromised healing process, skin atrophy, and telangectasia. In severe cases, necrosis and ulceration can resultAssessment via CTCAE or RTOG toxicity criteria




Distraction techniques for severe puritis


Small or large intestinal injury. Initial changes due to radiation include apoptosis, acute inflammation of the lamina propria, injury to the crypts and arterioles

In the chronic phase, tissue fibrosis and arteriolar endarteritis can occur

Investigations such as OGD, MRI may be used for further evaluation

Nutritional support

Medications e.g., loperamide for diarrhoea

Argon plasma coagulation for treatment of radiation colitis


Lymphedema may occur due to direct radiation‐induced

damage to lymphatic vessels, or fibrosis of the lymph nodes themselves. Frequently exacerbated by surgery to lymph node basins

No specific blood test or imaging required

Lymphedema may develop acutely or several months after radiotherapy

Compression garments

Manual lymphatic drainage


Lymphaticovenous bypass

Neuropathic painMay be caused by direct radiation damage to nerves, via demyelination or injury to axons. Alternatively, indirect damage via radiation‐induced tissue fibrosis, resulting in nerve compression or tissue ischaemia, may occurClinical evaluation: May present as distal parasthesia, associated with weakness. Typically begins slowly, becoming more obvious over several monthsOral analgesics: eg gabapentin, pregabalin, benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants. Surgical interventions: Neurolysis Physiotherapy
Investigations: ultrasound studies, MRI scans, nerve conduction studies, blood tests eg calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, electrolytes36
Effects on bone health and development

Radiation can lead to significant effects on bone growth and density due to changes in vasculature and chondrocyte populations

Risk factors include younger age at radiotherapy treatment and higher doses delivered. A nonhom*ogenous radiotherapy dose delivered to vertebral bodies increases the risk of kyphosis, scoliosis37

X rays, MRI, bone density (DXA) scans

Blood tests: calcium, vitamin D

Nutritional support

Ensure adequate mobility

Calcium supplementation

Antibiotics for osteoradionecrosis

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy


In general, radiotherapy side effects, including chronic pain, are both volume and dose‐dependent. Thus, the volume of normal tissue receiving a high dose can be reduced by more focused radiotherapy techniques.

3.1. Intensity‐modulated radiation therapy

With the advent of intensity‐modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in the 2000s, a conformal dose distribution can be delivered to the site of the tumor while sparing critical organs. This is particularly important in cases where high doses are required, such as high grade gliomas, nasopharyngeal cancers or sarcomas.38 This has improved treatment outcomes in terms of recurrence‐free survival and overall survival. However toxicities are still significant; for instance Tao et al. reported a 2year postradiation incidence of 66.7% of xerostomia in pediatric patients receiving IMRT for nasopharyngeal carcinoma.39 Furthermore, there is a recognized risk of secondary cancers resulting from the low dose distribution characteristic of IMRT.

3.2. Brachytherapy

Promising quality of life outcomes have been seen in treatments using brachytherapy, where radioactive sources are inserted at the site of the tumor/cavity with a high focal dose delivered to the PTV. In children this is typically given to soft tissue sarcomas, gynecological tumors, or retinoblastomas. Schoote et al.40 reported fewer high grade adverse effects among head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma patients treated with brachytherapy as compared to external beam radiotherapy, with no significant difference in 5year survival. However, delivery of brachytherapy requires specialized training, experience and resources.

3.3. Proton therapy

More recently, proton therapy, with its steep energy fall‐off, has potential to spare the surrounding tissue and deliver the required dose to the tumor itself. Protons have been used in tumors such as medulloblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, craniopharyngioma, and ependymomas. Reports, though with small sample sizes, have been promising—Ajithkumar et al. reported no grade 3 toxicities in a series of 16 children with craniopharyngioma.41 Fatigue and skin toxicity are the most commonly reported toxicities. Meanwhile, Yock et al.42 showed PFS and OS results after proton therapy that were comparable to IMRT outcomes in treatment of children with medulloblastoma.43 In patients receiving craniospinal irradiation where treatment volumes are large, protons are helpful in reducing dose to surrounding organs thereby decreasing the risk of toxicity and eventual long term adverse effects. Figures1a,b and 2a,b illustrate an example of a craniospinal irradiation plan using photons versus protons, showing comparative normal tissue sparing in the latter. However, proton therapy is currently not yet a globally available modality. The bulk of pediatric patients treated across the world are still treated using photons. Furthermore, even with advanced radiotherapy techniques, the side effects of tissue damage and chronic pain are inevitable to some extent, hence recognition and management of such effects remains important for physicians and caretakers.

Overview of radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain in childhood cancer survivors: A narrative review (3)

(a) Craniospinal irradiation plan using protons (axial view). (b) Craniospinal irradiation plan usingphotons (axial view). Note the greater dose received by organs at risk (e.g., heart) in (b).

Overview of radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain in childhood cancer survivors: A narrative review (4)

(a) Craniospinal irradiation plan using protons (sagittal view). (b) Craniospinal irradiation plan using photons (sagittal view). Note the greater dose received by organs at risk (e.g., heart) in (b).


Measuring pain accurately in children can pose challenges. For children younger than 4, fortunately a small subgroup of those receiving radiotherapy, the FLACC scale is typically used. This refers to Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability,44 where a child is observed for at least 2–5min and each category is given a score of 0–2 where 0=relaxed and comfortable, while 7–10 cumulative points indicates severe discomfort.

For slightly older children between 4–7 years old, the FACES® Pain Rating Scale‐Revised helps them to rate their pain by showing a series of faces indicating how much discomfort someone is feeling. Children point to the face that represents their degree of pain.45 Meanwhile, older children are typically able to rate their pain on a 0–10 scale (0=no pain, 10=intense pain). The Adolescent Pediatric Pain Tool (APPT) is often used in teenagers as well. It covers 5 subscale scores: the number of pain sites/segments, the pain intensity score, the number of descriptors of pain quality, the number of temporal descriptors, and the percent of total pain quality and temporal descriptors against a total.46

A comprehensive pain assessment should include intensity level for each site of pain, differentiating severity with rest and activity, as well as any temporal, aggravating or relieving factors. Appropriate imaging and laboratory investigations should be considered based on the history and physical examination findings. Function; that is, mobility and limiting factors related to performing activities of daily living, should be assessed as well. Finally, knowledge—both the child's and family members' understanding of pain medications, administration, and side effects is important.47


Lu et al.48 assessed 10397 cancer survivors and 3034 sibling controls from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, assessing pain conditions, use of prescription analgesics and pain attributable to cancer and treatment. Among these, 21% attributed pain to their cancer and treatment, and the prevalence of pain conditions and use of prescription analgesia was significantly higher than the sibling control subset. Significantly, history of Wilms' tumor, neuroblastoma, bone cancer and soft tissue sarcoma were associated with greater risk of pain, while non‐brain‐directed scatter irradiation was associated with increased migraine risk. Hence it can be seen that treatment of these cancers, requiring multiple modalities including irradiation, contributes to the incidence of chronic pain in these childhood cancer survivors.

The management of acute cancer‐related pain in children has been extensively described, with guidelines surrounding use of opioids.49 However, it is recognized that management of chronic pain is more complex and there is a reluctance by some parents and providers to give opioids long‐term due to fear of side effects.50 Assessing the etiology of the pain is important; with knowledge of the location of the primary tumor and the sites that have received radiotherapy, the practitioner would be better able to prescribe management tailored toward the child's needs. For instance, pain resulting from radiation‐induced fibrosis may respond to anti‐inflammatory medications or muscle relaxants, whereas neuropathic pain may better respond to agents such as gabapentin. Figure3 presents a flowchart for assessment of children presenting with chronic pain after radiation therapy.

Overview of radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain in childhood cancer survivors: A narrative review (5)

Flowchart for assessment of children presenting with chronic pain after radiation therapy.

The WHO pain ladder,51 beginning with nonopioids + adjuvants and subsequently adding opioids for more severe pain, has been well studied and is now recognized as bi‐directional where de‐escalation of pharmacological therapies can take place depending on the patients' condition. In some cases, specific issues such as poor sleep due to pain may respond to nonanalgesic pharmacological therapies such as melatonin. For radiotherapy‐related chronic pain in particular, pharmacotherapy may go hand in hand with mechanical means of pain management, for example massage therapy for lymphedema or physiotherapy for fibrosis. Other nonpharmacologic types of therapy tie‐in increasingly with chronic pain management, including cognitive behavior therapy, distraction and relaxation, gradually increasing the child's ability to function normally despite the presence of chronic pain.

Use of interventions is typically done as a “last resort” for refractory pain nonresponsive to noninvasive therapies.49 Such interventions include peripheral nerve blocks or plexus blocks, intrathecal infusions or intrathecal neurolysis, cordotomy, cryoablation, and kyphoplasty. Research is also being done on alternatives like low‐level laser therapy and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to treat oral mucositis‐related pain.52 The majority of literature surrounding these interventions consist of case reports, and further randomized controlled trials on such interventions are awaited.

For the parent, general practitioner or social worker involved in the child's care, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms requiring further investigation on top of the child's chronic pain.42 In general, these would include a sudden onset increase in intensity or change in the nature of pain, or presentation of symptoms such as new onset neurological symptoms, for instance visual changes or cerebellar ataxia, severe headache, persistent vomiting, bony tenderness, muscle or joint swelling, blood in stools or sputum, or persistent weight loss and poor growth. The above symptoms should prompt urgent medical attention, as well as liaison with the child's primary oncologist to evaluate for tumor recurrence.


In conclusion, a good understanding of the long‐term side effects of radiotherapy treatment in children is essential, not only for the treating radiation oncologist, but also for the various medical professionals that follow‐up the child in the years after the treatment has finished. For young children, the evaluation of pain is a challenge, and effects on growth, development and learning are crucial. For older children, social and psychological factors become increasingly important. This review has aimed to provide an overview of the common manifestations of radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain as well as general management options. As radiation therapy techniques continue to advance and modalities such as proton beam therapy become more widely used, the spectrum and incidence of chronic pain syndromes may change over time. Most crucially, the support of the child's family goes a long way in helping with symptom management—ensuring the child takes their regular medications, implementing physiotherapy, massage, or feeding techniques that have been taught by professionals, and ensuring that the child has a nurturing environment where he or she can grow and learn long after cancer treatment is complete.


No conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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Articles from Paediatric & Neonatal Pain are provided here courtesy of Wiley

Overview of radiotherapy‐induced chronic pain in childhood cancer survivors: A narrative review (2024)


What is the psychological status in childhood cancer survivors a report from the childhood cancer survivor study? ›

Psychological distress also predicted poor health behaviors, including smoking, alcohol use, fatigue, and altered sleep. Psychological distress and pain predicted use of complementary and alternative medicine. Overall, most survivors are psychologically healthy and report satisfaction with their lives.

What are the worst side effects of radiotherapy? ›

  • Diarrhea.
  • Fatigue.
  • Hair loss.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Skin changes.
  • Urinary and bladder problems.
Jan 11, 2022

What is life like for a patient after radiation therapy? ›

As time passes, do not be surprised if you feel more tired, have less energy, or feel weak. Once you have finished treatment, it may take a few weeks or months to feel better. You may need to talk to your employer about adjusting your schedule, reducing the number of hours you work, or working from home (if you can).

How will I feel after 5 days of radiotherapy? ›

Many people having radiotherapy feel tired (fatigued) a lot of the time or become tired very easily from doing everyday activities. This usually starts during treatment and can continue for several weeks or months after treatment finishes. It can help to: get plenty of rest.

What kind of struggles did cancer survivors went through? ›

Depression and anxiety in cancer survivors

Lingering feelings of sadness and anger can interfere with your daily life. For many people, these feelings become less intense with time. But for others, these feelings can develop into depression. Tell your provider about your feelings.

What are the psychological consequences of surviving childhood cancer? ›

Indeed, similar to “chemo brain” in adults, childhood cancer and its treatment may have harmful effects on brain development, causing problems with attention, memory, and language, and also leading to depression and anxiety.

What damage does radiotherapy do to your body? ›

These delayed effects can include serious problems such as memory loss, stroke-like symptoms, and poor brain function. You may also have an increased risk of having another tumor in the area, although this is not common. Talk with your cancer care team about what to expect from your specific treatment plan.

How long does radiation stay in your body after radiation therapy? ›

How long does radiation last in the body? External radiation therapy – a form of treatment that uses a machine to beam high-energy rays into a tumor – affects cells for only a few seconds. The beams pass quickly through the body and are absorbed by special shields positioned around the patient.

What are the major permanent side effects of radiation? ›

What are the most common long-term side effects of radiation?
  • Cataracts.
  • Hair loss.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Memory loss ("It's hard to determine how much memory loss or cognitive dysfunction is related to a tumor and how much is related to radiotherapy," says Dr. Nowlan.

Do you smell after radiation? ›

Patients may smell substances such as ozone synthesized by radiation or experience phantosmia, that is, the perception of a smell in the absence of an odorant stimulus. The sense of smell generally does not interrupt treatment; therefore, it has attracted limited attention from oncologists worldwide.

Do and don'ts after radiotherapy? ›

When you wash, use only lukewarm water and mild soap. Don't wear tight clothing over the treatment area. It's important not to rub, scrub or scratch any sensitive spots. Also avoid putting anything that is very hot or very cold—such as heating pads or ice packs—on your treated skin.

What fruit is good for radiation treatment? ›

Consume foods high in potassium/sodium such as bananas, oranges, fruit juices or nectars (in small quantities and without pulp), chicken broths, potatoes, and foods high in probiotics, such as yogurt Activia; Sip liquids slowly and do not drink through a straw; Drink plenty of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day.

What are the psychological outcomes of siblings of cancer survivors a report from the childhood cancer survivor study? ›

Conclusions. These findings suggest that siblings of long-term childhood cancer survivors are psychologically healthy in general.

What are the psychological issues with cancer survivors? ›

Emotional and mental health problems that survivors may face—such as depression, anxiety, stress, and trouble sleeping—can all contribute to this and make thinking and learning harder. You could have difficulty learning new facts or skills, concentrating, or remembering things during and after treatment.

What are the psychosocial aspects of childhood cancer? ›

The psychological impact on the family/caregivers

Parents report feelings of anxiety, depression, symptoms of PTSD, and distress related not only to the child with cancer but also to the adjustment of the child's siblings. Siblings also report feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, neglected, and guilty.

What are the mental health status of adolescent cancer survivors? ›

Survivors of AYA cancer are at risk of mental health challenges including anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. The prevalence of depression in cancer patients as a whole has already been reported to be between 4% and 49% using different assessment methods.

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