Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (2024)


This series of portfolios from Morningstar's director of personal finance Christine Benz can help investors reach their financial goals.

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (1)

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (2)

Christine Benz

Morningstar's Christine Benz put together a series of investment portfolio examples that both retirees and savers can refer to as they build their own portfolios.

The goal of these portfolios isn't to generate the best returns of any retirement portfolio on record. They’re intended to help retirees and pre-retirees visualize what a long-term, strategic total-return investment portfolio could look like. So, an investor could look to these portfolios for guidance on asset allocation without completely upending their favorite holdings.

From mutual fund portfolios to ETF portfolios, tax-efficient portfolios to simple portfolios for the minimalist investor, this series of portfolios has something for everyone. More than anything, these portfolios serve as examples of how investors can construct portfolios that match their own financial goals.

  • How To Build a Retirement Portfolio Using the Bucket Approach
  • Investment Portfolio Examples for Retirees
    • Tax-Deferred Model Portfolios for Retirees
    • Taxable Model Portfolios for Retirees
  • Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers
    • Tax-Deferred Model Portfolios for Savers
    • Taxable Bucket Portfolios for Savers

How To Build a Retirement Portfolio Using the Bucket Approach

The Bucket approach to investment portfolio construction is anchored on the basic premise that assets retirees need to pay for living expenses now ought to remain in cash despite its low yields. Assets that won't be needed for several years can be parked in a diversified pool of long-term holdings, with the cash buffer providing the peace of mind to ride out periodic downturns in the long-term portfolio.

Most of the model portfolios laid out in the sections below include three Buckets geared toward the near, intermediate, and long term. Investors should use their own portfolio spending, financial goals, risk tolerance, and risk capacity to determine how much they hold in each bucket.

The Bucket structure calls for adding assets back to Bucket 1 as the cash is spent down. Yet, investors can exercise a lot of leeway to determine the logistics of that necessary Bucket portfolio management.

Investment Portfolio Examples for Retirees

Benz's Bucket Portfolios for retirees include a built-in stabilizer for turbulent times–cash reserves that retirees can draw upon when yields are insufficient to meet living expenses and it's not a good time to disturb stocks. The goal of having buffers like these is in no small part peace of mind. A retiree shouldn't be overly rattled during periods of short-term market turbulence because near-term spending will be relatively undisturbed, and the rest of the investment portfolio can recover when the market eventually does.

To construct a retirement Bucket portfolio, the retiree starts with anticipated income needs for a given year, then subtracts certain sources of income like Social Security and a pension. What's left over is the amount of cash flow that the portfolio will need to supply each year (in other words, the desired withdrawal amount, including income, capital gains, and outright withdrawals).

Anywhere from six months' to two years' worth of living expenses–not covered by Social Security–are housed in cash instruments (Bucket 1), and another 8-10 years' worth of living expenses are housed in bonds (Bucket 2). The remainder of the portfolio is invested in stocks and a high-risk bond fund. Income and rebalancing proceeds from Buckets 2 and 3 are used to replenish Bucket 1 as it becomes depleted.

These investment portfolio examples include aggressive, moderate, and conservative portfolio options to align with a retiree's level of risk tolerance.

A retiree can build the right portfolio for them by customizing their allocations based on their own expected portfolio withdrawals.

Tax-Deferred Model Portfolios for Retirees

Retirees should aim to take full advantage of tax-sheltered accounts, like individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and employer-sponsored 401(k)s, to reduce the drag of taxes they're on the hook to pay during retirement.

Investors are free to invest in all the highly taxed investments they like, because the only taxes they'll pay will be when it comes time to withdraw money. Rather than owing taxes on dividends and capital gains, traditional IRA and401(k) investors only owe ordinary income taxes on the amounts they pull out. (And Roth investors won't owe any taxes at all on qualified distributions.)

This series of sample portfolios for retirees are designed to be held in tax-deferred accounts, so investors can take advantage of investments with high tax-cost ratios in their investment selection.

By Fund Type

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (3)

Mutual Fund Portfolios

These portfolio mixes are geared toward retirees with different time horizons and risk tolerances/capacities.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (4)

ETF Portfolios

These portfolio mixes are geared toward retirees with different time horizons and risk tolerances/capacities.

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By Fund Family

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (5)

Vanguard Portfolios

Designed for retirees in tax-deferred accounts, these portfolios blend index and active funds.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (6)

Fidelity Portfolios

These portfolios are composed exclusively of funds on offer from the Boston giant.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (8)

Schwab Portfolios

These portfolios feature some of the best no-load, No Transaction Fee funds on Schwab’s platform.

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By Investment Preference

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (9)

Minimalist Portfolios

These portfolios use index funds as building blocks—as well as a little bit of cash.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (10)

ESG ETF Portfolios

These in-retirement portfolios invest in ESG-friendly ETFs that should provide marketlike exposure.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (11)

ESG Mutual Funds Portfolios

These portfolios are composed of mutual funds with strong ESG and investing track records.

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Taxable Model Portfolios for Retirees

One of the easiest things an investor can do to improve their portfolio's take-home return is to pay attention to tax efficiency. An obvious strategy to limit taxable capital gains and income distributions is to stash investments inside of tax-sheltered accounts. But once they are full, investors have no choice but to save inside of taxable accounts. And building assets in taxable accounts can be a good idea, especially in retirement.

Keeping an investment portfolio tax-efficient tends to be a particularly big issue for retirees. That's because bonds typically grow in importance in investors' portfolios as retirement draws near, and income from taxable bonds is dunned at ordinary income tax rates versus the lower tax rates that apply to capital gains and dividends. Moreover, long-run bond returns are apt to be lower in absolute terms than long-term stock returns, meaning that taxes can gobble up a bigger percentage of their payouts.

These portfolios are designed for retirement assets held outside of the confines of IRAs and 401(k)s--in taxable, non-retirement accounts where investors pay taxes on every dividend and capital gains distribution their holdings kick off.

By Fund Vehicle

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (12)

Mutual Fund Portfolios

Our model portfolios are designed to facilitate in-retirement cash flows–and to limit Uncle Sam's take.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (13)

ETF Portfolios

These tax-efficient portfolios are geared toward retirees who are seeking simplicity and balance.

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By Fund Family

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (14)

Vanguard Portfolios

The indexing giant's topnotch tax-managed, index, and municipal-bond funds make tax-friendly portfolios a cinch.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (15)

Fidelity Portfolios

Featuring solid muni funds and index equity offerings, these portfolios are appropriate for investors' taxable accounts.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (16)

T. Rowe Price Portfolios

The firm's municipal-bond funds are solid, but we make some trade-offs on the equity side in the name of tax efficiency.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (17)

Schwab Portfolios

Equity index products are plentiful, but cheap muni funds are scant.

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By Investment Preference

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (18)

Minimalist Portfolios

These streamlined portfolios are geared toward retirees who are actively tapping their taxable assets for living expenses.

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Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers

The Bucket Approach is most useful for retirement planning. A bucketed portfolio will tend to be less useful for savers, who are relying on their salaries, rather than their investment portfolios, to meet their day-to-day cash needs. That said, time-horizon considerations should be a key aspect of portfolio planning for savers, too.

In addition to tilting their investment portfolios heavily toward stocks, people with many years until retirement can also reasonably hold more in potentially more volatile asset class subsets, such as small-cap stocks and foreign stocks and bonds, than people with shorter time horizons. With less concern for short-term volatility, they can benefit from the extra diversification and potentially higher returns that these sub-asset classes can provide.

With those considerations in mind, this series of investment portfolio examples is geared toward still-working people who are building up their retirement nest eggs. Morningstar's Lifetime Allocation Indexes help shape their basic asset allocations.

Tax-Deferred Model Portfolios for Savers

Building a portfolio that can support them through retirement is the primary financial goal for many investors. Retirement accounts like traditional IRAs and 401(k)s and their Roth counterparts support that goal by offering major tax benefits. Investors should take full advantage of these tax-sheltered accounts, especially if their employer offers further incentives, like a 401(k) match.

Like the portfolios for retirees, these tax-deferred portfolios for savers are designed to be held in tax-sheltered accounts, so investors don't have to worry about their tax burden and instead focus on building their retirement nest eggs.

By Fund Type

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (19)

Mutual Fund Portfolios

These portfolios are geared toward the tax-deferred accounts of people who are still working and saving.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (20)

ETF Portfolios

These three portfolios are geared toward the tax-deferred accounts of people who are still working and saving for retirement.

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By Fund Family

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (21)

Vanguard Portfolios

Sample allocations and holdings for aggressive, moderate, and conservative accumulators.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (22)

Fidelity Portfolios

The firms' bond funds are topnotch, but its equity lineup also has some solid options for accumulators.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (23)

T. Rowe Price Portfolios

While some of T. Rowe's best funds are closed, it's still possible to use the firm as a one-stop shop.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (24)

Schwab Portfolios

We combine Gold-rated active funds with Schwab's low-cost index products.

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By Investment Preference

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (25)

Minimalist Portfolios

Too busy to mind your portfolio? Three basic building blocks provide you with all the diversification you need.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (26)

ESG ETF Portfolios

These low-cost ETF portfolios are designed to deliver potent asset-class exposures to ESG-conscious investors saving for retirement.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (27)

ESG Mutual Funds Portfolios

Anchored in actively managed funds, these portfolios were developed with serious ESG investors in mind.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (28)

Short- and Intermediate-Term Portfolios

Investing for shorter time horizons can be harder than it looks. Here’s how to make sense of it.

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Taxable Model Portfolios for Savers

Like retirees, savers should stay attuned to tax efficiency in their taxable accounts. Not only should they limit the trading they do in their portfolios, with an eye toward limiting taxable capital gains distributions, but they should also seek out stock funds that employ patient, low-turnover strategies.

The taxable portfolios focus on tax-managed and index funds for stock exposure, and municipal-bond funds for fixed-income exposure. To be sure, broad-market index ETFs–and to a lesser extent, traditional index funds–tend to have very low turnover and, therefore, distribute few taxable capital gains on an ongoing basis. They can be solid options for taxable accounts.

Savers will want to be sure to "right-size" the components of these investment portfolios based on their ability to earn money, their risk tolerance and capacity, and the diversification of their tax-sheltered portfolios. For example, a 50-year-old who is focusing on stock funds within her 401(k) because her plan doesn't offer many decent bond options may want a higher bond allocation in her taxable portfolio.

By Fund Vehicle

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (29)

Mutual Fund Portfolios

We've designed these portfolios to maximize returns while limiting Uncle Sam's take.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (30)

ETF Portfolios

Composed of broad-market equity ETFs and smaller allocations to municipal bonds, these portfolios are designed for retirement savers' taxable accounts.

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By Fund Family

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (31)

Vanguard Portfolios

A mix of tax-managed, index, and munis should reduce the drag of taxes on all-Vanguard portfolios for accumulators.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (32)

Fidelity Portfolios

Cheap and efficient equity index funds, as well as fine municipal-bond funds, are solid building blocks.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (33)

T. Rowe Price Portfolios

Despite the firm's lineup of fine actively managed funds, equity index funds are a more tax-friendly choice.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (34)

Schwab Portfolios

Schwab's solid exchange-traded funds make these stock-heavy portfolios straightforward, cheap, and effective.

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By Investment Preference

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (35)

Minimalist Portfolios

These streamlined portfolios are designed to reduce investors' oversight responsibilities and the drag of taxes.

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Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (36)

Short- and Intermediate-Term Portfolios

Investing for shorter time horizons can be harder than it looks. Here’s how to make sense of it.

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Christine Benz is Morningstar's director of personal finance and retirement planning.


Designer: Nura Husseini-Yoon
Editors: Margaret Giles

These research authors and research contributors are employees of Morningstar Research Services LLC.

This content is not intended to be individualized investment advice, but rather to illustrate possible factors that can impact financial decisions. Investors should consider this information in the full context of their own financial decisions.

Read our editorial policy to learn more about our process.

Our Best Investment Portfolio Examples for Savers and Retirees (2024)


What is the ideal portfolio for a retired person? ›

Key Takeaways. In a minimalist portfolio, you can get away with three holdings: equity exposure, fixed-income exposure, and cash. Some additional investments for people in retirement would include short-term bonds as well as some Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities.

What should my investment portfolio look like at 65? ›

In your later years, a conservative allocation of 30% cash, 20% bonds and 50% stocks might be appropriate. Diversified portfolios typically include a core of at least 50% stocks in part because equities alone offer the potential to generate long-term returns exceeding inflation.

How to invest $100k at 70 years old? ›

Investment Options for Your $100,000
  1. Index Funds, Mutual Funds and ETFs. If you're looking to invest, there are a lot of options. ...
  2. Individual Company Stocks. ...
  3. Real Estate. ...
  4. Savings Accounts, MMAs and CDs. ...
  5. Pay Down Your Debt. ...
  6. Create an Emergency Fund. ...
  7. Account for the Capital Gains Tax. ...
  8. Employ Diversification in Your Portfolio.
May 17, 2024

What is the best portfolio to invest in? ›

The 10 best long-term investments
  • Bond funds.
  • Dividend stocks.
  • Value stocks.
  • Target-date funds.
  • Real estate.
  • Small-cap stocks.
  • Robo-advisor portfolio.
  • Roth IRA.

What is a good portfolio mix for a 70 year old? ›

At age 60–69, consider a moderate portfolio (60% stock, 35% bonds, 5% cash/cash investments); 70–79, moderately conservative (40% stock, 50% bonds, 10% cash/cash investments); 80 and above, conservative (20% stock, 50% bonds, 30% cash/cash investments).

Should a 70 year old be in the stock market? ›

Indeed, a good mix of equities (yes, even at age 70), bonds and cash can help you achieve long-term success, pros say. One rough rule of thumb is that the percentage of your money invested in stocks should equal 110 minus your age, which in your case would be 40%. The rest should be in bonds and cash.

What is the best mix for a retirement portfolio? ›

Some financial advisors recommend a mix of 60% stocks, 35% fixed income, and 5% cash when an investor is in their 60s. So, at age 55, and if you're still working and investing, you might consider that allocation or something with even more growth potential.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in July 2024:
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Money market funds.
  • Short-term certificates of deposit.
  • Series I savings bonds.
  • Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.
  • Corporate bonds.
  • Dividend-paying stocks.
  • Preferred stocks.
Jul 15, 2024

Where is the safest place to put your retirement money? ›

The safest place to put your retirement funds is in low-risk investments and savings options with guaranteed growth. Low-risk investments and savings options include fixed annuities, savings accounts, CDs, treasury securities, and money market accounts. Of these, fixed annuities usually provide the best interest rates.

Are CDs a good investment for seniors? ›

CDs can be a good home for a portion of your retirement savings that you plan to spend in a few years. It keeps the funds shielded from the stock market while still allowing them to grow a little. But it's probably not the right choice for all your money. You don't want your emergency savings in a CD, for example.

How to turn 100k into 1 million? ›

Buy a low-cost index fund that tracks the S&P 500; your $100,000 could grow to $1 million in about 23 years. You'll get there even faster by investing additional funds. Add $500 monthly and reach $1 million in just 19 years. Of course, past results don't guarantee future outcomes, but history is on investors' side.

How much cash should an 80 year old have? ›

With those time ranges in mind, it may be reasonable to hold cash to cover one to two years of living expenses (beyond predictable Social Security and pension income) in addition to your daily use account. The exact amount you want to have also depends on your risk tolerance and the amount you have saved.

What is the safest portfolio? ›

What are the safest investments? 7 low-risk places to put your money — and what makes them so
  • Certificates of deposit (CDs)
  • US Treasuries.
  • Money market funds.
  • AAA-rated corporate bonds.
  • Blue-chip stocks.
  • ETFs with bond or blue-chip portfolios.
  • Fixed-rate annuities.
Jul 19, 2024

What is the best thing to invest in in 2024? ›

8 asset class investment ideas for 2024
  • Stocks.
  • Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.
  • Bonds.
  • Cash.
  • Roth IRAs.
  • Alternative investments.
  • Real estate.
  • Work income.
Jun 24, 2024

What does a good portfolio look like? ›

A diversified portfolio should have a broad mix of investments. For years, many financial advisors recommended building a 60/40 portfolio, allocating 60% of capital to stocks and 40% to fixed-income investments such as bonds. Meanwhile, others have argued for more stock exposure, especially for younger investors.

What is a good pension portfolio? ›

It's sometimes suggested that you should try to save around 15% of your pre-tax income into your pension every year during your working life. Remember that your pension contributions are boosted by government contributions in the form of tax relief, and your employer may pay into your pension too.

What investment is appropriate for retirees? ›

Dividend Stocks

Dividends are a reliable source of income for many retirees. Well-established, profitable companies with a long history of increasing their shareholder payouts are popular choices for retirement savers.

What is a good return on a retirement portfolio? ›

Many consider a conservative rate of return in retirement 10% or less because of historical returns.

Can I retire with a $500000 portfolio? ›

Yes, it is possible to retire comfortably on $500k. This amount allows for an annual withdrawal of $30,000 and below from the age of 60 to 85, covering 25 years. If $20,000 a year, or $1,667 a month, meets your lifestyle needs, then $500k is enough for your retirement.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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