Origin and Evolution of Money (2024)

Origin and Evolution of Money


Money, as we know it today, is the result of a long process.

At the beginning, there was no money. People engaged in barter, the exchange of merchandise for merchandise, without value equivalence.

Then, a person catching more fish than the necessary for himself and his group, exchanged his excess fish for the surplus of another person who, for instance, had planted and harvested more corn that what he would need. This elementary form of trade prevailed at the beginning of civilization, and may be found today among people of primitive economies, in regions where difficult access makes money scarce and, even in special situations, where people barter items without regard for their equivalence in value. This is the case, for instance, of a child who exchanges with his friend an expensive toy for another of lesser value, which it treasures.

Origin and Evolution of Money (1)

Goods used in barter are generally in their natural state, in line with the environment conditions and activities developed by the group, corresponding to elementary needs of the group’s members. This exchange, however, is not free from difficulties, since there is not a common measure of value among the items bartered.

Commodity Money

Some commodities, for their utility, came to be more sought than others are.

Accepted by all, they assumed the role of currency, circulating as an element of exchange for other products and used to assess their value. This was the commodity money.

Origin and Evolution of Money (2) Cattle, mainly bovine, was one of the mostly used, and had the advantages of moving for itself, reproducing and rendering services, although there was the risk of diseases and death. Salt was another commodity money, difficult to obtain, mainly in the interior part of continents, also used as a preservative for food. Both cattle and salt left the marks in the Portuguese language of their function as an exchange instrument, as we keep using words such as pecunia (money) and pecúlio (accumulated money) derived from the Latin work pecus (cattle). The word capital (asset) comes from the Latin capita (head). Similarly, the work salário (salary, compensation, normally in money, due by the employer for the services of an employee) originates from the use of sal [salt], in Rome, for payment of services rendered.

Origin and Evolution of Money (3)

Origin and Evolution of Money (4) Brazil used, among other commodity moneys, cowry–brought by Africans–, Brazil wood, sugar, cocoa, tobaccoand cloth, exchanged in Maranhão in the 17th Century due to the almost complete lack of money, traded in the form of yarn balls, skeins and fabrics. Later, commodities became inconvenient for commercial trades, due to changes in their values, the fact of being indivisible and easily perishable, therefore checking the accumulation of wealth.

Origin and Evolution of Money (5)


As soon as man discovered metal, it was used to made utensils and weapons previously made of stone.

For its advantages, as the possibility of treasuring, divisibility, easy of transportation and beauty, metal became the main standard of value. It was exchanged under different forms. At the beginning, metal was used in its natural state, and later under the form of ingots and, still, transformed into objects, from rings to bracelets.

Origin and Evolution of Money (6)

The metal so traded required weight assessment and assaying of its purity at each transaction. Later, metal money gained definite form and weight, receiving a mark indicating its value, indicating also the person responsible for its issue. This measure made transactions faster, as it saved the trouble of weighing it and enabled prompt identification of the quantity of metal offered for trade.

Money in the Form of Objects

Metal items came to be very valued commodities.

As its production required, in addition to knowledge of melting, knowing where the metal could be found in nature, the task was not at the reach of everyone.

The increased value of these objects led to its use as money and the circulation as money of small-scale replicas of metal objects.

Origin and Evolution of Money (7)

Origin and Evolution of Money (8) This is the case of the knife and key coins found in the East and the talent, a copper or bronze coin with the form of an animal skin that circulated in Greece and Cyprus.

Ancient Coins

In the 7th century B.C. the first coins resembling current ones appeared: they were small metal pieces, with fixed weight and value, and bearing an official seal, that is the mark of who has minted them and also a guaranty of their value.

Gold and silver coins are minted in Greece, and small oval ingots are used in Lydia, made of a gold and silver alloy called electrum.

Origin and Evolution of Money (9) Coins reflect the mentality of a people and their time. One may find political, economic, technological and cultural aspects in coins. Through the impressions found in coins, we are able to know the effigy of personalities who lived centuries ago. Probably, the first historic character to have his effigy registered in a coin was Alexander the Great, of Macedonia, around the year 330 B.C.

At the beginning, coin pieces were made by hand in a very coarse way, had irregular edges, and were not absolutely equal to one another as today’s ones.

Gold, Silver and Copper

The first metals used in coinage were gold and silver. Employment of these metals happened for their rarity, beauty, immunity to corrosion, economic value, and for old religious habits. In primeval civilizations, Babylonian priests, knowledgeable about astronomy, taught to people the close relationship between gold and the sun, silver and the moon. This led to a belief in the magic power of such metals and of objects made with them.

Origin and Evolution of Money (10) Minting of gold and silver coins was common for many centuries, and pieces were guaranteed by their intrinsic value, that is to say, by the trade value of the metal used in their production. Then, a coin made with twenty grams of gold was exchanged for goods of even value.

For many centuries, countries minted their most highly valued coins in gold, using silver and copper for lesser value coins. This system was kept up to the end of the last century, when cupronickel, and later other metallic alloys, became used, and coins came to circulate for their extrinsic value, that is to say, for their face value, which is independent from their metal content.

With the appearance of paper money, minting of metal coins was restricted to lower values, necessary as change. In this new role, durability became the most requested quality for coins. Large quantities of modern alloys appeared, produced to support the high circulation of change money.

Paper Money

In the Middle Ages, the keeping of values with goldsmiths, persons trading with gold and silver items, was common. The goldsmith, as a guaranty, delivered a receipt. With time, these receipts came to be used to make payments, circulating from hand to hand, giving origin to paper money.

In Brazil, the first bank notes, precursors of the current notes, were issued by Banco do Brasil in 1810. They had its value written by hand, as we today do with our checks.

Origin and Evolution of Money (11)

With time, in the same form it happened with coins, the government came to conduct the issue of notes, controlling counterfeits and securing the power to pay.

Currently, all countries have their central bank in charge of issuing coins and notes.

Paper money experienced an evolution regarding the technique used in their printing. Today, the printing of notes uses especially prepared paper and several printing processes, which are complementary to each other, assuring to the final product a great margin of security and durability conditions.

Different Shapes

Money has greatly changed its physical aspect along the centuries.

Origin and Evolution of Money (12)

Coins had already very small sizes, as the stater, which circulated in Aradus, Phenicia, and some reached large sizes, such as the thaler, a 17th century Swedish copper piece.

Although today the circular form is used in almost the whole world, there had been oval, square, polygonal and other shapes for coins. They were also minted in different non-metallic materials, such as wood, leather and even porcelain. Porcelain coins circulated, in this century, in Germany, when the country was under the economic hardships caused by the war.

Bank notes were generally of rectangular lengthwise format, although with great variety of sizes. There are, still, square notes and those with inscriptions written in the vertical.

Bank notes depict the culture of the issuing country, and we may see in them characteristic and interesting motifs as landscapes, human types, fauna and flora, monuments of ancient and contemporary architecture, political leaders, historical scenes, etc.

Bank notes bear, in addition, inscriptions, generally in the country’s official language, although several also bear the same inscriptions in other idioms. The inscriptions, frequently in English, aim at permitting the piece to be read by a larger number of people.

Monetary System

The set of coins and bank notes used by a country form its monetary system. The system is regulated by appropriate legislation and organized from a monetary unit, its base value.

Currently almost all countries use a monetary system of centesimal basis, in which the coinage dividing the unit represents one hundredth of its value.

Origin and Evolution of Money (13)

Normally, higher values are expressed in notes while smaller values are represented by coins. The current world trend is that daily expenses be paid with coins. Modern metallic alloys enable coins to be more durable than notes, making them more appropriate to the intense use of money as change.

The countries, through their central banks, control and guarantee the issue of money. The set of notes and coins in circulation, the so called monetary mass, is constantly renewed through the process of sanitation, substitution of worn out and torn notes


As coins and notes ceased to be convertible into precious metal, money became more dematerialized and assumed abstract forms.

One of these forms is the check that, for simplicity of use and security offered, is being adopted by an increasing number of people in their day-by-day activities.

This document, by which one orders payment of a certain amount to its bearer or to a person mentioned in it, aims mainly at transactions with bank deposits.

Origin and Evolution of Money (14)

The important role played today in the economy by this form of payment is due to the innumerable advantages offered by it, speeding transactions with large sums, avoiding hoarding and diminishing the need of change by being a document completed by hand in the necessary amount.

Money, whatever the form it has, is not valuable for itself, but for the goods and services it may purchase. It is a sort of security giving its bearer the faculty of being creditor of society and take advantage, through his or her purchasing power, of all conquests of modern man.

Money was not, hence, invented by a stroke of genius, but stemmed from a need, and its evolution reflects, at each time, the willingness of man to harmonize its monetary instrument to the reality of its economy.

Origin and Evolution of Money (2024)


Origin and Evolution of Money? ›

People bartered before the world began using money. The world's oldest known coin minting site was located in China, which began striking spade coins sometime around 640 BCE. Since then, the world has adopted banknotes and moved into digital forms of payment, including virtual currencies.

What is the evolution of money? ›

The evolution of money is a series of development in the form of the acceptable medium of exchange throughout history. Money has three functions: medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account.

Where did money originate from? ›

The Mesopotamian civilization developed a large-scale economy based on commodity money. The shekel was the unit of weight and currency, first recorded c. 2150 BC, which was nominally equivalent to a specific weight of barley that was the preexisting and parallel form of currency.

What are the 5 stages of money's evolution? ›

There are more than five stages of money's evolution. Still, five notable stages include: commodity money (i.e., grains, livestock), metallic money (i.e., coins), paper money, credit and plastic forms of currency, and digital money.

How did the money originate? ›

The barter system likely originated 6,000 years ago. The first coin we know of is from the 7th century BC and the first paper money came into the world around 1020 AD. Eventually, medieval banking systems gave way to the gold standard, which in turn gave way to modern currency.

What is the evolutionary theory of money? ›

Commodity theory asserts that money has evolved spontaneously from one of the useful commodities through a long process of barter exchanges, and cartal theory argues that money was introduced by a communal agreement or political decree or legislative action that is external to the exchange process.

How and why was money invented? ›

Money is a medium of exchange with a recognized value that was adopted to make it easier for people to trade products and services with one another. The history of money crisscrosses the world as various cultures recognize the need to simplify trade by introducing a single, portable token of value into the process.

Who originally made money? ›

Historians generally agree that the Lydians were the first to make coins. However, in recent years, Chinese archaeologists have uncovered evidence of a coin production mint located in China's Henan Province thought to date to 640 B.C. In 600 B.C., Lydia began minting coins widely used for trading.

Who created the concept of money? ›

No one knows for sure who first invented such money, but historians believe metal objects were first used as money as early as 5,000 B.C. Around 700 B.C., the Lydians became the first Western culture to make coins. Other countries and civilizations soon began to mint their own coins with specific values.

What is the oldest money in the world? ›

Sterling is the world's oldest currency in continuous use since its inception. In 2022, it was the fourth-most-traded currency in the foreign exchange market, after the United States dollar, the euro, and the Japanese yen.

What is the future of money? ›

Q: What is the future of money? The future of money is expected to be heavily influenced by technology. Predictions include the rise of cashless societies, the growth of cryptocurrencies, the continued adoption of digital currencies, and the potential offering of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) by governments.

What are the six stages of money evolution? ›

This document discusses the evolution of money through six stages: 1) Barter, where goods and services were directly exchanged; 2) Commodity money, where goods like livestock were used as a medium of exchange; 3) Metallic money, using coins made of precious metals; 4) Paper money, with the introduction of paper ...

Is money a stock or flow concept? ›

Money supply is measured as per the stock of money that is in circulation among the public at a particular point of time. Hence, money supply is a 'stock concept'.

Where does money come from origin? ›

Money, as we know it today, is the result of a long process. At the beginning, there was no money. People engaged in barter, the exchange of merchandise for merchandise, without value equivalence.

What did people use before money? ›

Before money people used bartered goods as payment; animal hides and teeth. Livestock was the most valuable commodity. The word cattle comes from the Latin words "caput" and "capital" meaning property.

What did the US use before the dollar? ›

Continental currency. After the American Revolutionary War began in 1775, the Continental Congress began issuing paper money known as Continental currency, or Continentals.

How has money changed over time? ›

Money is what people use to pay for goods and services. Money has evolved from fiat to digital currencies over the past few years. But before both fiat and digital currency, money was simply barter; two people would agree to exchange their goods and services in amounts that they believe had equal value.

What is the next evolution of money? ›

The future of money is expected to be heavily influenced by technology. Predictions include the rise of cashless societies, the growth of cryptocurrencies, the continued adoption of digital currencies, and the potential offering of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) by governments.

How is money created? ›

Banks create money by lending excess reserves to consumers and businesses. This, in turn, ultimately adds more to money in circulation as funds are deposited and loaned again. The Fed does not actually print money.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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