Organize Business Expenses for Taxes: Small Business Guide (2024)

Ecommerce accounting

The Webgility Team

Organize Business Expenses for Taxes: Small Business Guide (2)February 15, 2024

Organize Business Expenses for Taxes: Small Business Guide (3) 5 min read

Organize Business Expenses for Taxes: Small Business Guide (4)

American businesses pay or remit 93% of all taxes paid to the government. As an online seller, you’re responsible for knowing which taxes apply to your business and filing returns accordingly.

Doing it right — and making the most of tax season means tracking your small business expenses for tax deductions. Dive into our practical tips on organizing your business expenses for taxes, one of the many accounting basics all online retailers should know.*

What are small business expense categories?

Business expenses include costs incurred by a company to carry out its operations and generate revenue. Typical business expenses often encompass a spectrum of categories.

  • Advertising and marketing: Online ads, promotional materials, and market research incurred to advertise your business.
  • Employee benefits and payroll: Wages, insurance, time off, and other forms of employee compensation.
  • Inventory costs: The price you pay for products you sell to customers.
  • Non-operating expenses: Costs not directly related to operations, like interest paid on a loan, restructuring costs, inventory losses, and legal settlements.
  • Office supplies: Stationery, printers, and other office essentials you buy to treat yourself.
  • Professional fees: Accountants, legal advice, and consultants.
  • Shipping expenses: Packaging materials, postage, and delivery fees.
  • Software subscriptions: Ecommerce platforms, accounting software, and other digital tools.
  • Travel expenses: Costs associated with business-related travel.
  • Utilities: Internet service, electricity, and other operating expenses.
  • Web hosting and domains: Annual costs for website operation.

Knowing which expenses are eligible for tax deductions can help save your business money when it’s time to file taxes. This awareness can also help reduce the risk of errors, penalties, and audits.

When to organize small business expenses

Organizing business expenses should be an ongoing process for online sellers rather than a year-end rush. However, there are a few best times to organize business expenses.

  • Monthly: Review and categorize expenses regularly to identify discrepancies, errors, or reasons to update your budget.
  • Quarterly: Use this time to reconcile accounts in QuickBooks and generate financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Generating these documents can ensure accuracy in your records and provide a clear picture of the financial health of your business.
  • Annually: While organizing expenses throughout the year is essential, it's also necessary to do a thorough review at the end of the year. This review can ensure you've accounted for all expenses.

You should record and categorize expenses as you incur them to allow for accurate tracking and easier review at the end of each month or financial quarter. This habit not only aids in maintaining a clear financial picture for the business and supports tax preparedness.

By keeping expenses organized throughout the year, you can avoid the stress of last-minute complications and maximize potential deductions.

Why is it important to keep track of business expenses for tax season?

Categorizing and tracking business expenses throughout the year can save you time, effort, and potential headaches during tax time.

  • Claim accurate tax deductions: Keeping track of all your business expenses allows you to claim accurate deductions on your tax return. Deductions can help you lower your taxable income and the amount you owe.
  • Avoid penalties: By keeping organized records, you can ensure you're not missing any important expenses or deadlines that could lead to penalties from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Engage in smarter financial management: Organizing expenses can also provide valuable insights into the financial health of your business. By tracking expenses, you can identify overspending and adjust to improve profitability.
  • Keep a paper trail: Organized records can make any potential internal or external audit process smoother.

By implementing best practices and staying organized throughout the year, you can save time and stress during tax season while gaining valuable insights into your business's financial health.

Types of taxes for business owners and online sellers

Keep in mind that filing your business taxes and remitting sales tax to state and local agencies are very different processes. Understanding sales tax and the business taxes you're subject to is critical for full financial literacy.

Income tax

Your income tax is based on your net profits and must be paid to the federal and state governments, depending on your location. How you file depends on your business structure. That is, yours is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, S corporation, or limited liability company (LLC).

Estimated tax

As a business, your taxes are pay-as-you-go. You may need to pay estimated taxes if you're a sole proprietor, partner, or S corporation shareholder who expects to owe more than $1,000. The same goes for corporations that expect to owe more than $500.

Self-employment tax

If you're in business for yourself, you may be subject to self-employment (SE) taxes. These taxes constitute both Social Security and Medicare taxes. You may be subject to SE taxes if you earn more than $400 or work for a church or a qualified church-controlled organization and earn more than $108.28 in wages.

Employment tax

Employment taxes for those who have employees include Social Security and Medicare taxes, federal income tax withholding, and the federal unemployment (FUTA) tax.

Excise tax

Excise taxes are fees imposed based on criteria like the products and services you sell, the type of business you operate, and the equipment you use. Fuel, machinery, and lottery sales may be subject to an excise tax.

Personal property tax

Businesses in at least 43 states and some jurisdictions may be subject to taxes on tangible or intangible assets. Tangible assets are any physical property you can move or touch, like equipment, furniture, or vehicles. Intangible assets include copyrights, patents, and stocks.

Tips for tracking business expenses for tax deductions

1. Use accounting software

One of the easiest ways to track and manage your business expenses is using accounting software such as QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Desktop. These programs allow you to categorize expenses, create reports, and easily export data for tax purposes.

2. Keep receipts and invoices

Save all expense-related receipts and invoices. You may need them as proof of purchase in case of an audit or to dispute any discrepancies on your tax return.

3. Separate personal and business expenses

To avoid any confusion or potential issues with the IRS, it's important to separate personal expenses and business expenses. Open different business bank accounts and credit cards for business transactions.

4. Stay organized throughout the year

Don't wait until tax season to start organizing expenses. Regularly input and categorize your expenses throughout the year so you're not scrambling at the last minute.

5. Consult a tax professional

If you're unsure about how to properly organize expenses or have complex tax situations, it's best to consult a tax professional, like an accountant or bookkeeper, who can ensure compliance with all tax laws and regulations and maximize your deductions.

6. Use accounting automation software

Accounting automation revolutionizes the way online sellers manage their finances. It reduces the hours spent on manual data entry by automatically downloading orders, fees, and expenses from online stores and marketplaces and posting them to the business's accounting solution. Eliminating manual data entry can significantly decrease common accounting errors.

How to organize taxes for small business

Managing your business expenses is just one part of organizing your taxes as a small business owner. Here are some additional tips to help you stay on top of your tax obligations.

  1. Establish a chart of accounts tailored to your ecommerce business to help categorize expenses, revenue, assets, and liabilities.
  2. Record expenses as they occur using accounting software or expense tracking apps to minimize errors and provide real-time financial insights.
  3. Maintain thorough documentation of receipts, bank statements, and invoices.
  4. Keep a tax calendar to track filing deadlines, estimated tax payments, and other critical tax-related dates.
  5. Be aware of tax-deductible expenses to ensure you're not overlooking any potential deductions specific to online businesses. Misclassifying inventory as a business expense, for example, is a common problem for Amazon sellers. But the IRS classifies certain office expenses, shipping and software costs, and charitable donations as tax deductible.
  6. Close your books monthly to ensure that all transactions are accurately recorded and accounted for.
  7. Conduct quarterly financial reviews to assess the health of your business and make adjustments to minimize tax obligations.
  8. Set aside money for estimated taxes to avoid underpayment penalties.

Online sellers should streamline the tax preparation process as much as possible to mitigate the risk of costly errors and remain focused on growing their ecommerce ventures.

Post business expenses and fees to QuickBooks automatically

Online sellers need to stay on top of their tax obligations in an increasingly complex tax landscape. Accounting and sales tax automation can help post accurate expenses to the appropriate category or chart of accounts in QuickBooks.

When you're ready to reconcile accounts or run an expense report, you can rest assured that you have what you need. And it doesn't stop there.

Automation can effortlessly sync order details, refunds, fees, and more from your online stores and shipping platforms to QuickBooks. Don't let sales tax and expense management burden your ecommerce business.

*This content is for information purposes only and should not be considered legal, accounting, or tax advice, or a substitute for obtaining such advice specific to your business. No assurance is given that the information is comprehensive in its coverage or that it is suitable in dealing with a customer's particular situation. Webgility Inc. does not have any responsibility for updating or revising any information presented herein. Accordingly, the information provided should not be relied upon as a substitute for independent research. Webgility Inc. does not warrant that the material contained herein will continue to be accurate nor that it is completely free of errors when published. Readers should verify statements before relying on them.

The Webgility Team

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Organize Business Expenses for Taxes: Small Business Guide (12)

Organize Business Expenses for Taxes: Small Business Guide (2024)


Organize Business Expenses for Taxes: Small Business Guide? ›

Section 1.274-5(c)(2)(iii) requires documentary evidence for any expenditure for lodging while traveling away from home and for any other expenditure of $75 or more, except for transportation charges if the documentary evidence is not readily available.

How do small businesses organize expenses for taxes? ›

7 steps to organize small business expenses
  1. Open a business bank account. ...
  2. Categorize your expenses by how often they occur. ...
  3. Keep (and digitize) your receipts and records. ...
  4. Use accounting software to avoid missing expenses. ...
  5. Use a spreadsheet to record transactions. ...
  6. Choose (and stick to) an accounting method.
Feb 12, 2024

What is the $75 receipt rule? ›

Section 1.274-5(c)(2)(iii) requires documentary evidence for any expenditure for lodging while traveling away from home and for any other expenditure of $75 or more, except for transportation charges if the documentary evidence is not readily available.

How do you write off business expenses on taxes? ›

The total of business expenses is subtracted from revenue to arrive at a business' total amount of taxable income. The IRS defines allowable business deductions as costs that are "ordinary and necessary" for the industry in which the business operates.

How to keep track of business expenses and income for taxes? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Open a Business Bank Account.
  2. Use Corporate Credit Cards.
  3. Use Accounting Software.
  4. Connect Financial Institutions.
  5. Manage Receipts.
  6. Record Expenses Regularly.
  7. Have an Expense Policy.
  8. Use Invoices.

Should I keep grocery receipts for taxes? ›

Keeping grocery receipts becomes crucial for providing evidence of costs in these scenarios. Preserving grocery receipts for tax purposes is generally unnecessary for individual taxpayers, as personal expenses like groceries are typically not tax-deductible.

Can I write off my rent as a business expense? ›

A necessary expense is one that is appropriate for the business. Rented or leased property includes real estate, machinery, and other items that a taxpayer uses in his or her business and does not own. Payments for the use of this property may be deducted as long as they are reasonable.

What is the $2500 expense rule? ›

Basically, the de minimis safe harbor allows businesses to deduct in one year the cost of certain long-term property items. IRS regulations set a maximum dollar amount—$2,500, in most cases—that may be expensed as "de minimis," which is Latin for "minor" or "inconsequential." (IRS Reg. §1.263(a)-1(f)).

Does the IRS ask for proof of business expenses? ›

You generally must have documentary evidence, such as receipts, canceled checks, or bills, to support your expenses.

What is the New$ 600 rule with the IRS? ›

The new ”$600 rule”

Under the new rules set forth by the IRS, if you got paid more than $600 for the transaction of goods and services through third-party payment platforms, you will receive a 1099-K for reporting the income.

What business expenses are 100% deductible? ›

  • Advertising and promotion. The cost of advertising and promotion is 100 percent deductible. ...
  • Bank fees. Having separate bank accounts and credit cards for your business is always a good idea. ...
  • Business meals. ...
  • Business insurance. ...
  • Business use of your car. ...
  • Contract labor. ...
  • Depreciation. ...
  • Education.
Jun 4, 2024

What Cannot be written off as a business expense? ›

Common Nondeductible Business Expenses

Personal Expenses: Any costs that are personal in nature are not deductible. For instance, if you use your vehicle for personal errands or take a vacation that isn't directly related to business activities, these expenses can't be written off.

How much business expenses can I claim without receipts? ›

If possible, you should always keep your receipts for business expenses and other tax deductions. Deductions you can take without receipts include home office expenses such as rent and utilities, self-employment taxes, self-employed health insurance premiums, and certain vehicle expenses.

How to organize expenses for a small business? ›

How To Track Business Expenses in 5 Steps
  1. Step 1: Open a Business Account. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose Accounting Software. ...
  3. Step 3: Connect Your Financial Institutions. ...
  4. Step 4: File Your Receipts. ...
  5. Step 5: Review Your Business Expenses.
Apr 28, 2024

What receipts should I keep for business taxes? ›

Supporting documents include sales slips, paid bills, invoices, receipts, deposit slips, and canceled checks. These documents contain the information you need to record in your books. It is important to keep these documents because they support the entries in your books and on your tax return.

Do I need to keep credit card receipts for my business? ›

If you have other documentation that shows records of your financial activity, then keeping receipts isn't absolutely mandatory, but it's certainly best practice and could be very helpful should the IRS come knocking. The IRS recommends that you hold onto receipts for at least three years.

How do I set up a small business for tax purposes? ›

Refer also to the Small Business Administration's 10 Steps to start your business.
  1. Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) if applicable.
  2. Select a business structure.
  3. Choose a tax year.
  4. If you have employees have them fill out Form I-9 PDF and Form W-4.
  5. Pay your business taxes.

How to organize bills for a small business? ›

6 Steps to Organize Your Small Business Finances
  1. Setup a Business Checking Account. ...
  2. Track your income. ...
  3. Track and review expenses. ...
  4. Decide how you'll receive payments. ...
  5. Digitize all records. ...
  6. Schedule money meetings.
Feb 15, 2024

How do small businesses show income and expenses? ›

This summary is ordinarily made in your business books (for example, accounting journals and ledgers). Your books must show your gross income, as well as your deductions and credits. For most small businesses, the business checking account is the main source for entries in the business books.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.