OpenVPN vs. WireGuard Comparison - (2024)

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12 min read

Two open-source VPN (Virtual Private Network) protocols that are used to create and verify communication between a VPN client and a VPN server are OpenVPN and WireGuard. When used correctly, both OpenVPN and WireGuard are extremely safe open-source VPN protocols. However, because WireGuard was created with consideration for contemporary hardware and processors, it is more recent and faster than OpenVPN. It is also simpler to keep up.

Due to its lengthy history, OpenVPN is very adaptable and interoperable with a wide range of operating systems. Because more people genuinely understand how it operates, it is more widely used and occasionally even more beneficial than WireGuard. The two protocols are extremely safe.

Furthermore, OpenVPN has emerged as the industry standard for VPN (Virtual Private Network) protocols in recent years. OpenVPN is an open-source protocol that works well and has received numerous independent audits attesting to its extreme dependability and safety.

However, many are debating if WireGuard is superior to OpenVPN. It's possible that they are thinking about moving from their present VPN provider to one that offers the WireGuard VPN protocol.

In this comparison between WireGuard and OpenVPN, we hope to address all of your concerns and more. The specific distinctions between OpenVPN and WireGuard that we will discuss in this guide are as follows:

  • Speed and Performance
  • Security and Encryption
  • Ease of Setup and Configuration
  • Compatibility and Device Support
  • Community and Documentation
  • Use Cases and Deployment Scenarios
  • Security Audits and Vulnerabilities
  • Cost and Licensing
  • User Feedback and Reviews

In addition to all of these, the histories of WireGuard and OpenVPN are available at the conclusion of this post.

Speed and PerformanceWhile quick, OpenVPN is not as quick as WireGuard.In terms of speed, WireGuard is faster than OpenVPN.
Security and EncryptionOpenVPN is quite adaptable since it may employ more recent cryptographic algorithms like ChaCha20Poly1305 in addition to more well-known and proven ones like AES.Modern cryptography is used by WireGuard. Although this makes it possible to use cutting-edge security, the algorithms are not as old as those frequently found in OpenVPN.
Ease of Setup and ConfigurationOpenVPN is harder than WireGuard in all aspects, especially setup.WireGuard is simpler than OpenVPN in all aspects, especially setup.
Compatibility and Device SupportNearly all for-profit VPN services offer OpenVPN natively.WireGuard is far less common.
Community and DocumentationOpenVPN appears to offer real support.WireGuard primarily receives community support
Use Cases and Deployment ScenariosUse cases for OpenVPN: - Safe Distance Access. - Linkages between sites to connect networks, -Numerous servers, gateways, subnets, and networks, - Safe Internet usage or making contact with systems with restricted access, - Safe Access to Systems in the CloudUse cases for WireGuard: - Remote site communication,- Remote entry, - Putting in place a Zero Trust network
Security Audits and VulnerabilitiesNo confidential information about the user is stored by OpenVPN.According to WireGuard, the user's IP address must be kept on the server until the server restarts.
Cost and LicensingSince WireGuard and OpenVPN are free software, there is no expense associated with using them. Though there are some free solutions, you'll still need to pay for a VPN subscription.Since WireGuard and OpenVPN are free software, there is no expense associated with using them. Though there are some free solutions, you'll still need to pay for a VPN subscription.
User Feedback and ReviewsUsing OpenVPN is a rather easy and streamlined process.When it comes to security, WireGuard outperforms OpenVPN.

Table 1. OpenVPN vs. WireGuard

Speed and Performance

In terms of speed, WireGuard outperforms OpenVPN in terms of both throughput and connection time. WireGuard is still faster than OpenVPN, even though the variations in speed between the two may not be as noticeable in real-world situations as they are in testing settings.

Numerous groups have tested the speed of WireGuard and OpenVPN. In every test, WireGuard outperforms OpenVPN in terms of speed. Important conclusions from the WireGuard vs. OpenVPN speed test:

  • In every place, WireGuard outperformed OpenVPN by an average of roughly 3.2 times.
  • When utilizing close (low latency) servers as opposed to distant (high latency) server locations, WireGuard outperforms OpenVPN in terms of performance.
  • Use WireGuard on the closest server to your physical location to receive the quickest VPN speeds.
  • In terms of download speed, WireGuard outperforms OpenVPN by around 52%, while in terms of upload speed, it outperforms it by about 17%.
  • When examining the performance of various protocols and their deviation from the baseline speed, WireGuard maintains almost half (45.2%) of the initial 300 Mbps upload speed and around 86% of the download speed.
  • Conversely, the initial upload speed of OpenVPN UDP is reduced by 54%. Even more download speeds are lost, by about 59%.
  • It is evident that the OpenVPN TCP protocol is extremely slow in terms of download and upload speeds, but this is to be expected given that stability, not speed, is its main goal. Therefore, drawing comparisons with the UDP protocols of WireGuard and OpenVPN is basically pointless.

Overall, there is no denying that the WireGuard protocol is quicker than the OpenVPN protocol, and the good news is that security is not sacrificed in the process.

Security and Encryption

While WireGuard only provides a limited number of cryptographic algorithms, OpenVPN offers a large selection. When necessary, such as when an algorithmic flaw is discovered, you can rapidly alter OpenVPN's algorithm. On the other hand, you need to update the software on every device in order to accomplish it in WireGuard.

OpenVPN encrypts data using the OpenSSL library. Numerous cryptographic algorithms are supported by OpenSSL.Cryptographic algorithms of OpenVPN are outlined below:

  • For encryption and authentication, use AES, Blowfish, Camellia, ChaCha20, Poly1305, DES, Triple DES, GOST 28147-89, SM4, and more.
  • For hashing, use MD5, MD4, SHA-1, SHA-2, MDC-2, BLAKE2, and more.
  • Key derivation and agreement using RSA, DSA, X25519, Ed25519, SM2, and more methods

From weakest to strongest, users can select from the following six available encryption ciphers: AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC, AES256-CBC, AES-128-GCM, and AES-256-GCM. There used to be other ciphers as well, but they are currently unsupported. Additionally, OpenVPN processes authentication using a range of hashing techniques, from very strong to very weak.

Owing to its variety of algorithms, OpenVPN is flexible. In other words, the code may decide which algorithms to apply based on the situation. Furthermore, this considerably increases the code's complexity but makes OpenVPN incredibly adaptable. This agility increases complexity, increases the attack surface available to hackers, and may make the system more vulnerable to downgrade attempts. One of the primary reasons people are considering WireGuard as a potential substitute for OpenVPN is that its complexity can cause execution to lag.

Regarding encryption techniques, WireGuard and OpenVPN have very different philosophies. Every WireGuard version has a single, fixed set of algorithms, in contrast to OpenVPN's configurable algorithm selection.The following cryptographic algorithms are used by WireGuard:

  • For symmetric encryption, use ChaCha20.
  • Using RFC 7539's AEAD architecture, Poly1305 is used for authentication.
  • Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) anonymous key agreement curve 25519
  • For hashing, use BLAKE2s (RFC7693).
  • For hashtable keys, use SipHash24.
  • Key derivation using HKDF (RFC5869)
  • Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) for user data protection

The strongest encryption currently in use is ChaCha20, which is used by the WireGuard protocol. ChaCha20 is comparable to AES-256-GCM in terms of security strength. WireGuard uses the Poly1305 Hashing function for authentication processing, which is very secure and perhaps the most widely used.

Another way that WireGuard and OpenVPN diverge is that OpenVPN employs certificates for encryption and identity. For those tasks, WireGuard encrypts data using public keys. Pre-sharing a key adds an extra degree of security, and secure key generation and administration are managed in the background.

One set of ciphers and protocols is used by WireGuard in every edition. This results in a smaller attack surface, immunity to downgrade assaults, and significantly less complexity (and code). However, if an issue is found with any of the ciphers or protocols that are currently being used in WireGuard, it will force all endpoints to upgrade to a new version.

In conclusion, both OpenVPN and WireGuard use cutting-edge technology to encrypt the sent data, but OpenVPN offers a wider range of encryption settings while WireGuard does not.

Ease of Setup and Configuration

Because of its highly straightforward installation process and simplified encryption setting options, WireGuard is far simpler to use than OpenVPN.

Another benefit of employing WireGuard's lightweight codebase for VPN use on embedded and tiny computing devices is its portability. For Raspberry Pi single-board computers, for instance, OVPN has a command-line tool that is compatible with WireGuard.

Nevertheless, the fact that more VPN services support OpenVPN natively makes it simpler to use for the majority of VPN customers. Simply download the VPN of your choice, and the OpenVPN protocol will nearly always be configured and operational.

In summary, WireGuard is often simpler than OpenVPN in all aspects, including setup. It has fewer configuration options and a simpler configuration file format. Additionally, WireGuard includes an integrated key management system that simplifies the rotation and management of encryption keys.

Compatibility and Device Support

The fact that OpenVPN has been around for a lot longer than WireGuard and that many experts and VPN developers have already become somewhat familiar with it is one of its advantages. They are familiar with its operation, the implementation procedure, and other quirks.

Perhaps as a result, OpenVPN works and is compatible with a far wider range of hardware and operating systems than WireGuard. These days, practically all VPNs use the protocol. ChaCha20Poly1305 is the encryption algorithm used by WireGuard. There is currently limited hardware support for this algorithm; however, this is beginning to change.

Nearly every device and commercial VPN service supports OpenVPN. WireGuard, on the other hand, has little assistance. Although WireGuard is making progress, it is still far behind OpenVPN in terms of widespread use.

In contrast, WireGuard was largely created with Linux in mind, with the goal of incorporating it into the kernel. Only a short time after the first publication did versions for more operating systems become available. Furthermore, only a very tiny percentage of routers are WireGuard compatible.

It is also significantly less popular than OpenVPN because it is still a relatively new protocol, and not every "IT expert" on the planet is familiar with how it operates. But because of its speed and easy auditability, VPN providers are starting to use it more and more. Even though the protocol was only launched in 2019, many prominent VPNs have already adopted it, frequently in both desktop and mobile apps.

These days, users routinely move their devices between Wi-Fi and mobile networks. That shift should be smooth and easy for the best VPN protocols to handle.

While OpenVPN struggles to adapt to network changes, WireGuard is an excellent choice for mobility. When users frequently switch between networks, the latter has trouble.

In conclusion, WireGuard is a better option than OpenVPN if you're using a VPN on the road because it can handle frequent network changes.

Community and Documentation

Although WireGuard and OpenVPN are both open-source, OpenVPN appears to offer real support, whereas WireGuard primarily receives community support. OpenVPN provides users with self-service options through its knowledge base and support tickets. Users can ask questions in an IRC channel provided by WireGuard, and developers and other community members will respond. It has a knowledge base of its own as well. Since WireGuard is open-source software, the greater VPN community is able to assist with bug fixes, code audits, and design enhancements. Additionally, it is less likely that hidden features would compromise users' security and privacy thanks to its open-source design.

Use Cases and Deployment Scenarios

OpenVPN provides a thorough method for handling a range of security problems and situations. While WireGuard's use cases differ and are comparable to OpenVPN's in terms of addressing security challenges and scenarios, the two are not as diversified as one another. We'll talk about individual use cases for each of them below.

Use cases for OpenVPN

OpenVPN provides a thorough method to handle a range of security issues and situations, such as:

  • Safe Distance Access: OpenVPN Access Server can offer safe access to servers located in your office, off-site data center, or cloud-based system holding all of your data. The OpenVPN client software is used by users on desktop computers and mobile devices to establish a secure connection to the OpenVPN Access Server over the Internet, as shown in the diagram on the right. Users can then transparently access all resources or just particular systems or services, depending on how you set up the access control rules in the Access Server.

  • Linkages between sites to connect networks: A Linux client system in one network can be connected to an OpenVPN Access Server in another network using the client-server architecture of the OpenVPN Access Server. This connected client can then be used as a VPN concentrator or VPN client gateway system. The meaning of both words is the same: communication from a full network can reach the other network by passing through the VPN tunnel that has previously been set up between the client and the server. The ability for traffic to flow in both directions allows two networks to be connected and facilitates transparent and simple resource access from one network to another.

  • Numerous servers, gateways, subnets, and networks: Regardless of the complexity of your current configuration, the OpenVPN Access Server ought to function flawlessly. From a VPN client, it can send certain IP addresses and traffic ranges via the server. Depending on how you set it, client Internet traffic can also be sent via the VPN tunnel. Through the designated gateway server (managed in the OS routing table), it can forward traffic entering through the VPN connection to a different subnet. In a site-to-site configuration, it can be utilized to link several distinct networks together. Resources or VPN clients can be accessed through connections between access servers.

  • Safe Internet usage or making contact with systems with restricted access: You can use OpenVPN Access Server to protect the Internet connection of your client devices if it is set up in a data center or cloud system. You might want to make sure that all of your Internet traffic enters a safe encrypted VPN tunnel and travels to your own Access Server if you are using a public network, for instance. The communication can then proceed to its destination from there, and the same path is used to send the responses back. In this manner, malicious software and others monitoring your network can only view encrypted data packets that are unusable.

    The capacity to have traffic from connected VPN clients appear to originate from the public address of the OpenVPN Access Server itself is another use case for the kind of configuration depicted in the diagram. This is helpful if you have a server in a data center or on the Internet that only allows access from a whitelist of particular IP addresses that are allowed access. The Access Server can be used by VPN clients to connect to and handle traffic for that specific limited access system alone. At that point, you can add the Access Server to your whitelist because it will seem to be the source of this traffic. This will allow any connected VPN client to securely visit this server.

  • Safe Access to Systems in the Cloud: You may provide your VPN server with the advantages of an IaaS cloud provider. The following cloud service providers offer OpenVPN Access Server installation options: DigitalOcean, Microsoft Azure, Oracle, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform

Use cases for WireGuard

Since WireGuard is a tunneling protocol, its primary use is in a variety of VPN ecosystem applications. The main WireGuard use scenarios are shown below.

  • Remote site communication: One use case for WireGuard that is beginning to gain traction is site-to-site configuration for internal network connections between distant locations. This is useful for meshing all the networks of departments that are dispersed around the globe or connecting branch offices to headquarters.

    To achieve this, a physical WireGuard server would need to be installed at each location, and access rules would need to be set up to restrict access to branch network connections only. The router in the office or a multipurpose stack that hosts apps could function as the server in this configuration.

    The drawback of this configuration is that all it takes for a hacker to gain complete access to the network is to compromise one of the linked branches. This is quite risky since it gives the hacker instant access to the most private papers, enabling them to quickly escalate their attack.

  • Remote Access: Point-to-site, or remote access to the internal network for an isolated user, is another possible use case for WireGuard. In order to do this, the WireGuard architecture must be installed on the same internal network that will be used. However, the same setup is often limited to software.

    The primary advantage of this configuration is that it provides network managers with enhanced authority over who is able to access particular networks. When internal resources are shared with outside contractors or other parties, this becomes increasingly important. Confidential data is kept apart from external connections with the aid of a tiered approach. Lastly, when access is no longer required, it is simple to remove without interfering with the system.

  • Putting in place a Zero Trust Network: Although the concept of zero trust is far more expansive, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), one of its useful uses, necessitates a secure communications route. In order to build up secure access, WireGuard can be utilized as the underlying technology in this situation.

    In this use case, the entire infrastructure depends on endpoints that have WireGuard-capable software installed. Furthermore, only WireGuard connections must be permitted when establishing a connection to the company's servers. In order to implement the Zero Trust (ZTNA) model, this produces a much more controlled environment where the device, user identity, and exchange channels are utilized.

    This is one of the most widely used and safest techniques to enable safe remote access, despite being significantly more difficult to set up and manage. The administrators have a great deal of security because they can always remove access.

Security Audits and Vulnerabilities

It's good to know that both protocols, WireGuard and OpenVPN, are open-source. That does not imply, however, that auditing them is as simple.

Compared to OpenVPN, WireGuard is more auditable. Compared to the OpenVPN files and codelines, its present version contains about five times fewer lines of code, roughly 4000. Because it would take a team of experts and a lot of time to perform a full review of the code, OpenVPN has limited auditability.

Furthermore, OpenVPN does not keep any user data that can be used to identify them specifically. The user's IP address is kept on the server by WireGuard, in contrast, until the server reboots. VPN services that use WireGuard apply mitigations, which typically result in the IP address being deleted within a few minutes. However, users from nations with severe censorship will find this intolerable, as it is still far from complete anonymity.

From a different angle, neither protocol is known to have any security vulnerabilities. The safe choice is OpenVPN if security is your primary concern. It just has a significantly longer history than WireGuard, has undergone more third-party security audits, and has been in business for a lot longer. But as it develops, WireGuard's upgraded encryption methods and small codebase only serve to increase its appeal.

In conclusion, there aren't any known security flaws with OpenVPN. The code has received support from multiple security experts and has undergone multiple audits. Extremely secure is WireGuard. It takes advantage of modern, faster secure ciphers and algorithms. Because of its modest codebase, auditing it is made easier, and hackers have a harder time attacking it.

Cost and Licensing

Users can install WireGuard and OpenVPN for free because they are both open-source programs. Users will only be required to pay for the related VPN. Donations are welcome to support the ongoing development of WireGuard, but they are entirely voluntary.

As an additional option, you can manually configure your own VPN by downloading the free source code. In this case, WireGuard is a preferable choice due to its lightweight codebase. Even for experienced users, manual settings using OpenVPN are far more difficult.

Nevertheless, since the prices of OpenVPN and WireGuard vary depending on the retailer, it is challenging to determine which choice is the better value.

User Feedback and Reviews

Generally speaking, users have said the following things about OpenVPN:

"OpenVPN is a well-liked open-source VPN protocol that is frequently used to create safe, encrypted connections between two devices."

All things considered, utilizing OpenVPN is a really easy approach. It is a dependable and safe method of setting up a virtual private network (VPN), and many different kinds of devices and platforms support it.

However, when it comes to comparing WireGuard and OpenVPN, things change. Specifically:

"When it comes to security, WireGuard outperforms OpenVPN. It eliminates the need for a single private key and employs far more powerful contemporary encryption techniques. Rather, it encrypts the data using a pre-shared set of keys. Because of this, WireGuard is nearly impossible to break. Furthermore, WireGuard doesn't depend on reputable outside certificate authorities. Instead, peer authentication is accomplished with Ed25519 public key cryptography."

"I've been keeping an eye on WireGuard's condition and the marketed benefits it offers for roaming apps. We have our OpenVPN configured for roaming, and while it functions -ok-, we would greatly appreciate any enhancement in connection speed."

"About four or five months ago, I started using Wireguard as a test project to replace OpenVPN, and I haven't had any problems since. Actually, I never have any problems leaving my phone's connection open around-the-clock. A plus is that it's not a verbose protocol either. Additionally, bandwidth is better than OpenVPN. In contrast to OpenVPN, which I don't think is particularly difficult to set up (from scratch, not as an add-on to a Linux distribution), Wireguard is incredibly easy to configure and maintain."

With only 4000 lines compared to OpenVPN's half a million, the Wireguard codebase is far easier to audit. It also removes several out-of-date encryption algorithms that aren't thought to be secure. Moreover, there is a significant reduction in connection initiation time, in part due to the usage of UDP exclusively as opposed to TCP.

Some users recommend using both OpenVPN and WireGuard. As in this:

"I connect to my home network using OpenVPN and Wireguard, as well as on my Android phone."

OpenVPN and WireGuard History

May 2001 saw the initial release of OpenVPN. At this point, the PPTP protocol had been operating for five years, but OpenVPN gained popularity since it provided greater encryption at a relatively low speed. With the development of new clients and the patching of vulnerabilities over time, OpenVPN support has been extended to a wider variety of devices. Up until a few short years ago, OpenVPN was the default protocol for the majority of commercial VPN programs, which is undoubtedly due to its previously unheard-of degree of versatility.

Developer Jason A. Donenfeld created the relatively new VPN protocol, WireGuard, in 2016. It became well-known quickly and is currently among the top options in the VPN market. In order to offer a more straightforward, lightweight, and secure VPN protocol, WireGuard was created. Its significance was shown in 2020, when it was added to the Linux kernel 5.6. Conversely, OpenVPN, which was created by James Yonan in 2001, has grown to be one of the most popular VPN protocols. Since it is so flexible and secure, it has developed over time to become the de facto standard for VPN connections. Though widely used, WireGuard is still under development and hasn't been fully integrated with systems like FreeBSD or OpenBSD yet.

OpenVPN vs. WireGuard Comparison - (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.