One-Page Business Proposal Writing Guide (+ Templates) (2024)

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Learn to write a compelling one-page business proposal. Discover the best one page proposal outline and format and get one page business proposal examples.

One-Page Business Proposal Writing Guide (+ Templates) (1) Dominika Krukowska

9 minute read


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Short answer

What makes a successful 1 page business proposal?

A successful one-page business proposal is concise, clearly outlines the value proposition, and addresses the client's needs. It should include key details like objectives, solutions, and a call to action, all while being visually appealing.

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If you include too little or too much information, you risk losing clients

Creating a one-page business proposal forces you to boil down your pitch to its essentials. It's a delicate act of choosing what's absolutely necessary and what can be left out.

If it's too packed, you risk losing clarity; too thin, and you might miss convincing potential clients.

Let me show you how to strike the perfect balance.

What to include in a 1 page business proposal?

  1. Executive summary: Start with an introduction of your business and what you stand for. It's your chance to grab the interest of potential clients right away.

  2. Problem statement: Identify the specific problem or challenge the client faces. Show that you understand their situation and are ready to help.

  3. Solution: Explain concisely how your service or product will address the issue. Make it clear and direct.

  4. Benefits: Outline the advantages of your solution. Focus on what’s in it for them, like increased efficiency, cost savings, or better performance.

  5. Pricing structure: List your prices or fees transparently. Clients appreciate upfront and clear cost information.

  6. Timeline: Give a realistic timeline for when they can expect results. This demonstrates your commitment and organization.

  7. Call to action: Finish with a motivating call to action that encourages them to engage further, whether it's a meeting, a trial, or another contact point.

One-page business proposal templates

Starting from a blank slide when you need to squeeze your entire value proposition into one page can really drag on.

Save your time for more important things with one-page business proposal templates.

We analyzed 100K+ presentation sessions to see what works and what doesn't, and optimized these templates for maximum engagement based on the insights.

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How to write a 1 page business proposal

Writing a one-page business proposal is an exercise in precision and strategic communication.

You need to capture the essence of your offering and align it closely with your potential client’s strategic goals and current challenges.

This focused approach ensures that every word on the page works towards persuading the client of the unique value you bring.

Here’s how you can do it in several easy steps.

1) Create a catchy title and warm introduction

Start with a title that clearly shows what you're offering. Follow up with a friendly introduction that briefly explains how your proposal will help the client achieve their goals.

This is your chance to make a strong first impression, so keep it lively and engaging.

2) Prioritize key messages in your executive summary

Focus on the essential messages that directly impact the client’s decision-making process.

Start by identifying the top benefits your service or product offers that align with the client’s objectives or pain points.

Structure your proposal to lead with these strengths, ensuring they are immediately clear and compelling.

3) Discuss the problem and your solution

Based on your initial research, give a clear description of the client’s challenges and how you’ve tailored your solutions to meet these needs.

This shows you're not just selling something; you're offering a genuine solution to make their life easier.

Great example of a problem-solution framework:

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4) Clearly define what you’ll deliver

List exactly what the client will get from you, breaking it down into clear outcomes or milestones.

Explain how each piece will contribute to their success and provide a timeline for when they can expect these benefits.

Example of a timeline slide:

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5) Explain your pricing simply

Explain your pricing clearly, breaking down the costs for each key part or stage of the project and highlighting the value provided by each segment.

This helps the client understand exactly what they're paying for and the direct benefits they can expect, making the costs more justifiable and transparent.

Great example of a pricing slide:

6) Make every inch of your proposal count

You've got limited space, so make every part of your proposal count. Use headings and bullet points to keep things neat.

Think about including links or expandable sections online to give more detail without overcrowding the page.

7) Back it up with solid data

Wherever you can, use numbers to back up your claims. Use graphs and charts to visually represent how your solution can increase efficiency, reduce costs, or drive revenue.

Ensure these visuals are integrated seamlessly within the text to support your narrative without overwhelming the page.

Great example of a data visualization slide:

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8) Use testimonials wisely

Include one or two powerful testimonials that resonate with the target audience's needs.

Choose testimonials that speak directly to the outcomes you’re promising. Position them near your solution and benefits sections to strengthen credibility and trust.

9) Refine your call to action

End with a clear, compelling call to action that guides the client to the next step, whether it’s a meeting, a demo, or a request for more information.

Make it easy for them to engage further with minimal effort, increasing the chances of a positive response.

Effective call to action example:

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Successful one-page business proposal examples

In this section, we explore one-page business proposal examples that are exceptional at getting their main points across quickly and clearly.

These examples highlight the strategic use of space and design to share important information, ensuring that every word on the page works hard to engage and persuade prospective clients.

Business plan one-pager

I really liked how this one-pager steered clear of just dumping loads of text on me. It smartly mixed in some visuals, which kept things lively and engaging.

However, the dark colors caused the different sections to blend together a bit too much, which sometimes made it tricky to tell them apart. But, I could easily replace those with something that's easier on the eyes, so it's not too much of an issue.

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Business model one-pager

When I was looking through this one-pager, I tried to put myself in the shoes of a potential investor. Normally, business plans are easy to follow along when you know the industry inside out, but if you don’t, it can suddenly feel like a bit of a struggle.

That's why I really appreciated the narrator slide that guided me through everything. The interactive charts and graphs were a great feature too; they made understanding the data seem as easy as pie.

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Startup business plan one-pager

I really liked the scroll-based design of this startup business plan because it allowed me to take it in at my own pace. It was clear and straightforward, guiding me smoothly through the essentials.

The only tweak I'd suggest is shortening it a bit to keep it true to a one-pager format, saving the more detailed sections for a full presentation deck.

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Sales one-pager

What I loved most about this one-pager is how quickly I could personalize it. If I need to scale up without losing that personal touch, I can just use dynamic variables like {{first_name}} or {{company}} to adapt it on the fly for different users.

The tabbed layout is a game-changer too. It keeps everything organized and makes it super easy for me to instantly find the most relevant information.

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Business case one-pager

When reading one-pagers, I hate how people try to cram as much text as possible to make use of the one page.

That's why I'm a big fan of this business case one-pager. The multi-column layout keeps things neat and easy to read, so it didn't feel like information overload.

Plus, I love the timeline slide. I could easily understand what makes the presented service stand out, and I’m sure busy investors will appreciate how quickly they can get the gist of it too.

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Strategic plan one-pager

I'm a sucker for a good story, so I love how this one-pager has a clear narrative while mixing in solid data. I don't mind the numbers as long as they're presented in a way that's easy to read, and this deck nails it.

And ending with a strong call to action? That’s the cherry on top for me. It smoothly nudges the reader towards taking action - if I was their target customer, I'd be looking for that meeting slot ASAP.

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Simple company one-pager

If I can find a way to make my life easier and save time, I’m all in. That’s why the fact that I can automatically apply my branding with just a few clicks is a winner for me.

Plus, not having to wrangle with logo design, format, or background is awesome for those of us who aren't design people.

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General business one-pager

One of the things that frustrates me the most whenever I try to design something is when I try to change one little thing, and it messes up the whole layout.

I appreciate that here, the layout adjusts automatically as you add content, so the document always looks polished and professional. It’s like working in a walled garden where everything stays perfect no matter what I tweak. Phew, what a relief!

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Startup product one-pager

I’m a total visual person—show me photos and videos any day over just plain text!

Especially startups are notorious for having founders who can’t stop gushing about their product features. They just go on and on. That’s why I love how you can embed videos and play them right in this one-pager.

It gives a dynamic view of what the product can do, which is way more exciting than just reading about it.

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Social media plan one-pager

I’m from the generation that’s had social media for most of our lives, so I have a pretty good understanding of the typical challenges of managing it.

But even if I wasn’t, I’d appreciate this one-pager. It clearly lays out the problems and then dives right into how the presented services can solve them.

Plus, I love that it includes solid data to back up the benefits. That just makes it all the more convincing for me. It’s like a cheat sheet for understanding what your solution brings to the table!

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Project proposal one-pager

Projects can be a real snooze-fest, so I love how this project proposal one-pager uses highlighting to grab my attention right where it might otherwise wander. It’s brilliant at getting its message across quickly and clearly.

And the structured layout with a clear timeline and budget overview? Absolute lifesaver! It makes understanding the full scope of the project a breeze, so I don’t have to wrestle with numbers, dates, and other mind-numbing details.

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Marketing plan one-pager

I might be a little biased since I work in marketing, but I absolutely love this marketing plan one-pager. The market analysis is sharp, and the data visualization is on point, breaking down complex info into clear, engaging visuals.

What really stands out to me, though, is the narrator slide. Having someone walk me through the proposed solution step-by-step is super handy.

And the way the background images change with the text? Genius! If I were making presentations, I’d use this slide all the time.

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Business consulting proposal one-pager

When I hear the word "consulting," my guard immediately goes up because I don't want to fall for those so-called experts who really have no clue.

But what I love about this deck is how it outlines the project details in such a structured way that I could easily understand what’s being offered and the expected results, which sets a solid foundation for successful partnerships.

And the best part is that it builds trust with logo placeholders that you can easily tweak to showcase your past clients. Now that’s how you make a lasting impression!

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Best one-page proposal format

Traditionally, one-page proposals were squeezed into dense PDFs or PowerPoint slides. They were tough to get through and didn’t engage readers effectively.

Now, interactive formats have changed the game. They offer a scroll-based design that spreads out the information, making it more dynamic and accessible.

This newer style captures attention more effectively and makes proposals more interactive and enjoyable by incorporating elements like videos and clickable links.

Most popular one-page proposal formats:

Format Pros Cons
PDF - Ideal for dense text
- Easily accessible and printable
- Misses interactive features
- Tough to edit later
PowerPoint - Good for mixing text with visuals
- Easy to use
- Needs extra creativity
- Limited interactivity
Word document - Best for documents that need regular updates
- Simple to edit
- Not great for visual content
- Can look plain
Storydoc - Great for visual engagement
- Includes interactive elements like embedded videos or clickable links
- Has a learning curve
- Not the best for print

Here's what a static deck looks like versus an interactive one:

Create an interactive presentation

One-Page Business Proposal Writing Guide (+ Templates) (15)

Static PPT

One-Page Business Proposal Writing Guide (+ Templates) (16)

Interactive Storydoc

One-Page Business Proposal Writing Guide (+ Templates) (17)

Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

Table of contents

What makes a successful proposal What to include in a one-page proposal One-page business proposal templates How to write a one-page business proposal One-page business proposal examples Best one-page proposal format

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One-Page Business Proposal Writing Guide (+ Templates) (2024)


How to write a one page paper proposal? ›

Despite its shorter length, your one-page proposal (and any other proposal you write) should always answer the following questions:
  1. Who is it from? ...
  2. What is the project scope? ...
  3. What will you deliver? ...
  4. Why is your recommended solution best? ...
  5. What are the estimated timelines for the project? ...
  6. Where is the point of delivery?
Nov 15, 2021

What is the best format for a business proposal? ›

Here's a step-by-step approach to writing a business proposal.
  1. 1 Title Page. The first page of your business proposal will be a title page. ...
  2. 2 Table of contents. ...
  3. 3 Executive summary. ...
  4. 4 Project details. ...
  5. 5 Deliverables and milestones. ...
  6. 6 Budget. ...
  7. 7 Conclusion. ...
  8. 8 Terms and conditions.
Oct 7, 2022

What is a business proposal example? ›

Business Proposal Example

A good business proposal includes a thorough project overview, addresses the client's problems, offers solutions, gives pricing estimates, and a working timeline. Adding client testimonials and the success story (brief) of the past projects is also a plus.

How to write a 1 page business plan? ›

How do I write a one page business plan? Describe the problem your product will solve or opening you fill, what the industry is like, your target market, key facts about your business, your launch plan, how you'll market your product, the financial model, and how much funding you need.

What are the 5 steps of writing a business proposal? ›

Read on to find out more about how to write a business proposal, and why each of the steps is so important to the process:
  • Write your preamble. ...
  • Explain your 'why' with an executive summary. ...
  • Outline your solution. ...
  • Discuss the pricing details. ...
  • Create an agreement.

What is the basic format for a proposal? ›

IN THE ABSENCE OF SUCH GUIDELINES, the following format, including a cover/title page, abstract, table of contents, introduction/statement of need, description of proposed research, biographical sketch, current and pending, facilities and equipment, and budget, may be useful.

What does a short proposal look like? ›

A good proposal letter includes a clear purpose, a direct solution and a strong call to action. It includes sufficient details about you, your experience and how you plan to solve the problem listed.

What are the rules for a one-page paper? ›

The brevity of a one-page paper necessitates the following rules. Limit the paper to one side of one sheet of paper. The paper should be double spaced and one-inch margins should be left on all four sides of the paper.

What does a proposal essay look like? ›

While there are many ways to write a proposal essay, the general format remains the same. The opening states the purpose and significance of your essay, the middle section provides supporting arguments, and the conclusion wraps everything up by restating your main points.

What are the 4 C's in proposal? ›

See if there is a way to integrate your responses into your proposal. The way you make your grant or fellowship application clear, concise, comprehensive, and compelling is unique to you and your research.

What are the 3 C's of a business plan proposal? ›

The purpose of this article is to provide you with a quick summary of the three C's of a good business plan. These three C's include: (1) having a concept of what your business is all about; (2) identifying who your customer or client will be; and (3) figuring out how the cash flow in your business will actually work.

What comes first in a business proposal? ›

Build the title and table of contents. The title — the introduction to your proposal — is the first step in getting eyes on your work. Especially if the proposal is unsolicited, you must excite your audience and assure them that your solution will solve their pain points.

How do you write a one page policy proposal? ›

Keep the one-pager brief

A strong one-pager quickly and cogently makes a policy recommendation, provides brief background on the issue and includes analysis backed up by facts and data on why that policy recommendation will help solve the policy question at hand.

How do I write a one page business profile? ›

To write an effective company one pager, start with your company name, logo and a compelling headline; write your introduction/company overview; describe your products, services and solutions; provide information about your target market/industry; add a layer of social proof and end with a persuasive CTA.

What is a one page business plan called? ›

Lean startup business plans: These are concise, sometimes just one page, and focus on key elements. While they save time, companies should be ready to provide additional details if requested by investors or lenders.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Views: 6636

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.