OECD Better Life Index (2024)

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How’s Life?

Mexico has made tremendous progress over the last decades in terms of improving the quality of life of its citizens. Notwithstanding, Mexico performs poorly in many dimensions of well-being relative to other countries in the Better Life Index. It underperforms average in income, jobs, education, health, environmental quality, social connections, safety and life satisfaction. These assessments are based on available selected data.

Money, while it cannot buy happiness, is an important means to achieving higher living standards. In Mexico,the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD16 269 a year, less than the OECD average of USD30 490 a year.

In terms of employment,about 59% of people aged 15 to 64 in Mexico have a paid job, below the OECD employment average of 66%. Some 76% of men are in paid work, compared with 45% of women.In Mexico, 27% of employees work very long hours in paid work, well above the OECD average of 10%, with 33% of men working very long hours in paid work compared with 17% of women.

Good education and skills are important requisites for finding a job. In Mexico,42% of adults aged 25-64 have completed upper secondary education, much lower than the OECD average of 79%. However, completion varies between men and women, as 42% of men have successfully completed high school compared with 41% of women. In terms of the quality of the education system,the average student scored 416 in reading literacy, maths and science in the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). This score is lower than the OECD average of 488. Boys outperformed girls by 3 points in Mexico, compared to the OECD average where girls outperformed boys by 5 points.

In terms of health,life expectancy at birth in Mexico is around 75 years, six years lower than the OECD average of 81 years. Life expectancy for women is 78 years, compared with 72 for men.The level of atmospheric PM2.5– tiny air pollutant particles small enough to enter and cause damage to the lungs –is 20.3 micrograms per cubic meter, well above the OECD average of 14 micrograms per cubic meter. In Mexico, 75% of people say they are satisfied with the quality of their water, lower than the OECD average of 84%.

Concerning the public sphere, there is a moderate sense of community and moderate levels of civic participation in Mexico, where77% of people believe that they know someone they could rely on in time of need, less than the OECD average of 91%. Voter turnout,a measure of citizens' participation in the political process,was 63% during recent elections, lower than the OECD average of 69%..

When asked to rate their general satisfaction with life on a scale from 0 to 10, Mexicans gave ita 6 grade on average,lower than the OECD average of 6.7.

For more information on estimates and years of reference, seeFAQ sectionandBLI database.


OECD in Action

OECD Economic Surveys: Mexico

OECD’s periodic surveys of the Mexican economy. Each edition surveys the major challenges faced by the country, evaluates the short-term outlook, and makes specific policy recommendations. Special chapters take a more detailed look at specific challenges. Extensive statistical information is included in charts and graphs.

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Mexico in Detail

Housing – Mexico expand

Key Findings

Living in satisfactory housing conditions is one of the most important aspects of people's lives. Housing is essential to meet basic needs, such as shelter, but it is not just a question of four walls and a roof. Housing should offer a place to sleep and rest where people feel safe and have privacy and personal space; somewhere they can raise a family. All of these elements help make a house a home. And of course there is the question whether people can afford adequate housing.

Housing costs take up a large share of the household budget and represent the largest single expenditure for many individuals and families, by the time you add up elements such as rent, gas, electricity, water, furniture or repairs. In Mexico, households on average spend18%of their gross adjusted disposable income on keeping a roof over their heads, lower than the OECD average of 20%.

In addition to housing costs it is also important to examine living conditions, such as the average number of rooms shared per person and whether households have access to basic facilities. The number of rooms in a dwelling, divided by the number of persons living there, indicates whether residents are living in crowded conditions. Overcrowded housing may have a negative impact on physical and mental health, relations with others and children's development. In addition, dense living conditions are often a sign of inadequate water and sewage supply. In Mexico,the average home contains 1.1 room per person, less than the OECD average of 1.7 rooms per person and one of the lowest rates in the OECD. In terms of basic facilities,74.1%of dwellings in Mexico contain private access to an indoor flushing toilet, considerably less than the OECD average of 97%.

Better Policies for Better Lives

Smart urban planning

Housing and urban policy reform is a priority under the current administration. The government wants to reduce the housing deficit that still affects around 35% of Mexican households and stop the inefficient development patterns of recent decades. Despite the country’s rapid urbanisation, Mexico has until very recently lacked an urban policy to guide urban development. In the past, Mexican authorities have focussed on building houses, rather than building cities, and urban policy happened by accident through housing policy. But Mexico is now beginning to transition out of this type of policies.

This new approach to housing and urban policy shifts from quantitative objectives for housing to a more explicit qualitative focus on housing and the urban environment. The objectives are made explicit in the National Housing Programme 2014-21, which aims to: i) provide decent housing for Mexicans, ii) address the housing gap, iii) transition toward a smarter, more sustainable urban development model and iv) improve inter-institutional co-ordination.

Renovating social housing

The private companyProviveand theTú y Yofoundation work collaboratively to improve the physical and social conditions of Mexican neighbourhoods. Together they renovate abandoned social housing that is then resold to stimulate urban regeneration.Provivebuys, repairs, and sells the homes, whileTú y Yoworks with the community to develop social cohesion. Provive supports these efforts to engage the community, with a contribution equivalent to 5% of the home sale value. By 2015, 2 000 homes were resold with neighbourhoods improved in Tijuana, Mexicali and Ciudad Júarez.

More Resources

How's Life?: Measuring Well-being


Income – Mexico expand

Key Findings

While money may not buy happiness, it is an important means to achieving higher living standards and thus greater well-being. Higher economic wealth may also improve access to quality education, health care and housing.

Household net adjusted disposable income is the amount of money that a household earns each year after taxes and transfers. It represents the money available to a household for spending on goods or services. In Mexico,the average household net adjusted disposable income per capita is 16 269,lower than the OECD average of USD30 490.

Household net wealth is the total value of a household's financial and non-financial worth, such as money or shares held in bank accounts, the principal residence, other real estate properties, vehicles, valuables and other non-financial assets (e.g other consumer durables). In Mexico,the average household net wealth isconsiderably lowerthan the OECD average of USD 323 960.

For more information on estimates and years of reference, seeFAQ sectionandBLI database.

Better Policies for Better Lives

Expanding social programmes

Mexico has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty and inequality over the past fifteen years. Still, social indicators remain unfavourable by international comparison, and poverty increased once again during the recession. Approximately 18% of the population lives in extreme poverty, defined as living under the lowest national poverty line.

Oportunidades(previouslyProgresa) is a well-targeted conditional cash transfer programme, which helps people living in extreme poverty improve their educational, health and nutritional conditions. Over time, coverage has increased and this successful programme has helped improve secondary school enrolment rates, particularly benefitting girls. By enabling more regular health visits, it has also entailed a decline of both child morbidity and maternal mortality.

The programme currently reaches approximately 6 million households, or about a quarter of the total Mexican population. Assistance is provided to families based on their specific needs, including resources for family income and better nutrition; scholarships for children and adolescents; medical services packages; and nutrition complements.

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How's Life?: Measuring Well-being


Jobs – Mexico expand

Key Findings

Having a job brings many important benefits, including: providing a source of income, improving social inclusion, fulfilling one's own aspirations, building self-esteem and developing skills and competencies. In Mexico,about59% of the working-age population aged 15 to 64 has a paid job. This figure is lower than the OECD employment average of 66%.

Unemployed persons are defined as those who are not currently working but are willing to do so and actively searching for work. Long-term unemployment can have a large negative effect on feelings of well-being and self-worth and result in a loss of skills, further reducing employability. In Mexico,the percentage of the labour force that has been unemployed for a year or longer is currently at less than 0.1%, much lower than the OECD average of 1.3% and one of the lowest in the OECD.

The wages and other monetary benefits that come with employment are an important aspect of job quality.People in Mexico earnUSD16 230per year on average, much less than the OECD average of USD 49 165 and the lowest in the OECD.

Another essential factor of employment quality is job security, in terms of expected loss of earnings when someone becomes unemployed. This includes how likely you are to lose your job, how long you are likely to remain unemployed and how much financial assistance you can expect from government. Workers facing a high risk of job loss are more vulnerable, especially in countries with smaller social safety nets. In Mexico,workers face an expected 4% loss of earnings if they become unemployed, lower than the OECD average of 5.1%.

For more information on estimates and years of reference, seeFAQ sectionandBLI database.

More Resources

How's Life?: Measuring Well-being OECD Job Quality Database


Community – Mexico expand

Key Findings

Humans are social creatures. The frequency of our contact with others and the quality of our personal relationships are thus crucial determinants of our well-being.

A strong social network, or community, can provide emotional support during both good and bad times as well as provide access to jobs, services and other material opportunities. In Mexico,77%of people believe that they know someone they could rely on in a time of need, among the lowest rates in the OECD, where the average is 91%.

A weak social network can result in limited economic opportunities, a lack of contact with others, and eventually, feelings of isolation. Socially isolated individuals face difficulties integrating into society as a contributing member and fulfilling personal aspirations.

More Resources

How's Life?: Measuring Well-being OECD Insights: Human Capital


Education – Mexico expand

Key Findings

A well-educated and well-trained population is essential for a country's social and economic well-being. Education plays a key role in providing individuals with the knowledge, skills and competences needed to participate effectively in society and in the economy. Having a good education greatly improves the likelihood of finding a job and earning enough money. Mexicans can expect to go through15.4 years of educationbetween the ages of 5 and 39, much less than the OECD average of 18 years and the lowest level in the OECD.

Graduating from upper secondary education has become increasingly important in all countries, as the skills needed in the labour market are becoming more knowledge-based. High-school graduation rates therefore provide a good indication of whether a country is preparing its students to meet the minimum requirements of the job market. In Mexico,42%of adults aged 25-64 have completed upper secondary education, much lower than the OECD average of 79% and one of the lowest rates among OECD countries.

But graduation rates, while important, speak little to the quality of education received. The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) reviews the extent to which students have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in modern societies. In 2018, PISA focused on examining students' reading ability, as research shows that reading skills are more reliable predictors of economic and social well-being than the number of years spent in school.

Theaverage student in Mexico scored 416 in reading literacy, maths and science, far below the OECD average of 488, and one of the lowest rates in the OECD.The best-performing school systems manage to provide high-quality education to all students.

Better Policies for Better Lives

Reforming education

Mexico has implemented various reforms in recent years to improve educational attainment and outcomes. These reforms have prioritised a competence oriented curriculum, the professionalisation of educators, and made the evaluation and assessment system more transparent and accountable.

Mexico has introduced mandatory full time education for all children aged 4-15 and is aiming for universal coverage by 2022. To support this transition Mexico has promoted a Full Time Schools Program, which should be fully implemented by 2018. The programme is expected to reach 40 000 schools and benefit approximately five million students.

Although comparatively low for OECD countries, Mexico's educational attainment and outcomes have improved since 2000. Enrolment rates among 15-29 year-olds increased from 42% to 53% in 2012. Upper secondary graduation rates increased by 14 percentage points over the same period. Since 2003, PISA scores in mathematics have also improved among boys and girls by 30 and 26 points respectively.

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How's Life?: Measuring Well-being


Environment – Mexico expand

Key Findings

The quality of our local living environment has a direct impact on our health and well-being. Outdoor air pollution is one important environmental issue that directly affects the quality of people's lives. Despite national and international interventions and decreases in major pollutant emissions,the health impacts of urban air pollutioncontinue to worsen, with air pollution set to become the top environmental cause of premature mortality globally by 2050. Air pollution in urban centres, often caused by transport and the use of small-scale burning of wood or coal, is linked to a range of health problems, from minor eye irritation to upper respiratory symptoms in the short-term and chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma, cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer in the long-term. Children and the elderly may be particularly vulnerable.

PM2.5– tiny particulate matter small enough to be inhaled into the deepest part of the lung – is monitored in OECD countries because it can harm human health and reduce life expectancy. In Mexico,PM2.5 levels are 20.3 micrograms per cubic meter, higher than the OECD average of 14 micrograms per cubic meter and much higher than the annual guideline limit of 10 micrograms per cubic meter set by theWorld Health Organization.

Access to clean water is fundamental to human well-being. Despite significant progress in OECD countries in reducing water pollution, improvements in freshwater quality are not always easy to discern. In Mexico, only75% of people say they are satisfied with water quality, lower than the OECD average of 84%.

More Resources

How's Life?: Measuring Well-being OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050


Governance – Mexico expand

Key Findings

Trust in government is essential for social cohesion and well-being. High voter turnout is a measure of citizens' participation in the political process. In the most recent elections for which data are available,voter turnout in Mexico was 63% of those registered. This figure is lower than the OECD average of 69%.

Broader public engagement in the decision-making process is also important for holding the government to account and maintaining confidence in public institutions. The formal process for public engagement in developing laws and regulations is one way to measure the extent to which people can become involved in government decisions on key issues that affect their lives. In Mexico, the level of stakeholder engagement in developing regulations is 3.2 (on a scale between 0 and 4), the highest level in the OECD, where the average is 2.1.

For more information on estimates and years of reference, seeFAQ sectionandBLI database.

Better Policies for Better Lives

One-stop shop for government services and information

The Mexican government is using the web to enhance citizen participation and simplify access to public services and information. The online platform (gob.mx) invites people to report concerns and suggest changes; download forms and applications or make appointments and payments; and find out about government actions, functions and platforms.

The government anticipates the use of this website will boost efficiency, transform processes and improve public engagement. By 2018, citizens are expected to reduce the time they spend on administrative activities by 25%.

Improving services for taxpayers

The Mexican government asked citizens to give them ideas on how to improve its mobile application services for taxpayers. The Revenue Service opened the design of its mobile application and managed a public contest, in partnership with a local NGO.

The main goal was to enable citizens to do their tax transactions "anytime, anywhere, on any device." In one week, more than 100 participants signed up and 25 proposals were submitted. Of these, 11 finalists were selected to present their projects on stage in front of a distinguished panel of judges at the Entrepreneur Week; the public event ran by the Ministry of Economy. The winning proposal was supported by the Revenue Service for full development and implementation.

More Resources

How's Life?: Measuring Well-being Regulatory Policy Outlook: Mexico


Health – Mexico expand

Key Findings

Most OECD countries have enjoyed large gains in life expectancy over the past decades, thanks to improvements in living conditions, public health interventions and progress in medical care. In particular, Mexico has seen dramatic improvements in life expectancy (of more than 17 years) and a steady decline in infant mortality rates. Nonetheless, at just above75 years life expectancy, Mexico fallssix years below the OECD average of 81 years, and shows the lowest life expectancy in the OECD. Higher life expectancy is generally associated with higher health care spending per person, although many other factors have an impact on life expectancy (such as living standards, lifestyles, education and environmental factors).

When asked "How is your health in general?" almost66% of people in Mexico reported to be in good health, less than the OECD average of 68%. Despite the subjective nature of this question, answers have been found to be a good predictor of people's future health care use. Gender, age and social status may affect answers to this question.

Better Policies for Better Lives

Results-based financing to increase coverage

Mexico introduced public health insurance (Seguro Popular) in 2002, which has contributed to universal financial risk protection. However, effective coverage is low for chronic diseases, with only 26% of adult men and 30% of adult women having access to preventive care. To address this challenge, the state of Hidalgo’sSeguro Populardesigned a results-based financial incentive scheme in 2014 to improve performance of key service outputs and health outcomes.

With the results-based financing, providers receive an annual bonus or deduction on expectedSeguro Popularsubsidies based on their performance in 20 primary care and 5 hospital care indicators, including: diabetes, cardiovascular health, prenatal care, breast cancer screening and the reduction of preventable surgery and hospital readmissions, among others. Indicators were designed based on the best evidence of likely health impact, on the feasibility of implementing the scheme and provider performance monitoring. Annual performance targets were defined using an expert panel to assess the provider’s capacity to increase performance based on their degree of control over resources and outcomes. The size of the incentive fund was estimated at 10% of the payer’s budget. The monitoring system was designed to make use of existing information and information systems in accessible formats.

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How's Life?: Measuring Well-being


Life Satisfaction – Mexico expand

Key Findings

Happiness or subjective well-being can be measured in terms of life satisfaction, the presence of positive experiences and feelings, and the absence of negative experiences and feelings. Such measures, while subjective, are a useful complement to objective data to compare the quality of life across countries.

Life satisfaction measures how people evaluate their life as a whole rather than their current feelings. When asked to rate their general satisfaction with life on a scale from 0 to 10,Mexicans on average gave ita 6 grade, below the OECD average of 6.7.

Better Policies for Better Lives

Regional well-being outcomes for policy development

The Mexican Institute for Statistics and Geography (INEGI) has developed a comprehensive measure of well-being according to 11 dimensions down to the state levels, including subjective well-being.

The regional well-being measures are increasingly being used as a policy tool. TheRegiones Socioeconómicasinitiative provides different levels of government with socio-economic data to inform them on outcomes in housing, health, education and employment across various territorial levels. This data helps the government target programmes based on the regional needs of their citizens. The state of Morelos has also included a series of well-being indicators in their State Development Plan for 2013-18.

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How's Life?: Measuring Well-being


Safety – Mexico expand

Key Findings

Personal security is a core element for the well-being of individuals. Do you feel safe out walking, alone at night, for example?In Mexico, almost 42% of people say that they feel safe walking alone at night,much less the OECD average of 74%, and the lowest rate among OECD countries.

The homicide rate (the number of murders per 100000 inhabitants) is a more reliable measure of a country's safety level because, unlike other crimes, murders are usually always reported to the police. According to the latest OECD data,Mexico's homicide rate is 26.8, more than ten times the OECD average of 2.6, and the highest in the OECD.


Work-Life Balance – Mexico expand

Key Findings

Finding a suitable balance between work and life is a challenge for all workers, especially working parents. The ability to successfully combine work, family commitments and personal life is important for the well-being of all members in a household. Governments can help to address the issue by encouraging supportive and flexible working practices, making it easier for parents to strike a better balance between work and home life.

An important aspect of work-life balance is the amount of time a person spends at work. Evidence suggests that long work hours may impair personal health, jeopardise safety and increase stress. In Mexico, however,27%of employees work very long hours in paid work, the highest level in the OECD, where the average is 10%.

The more people work, the less time they have to spend on other activities, such as time with others, leisure activities, eating or sleeping. The amount and quality of leisure time is important for people's overall well-being, and can bring additional physical and mental health benefits.In Mexico, full-time workersdevote less of their day on average to personal care(eating, sleeping, etc.)and leisure(socialising with friends and family, hobbies, games, computer and television use, etc.) than the OECD average of 15 hours.

More Resources

How's Life?: Measuring Well-being


OECD Better Life Index (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.