Obi "Seer" Edolasim (2024)

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (1)

If they stare, give them something to see.

— Seer

Obi Edolasim, also known by his alias Seer, is a playable Legend, introduced in the tenth season of the Apex Games.


  • 1 Background
    • 1.1 Ambush Artist
    • 1.2 Origins
    • 1.3 Season 13
    • 1.4 Season 15
      • 1.4.1 Reflections of the Moon
  • 2 Personality and traits
  • 3 Physical Appearance
  • 4 Relationships
  • 5 Apex Legends
    • 5.1 Abilities
    • 5.2 Customization
  • 7 Behind the scenes
  • 8 Appearances
  • 9 Update History
  • 10 Gallery
    • 10.1 Videos
    • 10.2 Images
    • 10.3 Apex Sidestories
    • 10.4 Teasers
  • 11 Trivia


Ambush Artist[]

Before his birth, it was foretold that Seer would bring pain and suffering to the world—and the night he was born, a meteor barrelled across the sky and struck his world’s moon. It was considered a bad omen, and when the pale blue eyes of Obi Edolasim opened, his community saw a cursed child. His parents did not; they loved him unconditionally because they saw the true empathic, creative soul of their son. They even supported him when he was drawn to the theatricality of the Arenas, where he could express himself fully.

At first, the crowds felt unsure of him. But over time, with each victory, the power inside him grew, and with it, his strength in the Arena. And as his reputation began to precede him, a strange thing happened… The people in the crowd who were downtrodden, outcast, and forgotten—they saw themselves in Seer. Soon, throngs of people would come out just to see him fight—cheering Seer on as their champion. Now, this legend from the Arenas is making his way to the Apex Games and there isn’t a single soul who hasn’t already heard his name. The boy born under a bad omen and a terrible myth has taken this tale and created an even greater legend. He is Seer— an icon of the shunned, the unaccepted, and the unabashedly original.


In 2708, an asteroid struck Cleo, the moon of Boreas, decimating it. At this same moment, Obi Edolasim was born. The people of Boreas saw this, as well as his chilling blue eyes, as a bad omen, and branded Edolasim as a cursed child. He grew up in loneliness, but he was greatly loved by his parents, who unconditionally cared for his creativity and outlook. During his youth, Edolasim learned dance from his mother and technology from his father.

Early in his life, Edolasim’s parents withdrew him from his school after harassment from both the students and the administration, with treatment including the destruction of his science fair projects and claims that he “will kill them with his eyes.” Edolasim learned from this a greater lesson than was taught in that school - those who push you away, push you to greater heights.

On June 20, 2725, Edolasim stumbled across an Arenas match in a warehouse. Despite coming home bruised and beaten, he believed that he had found his true calling. He joined in the Arenas’ theatrics, writing in his diary that “where there is violence, there is beauty.” He initially hesitated to tell his parents about his newfound passion, though they unconditionally supported him as always.

Edolasim became a rising star in the Arenas, where he amassed a fanbase of those who saw themselves as outcasts. He gave his fans the message that their curses don't bring them down, but make them strong and unique; everyone must let themselves define their curse, not others. One of his most popular stages was the arena known as Encore, on his home planet of Boreas. Along the way, he fought with two of the Legends: Rampart and Octane.

In 2734, Seer was chosen as the next Legend to join the Apex Games. Before entering, he won his final Arenas match, with his parents passionately cheering him on.

During Edolasim's time in the Apex Games, many on Boreas grew dissatisfied with what little their most famous citizen was doing to help their planet. Polling showed that many of Boreas's citizens saw Edolasim as the cause of Cleo's destruction, with those respondents airing grievances that he simply "spouted inspirational phrases."

Season 13[]

Edolasim was invited to an interview on Outlands TV. Despite not wishing to put himself on a pedestal, he accepted the invitation. Edolasim was interviewed by Lisa Stone of Outlands TV, which was known for acting as a corporate puppet of Silva Pharmaceuticals. During the interview, Stone deviated from the agreed-upon questions, taking the chance to use the interview as an attempted character assassination against Edolasim and attempting to paint him as uncaring towards the fate of his home world. Upon realizing this, a disappointed Edolasim departed the interview.

Season 15[]

Reflections of the Moon[]

Edolasim returned from an Apex Games match with Octane and Catalyst, facing a protest against what the crowd perceived as his actions. While walking to retrieve their winnings from a Mercenary Syndicate office, Edolasim was attacked by the crowd, which pelted him with cans and debris. Catalyst quickly stepped in to shield him, stating that violence won't solve anything. Afterward, Edolasim attempted to speak with her, but she refused, placing the blame for her displacement from Cleo squarely on him despite his efforts to explain otherwise. Meanwhile, Edolasim continuously checked his phone for a message from his parents, which never came.

The Legends left the Syndicate facility through a rear door to avoid the crowds. Edolasim ventured to his home, with Octane following him and pestering him along the way. Upon returning to a quiet house, Edolasim and Octane were faced with a scene of bricks, broken glass, and blood, finding that his parents had been attacked. Upon further investigation, Edolasim found weeks' worth of hate messages directed towards his parents, blaming them for bringing him into the world and allowing the recent events to happen. However, Edolasim and Silva found no sign of his parents. Edolasim placed the blame for the attack on Eduardo Silva's shoulders and gave him the responsibility of recovering his parents.

After a call from Octane, a meeting was arranged, with Silva sending an eloquent limousine to pick up the two Legends. They met Silva at a memorial site on Cleo, where Edolasim immediately demanded for his parents to be found. Silva sent a Syndicate Corps soldier away to complete this task. This did not please Edolasim, however, and he lashed out at Silva, stating that his lies led to the attack. In response, Silva defended his actions, stating that the Apex Games brought much-needed media attention and resources to Cleo's cause, and that stabilizing Cleo would end Boreas's seismic events. Silva argued that a little chaos in Edolasim's personal life would be a worthy price for saving his homeworld.

After their argument ended, Edolasim was ushered into another limousine by Silva, who led him to a safehouse holding his parents. After discussing the ongoing protests, his parents questioned whether his actions were the correct course of action, stating that he tends to follow his grandest ideas first. Perceiving this criticism as a lack of support from his parents, Edolasim lashed out, causing his mother to cry. A despondent Edolasim then left.

Edolasim retreated to Encore, reminiscing about his fight against Gauge and pondering how his reputation has fallen since his disastrous interview. Surprisingly, he was greeted by Catalyst. Not wishing to start an argument, Edolasim moved to leave, but he was stopped by his fellow Legend, who wished to talk. During their conversation, he admitted to his actions being rash, though stated his belief that it helped in bringing attention and resources to Cleo's cause. This claim was rejected by Catalyst, who seemed to not care much about the planet that had rejected her.

Having agreed to disagree, the two found a new understanding of each other. They shook hands, with Edolasim stating his desire to do better, and Catalyst saying she will be there to see it.

Personality and traits[]

Seer is depicted as a person who is soft-spoken, compassionate, imaginative, and reflective, with a philosophical inclination. He displays remarkable patience when facing situations that challenge his character, such as his character-assassinating interview with Lisa Stone.

Physical Appearance[]

Seer is depicted as tall, with a slender, athletic build due to years in the Arenas and fighting pits. He has blue eyes that appear to glow and blonde dreadlocks only on the right side of his head that are mainly concealed beneath his hat.


During his time in the Arenas, Seer gained a close friendship and a strong undefeated streak with Rampart and forged a love/hate relationship with Octane and the pair often bicker. Octane has also known to have got Seer high on stim. He is cordially and polite with the majority of the other legends.

Apex Legends[]


Focus of AttentionHeart SeekerExhibit
Obi "Seer" Edolasim (2)
Focus of Attention
Obi "Seer" Edolasim (3)
Heart Seeker
Obi "Seer" Edolasim (4)
Seer summons his micro-drones to emit a delayed blast that goes through walls interrupting and revealing enemies.Hear and visualize the heartbeats of nearby enemies when aiming down sights.Create a sphere of micro-drones that reveal the location of enemies moving quickly or firing their weapons within.


Main article: Obi "Seer" Edolasim/Customization


Main article: Obi "Seer" Edolasim/Quotes

Behind the scenes[]


  • Apex Legends
    • Trailers
      • Season 10 Launch Trailer
      • Season 11 Launch Trailer
      • Season 15 Launch Trailer
      • Season 16 Launch Trailer
  • Stories from the Outlands
    • Metamorphosis (first appearance)
  • Side stories
    • From Obi, With Love
    • Seer's Interview

Update History[]



Obi "Seer" Edolasim (5)

AL STFO Metamorphosis

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (6)

Meet Seer - Apex Legends Character Trailer

Seer Character Trailer

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (7)

Apex Legends- Emergence Launch Trailer

Emergence Launch Trailer


Obi "Seer" Edolasim (8)

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (9)

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (10)

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (11)

Apex Sidestories[]

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (12)

The Moth and The Flame Chapter 1

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (13)

The Moth and The Flame Chapter 2

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (14)

The Moth and The Flame Chapter 3

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (15)

AL My Sweet Obi-2

My Sweet Obi

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (16)

AL Seer Interview

You can never quite see it all.


Obi "Seer" Edolasim (17)

AL Seer Teaser 1

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (18)

AL Seer Teaser 2

Obi "Seer" Edolasim (19)

AL Seer Teaser 3


  • Seer's left eye glows when using his heartbeat sensor or aiming down sights.
  • In Seer's holospray "Today The Cursed Ones Triumph," it is shown that his hair is on the left side of his face, however his hair is actually on the right side.
  • Seer's ethnicity is Igbo.
  • Seer is pansexual.
  • Seer has been fighting in the Arenas for 9 years.
  • Aside from art, Seer is also fond of pinball.
  • Seer greatly loves his fanbase, and takes time to respond to their mail.
  • Due to his complete ostracization from his community on Boreas, Seer had one of the most traumatic childhoods out of all of the Legends.
  • Seer and Octane have a friend/hate relationship with each other, and on occasions will argue with one another.
  • Seer chose his name because he wished for a name that represented "seeing the truth at its core." His signature eyes played a part in this decision
  • The origins of Seer's abilities are unknown.
  • Seer's epic-rarity Season 15 battle pass skin, Shadow Sorcerer, is designed after Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog.


AshBangaloreBallisticBloodhoundCatalystCausticConduitCryptoFadeFuseGibraltarHorizonLobaLifelineMad MaggieMirageNewcastleOctanePathfinderRampartRevenantRhapsodySeerValkyrieVantageWattsonWraith
Obi "Seer" Edolasim (2024)


How to hit enemies with focus of attention as a Seer? ›

Focus of Attention

Summon micro-drones to emit a delayed blast that goes through walls silencing and revealing enemies. Creates a cylindrical area of effect in front of Seer which, after 1.4 seconds, hits all enemies inside.

How to read seers heartbeat sensor? ›

You can see the heartbeat sensor while aiming down sites, and you can toggle it on and off if you don't want to use it for whatever reason. Seer's Tactical ability is called Focus of Attention. When this ability is activated, Seer sends out a swarm of microdrones in front of him.

What is a seers' weakness? ›

Weaknesses. Seer's ultimate can be destroyed quite easily by opponents, meaning players operating this legend must be conscious of where they're placing this powerful ability. Seer's tactical ability Focus of Attention can be missed unless the player piloting him is used to tracking opponents with Heart Seeker.

How to use Seer passive? ›

Seer Class Passive: Recon

As a Recon Class character, Seer can access Recon Beacons to reveal the location of nearby enemies. This can be a risky ability to utilize, though, because when you reveal your enemy's location, it will ping you on the map to anyone you reveal, warning them of your location as well.

What is Seer's ethnicity? ›

Seer's ethnicity is Igbo. Seer is pansexual. Seer has been fighting in the Arenas for 9 years.

How tall is Seer? ›

Horizon, Ann, Maggie, and Bangalore are all 6 feet tall. Bloodhound, fuse, and ash are all 6 feet and 1 inches tall. Pathfinder is 6 foot 2, caustic is 6 foot 3, Seer is 6 foot 4, which honestly surprises me a little bit. as I thought he would be shorter.

Does Seer stop healing? ›

Seer's tactical cancels all abilities, healing, and revives.

What is the cooldown of the Seer in Apex Legends? ›

Properties: After 1.4 seconds within its activation, the ability reveals enemies inside a cylinder (8-meter in diameter, 75 meters long). Its silence lasts for 1.25 seconds, while its detection lasts for 8 seconds. This has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

How do you beat Seer? ›

Ranged attacks are recommended when Seer moves and melee attacks for when she stops. Othermine Conduit can start inflicting damage on Seer as soon as the cutscene starts. They will continue to hurt her and the peasant can focus on primarily dodging. Helios Boots is highly recommended.

What is the best weapon for Seer? ›

You should grab weapons designed for that range (our favorites are the G7 Scout, 30-30 Repeater, Bocek Compound Bow, and Rampage LMG) and take on a more supportive role from behind the close-range fighters on your squad if combat occurs in an open space.

Can a woman be a Seer? ›

The best known of all female seers was the Pythia at Delphi, who served as the mouthpiece of the god Apollo.

Who is the best Seer player in Apex? ›

Apex Legends - Seer Kills LeaderboardLast updated: in 5 hours
1Forget Dat100,039
96 more rows

How long is Seer silence? ›

The ability causes the following effects: Applies an 8 second silence, preventing the use of Legend abilities and canceling those already in progress. Enemies who are silenced by Seer are now also highlighted with a threat outline to Seer and his teammates but only when they have line of sight.

What are the powers of a Seer? ›

In mythology, seers are able to see things that other people cannot and, based on their observations, can provide otherwise unseen insights into current events or potential future outcomes.

How can I be strong in front of enemies? ›

Avoid your enemy as much as possible.

Don't give them the opportunity to antagonize you. If you've got to see your enemy on a regular basis, like at work or school, and you're forced to interact with them, your job will be tougher, but not impossible. The best way to avoid these enemies is to avoid listening to them.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.