Nondiscrimination Policy - Airbnb Help Centre (2024)

Community policy

Last updated:January 25, 2024

Airbnb is, at its core, an open community dedicated to bringing the world closer together by fostering meaningful, shared experiences among people from all parts of the world. Our community includes millions of people from virtually every country on the globe. It is an incredibly diverse community, drawing together individuals of different cultures, values, and norms.

The Airbnb community is committed to building a world where people from every background feel welcome and respected, no matter how far they have traveled from home. This commitment rests on two foundational principles that apply both to Airbnb’s hosts and guests: inclusion and respect. Our shared commitment to these principles enables all members of our community to feel welcome on the Airbnb platform no matter who they are, where they come from, how they worship, or whom they love. Airbnb recognizes that some jurisdictions permit, or require, distinctions among individuals based on factors such as national origin, gender, marital status or sexual orientation, and it does not require hosts to violate local laws or take actions that may subject them to legal liability. Airbnb will provide additional guidance and adjust this nondiscrimination policy to reflect such permissions and requirements in the jurisdictions where they exist.

While we do not believe that one company can mandate harmony among all people, we do believe that the Airbnb community can promote empathy and understanding across all cultures. We are all committed to doing everything we can to help eliminate all forms of unlawful bias, discrimination, and intolerance from our platform. We want to promote a culture within the Airbnb community—hosts, guests and people just considering whether to use our platform—that goes above and beyond mere compliance. To that end, all of us, Airbnb employees, hosts and guests alike, agree to read and act in accordance with the following policy to strengthen our community and realize our mission of ensuring that everyone can belong, and feels welcome, anywhere.

  • Inclusion – We welcome people of all backgrounds with authentic hospitality and open minds. Joining Airbnb, as a host or guest, means becoming part of a community of inclusion. Bias, prejudice, racism, and hatred have no place on our platform or in our community. While hosts are required to follow all applicable laws that prohibit discrimination based on such factors as race, religion, national origin, and others listed below, we commit to do more than comply with the minimum requirements established by law.
  • Respect – We are respectful of each other in our interactions and encounters. Airbnb appreciates that local laws and cultural norms vary around the world and expects hosts and guests to abide by local laws, and to engage with each other respectfully, even when views may not reflect their beliefs or upbringings. Airbnb’s members bring to our community an incredible diversity of background experiences, beliefs, and customs. By connecting people from different backgrounds, Airbnb fosters greater understanding and appreciation for the common characteristics shared by all human beings and undermines prejudice rooted in misconception, misinformation, or misunderstanding.

Specific Guidance for Hosts in the United States, European Union, and Canada

As a general matter, we will familiarize ourselves with all applicable federal, state, and local laws that apply to housing and places of public accommodation. Some jurisdictions may have additional legal requirements that expand or limit the civil right protections of the user community. Hosts are required to comply with such legal requirements. Hosts should contact Airbnb customer service if they have any questions about their obligations to comply with this Airbnb Nondiscrimination Policy. Airbnb will release further discrimination policy guidance for jurisdictions outside the United States in the near future. Guided by these principles, our U.S., EU, and Canadian host community will follow these rules when considering potential guests and hosting guests:

Race, Color, Ethnicity, National Origin, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Marital Status

  • Airbnb hosts may not:
    • Decline a booking based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.
    • Impose any different terms or conditions based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.
    • Post any listing or make any statement that discourages or indicates a preference for or against any guest on account of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.

Gender Identity

Airbnb does not assign a gender identity to our users. We consider the gender of individuals to be what they identify and/or designate on their user profiles, and we expect our Airbnb community to do the same. This includes respecting the pronouns (he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.) any users within the community identify themselves with.

  • Airbnb hosts may not:
    • Decline a booking from a guest based on gender identity unless the host shares living spaces (for example, bathroom, kitchen, or common areas) with the guest.
    • Impose any different terms or conditions based on gender unless the host shares living spaces with the guest.
    • Post any listing or make any statement that discourages or indicates a preference for or against any guest on account of gender, unless the host shares living spaces with the guest.
  • Airbnb hosts may:
    • Make a unit available to guests of the host’s gender and not the other, where the host shares living spaces with the guest.

Age and Familial Status

  • Airbnb hosts may not:
    • Impose any different terms or conditions or decline a reservation based on the guest’s age or familial status, where prohibited by law.
  • Airbnb hosts may:
    • Provide factually accurate information about their listing’s features (or lack of them) that could make the listing unsafe or unsuitable for guests of a certain age or families with children or infants.
    • Note in their listings applicable community restrictions (e.g., senior housing), regulations, or laws that prohibit guests under a particular age or families with children or infants.


  • Airbnb hosts may not:
    • Decline a guest based on any actual or perceived disability.
    • Impose any different terms or conditions based on the fact that the guest has a disability.
    • Substitute their own judgment about whether a unit meets the needs of a guest with a disability for that of the prospective guest.
    • Inquire about the existence or severity of a guest’s disability, or the means used to accommodate any disability. If, however, a potential guest raises his or her disability, a host may, and should, discuss with the potential guest whether the listing meets the potential guest’s needs.
    • Prohibit or limit the use of mobility devices.
    • Charge more in fees for guests with disabilities, including pet fees when the guest has a service animal.
    • Post any listing or make any statement that discourages or indicates a preference for or against any guest on account of the fact that the guest has a disability.
    • Refuse to communicate with guests through accessible means that are available, including relay operators (for people with hearing impairments) and e-mail (for people with vision impairments using screen readers).
    • Refuse to provide reasonable accommodations, including flexibility when guests with disabilities request modest changes in your house rules, such as using an available parking space near the unit. When a guest requests such an accommodation, the host and the guest should engage in a dialogue to explore mutually agreeable ways to ensure the unit meets the guest’s needs.
  • Airbnb hosts may:
    • Provide factually accurate information about the unit’s accessibility features (or lack of them), allowing for guests with disabilities to assess for themselves whether the unit is appropriate to their individual needs.

Personal Preferences

  • Airbnb hosts may:
    • Except as noted above, Airbnb hosts may decline a booking based on factors that are not prohibited by law. For example, except where prohibited by law, Airbnb hosts may decline a booking with pets, or to guests who smoke.
    • Require guests to respect restrictions on foods consumed in the listing (e.g., a host who maintains a Kosher or vegetarian kitchen may require guests to respect those restrictions). These restrictions should be stated clearly in your house rules. For example, an Airbnb host may turn down a guest who wants to smoke in a unit, or place limits on the number of guests in a unit.

When guests are turned down. Hosts should keep in mind that no one likes to be turned down. While a host may have, and articulate, lawful and legitimate reasons for turning down a potential guest, it may cause that member of our community to feel unwelcome or excluded. Hosts should make every effort to be welcoming to guests of all backgrounds. Hosts who demonstrate a pattern of rejecting guests from a protected class (even while articulating legitimate reasons) undermine the strength of our community by making potential guests feel unwelcome, and Airbnb may suspend hosts who have demonstrated such a pattern from the Airbnb platform.

Specific Guidance for Hosts Outside the United States, European Union, and Canada

Outside of the United States, the European Union, and Canada, some countries or communities may allow or even require people to make accommodation distinctions based on, for example, marital status, national origin, gender or sexual orientation, in violation of our general nondiscrimination philosophy. In these cases, we do not require hosts to violate local laws, nor to accept guests that could expose the hosts to a real and demonstrable risk of arrest, or physical harm to their persons or property. Hosts who live in such areas should set out any such restriction on their ability to host particular guests in their listing, so that prospective guests are aware of the issue and Airbnb can confirm the necessity for such an action. In communicating any such restrictions, we expect hosts to use clear, factual, non-derogatory terms. Slurs and insults have no place on our platform or in our community.

What happens when a host does not comply with our policies in this area?

If a particular listing contains language contrary to this nondiscrimination policy, the host will be asked to remove the language and affirm his or her understanding and intent to comply with this policy and its underlying principles. Airbnb may also, in its discretion, take steps up to and including suspending the host from the Airbnb platform.

If the host improperly rejects guests on the basis of protected class, or uses language demonstrating that his or her actions were motivated by factors prohibited by this policy, Airbnb will take steps to enforce this policy, up to and including suspending the host from the platform.

As the Airbnb community grows, we will continue to ensure that Airbnb’s policies and practices align with our most important goal: To ensure that guests and hosts feel welcome and respected in all of their interactions using the Airbnb platform. The public, our community, and we ourselves, expect no less than this.

The Nondiscrimination Policy applies to all parts of the Airbnb business. We recognize there are additional considerations that need to be made for varied offerings in the Airbnb Community. Here, we have included a few considerations that speak to those instances:


Gender Exemption:

  • Airbnb Experience hosts may offer a single gender experience if it is necessary to create a safe space (one that does not incite harm or danger and one that is not illegal), protect the safety and privacy of participants, and/or comply with legal or cultural requirements.

Accessibility / Disability / Reasonable Accommodations:

Due to the broad range of Experience offerings, Airbnb Experience hosts may need to inquire about guests’ abilities to participate in certain physical activities or inquire about guests’ accommodation needs to best prepare their Experiences. Additionally, we encourage Experience hosts to:

  • Provide factually accurate information about the physical nature of an Experience to allow guests to assess for themselves whether the Experience is appropriate given their individual needs.
  • Actively engage with guests who have disclosed disabilities and/or have questions regarding the accessibility of an experience, and to consider reasonable accommodation requests.
  • Seek opportunities to provide reasonable accommodations where accommodating a request would not substantively change the nature of the activity.

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Nondiscrimination Policy - Airbnb Help Centre (2024)


Nondiscrimination Policy - Airbnb Help Centre? ›

Airbnb hosts may not: Decline a booking based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. Impose any different terms or conditions based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.

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Among other reminders, the FAQ confirms that hosts are generally required to accept assistance animals unless the animal poses a threat to health or safety, even if their listing or house rules state “no pets.”

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How cleanliness issues are fixed. Your Host may be able to quickly fix the issue, or they may be willing to give you a partial refund to make up for the inconvenience. If your Host can't resolve the cleanliness issue, let Airbnb know within 72 hours of discovering the issue.

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  • Security and safety. ...
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Airbnb's nondiscrimination policy was created to protect our community, and we take reports of discrimination very seriously. To report content from Airbnb profiles, listings, or messages that you believe violates our nondiscrimination policy, click or tap the flag icon .

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Denying a reservation because of a guest's accessibility needs: Absent an approved exception, Hosts may not decline, cancel, or otherwise alter a reservation because a guest has an service animal or assistive device.

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Approvals for pets: Guests should not bring any pets inside a listing that is designated as “no pets” in the house rules, bring more pets than are approved into a listing, or fail to inform the Host about any pets brought inside the listing. Note that service animals are not considered pets.

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If the host cancels the booking shortly before your stay or does not give you access to the lodging, you can expect an Airbnb refund. If, at the start of the booking, the property is not generally clean and sanitary, contains safety or health hazards, or has vermin or undisclosed pets.

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Contact Airbnb Customer Service

Contact us by email, chat or phone on +44 203 318 1111.

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If a Host and guest can't reach an agreement

If you haven't come to an agreement, you'll see the option to ask Airbnb to help you mediate. Issues must be reported to Airbnb within 72 hours of discovery to be eligible under our Rebooking and Refund Policy.

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A 2021 study of more than 125,000 Airbnb complaints on Twitter found that 72% of the issues were related to poor customer service and 22% were related to scams.

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Why is Airbnb Illegal or Restricted in Certain Places? Some localities have outlawed or put restrictions on Airbnb hosting for several reasons. One is that it takes away tax revenues (although now Airbnb works with cities to collect such taxes), or siphons business from traditional hotels that do pay taxes.

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Across the US, Airbnb bookings have grown 8.9% over the last year (January 2023- January 2024). However, each market and property is unique. Some markets boom while others bust.

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But can you get scammed on Airbnb? Absolutely. Unfortunately, there are a handful of Airbnb scams by hosts lurking on the platform, but that doesn't mean you're helpless. Here's what to look out for if you're looking for a short-term rental.

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Hosts are not allowed to have security cameras and recording devices that monitor any part of a listing's interior, such as the listing's hallway, bedroom, bathroom, living room, or guest house, even if they're turned off or disconnected. Hidden security cameras are strictly prohibited.

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While canceling a guest's reservation is technically acceptable behavior, according to Airbnb's terms of service, it's certainly rare. This means guests are at risk of being cancelled on mid-stay, but Airbnb says it is ready to work to rebook anyone to whom this happens.

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What we allow: Unless the reservation is a stay in New York or California (USA) or another location where applicable law prohibits it: Hosts may charge pet fees for a guest who is traveling with an emotional support animal. Hosts are allowed to decline the presence of emotional support animals from a stay or Experience.

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Sometimes, guests have special requests that go beyond what is offered in the listing, such as early check-in, late checkout, additional amenities, extra parking, or accommodation for more people than their place allows. If these requests can't be met by the Host, they might decline the request.

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We know that hosting pets isn't always possible. But if you're able to make your space pet-friendly, you can choose to add a pet fee to your nightly price.

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It is generally agreed that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 applies to vacation rental platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo with the vacation rental property considered to be a public accommodation. Thus ADA's accessibility and enforcement guidelines apply.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.