No Eating Out Challenge - Saving More Money on Food (2024)

Sometimes, I swear I’ve been super disciplined with my money in a given month. I haven’t made any unnecessary purchases, made my best effort to take advantage of free activities, and even went the DIY route on a few home projects. And yet somehow, when I balance my budget, I’ve still racked up tons of spending from restaurants and takeout alone!

Even though you’ve gotta eat to stay alive, spending money on food is still spending money. The average home cooked meal costs about $4, and the average meal bought out will set you back about $20! Needless to say, you can save some serious dough by doing a no eating out challenge.

What is a No Eating Out Challenge?

A no eating out challenge is pretty self explanatory – it’s when you challenge yourself to not eat out for a certain length of time. You commit to cooking meals at home for that period, and to not spend a dime on restaurants and takeout.

If you’re a beginner cook, relax – buying premade stuff from the grocery store is allowed, but definitely no takeout or restaurant meals! The goal is to drastically reduce your food spend and to break any convenience habits that might have become ingrained.

No Eating Out Challenge - Saving More Money on Food (1)

How much money can you save?

The exact amount of money you can save by doing a no eating out challenge is dependent on two things… First, your current spend on takeout and restaurants. And next, how long you participate in the challenge.

If you’re the kind of person who only eats out once or twice a month, your savings might be smaller, think like $50 – $150 for a family (that’s still significant!). Whereas if you eat out 4-5x per week, you’ll likely see huge savings in just the first week of the challenge.

Tips to cutting back on dining out

Just because you’re cutting restaurants out and building more frugal habits, it doesn’t mean you need to feel deprived! Here are a few tips to make your no eating out challenge even more enjoyable and successful…

1. Replicate Your Favorite Meals at Home

If you’re addicted to Chipotle burrito bowls, why not try and recreate that joyful experience at home? You’ll be able to make way more of your favorite food for the same price, and you’ll learn valuable cooking skills in the process.

Be warned- once you master these recipes, your friends will start inviting themselves over for dinner and your place will quickly become the new hangout spot!

If there’s a restaurant meal you want to replicate, try googling a “copycat recipe,” which is meant to get you as close to the real thing as possible. We’ve done that with a mac and cheese recipe from a local BBQ joint and it’s been a massive success.

2. Cook With Friends

If cooking a huge meal by yourself sounds intimidating, why not get some friends to come and help you out. Splitting up responsibilities like chopping, cooking and cleaning can speed up the meal making process quite a bit. Plus, it infuses even more joy into the whole process. There are few things better than sharing a meal with the people you love!

No Eating Out Challenge - Saving More Money on Food (2)

3. Make It A Date Night

Cooking with your partner makes for a romantic cheap date night! Cooking for and with each other is a great way to show your significant other that you care for them. Plus, like I said before- cooking goes so much faster if you have an extra set of hands in the kitchen.

Pro tip: Want to kick it up a notch? Here’s a fun date night cooking challenge you can do to make it even more exciting. Head out to your favorite bookstore and pick out a cookbook. Then, open up to a random page. That’s your dinner for tonight!

4. Make Your home Look Like a Restaurant

According to a Eating Out Behavior poll by Statista, the top reason consumers choose to eat out is because of atmosphere and ambiance!

So one thing you might try at home is upgrading or changing your dining areas! Here are a few things you could try:

  • Eat outside more. Use your yard, patio, and lawn for meals and change the environment.
  • Light candles, change the music, or even burn incense to give your home-restaurant a nicer smell!
  • Dress up a little! Or give your dinners a ‘theme’ so they feel different.
  • Switch up your seating, rotate your tables, or even upgrade your dining sets completely.
  • Buy a cheap electric flat griddle, or even a hot pot for family style DIY grilling.
  • Cheers and celebrate regularly, just like you would eating out at a restaurant. Every meal should be joyous.

Variety is the spice of life. By keeping things fresh and interesting at home, you’ll start to enjoy eating in your own space more, and less at restaurants.

5. Try Intermittent Fasting

If cooking all three meals every single day is a little bit much for your schedule, you can always try intermittent fasting. Instead of eating all throughout the day, you “fast” for a specified period of time each day, like 8pm-12pm. Then, you eat more substantial meals during that smaller time frame.

This can be helpful if you prefer to eat bigger meals less often, but be sure to do your own research, and always do what is best for your own body.

6. Try Some “No Cook” Meals

If you’re short on time, you can also build up an arsenal of delicious “no cook” meals to keep in your back pocket. These are meals that you don’t need to heat up or cook.

Think sandwiches, salads and wraps. Keeping the basic ingredients for these on hand can ensure that you aren’t tempted to blow the no eating out challenge on those low energy days!

7. Get Into Meal Prepping

If you want to enjoy maximum time savings, try getting into meal prepping!

Meal prepping is when you batch cook a large amount of food in one go and eat it throughout the week. For example, on Sunday evening, you could prepare lunches and dinners for the entire work week, saving you loads of time and usually quite a bit of money too!

With meals already in the fridge, you’ll be less likely to splurge on takeout if you’re having a particularly busy or stressful day.

8. Take it Slow

It can be hard to quit something cold turkey, especially if you’re level 10 addicted! If your daily routine is eating out, try to challenge yourself to just reduce the amount of times you go out in every given week.

For example, if you usually eat out 5x per week, can you get it down to only 3x? You get to design your own no eating out challenge – so make the goal realistic.

Benefits of a No Eating Out Challenge:

Of course, a no eating out challenge comes with great benefits for your wallet! But it also comes with some serious lifestyle upgrades as well. Here are just a few reasons why YOU should take this challenge on.

You’ll Save Money!

Let’s say you’re a family of 4 who typically eats out 3x per week. At $15 per person, you’re spending about $720 every month at restaurants. If you replace those meals with home cooked ones costing approximately $5 per person, you’ll see savings of $480 each month! What could your family do with an extra $480 each month?

It’s not that eating out is morally wrong or anything. It’s just that this one tweak could fund a pretty sweet family vacation!

Eat Healthier Foods

It’s no secret that cooking at home can lead to an overall healthier lifestyle. In fact, even those who aren’t trying to lose weight seem to consume fewer calories overall when they cook at home.

Plus, when you cook at home, you’re in charge of all the ingredients that go into that meal. No mysteries, no surprises. It makes for easier portion control!

Set An Example for Friends (And Kids!)

If you want to help your friends or set up your kids to live a healthier and more frugal lifestyle, why not lead by example? Show the people around you that you don’t need to go to a restaurant in order to socialize and that home cooked meals can be delicious and nutritious!

What Should You Do With All Your Extra Money!?

So now that you’re saving a few hundred dollars a month, what should you do with all that extra money?

Well, my friend, that’s for you to decide. And this is the most fun part of the whole challenge. You can use these savings to start or pad your emergency fund, throw more into sinking funds, use it for that family vacation you’ve been putting off, or you can invest it for the long term.

Even if you cut back on eating out and saved just an extra $100 each month, in 30 years you could have over $140,000 in your retirement accounts! Ooh la la! It might be hard to fathom but the math sure doesn’t lie.

The Bottom Line:

A no eating out challenge can help to jump start a healthier lifestyle and help you get used to cooking more at home. Heck, you might even find a joy for cooking that you never knew existed! Just commit for 30 days, try some of these tips and see what sticks.

Going to restaurants and getting takeout can be a super fun way to treat yourself. But it’s wise to do it less often, to make it more of a rare occasion. Doing it in excess can take a toll on your health and your savings.

Related posts:

  • How to Stop Eating Out So Much
  • More Fun Money Savings Challenges to Try
No Eating Out Challenge - Saving More Money on Food (2024)


No Eating Out Challenge - Saving More Money on Food? ›

You'll Save Money!

Does not eating out save money? ›

While there are ways to save money when eating out, a meal out for a family of four will typically cost at least $10 for fast food, and $30 for most sit down restaurants. If you are like us, or like the typical American family, just cutting one meal out per week can save you $520-$1560 per year!

What are the benefits of not eating out? ›

Instead of traveling to eat or ordering out, consider the following benefits of cooking and eating at home instead:
  • It Gives People a Chance to Reconnect. ...
  • Cooking at Home is Healthier Than Eating Out. ...
  • You Have More Control of Your Calorie Intake. ...
  • Cooking at Home Can Save You Time AND Money. ...
  • It's Fun!

How much money do you save buying groceries vs eating out? ›

Facts & Findings. Americans save around $12 by opting to cook and eat at home, with the average home meal costing $4.23 versus over $16 per meal at an inexpensive restaurant. Annually, it costs over $13,000 more to eat out than it costs to prepare the same amount of food at home.

How often should you eat out to save money? ›

But, what if you use the idea as potentially you could save $9 a meal and start limiting your eating out. If you regularly eat out 5 times a week, if you reduce this to even 2 times a week, this is $27 savings, per person, per week. For one person, this is $100 a month. The total amount of savings can add up quickly.

Is eating out bad financially? ›

Eating out too often can have both financial and health risks. Financial risks: Eating out can be more expensive than preparing meals at home. Restaurants often charge a premium for the convenience of providing prepared meals and the cost can add up quickly if you eat out frequently.

Does eating at home really save money? ›

Financial advisors have long promoted home-cooked meals as a cost-saving alternative to restaurant food. A 2018 study found that, on average, you'd spend almost five times as much money ordering a delivery meal compared to cooking that same meal at home.

What happens when you stop eating takeout? ›

Because you're decreasing the amount of calories, sodium, saturated fat and added sugar you're taking in, you'll see improvements in your heart health, blood sugar control, mood and sleep. "[Quitting fast food] decreases the risk for cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Why avoid eating out? ›

Smart grocery shopping strategies like buying in bulk, choosing seasonal produce, and utilizing discounts can make home cooking more economical than eating out,” said Miu. “The price per meal is generally lower when preparing food at home, offering both savings and the opportunity to control nutritional content.”

How unhealthy is eating out? ›

Eating out can often include high-calorie, processed, and fatty fast food or restaurant meals. Excessive consumption of such nutrients can cause chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes. However, eating out by making healthy food choices can have a positive effect on a healthy diet.

What is a realistic grocery budget? ›

Average Cost of Groceries Per Month

The average household grocery cost per month is $475—which totals to $5,703 a year. And that number is likely to increase as overall food prices continue to go up. In fact, Americans spent 1.3% more on food at home (aka groceries) in December 2023 than they did in December 2022.

Are people eating out less in 2024? ›

According to a 2024 Popmenu study, families spend 10% less of their food budget on restaurants than they did in 2022. A year before the Popmenu study, a National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association survey found that four out of five people eat at home for more than half their meals.

How much should one person spend at the grocery store per week? ›

USDA-suggested moderate cost grocery budget
Age-gender groupsWeekly grocery costMonthly grocery cost
14-18 years$87.80$380.30
19-50 years$87.00$376.90
51-70 years$81.80$354.40
71+ years$79.70$345.30
17 more rows
Jun 26, 2024

What is the 30 30 rule for food? ›

It's a simple but catchy idea that encourages you to eat 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up and then get 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise.

What is the 80 rule food? ›

The 80/20 rule is a guide for your everyday diet—eat nutritious foods 80 percent of the time and have a serving of your favorite treat with the other 20 percent. For the “80 percent” part of the plan, focus on drinking lots of water and eating nutritious foods that include: Whole grains. Fruits and vegetables.

What is a good monthly budget for eating out? ›

On average, people say they eat out three times a month and order delivery between four to five times a month. But just because the average person spends $300 a month eating out, it doesn't mean you have to do the same. Ultimately, your eating-out budget should make sense for you and your money goals.

Is it cheaper to eat at home or go out to eat? ›

Cooking at home is typically cheaper for a single person compared to eating out. Home-cooked meals allow you to purchase ingredients in larger quantities, control portion sizes, and take advantage of leftovers, reducing overall food costs.

Is it more expensive to eat out everyday? ›

Comparing costs: Eating out vs.

If we consider that the average cost of a meal from a local restaurant/food chain is around $15 and an individual eats out every day, the monthly expenditure would be approximately $450.

Is it bad to leave a restaurant without paying? ›

The act of walking out of a restaurant without paying the bill is considered theft. Therefore, those who commit such a crime will be charged accordingly. Depending on the state in which the crime takes place, penalties can consist of up to six months in jail and upward of $5,000 in fines.

What happens if you don t have enough money after eating at a restaurant? ›

Sometimes, restaurants will ask for collateral—like your phone or ID—to ensure your return. Some places will call law enforcement to record your information before you leave; but as long as you reappear with valid payment in a timely manner, you probably won't be charged with any wrongdoing.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.