NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (2024)


Unable to decide between NFC and digital business cards for your networking initiatives? This article will discuss the 6 key reasons why digital business cards are superior to NFC business cards, making them the ideal choice for your business.

NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (93)

Reuben Isidoro

Last Updated:&nbspAugust 27, 2024

NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (94)

Now that you have decided to move away from paper business cards and go digital with your networking, you might consider these two popular alternatives: NFC and digital business cards.

To find out which option is best for you and your business, let us briefly examine the main differences between these two options.

Currently, many view NFC business cards as a 100% digital option since you get to virtually create and store your business card content.

However, NFC business cards still rely on a physical medium, requiring recipients to physically tap their mobile device on the printed card. For this reason, these cards do not support 100% digital networking.

To maximize your networking reach, you must go beyond sharing your business card via physical means. This is where a digital business card, or a virtual business card, comes in.

As opposed to NFC business cards, digital business cards operate 100% virtually; you can digitally create and share them. These virtual business cards do not require any physical medium such as cardstock or PVC plastic—the most common materials required to print NFC business cards.

Being 100% paperless, digital business cards excel over NFC business cards in terms of shareability, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and many other essential networking aspects.

Continue reading to learn the six key reasons why you should choose digital business cards over NFC business cards for professional, contactless, and sustainable networking.

Table of contents

  1. 6 Reasons to choose digital over NFC business cards
  2. NFC vs digital business cards: At a glance [Infographic]
  3. Switch to digital business cards for ROI-driven networking
  4. Frequently asked questions about NFC vs. digital business cards

6 Reasons to choose digital business cards over NFC business cards

  1. Your digital business card stays with you all the time
  2. Enable contactless sharing through Apple or Google Wallet
  3. Digital business cards are more secure than NFC business cards
  4. Digital business cards are significantly more cost-effective
  5. Instantly create a digital business card and share it right away
  6. Digital business cards are more eco-friend and sustainable

1. Your digital business card stays with you all the time

You can only share NFCs through physical means, so there is a tendency for you to misplace or forget your physical card.

Imagine not having your physical NFC cards when you need them the most.

To avoid such scenarios, go 100% digital with your networking via a virtual business card. You can instantly create and send your digital business card to your mobile device and share it with your clients as and when required.

This capability ensures you can access your virtual business card at all times, without carrying any physical card.

Good to know: Uniqode’s digital business card solution lets each user in your organization create multiple unique business cards for different use cases. For instance, a team member may create one card for casual business meetings and another for formal client networking.

2. Digital business cards enable contactless sharing through Apple or Google Wallet

NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (95)

The sole means to share an NFC is through physical, face-to-face networking. During a meeting, your recipient must tap your physical card’s NFC tag with their mobile device to access your business card details.

This tap-and-go approach is not a genuinely contactless business card experience. To conduct 100% touchless and paperless networking, you need a digital business card shareable as a wallet pass from your mobile device.

For instance, Uniqode lets you share your digital business card as an Apple Wallet (or Google Wallet pass). This method is 100% contactless and lets your client perform a quick QR Code scan to access and save your contact information.

NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (96)

3. Digital business cards are more secure than NFC business cards

NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (97)

NFC technology is not without its set of security risks. For instance, did you know that hackers can intercept the signals sent between your NFC business card and your recipient’s mobile device?

Once they compromise the data transfer, these individuals can access your card’s sensitive and confidential information.

In addition, you have no means to ascertain in advance if your recipient’s mobile device has proper security measures. An unsecured device puts your card at a higher risk of eavesdropping, resulting in replay attacks and payment processing fraud.

To reduce data privacy risks, switch to a digital business card solution that protects its cards and users with enterprise-grade security measures. These measures include SOC 2 and GDPR compliance, regular and comprehensive security audits, and more.

As the first digital business card platform to become SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 certified, Uniqode upholds the industry’s highest security and privacy standards. Learn more about why Uniqode is the most secure digital business card solution.

4. Digital business cards are significantly more cost-effective

With NFC business cards, you may incur significant card creation and printing costs. For instance, the cost for a single, custom-designed NFC business card is approximately $20 through an NFC business card platform.

This amount only covers the card’s physical medium. You must still add the shipping and handling fees to your total expense.

Since digital business cards are 100% paperless, they are significantly more cost-effective. You do not pay for a physical medium and its associated shipping costs.

For instance, your card expenses can get as low as $4 per user, depending on the pricing plan you choose with Uniqode.

NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (98)

Since NFC business cards are physical in nature, they must undergo manufacturing and delivery before arriving at your company’s doorstep. Altogether, this process can take up to 30 days, especially if your company has strict procurement procedures.

Switching from an NFC to a digital business card solution eliminates this lengthy turnaround time.

Why? Because you can create a digital business card within minutes. This is true whether you are creating a single card for yourself or creating them in bulk for your team members. Once created, you can begin sharing your virtual business card immediately via Apple or Google Wallet, QR Code digital business card, or URL.

LEARN: Why digital business cards are the best paper business card alternative

6. Digital business cards are more eco-friendly and sustainable

One study shows that PVC—the material typically used to make NFC business cards—produces a significant amount of carbon footprint (about 18 million metric tons of CO2 in a year in the US).

Opting out of plastic for a different medium does not solve this issue since your replacement material may still emit its share of CO2 during its manufacturing process.

The only means to conduct truly eco-friendly networking is via a digital business card, which results in a significantly reduced carbon footprint. Networking through a virtual business card helps you conduct sustainable networking which can attract eco-conscious customers.

NFC vs. digital business cards: At a glance [Infographic]

NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (99)

Switch to Uniqode’s digital business cards for ROI-driven networking

Now that you understand why digital business cards are the right choice over NFCs, the next step is to choose a capable digital business card solution.

In addition to providing you with the benefits of digital business cards discussed earlier, Uniqode provides many other functionalities for ROI-driven networking.

For instance, apart from Apple or Google Wallet, you can share your card digitally via email signature, QR Code, and URL.

Once your recipients access your digital business card from their device, they can immediately share their contact information directly through your card—a functionality that transforms your digital business card into a two-way communication channel.

You can use all of Uniqode’s capabilities without downloading any additional apps. Moreover, your business card activities—creation, distribution, and performance tracking—are safeguarded by industry-leading, enterprise-grade security measures.

Further reading: The 6 Best Digital Business Card Solutions Available Today

NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (100)

Frequently asked questions about NFC vs. digital business cards

What are the main disadvantages of NFC business cards?

If you are considering NFC business cards for yourself or your organization, consider the following drawbacks in your decision:

  1. NFC business cards require you to carry a physical medium.
  2. This physical medium has a tendency to be lost or misplaced.
  3. NFC business cards have a heftier price tag than digital ones.
  4. You must wait weeks until your cards are delivered.
  5. Your card’s tap-and-go mechanism does not permit 100% contactless sharing.
  6. Your networking data is less secure and at a higher risk of compromise.
  7. NFC business cards are not considered 100% eco-friendly.

Can I share my digital business card as a URL through various digital channels?

Yes. A specialized digital business card solution will allow you to easily access the URL for each card you create. Once copied, you can begin sharing it through various digital channels such as your email signature, social media, SMS, and more.

Note: Some NFC business card platforms do not issue business card URLs to their end-users. This means you cannot distribute your business card content digitally, restricting you to depend solely on your NFC-enabled physical card.

Learn more about the key differences between physical and digital business card solutions.

NFC vs. Digital Business Cards: Which is Better & 6 Reasons Why (101)

Author Details

Reuben is a Content Marketer who helps businesses drive audience engagement and conversions through compelling content. Currently, he explores the profound impact of digital business cards on organizational ROI.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 5510

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.