Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (2024)

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Every four years, the Bitcoin network experiences anevent known asthe “halving.” The fifth Bitcoin halving isset tohappen onApril 17th, 2028. But, WTH isahalving, and why does itmatter…

Next Bitcoin Halving Date

Countdown toBitcoinhalving





What isthe 'Bitcoin Halving'?

The Bitcoin halving isapre-programmed event that occurs approximately every four years orafter the mining ofevery 210,000 blocks. During ahalving, the reward for mining anew block ofBitcoin iscut inhalf.

When isthe Next BitcoinHalving?

The next Bitcoin halving isestimated totake place onApril 17th, 2028.

Bitcoin miners that successfully validate transactions are currently awarded 3.125 new Bitcoin for each minedblock. This date isbased oncurrent estimates that change with every newblock.

What isthe Significance ofthe BitcoinHalving?

Miners receive 50% less Bitcoin asareward for theirwork.

The halving ofthe block reward isakey feature ofBitcoin’s monetary policy, implemented tocontrol the inflation rate, ensure the cryptocurrency’s scarcity, and increase its value overtime.

  • Each Bitcoin halving event reduces the number ofnew Bitcoins produced perblock.

  • Resulting inalower supply.

  • Bitcoin was created asadeflationary currency similar togold.

  • Asitbecomes scarcer and demand increases, the price likely increases inline with supply and demandeconomics.

The Bitcoin halving will ultimately cap the total supply ofBitcoin at21 million coins. Each Bitcoin has 100,000,000 satoshis init.

This fixed supply isone ofthe fundamental characteristics differentiating Bitcoin from traditional fiat currencies, which can face inflationary pressures due tocentral bankpolicies.

These scarcity-driven price dynamics have historically played arole inBitcoin’s price appreciation after each halvingevent. Itwill beinteresting tosee how future halving events will impact Bitcoin’sprice.

USD vsBTC Purchasing Power

Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (1)

Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (2)Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (3)

Bitcoin Halving Dates History

Here’s ahistory ofall the past Bitcoin halving dates since inception:

  • 1st Bitcoin halving date— November 28, 2012— Reward down: 50 BTC to25 BTC

  • 2nd Bitcoin halving date— July 9, 2016— Reward down: 25 BTC to12.5 BTC

  • 3rd Bitcoin halving date— May 11, 2020— Reward down: 12.5 BTC to6.25 BTC

  • 4th Bitcoin halving date— April 19, 2024— Reward down: 6.25 BTC to3.125 BTC

  • 5th Bitcoin halving date— April 17, 2028— Reward down: 3.125 BTC to1.5625 BTC

Bitcoin Halving 2012 (First Halving)

Before the first halving onNovember 28, 2012, the block reward was set at50BTC. After the event, the reward was reduced to25 BTC perblock.

Cryptocurrency mining software Slush Pool was the first tomine the block using aRadeon HD5800miner.

Here are the details ofthe exact block where the reward decreased from 50 BTC to25BTC.

  • Block number: 210,000

  • Block reward: 25 BTC

  • BTC created per day: 3,600 BTC

  • BTC price before the halving date: $12.35

  • Bitcoin price 1 year later: $964

Bitcoin Halving 2016 (Second Halving)

The second halving occurred onJuly 9, 2016.

Prior tothe halving, the new BTC per block was25. Itwas reduced to12.5 BTC perblock.

  • Block number: 420,000

  • Block reward: 12.5 BTC

  • BTC created per day: 1,800 BTC

  • BTC price before the halving date: $663

  • BTC price ayear later: $2,500

Bitcoin Halving 2020 (Third Halving)

The third halving event occurred onMay 11, 2020.

This last Bitcoin halving event reduced the block reward from 12.5 BTC to6.25BTC.

  • Block number: 630,000

  • Block reward: 6.25 BTC

  • BTC created per day: 900 BTC

  • BTC price before the halving date: $8,500

  • BTC price after: Peaked to$69,000 over the next several months

The fourth halving isestimated tooccur at840,000 based onthe block time ofaround 10minutes. It’ll bring the block reward down to3.125BTC.

Bitcoin Halving 2024 (Fourth Halving)

The fourth halving event occurred on: April 20th, 2024

  • Block number: 840,000

  • Block reward: 3.125 BTC

  • BTC created per day: 450 BTC

  • New total supply ofBitcoin: 656,250

Bitcoin Halving 2028 (Fifth Halving)

The fifth halving isexpected tooccur onApril 17th, 2028

  • Block number: 950,000

  • Block reward: 1.5625 BTC

  • BTC created per day: Estimated tobe225 BTC

  • BTC price before the halving date: $61,100

  • New total supply ofBitcoin: 328,125

Price History atHalving

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Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (5)Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (6)

Here’s aquick recap ofall the Bitcoin halving schedule (past and future) until 99% ofthe Bitcoin aremined.

Halving Recap Table

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Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (8)Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (9)

When Will All 21 Million Bitcoin BeMined?

Given the current trajectory, Bitcoin halving islikely torepeat every four years (roughly) until the block reward becomes zero. It’s difficult tosay what the future price orreward trends will look like.

The Bitcoin numbers and rewards halve eachevent. Based onthe current Bitcoin halving cycle and schedule, 100% ofall Bitcoin will be mined sometime around the year 2140.

What toKnow: 99% ofthe total Bitcoin supply will bemined by2032.

How Does the Bitcoin HalvingWork?

Bitcoin halving reduces the rate atwhich new Bitcoin are created and introduced into circulation.

The process isprogrammed into the Bitcoin protocol and controls the supply and demand ofBitcoin.

Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (10)

Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (11)Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (12)

Here are some ofthe steps involved inaBitcoin halving:

  • Bitcoin Block Reward: The Bitcoin network creates areward for miners for validating transactions and adding new blocks totheblockchain. Block rewards are the primary incentive for miners tosecure thenetwork.

  • Halving Schedule: The block reward ishalved roughly every 210,000 blocks orfouryears. This interval controls the creation ofnew Bitcoin overtime.

  • Reduction ofBlock Rewards: After every halving, miners receive 50% less Bitcoin asareward for theirwork.

  • Scarcity and Supply: Reducing the rate atwhich new Bitcoins are circulated controls inflation and ensures that the total supply ofBitcoin gradually approaches its 21 million coinlimit.

Transaction Data Example

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Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (14)Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (15)

How Does the Bitcoin Halving ImpactMiners?

  • Miners use computational power tosolve complex mathematical problems.

  • This secures the network.

  • When the block reward ishalved, miners get fewer Bitcoin for their efforts.

  • This affects the profitability ofmining operations asminers have toanticipate reduced block rewards and adjust their strategies accordingly.

How Does the Bitcoin Halving Impact the Greater CryptocurrencyMarket?

Bitcoin halving events often generate alot ofinterest and speculation inthe cryptocurrencymarket. Anticipating lower supply and potential demand increases can contribute topricevolatility.

During previous halving events Bitcoin price experienced both pre-halving rallies and subsequent price increases inthe months and years following theevent. However, Bitcoin’s price isinfluenced byaamultitude ofvarious factors and isn’t solely determined byhalvingevents.

Does the Halving Always Increase the Price ofBitcoin?

While the halving isoften associated with positive price movements inBitcoin, itdoes not guarantee animmediate orautomatic increase inprice.Every halving leads tosmaller increases inthe circu­lating supply ofBitcoin.

Supply shocks can potentially impact the configuration and scale ofBitcoin’s price fluctuations before and after each halving event.

Nonetheless, the proportion ofnew supply inrelation tothe existing supply has diminished due tothe reduction inthe scale ofthese shocks from one halving occurrence tothe subsequentone.

Over time, wecan anticipate the influence ofsupply shocks onBitcoin’s price surges will become notably lesspronounced. Consequently, weshould foresee less substantial shifts inBitcoin’s price from the trough tothe peak that stem from halving events.

The peaks inprice will beofareduced scale asthe corresponding supply shocks become progressively lessimpactful.

Various factors, including market sentiment, overall demand for Bitcoin, investor speculation, and external events, influence the market’s reaction tothe halving.While historical trends suggest that the halving has contributed toprice appreciation over the long term, short-term price movements can beunpredictable and subject tomarketdynamics.

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Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know! (2024)


Next Bitcoin Halving: April 17th, 2028 History and What to Know!? ›

When the Bitcoin blockchain mined its first block on January 2009, the reward for each block was 50 bitcoins. Today, the reward is currently 3.125 BTC, and after the next halving that should take place on 17 April 2028, the reward will be cut down to 1.5625 BTC.

Does Bitcoin price go up after halving? ›

Generally, halving seems to have triggered price increases in the past. According to research by crypto tax consultancy CoinLedger in the six months following the last two halvings, the value of BTC increased by 51% and 83% respectively.

What will Bitcoin be worth after the 2024 halving? ›

Bitcoin price will surge with the Bitcoin halving coming closer. What is the projected price of Bitcoin in 2024? The projected price of Bitcoin in 2024 will range between $35,000 and $120,000, with an average of $77,500.

What is the prediction for Bitcoin in 2028? ›

Bitcoin price prediction 2028: Bitcoin's price for 2028 according to our analysis should range between $107267.27 to $160900.91 and the average price of BTC should be around $134084.09.

What do you need to know about Bitcoin halving? ›

The Bitcoin Halving explained

Every four years, on the halving day, the amount of new Bitcoins created gets cut in half. This means that when Bitcoin halves, the reward given to the contributors securing the network is reduced by 50%, directly impacting the rate at which new Bitcoins are introduced into circulation.

Should I buy Bitcoin before or after halving? ›

Although data insinuates that it isn't too late to buy Bitcoin and it remains an attractive investment before the April halving, investors must remember that Bitcoin rewards those who hold and weather the post-halving declines.

How much will 1 Bitcoin be worth in 2025? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 69,577.07
2026$ 73,055.92
2027$ 76,708.72
2030$ 88,799.93
1 more row

What will $1000 of Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

If Wood is correct and Bitcoin does reach $3.8 million by 2030, an investment of $1,000 would be worth over $60,000. This would result in a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 100%. Read Next: Bitcoin has jumped another 45% already this year – how much would you need to get started today?

Will crypto boom after halving? ›

Bitcoin prices usually rise for several months following a halving event. However, this time, the market expects the halving to be different. The fourth Bitcoin halving event is almost upon us with, if history is any indicator, the cryptocurrency likely to see a post-halving surge.

Will Bitcoin halving affect other coins? ›

When its supply is reduced through halving, and if the demand stays constant or increases, we often see a ripple effect on the prices of other cryptocurrencies.

Will Bitcoin be worth anything in 20 years? ›

Max Keiser predicts Bitcoin to be worth $200K in 2024. Fidelity predicts one Bitcoin will be worth $1B in 2038. Hal Finney predicted $22M per Bitcoin by 2045.

Can Bitcoin reach 1 million? ›

In addition to Cathie Wood of Ark Invest, who famously predicted a $1 million price in 2022, there's now Jack Dorsey, co-founder and former CEO of Twitter. In a recent interview, Dorsey suggested that Bitcoin is going to "at least a million" by 2030.

What is a realistic prediction for Bitcoin in 2030? ›

Ark's research suggests the cryptocurrency could soar 2,115% to almost $1.5 million by 2030 -- but Wood herself came out with an even more bullish estimate recently, saying Bitcoin could rocket 5,453% to $3.8 million.

What happens to my Bitcoin after halving? ›

After the halving, the block reward or subsidy associated with validating each new block of transactions on the Bitcoin network is cut in half. The block subsidy is the newly-created bitcoin that is included in the block as a reward to the associated miner.

How much does BTC go up after halving? ›

It is an economic axiom that if demand for an asset remains stable while its supply decreases, its price should go up. The past three halvings – in 2020, 2016 and 2012 – have resulted in an average price increase of 16% over the 60 days that followed, according to data from the asset research firm 10x Research.

What crypto should I buy before halving? ›

Short-Term Bets: 3 Cryptos to Buy BEFORE the Bitcoin Halving
  • SOL-USD.
  • ETH-USD.
Apr 16, 2024

How long after halving does Bitcoin peak? ›

Each halving has resulted in peak prices (prior to a big correction) between 10 and 16 months from the actual event.

How much does it cost to mine Bitcoin after halving? ›

Mining companies can try to mitigate these higher costs by optimizing energy costs, increasing mining efficiency and buying better-priced hardware. “The weighted average cash cost of production in Q4 was approximately $29,500; post-halving, it is projected to be about $53,000,” the authors wrote.

What is the result of Bitcoin halving? ›

The much-anticipated bitcoin halving event has come and gone, quietly marking a historic moment in the world of digital assets. On April 19, 2024, the block reward for bitcoin miners was reduced by half, from 6.25 BTC per mined block to 3.125 BTC per mined block. However, you wouldn't know it from the lack of fanfare.

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