New Year's Cleaning Superstitions from Around The World - The Maids (2024)

No matter where you’re from, New Year’s traditions fill our holiday celebrations with an abundance of wonderful food, parties, and, most of all, hope. Many cultures bring in the new year with some common New Year’s traditions, like kissing your loved one at midnight,sippingchampagne, singing “Auld Lang Syne,” and eating black-eyed peas!

But some cultures focus more on avoiding bad luck when they celebrateNew Year’s Evethan they do on partying. Superstitions vary from country to country, but a surprising number involvenotcleaning on New Year’s day! From not doinglaundry on New Year’sto celebrating with your livestock, it’s time to brush up on yourNew Year’s superstitionsto ensure good luck.

Who wants to jinx the chance of finding love, getting rich, or some other glorious experience in the new year? That’s why you’ll be happy to hear that a common superstitionworldwideis to avoidcleaning on NewYear’s Day.

It turns outcleaning on New Year’s Day, the day before, or even between Christmas and New Year’s can bring you bad luck. Depending on whichNew Year’s cleaningsuperstitionsapply to your celebrations, you may not have to sweep, mop, dust, or dolaundry on New Year’s Day.

Is It Bad Luck to WashLaundry on New Year’s Day?

We’ve heard that doinglaundry on New Year’scan actually ruin the whole next year! According to superstitions found in cultures around the world,washing clothes on New Year’scould mean washing a loved one away in the process! This is a drastic proposal, but it’s a common enough superstition that many people avoid doinglaundry on New Year’s day.

Other laundry-relatedNew Year’s superstitionsclaim that doinglaundry on New Year’swill mean you will have more laundry than usual next year. Washing laundry over the holiday can also mean washing good luck down the drain with the wash water. For similar reasons, many cultures believe washing your hair on New Year’s is also bad luck, so you may want to skip washing anything on the holiday to be safe.

Is it bad luck to clean on New Year’s day? Maybe it’s just folklore, but if skippingcleaning on New Year’s daygives us a shot at some good fortune, who are we to argue? While there are plenty of superstitions about what to avoid on New Year’s day, there are also superstitions that require you to take action if you want good luck.

New Year’s SuperstitionsFrom Around the World

Notcleaning on New Year’s Daymay give you a dose ofgood luck,butavoidingNew Year’s cleaningis just one of many superstitions. You might be surprised to learn there are plenty of superstitions from all over the world that involve making messes!

Here are superstitions from around the worldto help you attract good fortune and avoid bad luck on New Year’s.

1. China

We’ll start with China because it seems to be where thecleaning on New Year’s Daysuperstition began. For centuries, the Chinese have believed cleaning on the first couple of days of a new year, especially sweeping on New Year’s Day, brings bad luck. Since this seems to be one of the oldestNew Year’s superstitions, go ahead and skip the sweeping. We’re not sure if skipping vacuuming on New Year’s Day yields the same effect.

You’ll be okay either way because another Chinese New Year’s superstition says you should have a clean house before New Year’s arrives. You didn’t really think your house could stay dirty throughout the holidays in the name of good luck, did you? But no one said you have to clean it yourself. Let The Maids bring you fortune and happiness with ourholiday cleaning services. But keep reading because you may be in for more messes than you thought.

2. Belgium

Belgians eat chocolate, kiss at midnight, exchange well wishes, and raise a glass to absent friends. In Belgium, you don’t just wish your relatives and neighbors a happy new year; you extend the courtesy to your livestock too! If you decide to bring yourgoats and chickensinside to wish them a happy new year, you may want to check out thiscarpet stain guide for someNew Year’s cleaninghelp.

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3. Peru

If you celebrate holidays like some Peruvians, you may have taken part in the Takanakuy, an annual fistfight with your neighbors on Christmas Day. You’d better take care of anybloodstains before they dry because you’ll be making an additional mess on New Year’s Eve.Peruvians also believe wearing new clothes, placing coins in shoes, and spreading rice around their home will bring them good luck in the coming year.

4. Switzerland

In Switzerland, superstitions thought to bring prosperity include intentionally throwing a scoop of what we assume to be delicious ice cream on the floor. The Swiss celebrate the new year twice because they follow the Julian calendar. That means ice cream on the floor on the 1st and the 13th! If you celebrate the new year like the Swiss, you should knowhow to handle ice cream messes.

5. Ecuador

If you celebrate New Year’s like an Ecuadorian, you’re in for abit more extreme events. At midnight, people burn a newspaper-stuffed scarecrow that represents burning away bad luck. Ecuadorians are also fond of burning photos of the past because they may dredge up bad memories.If you indulge and burn photos,be sure to practice fire safety and use thisguide for cleaning up burn marks and fireworks stains.

6. Brazil

If you ring in the new year in Brazil,you may end upwashing clothes on New Year’sDay if you want to keep evil spirits away. You’ll also need to wear whiteto scarethe forces of darkness away, setting up an evil spirit-free year.Brazilians alsowear colorful underwear for good luckduring the holiday, socheck out ourstain removal guide before New Year’s rolls around.

7. Estonia

In Estonia, the more food you eat on New Year’s Day, the more plentiful it will be in the coming year. How many meals should you eat if you want to celebrate New Year’s like an Estonian? Seven meals on New Year’s Day seem to be the standard, but nine and even 12 meals are consideredeven luckier. Popular dishes include sauerkraut and marzipan. If you bring in your new year as they do in Estonia, consider keeping thisbathroom cleaning guide on hand.

8. Denmark

One of Denmark’s most popularNew Year’s superstitionscreates quite a mess, but at least you can do it outside. The idea is to save any broken dishes throughout the year and then throw the shards at the homes of your friends and neighbors to spread good luck.If you want to party like the Danes, grab some old plates andmake sure those dishes are clean when they break.

9. Scotland

According to the Scottish superstition of “first footing,” the first person to enter your home in the new year determines your fortunes for the coming year. Who the Scots consider a “lucky” first-footer is very specific: a dark-haired man bearing a coin, a lump of coal, a piece of bread, and a drink of whisky is ideal.

If you can make that happen, you deserve all the good luck you can get. If you can’t, why not let one of our cleaning team members be the first one through the door? We’ll get your home sparkling clean after the holidays with one of our popular cleaning services and kick your new year off right.

10. Romania

If you want to know your future for the new year, you could read tea leaves or cards, but why not do it like the Romanians? In Romania, people peel onions on the 31st, salt them, and then read their skins to see the future. Give it a try—we’ve got you covered with ourodor-eliminating guide. On the plus side, Romanians thinkcleaning on New Year’s Dayis bad luck, too.

11. South Africa

South Africa takes a unique approach toNew Year’s cleaningsuperstitions. All across the country, people celebrate by throwing all kinds of clutter out their windows. This “out with the old, in with the new” approach helps bring good luck and a fresh start. We don’t recommend throwing TVs, appliances, and furniture out your window, butwe can help you declutter to get your shot at a fresh start.

12. Ireland

If you want to start the new year on a positive note, consider celebrating like the Irish. To ensure plenty of food for the coming year, place some buttered bread outside your door. The “modern” acceptable practice allows you to eat bread and butter with your New Year’s meal instead of throwing it outside. You can also bang a hard loaf of bread on the wall at midnight to get rid of evil spirits. There’s no mention if the hard bread should be buttered or not, but thisbutter stain guide should come in handy regardless.

13. Portugal

Before the celebration starts, the Portuguese make sure ALL hampers are empty in their homes as dirty clothes bring bad luck!They also believe starting the year withclean sheetscan bringhappiness to their love life, and arguments will seta sour tonefor the rest of the year.

Bonus: MoreNew Year’s Superstitions!

Many of us celebrate New Year’s with traditions that have been passed down through the generations, and many have their roots in good old superstitions. Here are four more New Year’s traditions recognized around the world for their good luck.

Midnight Kisses

A popular New Year’s tradition is to kiss someone you love exactly when the clock strikes midnight. This superstition says you can enjoy a happy relationship all year long if a kiss is first on your list.

A Full Wallet

Similar to the midnight kiss in that it sets the tone for the rest of the year, having cash in your wallet at midnight on New Year’s is thought to attract good fortune. There doesn’t seem to be a minimum amount, so this one should be easy for everyone!

No Tears

Crying, even with tears of joy, on New Year’s can be a bad way to start the year. According to some traditions, tears on New Year’s eve can mean tears for many nights to come. So think happy thoughts, and don’t get too joyful this holiday, or you could be in for a sad year.

Eat Grapes and Greens

Eating collard greens on New Year’s day is a Southern superstition that supposedly brings prosperity and good luck. If collards sound unappetizing to you, you can eat grapes instead. In Spain, eating 12 grapes at midnight ensures a year of good fortune.

Why let a dirty house, superstitions, and bad luck damper the brand-new year ahead whenThe Maids is just around the corner? You tackle throwing the plates, burning the scarecrows, and reading onions while we tackle the dirt, grease, and grime. Between the two of us, we’re bound to bring plenty of good luck in the New Year!Get acustom cleaning plan online, or call us to start the new year with aclean and healthy home.

New Year's Cleaning Superstitions from Around The World - The Maids (1)

New Year's Cleaning Superstitions from Around The World - The Maids (2024)


New Year's Cleaning Superstitions from Around The World - The Maids? ›

Superstitions of New Year's Cleaning

Why should you not wash clothes on new year's Day? ›

Don't wash those clothes

This is an odd one. According to folklore, if you wash clothes on New Year's Day, you'll be “washing for the dead” or washing a loved one away -- meaning someone in your household will die in the coming year. Get your laundry washed, dried, folded and put away by New Year's Eve.

What are the superstitions for new year's Eve? ›

10 New Year's Superstitions From Around the World
  • Midnight Kiss. ...
  • Eat 12 Grapes. ...
  • Collard Greens and Black-Eyed Peas. ...
  • Empty Suitcase. ...
  • Break a Pomegranate. ...
  • Open the Windows. ...
  • Wear Polka Dots. ...
  • First Foot In.
Dec 28, 2023

What is the new year's cleaning ritual? ›

Get rid of any clutter under your bed. Donate any clothes, shoes, and furniture you do not need, use or want. Maintain a clean and clutter-free stovetop. Burn candles and incense for relaxing aromatherapy.

Is it bad luck to do housework on new year's Eve? ›

If you've been avoiding doing laundry or sweeping, you may want to hold off a little longer. Some frown upon cleaning up and cleaning clothes during New Year's Eve. It is thought that you could accidentally wash away or wipe away good luck headed your way.

Why do people sweep the house on New Years? ›

Don't Sweep on New Year's Day

Get your Swiffering and sweeping done before the new year arrives because ancient Chinese lore says that you could sweep out good luck on Jan. 1. A superstition meant to bring luck and that knocks a chore off your to-do list?

What is the superstition about cleaning on new year's Day? ›

People believe that if you do clean on January 1, you end up sweeping away all of the good luck that's stored away in your home for that coming year, so you wait until January 2 to complete your household chores like laundry, dishes and tidying up instead.

Is it bad luck to wash your hair on New Year's Day? ›

But did you know that in preparation for the new lunar year, there are a number of superstitions that the Chinese follow? It is believed that if you wash your hair on New Year's day, you'd also be washing away all your luck. It's somewhat similar to if you cut your hair, you'd be cutting your life shorter!

Can I clean my house on New Year's Day? ›

Don't Clean the House on New Year's Day - You will wash away any good luck coming your way.

Can you wash sheets on new year's Day? ›

Another superstition, this is American folklore: don't wash clothes on New Year's Day. If you clean clothes on Jan. 1, you may wash away a member of your family in the coming year — meaning someone will die.

What are things you should not do on new year's Day? ›

New Year's Day superstitions: Don't wash clothes; do look for a tall, dark, stranger; eat greens
  • Seal that kiss. ...
  • Don't wash those clothes. ...
  • Food in pantry. ...
  • Buy the right kind of food. ...
  • Let the new year in. ...
  • Save sweeping for Jan. ...
  • Mysterious guest. ...
  • Right food.
Dec 29, 2022

Is it bad luck to eat chicken on new year's Day? ›

Chicken. Some people believe that consuming winged fowl like chicken around the new year will bring you bad luck. Their reasoning is that because poultry has wings, they will “fly away” with whatever good fortune you had in store.

What is the tradition of cleaning the house to welcome the new year called? ›

Just before the very end of the year, Japanese people participate in what is commonly known as “osouji,” a deep cleaning of one's household that is highly believed to cleanse the home and purify the residence in order to welcome “Toshigami,” the kami (Shinto deity) of the New Year.

Why do you clean your house before new year? ›

It is traditional for families to clean their houses and the areas surrounding before the start of the new year. The word 'dust' in Chinese is a hom*ophone for 'old', thus cleaning the house is symbolic of driving away the bad luck of the previous year to allow for a new start.

What is the most common ritual on New Year's Eve? ›

1. Watch the ball drop in Times Square. Perhaps the most famous New Year's Eve tradition in the United States is watching the ball drop in Times Square. This has been a tradition in the city since 1907, happening almost every year since, with few exceptions.

Why shouldn't you wash clothes on New Year's Day? ›

According to an ancient myth, washing your clothing on these days could lead to "washing a loved one away" and could also bring about bad fortune, as doing laundry or the dishes around the New Year will wash away all your good luck.

Can you bathe on New Year's Day? ›

Taking a shower at midnight on New Year's Day is not bad luck but a good manifestation of you intention to start the year cleanly!

What not to eat on New Year's Eve? ›

It's said that you shouldn't eat winged fowl (read: birds like turkey or chicken), bottom feeders (like shrimp or catfish), or any seafood that swims backward or side to side (like lobster or crab).

Why should sweeping and mopping not be done at night? ›

Sweeping at night is bad luck

“In ancient times, when there was no electricity, brooming at night with minimal lighting might also sweep away expensive items like rings, earrings, and chains out of the house,” he says.

What is the superstition about brooms touching your feet? ›

South Americans believe that if your feet are swept over by a broom you will remain single for the rest of your life. The curse can be broken, if you immediately spit on the broom.

Can I fold clothes on New Year's Eve? ›

Get your laundry washed, dried, folded and put away by New Years Eve. This is a no-brainer, but you should make sure to have food in your cupboard before midnight. Think of it as an insurance policy -- if you have food on hand, youll continue to have food throughout the year, according to tradition.

Is it bad luck to wash hair on New Year's Eve? ›

Washing laundry over the holiday can also mean washing good luck down the drain with the wash water. For similar reasons, many cultures believe washing your hair on New Year's is also bad luck, so you may want to skip washing anything on the holiday to be safe.

Why should we not wash clothes on Thursday? ›

According to Vastu Shastra, Brihaspati rules the northeast portion of the house. It also influences the children and the younger members of the family. Additionally, the direction also controls religion and education. Thus, it is forbidden to wash clothes on Thursday and discard garbage.

What brings good luck on New Year's Day? ›

It is a common practice in the southern United States to eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day. The beans and leafy greens represent coins and money symbolizing luck, knowledge, and wealth. The tradition stems from several places including West Africa, Europe, and the south.

What are you not supposed to do on New Year's? ›

New Year's Day superstitions: Don't wash clothes; do look for a tall, dark, stranger; eat greens
  • Seal that kiss. ...
  • Don't wash those clothes. ...
  • Food in pantry. ...
  • Buy the right kind of food. ...
  • Let the new year in. ...
  • Save sweeping for Jan. ...
  • Mysterious guest. ...
  • Right food.
Dec 29, 2022

What happens if you wash dishes on New Year's Day? ›

Don't Do Those Dishes

Or take out the trash, or wash your clothes, or sweep your house... as the superstition goes, if you do, you might accidentally wash good luck and loved ones out of your life. Other beliefs state that whatever you do on New Year's is what you'll be doing the rest of the year.

What days are you not supposed to wash clothes? ›

Age-old wisdom suggests you shouldn't do your laundry on New Year's Day. The superstition says that if you choose this — the first day of the year — to do your washing, you will be washing away good luck or washing away a loved one. Either way, it's something that you might want to avoid.

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